Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 397: This is the case

The evil spirit Mosleyan suddenly had some mysterious changes.

Its HP has not changed, what has changed is only its current state - from the most powerful boss that Zhao Nan has ever met, except for the astral world, it has become not only the most powerful, but also the most powerful boss. On top of this, the word 'madness' was added.

The evil spirits sensed danger and their lives were threatened, so they went berserk.

Regardless of whether it is in the wild, in a dungeon, or encountered in a mission state, once a monster has a relationship with the 'madness', it means that the abilities in all aspects will be greatly improved.

One of the golden chains wrapped around Moslian's body was suddenly broken, and the vibration in the entire copy space intensified in vain!

The huge pillar in the center of the island suddenly split open at this moment, and the evil spirit rushed to the center of the crack at a moment that no one expected, and in the blink of an eye, it rose to the end along the crack— —At the end, a gap suddenly opened!

That is the external scene of Dongyuan City!

The evil spirit actually broke out directly from the dungeon!

"what happened?"

Tuoba Xiaocao frowned.

Finina paused and looked at Zhao Nan subconsciously. At this time, Zhao Nan frowned deeper than Tuoba Xiaocao, hesitated for a moment before saying: "No matter what, we can't let it go. Since the gap can go out, we are no exception! Chase up!"

Sky Dragon swooped down to the ground, picked up little loli Yeyue and Xu Yang on his back, and then reached Ximenyu with his tail.

"Is this discriminatory?"

The city lord of Dongyuan City muttered, then with a wry smile, he stretched out his hand to grab the huge tail, and was taken into the sky.



Dongyuan City in the dark.

The controlled creatures wandered in midair like lonely ghosts. every face. Either pain or a tangled expression.

At this time, the evil spirit flew all the way up from the giant pillar, and its purpose seemed to be to reach the giant eye.

Suddenly bursts of painful wails came from all directions, and the controlled creatures screamed one by one. The tentacles connected to the back of their heads are extracting something with great fanfare.

Groups of light, through those translucent tentacles, continuously flow into the giant eyes in the sky. The giant eye's body is constantly expanding, and at the same time, every expansion. The golden chains that bound it tightened a little.

"No, the evil spirit wants to break free from the chain!"

Those are Linglong's words.

But standing in front of everyone are thousands of controlled creatures! For some reason, their bodies gradually became shriveled, but in an instant, they became like candles in the wind. Life seems to be coming to an end.

At this time, half of the evil spirit's body has been integrated into the giant eye at the edge of the vision of the eye of spiritual perception.

What made Zhao Nan's brows twitch was that the level of the evil spirit had risen by one level at some point! From level fifty-five, it has risen to level fifty-six!

fifty seven!

Its level is constantly rising! At the same time, one of the chains in its body. It also seems to be showing signs of being cracked!

From dungeon to dungeon, it is already unbelievable. At this moment, it is not unbelievable that the level of the evil spirits will rise again.

This kind of skyrocketing level was also done when the black princess soul in Finina switched out!

"No, if this continues, the players and aborigines in Dongyuan City will be sucked dry by the evil spirits!"

at this time!

"Warning, warning, the evil spirit will break free from the shackles in three minutes, please complete the task within three minutes. Otherwise, the task will be judged as a failure."

The voice that appeared suddenly said so.

An atmosphere of uneasiness, ominousness, and fear descended upon the earth!



Ximenyu was dripping with cold sweat. Even if the evil spirits can be defeated in the end, these players and the aborigines are all dead, Dongyuan City may not be much different from the empty city!

Everyone has their own priorities.

What Zhao Nan cares about is the people around him.

The most important thing for Ximenyu, apart from his own life, is probably his own foundation!

"Go to your sister!"

Even though he was trying to protect himself wisely, the city lord, whose foundation was about to be destroyed, suddenly became furious. When gentle people go crazy, they are actually not much worse than thugs.

On Ximenyu's forehead, a golden mark was shining brightly at this moment!

"The mark of the city lord!"

Zhao Nan's face changed slightly, and then he shouted loudly: "Stay away!"

Also as the city lord, Zhao Nan naturally knew what Ximenyu wanted to do with this posture. This difference is to use the strongest power in a city, which can only be used once a month basically!

"Young master's city, how can you say that you can destroy it!"

A hint of ferocity appeared on the handsome and unparalleled face. Because the city is also in the state of a mutated copy, even the taboo ability of Thunder of Punishment can be released in the center of the city!

Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, dark clouds rolled back, and in the huge vortex, a terrifying thunderbolt shot down!

In Dongyuan City, the glass within a few kilometers in diameter was shattered by the loud noise produced by the moment the thunder was released, and the huge thunder beam shot down on the giant eye impartially!

Zhao Nan, who has tried it once, has a deep understanding of how powerful this thing is. Even a small mountain can be razed to the ground in an instant by the thunder of divine punishment in a second-tier city!

After one blow, the surface of the giant eye turned into black charcoal, and a shrill roar came from the evil spirit's mouth. Most of the tentacles protruding from the giant eye were broken, and the creatures under control fell down one by one at this time, and it was impossible to estimate.

The unbroken tentacles twitched unceasingly, controlling the creatures, dancing wildly in the sky.

A series of attacks from the controlled creatures is simply a catastrophe!

But the evil spirit didn't die, and its health directly fell to the bottom of the valley under the strike of the thunder of punishment from heaven.

It controls the giant eye, and it shoots away like crazy... It seems to want to escape!

"Don't let it escape!"

The sky dragon roared. Scales stand upside down on the body, dotted with red starlight, and the second stage of true red!

"Sir, let me help you!"

At this moment, a road on the ground was heading towards the sky at high speed and straightly. That's Locke. With only the power of jumping, the magic tool man can reach a height of tens of meters in one jump.

Zhao Nan and Finina walked side by side, and Tuoba Xiaocao and Linglong were also not satisfied with their speed, so they rode Fujiko to follow closely.

"Little devil, don't hide it. God knows if this guy walks like this. Will he get out of the fighting state and return to his original state?" Tuoba Xiaocao said loudly, "The state of the star water also has a time limit! Moreover, There is less than half of the three minutes left!"

"I know!"

Zhao Nan took a deep breath: "Prepare for a strong attack!"


Tuoba Xiaocao stood up from his mount, the two guns joined together, and a huge magic circle was shining at the muzzle.

Tuoba Xiaocao's Spirit Sub-Ability is neither strengthening nor extending. Fighting countless times in the star spirit world, this guy's spirit sub-skill is an attribute, and it is not an ordinary attribute of various elements, but a very partial one, but it is also quite terrifying.


Her spirit sub-skill is armor-piercing, so the attack power of the bullets fired by the two guns will be fast enough!


The huge streamer turned into a straight line. It shot straight at the evil spirit's body, and at a distance of more than 100 meters, most of the evil spirit's body was destroyed, leaving only the upper body robe!

"Light of Divine Might!"

Little Lolita's Fengqi Wutong song was also played at the same time!

At this moment, Locke jumped out from the back of the sky dragon, and Zhao Nan approached the evil spirit at the limit speed at the same time. At a position less than 30 meters away, Locke landed on Zhao Nan's back, and then used his strength to jump out, turning into A silver afterimage. The two arms were joined together, turning into a complete sharp blade, ten meters long, cutting down from the top of the giant eye!

The screams of the evil spirits became even louder! But the attack is far from stopping! The huge whirlwind of sword light is shaking this giant eye at this moment!


The evil spirit screamed more and more horribly!

Zhao Nan stayed on the periphery of the sword light storm. Clenching the Soul Devouring Sword firmly, twelve huge fire dragons soared into the sky! After Finina's blade storm, Qi Qi bombarded the evil spirits!

That giant eye, at this moment, a huge spark exploded from one corner, and it fell directly to the ground!

"Success?" Tuoba Xiaocao called out weakly.

"No, no hint yet! It's still alive!"

Linglong exclaimed, "There are less than 30 seconds left!"

Zhao Nan took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and swooped down to the place where the giant eyes fell!

fell to the ground.

I saw that the evil spirit had fallen out of the giant eyes, and there was only a trace of life left! But its level is still soaring.

sixty! sixty one! sixty two!

It was beating on a second-by-second basis!

"There is no way!"

Behind Zhao Nan, a phantom of a pair of huge eyes was formed in an instant—the magic eye of phantom!

In the magic eye, scarlet rays of light cut through the ground and quickly moved to Moslian's body! Every time a ray of light cuts away, Mosleyan will wail heart-piercingly!

-1000! -1000! -1000... -78!

"I still have half of my body, so it won't count!!!"

After the last cry of unwillingness, half of Moslian's body turned into a little bit of starlight, rushed to the sky, and then flew away!

That giant eye was also in the same situation at this time, turning into starlight bit by bit, scattered in the entire Dongyuan City.

Those creatures that had been sucked dry gradually regained their vitality at this time, and the dark clouds in the sky also dispersed at this time.

Zhao Nan touched the cold sweat on his forehead, after all, he still wasted a skill of the void series.

At this moment, his eyes were fixed, and at the place where the evil spirit disappeared last, a strange clay pot was standing upside down on the ground.

"The pottery pot of the spring of the gods..." Zhao Nan was stunned for a moment, then smiled wryly, "So that's what happened."

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