Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 399 The World: Blame Me?

A fast horse passed by on the streets of Dongyuan City. The sound of the horse's hooves stepping on the bluestone slabs once overwhelmed the knocking sounds of the two aborigines on the street repairing the houses. hurry.

The horse had just been running for a short time, and then another horse followed, one after another.

This kind of scene, in the past two days, has been constantly staged on the streets of Dongyuan City.

And the people riding these fast horses are the players who cleared the customs and sent the crystals, and wandered between cities. As for their work, they reported what they had seen and heard in the past two days to the newspaper office in Dongyuan City in as much detail as possible.

I heard that the intelligence newspaper in Dongyuan City has been printing newspapers without stopping for the past two days, but the supply is still in short supply.

Because, not only the players love the intelligence newspapers, but the aborigines also seem to have awakened their curiosity about the information brought by these newspapers on the same day, rushing to buy them.

The dazzling sunlight cast on the glass of the window sill, and a little shattered light appeared on the smooth floor. Sitting by the window sill and watching the movement on the street, the president of the 'End of the World' guild expressed his feelings: "It's really not easy. These people haven't slept for two days and two nights, right?"

Hearing what Gao Mingyang said, everyone in the same room looked at him. This made the carefree chairman feel great pressure, winked and said: "Did I say something wrong again?"

"No, that's why I find it strange." Xu Feng shook his head disappointedly.

"You bastard!" Gao Mingyang gritted his teeth, shook his head, and then turned his head: "But having said that, it's amazing that Brother Nan acted alone this time."

He said while looking at Finina.

At this time, there were little loli and Yeyue sitting beside Finina. Xu Yang skillfully brewed scented tea from the water tank under the wall.

"Maybe he has his own considerations." Finina smiled, "Besides, there are more people, and the situation of being recognized will increase. Moreover, Nan is not alone, so he brought Locke with him."

"Lock?" Xu Fei was stunned. "Is that the weird wooden man in your family?"

"I heard that Locke can beat us several times now..." Xiongyou said curiously: "I really want to take a look. After all, we just rushed back, and Brother Nan went to the imperial capital. It's really not enough mean."

Xu Yang came over with tea, and said seriously: "There is no way. After all, the situation is beyond everyone's imagination, and those big shots probably won't be able to sit still. That's why a meeting of the city lords was held in such a hurry."

Gao Mingyang glanced out of the window again. He crossed the city wall and could no longer see a bit of thick fog. He subconsciously said, "Do you want to contact the country of the aborigines..."



The time of the world is not all stopped.

After the mutated city copies occurred in Dongyuan City, all over the world. Almost all the remaining cities have emergencies inexplicably. There are various reasons for these situations, and some of them are even ironic.

But without exception, in all cities, some players were sent to the astral world.

But according to statistics, those who can return from the star spirit world, or complete the mission to relieve the disaster. less than 20 percent of the cities.

In the original Chinese mainland, four super large cities survived this crisis. As for the twenty-five large cities, only seventeen successfully survived the crisis... As for the rest of the smaller cities, most of them are in the This sudden disaster has become history.

This is not just a crisis in mainland China, but a world-wide crisis. A huge number of human players have lost their lives in this crisis.

this time. It is called the "Second Disaster"!

Zhao Nan passed by the emperor several times, each time in a hurry. And it was the one who stayed in the imperial capital, only once. That's when the 'Integrated Migration' meeting takes place.

Now it's the second time. The conference theme for this call has not yet been settled. As for the city lords who came from the remaining cities in mainland China, they were arranged to stay in a mansion not far from the imperial capital, the castle.

The mansion is huge. Before the first catastrophe, there was a very famous clubhouse. After the catastrophe, it became a compound building with weird styles, but a large number of rooms were still preserved, and after a little cleaning and decoration, it looked exquisite.

A handsome woman in a light blue cheongsam is boiling water to make tea. The woman's technique is very proficient, obviously after a lot of research, after a kung fu tea, it is as beautiful as a picture. The woman suddenly smiled slightly, revealing a small dimple on one side of her fair cheek, and gracefully poured the brewed hot tea onto the coffee table beside Zhao Nan.

"My lord, do you think it's suitable?" The woman said lightly, her bright eyes and white teeth were indescribably touching.

"It's none of your business, you go out." Zhao Nan replied indifferently.

A trace of disappointment flashed in the woman's eyes, but her quality was excellent, she nodded and walked away slowly.

Suddenly, a handsome elf face appeared in the woman's eyes, just at the threshold. The slight smile of the city lord of Dongyuan City dyed the woman's face with two red clouds, making her even more beautiful.

But Ximenyu didn't even look at it, just stepped past and closed the door behind him.

"What a waste." Ximen Yu narrowed his eyes and sat down across from Zhao Nan. In this Chinese-style room, he looked at Zhao Nan with a half-smile, "The women in this place are all chosen from thousands of people, they know how to serve people best, and they are human beauties in the middle, and some of them are even from the past. Star, daughter. In this mansion, people who don’t eat meat can be counted on five fingers, and you must be one of them.”

"That's all there is to say?"

Zhao Nan stretched out his hand, opened the tea bowl, and slowly brewed the tea in the bowl.

Ximenyu shrugged, and said with a straight face: "There are less than 100 million human beings left."

Zhao Nan stopped her wrist, picked up the tea bowl on the coffee table, and took a sip silently.



General Haitian was the real power faction of the former imperial capital, but at the age of thirty-seven, he was already active in the military as a national-level major general.

After the catastrophe, useless civilian officials were quickly eliminated, and some officials with popular popularity were far less useful than these generals who had mastered the power of the military.

Political power emerges in troubled times.

What's more, this kind of world that relies on force to survive?

Common sense has been completely subverted a year and a half ago, and values ​​have been reassembled during this time. General Haitian is no longer a major general, but the city lord of the imperial capital.

In fact, the lords of the four super-big cities are all masters of state violence agencies. Fortunately, they did not become monsters during the catastrophe, and then each created their own cities—like kingdoms city ​​of.

Gu Tianyuan looked old-fashioned, but Hai Tianjiang didn't dare to underestimate this old man at all, just like he didn't dare to underestimate the other two who are also the city lords of the super big city.

"Have everyone arrived a day ago?" A bearded man was the first to speak in a buzzing voice, "But why hasn't the meeting been held for so long?"

Among this group of people, the bearded man is famous for his hot temper. The previous generation who gave birth to this big man was Miyagi who was the founder of the country, and he himself was upright and strict, and he was extremely strict in running the army. Although he was not favored by civil servants in the local area, he was still a fierce tiger that no one dared to provoke.

He couldn't be messed with in the past, and now, as the city lord of the capital of abundance, he couldn't be messed with.

"Haicheng Lord should have his own plan." Another middle-aged man with a pale face said calmly, "What are you in a hurry for?"

"City lord?" The bearded man sneered, glanced at the three people of equal weight in front of him, and sarcastically said: "It seems that your heads have been kicked by donkeys! Listen, we are soldiers and protect the country Soldiers, not the players of this trouble!"

The middle-aged man smiled lightly, and said calmly: "Aren't you the same, you have secured the position of City Lord of the Capital of Abundance?"

The big man patted the table with one hand, and said with a bang, "Damn, if it weren't for those bastards in the city, who were advocating some things, trying to come up with some crooked ideas, and constantly sending people to explore the lost area. Don't get involved in this political game!"

"But after all, it's settled." Gu Tianyuan opened his eyes slightly, and said slowly: "Luohe, old man, I am too old to be frightened. You should calm down."

"Ancient, even you..." The bearded Luohe took a deep breath, and finally let out a long breath, and said with a wry smile, "Have people's hearts changed?"

"It becomes not a person, but the world."

Hai Tianjiang, who has been silent all this time, said softly at this time: "The world has changed, so we have to adapt to its changes."

Hai Tianjiang looked at the crowd, folded his hands and held his chin, squinted his eyes and said: "The reason for not holding the meeting is just to confirm one thing."

"What's the matter?" The middle-aged man froze for a moment, then frowned and said, "Is there anything else we don't know about?"

Hai Tianjiang nodded, "It should be soon, the people I sent should come back. As for you don't know, it's because they are all gathered here."

Gu Tianyuan suddenly became interested, stretched out his hand to touch the mottled white eyebrows on his forehead, and said with a half-smile: "Don't make a fuss about it, just speak up if you have something to say."

Hai Tianjiang shook his head, remained silent, and the atmosphere became stiff for a while, until not long after, there was a knock on the door, and a calm young man walked up to Hai Tianjiang without humility, and rolled up a piece of paper in his hand. The parchment was placed in front of him.

"My lord, it has been confirmed!" said the young man.

Hai Tianjiang opened the parchment, glanced at it, and said with a sigh: "Look, this is our current situation!"

The three of them gathered together, and upon seeing it, their faces changed drastically.



PS: There is an order from above, Wei Guang is required to... disturb the head. .

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