Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 408: A Punch in the Teahouse

Gui Shaohua's face suddenly darkened, and the hand that was holding the teacup trembled slightly.

Zhao Nan's eyes were fixed, and Gui Shaohua suddenly raised his hand, splashed the tea on him, and said angrily, "Scum!"

But if the water can be splashed so easily, Zhao Nan's more than two years of practicing swordsmanship with Finina in the Star Spirit Realm will be completely wasted.

Tea was spilled on the back seat, fortunately there was no one in the back seat at this time.

A waiter came over quickly, "Sir, what happened?"

Zhao Nan waved his hand, shook his head and said, "For the dirty things, write down the bill. There is nothing wrong here."

Under the suspicious eyes of adapting, Gui Shaohua's face has not changed, and he is full of anger.

"A person like you is simply not qualified to let someone as powerful as Mr. Locke do things under your command!"

Zhao Nan shrugged and said, "But things backfired, what can you do? I'm a scum, but you said two minutes ago that you wanted to work under me, so what are you?"

"Damn!" Gui Shaohua snorted coldly, "If I knew you were such a piece of trash, I wouldn't come even if you were killed!"

Zhao Nan laughed and said, "If you know? If you don't know, then what do you think?"

Ignoring Gui Shaohua's ugly face, Zhao Nan continued to say indifferently: "Wei Guangzheng, tall and tall? Is that what you think?"

Zhao Nan looked at Gui Shaohua coldly and said: "I don't know anything, I just act on the spur of the moment, I don't think about the result at all. I don't know whether I am a good person or a bad person, so I said that I would do things with me. But I let you do things, but you are not happy. Tsk tsk, do you think I should praise your innocence, or laugh at your ignorance?"

Gui Shaohua's complexion suddenly became ugly, Zhao Nan finally sneered and said: "Gui Sisi is a nice woman, it's really hard for her to bring such a stupid guy like you. I think. If it's not because of you , will her life be much easier?"

"You have the guts to say it again!"

Gui Shaohua gritted his teeth and punched him.

But Zhao Nan pinched him lightly, pulled him a little harder, and pulled him onto the table, and stretched out his hand to press the back of his neck. Zhao Nan sneered and slapped Gui Shaohua's face, "Listen. I want to deal with you, and I don't need to do anything. If you are impulsive, you don't want to give it to me."

Zhao Nan picked up the water cup next to him, and slowly poured the tea on Gui Shaohua's head, "This is not a play, let's weigh yourself first."

"let me go!!!"

Seeing Gui Shaohua struggling constantly. Zhao Nan shook his head, at this time a group of waiters came.

"Give me this man." Zhao Nan shrugged, and with a wave of his hand, a small bag of gold coins was immediately thrown at one of the waiters, "The compensation is here."

This small bag of gold coins is more than a waiter's salary for a month, and the waiters nodded. One person grabbed Gui Shaohua's hands with one hand, and then threw him out amidst his curses.

On the long street, the young man who was thrown to the ground quickly stood up, looked at the tall aborigines guarding the door, gritted his teeth fiercely, and lowered his head under the surprised eyes of passers-by. . Leave without saying a word.

"It's nice to be young..."

Zhao Nan shook his head, a waiter had already greeted him to another clean table.



"Indeed, it's always good to be young."

An old voice said the same in full agreement.

Zhao Nan suddenly smiled.

Squinting his eyes to see the smiling old man who suddenly walked up to him, he stretched out his hand to invite: "It's better to meet by chance than to meet each other, ancient city owner, please sit down."

The people who appeared in front of Zhao Nan were Gu Tianyuan...and Captain Locke who was inseparable from him.

"It's not accidental. I watched you walk in, old man." On Gu Tianyuan's old face, the frown seemed to never be wiped away.

Du Ke opened the chair, and Gu Tianyuan sat opposite Zhao Nan, with a pair of cloudy eyes open. Said in a rustling voice, "Old man, my hearing is not very good, but Duke recognized your voice. Mr. Zhao, are you all right?"

"Toefl, life is not bad."

"I didn't have time to express my thanks last time." Gu Tianyuan chuckled, "Thank you for your help to all the humans in the Demon City."

"Just take what you need." Zhao Nan shook his head, "Don't worry about it. If the ancient city lord thinks it's not enough, send me some secret treasures, I'm also very welcome."

Gu Tianyuan shook his head and said casually: "How about important positions?"

"How so?"

Gu Tianyuan laughed, and seemed to become full of anger in an instant, "I still prefer to be straightforward as an old man. I heard from Xiaoyu that you are also one of the city lords. It is rare to have such an achievement at a young age, which is rare. .I admire you very much. Merge your city into Yaodu, and I promise you the same status and rights as Duke. How about this, how?"

"No way."

Zhao Nan smiled and stood up: "Let's call it a day, I'm sorry."

Say walk and walk.

Gu Tianyuan frowned and remained silent.

Unexpectedly, Duke beside him suddenly called out, "Wait a minute!"

Accompanied by his words, Duke's iron-like fist suddenly hit at high speed.

The two were only less than two meters apart. At this moment, Zhao Nan turned around and stretched out his hand. His five fingers spread out and turned into straight palms, completely blocking Duke's fist.

There was only a bang.

The customers of this teahouse were all attracted by the sound and looked at it strangely.

After punching, Duke's face changed slightly, but he withdrew his hand.

Zhao Nan shook his hands, narrowed his eyes and said, "If Captain Du wants to compete with me, this is not the right place."

"excuse me."

Duke nodded, then walked back behind Gu Tianyuan, and said, "If it's a suitable place, please make sure to fight with me again. After the battle in Yaodu, I've been looking forward to it."

"If there is a good reason, I will accompany you." Zhao Nan nodded.

After watching Zhao Nan leave, Gu Tianyuan suddenly sighed, "It's nice to be young."

Duke didn't answer.

Gu Tianyuan didn't mind either. He rubbed his cold palms and asked softly, "Duke, how much strength did you use?"

"Close to 80%."

Gu Tianyuan stopped his hands, frowned and said: "Basically? If I remember correctly, he is just a mage?"

"Yes, you remember correctly." Duke replied calmly, "He's a mage, but with his physique alone, he took a punch that was probably 80% of my strength."

Thoughtful, Gu Tianyuan reached out to pick up the cup in front of him, but when he put it to his mouth, he realized that it was not served with tea.

The glass is empty.

PS: It seems that I have a cold, and I have a terrible cough... let's stop here today.

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