Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 411 Trapped Beast

The huge black iron cage gives people a very depressing feeling. A strong sense of humiliation suddenly came to everyone's heart.

The various city lords here, as well as the manpower they bring, no matter how strong or weak they are, who is not the boss of one party, the generation who is all-powerful?

Especially the city lords of the other three super big cities.

Even Gu Tianyuan's kind of old antique, his face is not very good-looking at this time, and his brows are tightly knit.

"Guan Qingfeng, what do you mean?"

Luo He was clutching his chest at this moment, ignoring the blood medicine handed over by his subordinates, and cursed: "Is this the meaning of that bastard Hai Tianjiang?"

A crowd of people gathered together and asked for an explanation.

Unexpectedly, at this time, someone suddenly gave a cry of surprise, and saw that more than a dozen people had already left the cage through a small gap in the trapped corner!

However, the cage was closed again in an instant, making the people who came after him a step of resentment.

A mocking look appeared on the faces of those who had just left the cage. At this moment, how can I not think that these people knew about the development of the situation early on, so they followed the chaos just now and left the cage secretly?

"Just this kind of thing, don't try to trap us!" A city lord took out a huge broadsword disdainfully.

The man's arm felt as hard as steel, holding the broad sword and slashing horizontally, a burst of sparks splashed, but only a light white mark was left on the black railing.

"These iron bars are specially made for you, and they are made of very rare materials." Guan Qingfeng said calmly at this time: "We have used cages made of this material to capture some 30th-level king monsters. Even It’s because their claws are so sharp, they don’t stop. You can save a little effort.”

"Very well, I won't play with you anymore!" A city lord sneered, with a white light in his hand.

It was a tiny teleportation crystal.

The lord of each city can obtain this rare tool from the teleportation crystal through authorization. If you want to go far away, as the city lord, you will definitely bring it with you!

But this kind of miniature crystal, as long as it is not in the battle, is not in the dungeon, but it is suddenly invalid at this moment!

Looking at the unresponsive miniature teleportation crystal. The city lord was immediately stunned. "Try it, mine seems to be broken!"

"No, mine doesn't work either!"

"mine too!"

"What the hell is..."

"Haitian will close the teleportation crystal in the imperial capital!!" Suddenly one person exclaimed, "I have done experiments, and this miniature crystal actually relies on the power of the teleportation crystal in the nearby city. Once the teleportation crystal closest to the city is closed, the miniature The crystal will fail!"

After finishing speaking, a burst of panic appeared among the crowd! The situation at the scene is really too dangerous. They were trapped, and if the other party was more ruthless and made a direct attack, such as firing a sniper arrow or the like, they might all be killed in battle.

Zhao Nan frowned and walked to the nearest railing. He reached out and tapped on it.

"This should be black meteorite." Locke said suddenly.

Almost forgot Locke's ability to move the encyclopedia. Zhao Nan smiled, "It's pretty hard."

"Of course, Master Iverson also liked to use this kind of material in the past." Locke recalled: "However, Miss Sophia blessed the Soul Eater with a powerful tearing ability, so it's easy to cut through."

Zhao Nan smiled noncommittally.

The Soul Devouring Sword's tearing was severe, he knew it well. But if Locke wants to do it, he can bend this thing with the strength of his hands alone, that's really powerful.

"I can't compare with you." Zhao Nan shrugged.

at this moment. He froze for a moment, and reached out to touch his ear.


Zhao Nan shook his head, and said calmly: "I heard a little bit, quite an interesting conversation."



"Tsk tsk, this broken cage is really powerful." Luo He let out a breath and regained his composure, "Haitian will close the teleportation crystal. It is indeed the usual style. There will be no way out."

He narrowed his eyes and said with a sneer, "But do you think this will trap us?"

Not only Luohe, but Gu Tianyuan on the other side just frowned at this time, not panicking. On the other side, the gloomy-looking city lord of the Demon City still had a gloomy expression. No one knew what he was thinking.

Unexpectedly, Guan Qingfeng said indifferently at this time: "It's almost time."

What time?

Everyone was taken aback.

At this moment, the faces of Gu Tianyuan and the City Lord of the Demon City changed, and they stood up at the same time. As for Luo He's face, it was even more ugly.

"City Master Luo, City Master Gu, and City Master Yuwen, the elites you brought here are very good. It's a pity that there are fewer people." Guan Qingfeng smiled slightly: "This is the imperial capital after all, and I will always know what I want to know .”

Looking at the three city lords of the super big city who were walking calmly, Guan Qingfeng showed neither fear nor contempt, as if he was talking about an ordinary thing, "Everyone here, more or less brought some other people."

Just present, not only the three of Luohe, but even the other city lords all changed their expressions drastically.

Because at this moment, almost everyone was ambushed by his subordinates, and now they are under control.

"Tell me, what exactly do you want to do?"

Gu Tianyuan took a deep breath at this time, "What is General Haitian's purpose?"

"Please wait."

Guan Qingfeng walked slowly to a corner of the stage and took out a picture crystal. The crystal quickly projected a light curtain, and on the screen that appeared, it was the appearance of General Haitian.

This is actually a photo that was prepared in advance.

On the screen, Haitian will sit in front of a large desk, and said calmly: "Hand over your miniature crystals, and don't miss any. Then start to let the people in your city carry out the migration work. The city will be moved to that place. , someone will give you instructions. Above."

This is really an extremely conceited person, and he doesn't even say a word that is superfluous.

Zhao Nan narrowed his eyes, watching the photo crystal close at this moment. The city lord of the imperial capital didn't even bother to appear in front of people, as if he was looking at a group of ants coldly.

At this time, Guan Qingfeng put away the picture crystal and said loudly: "The time for consideration is only three minutes."

Then with a wave of his hand, a group of people with bows and arrows poured in from various entrances. Pulling up the bowstring, the sharp arrow pointed at the black iron cage.

"Everyone, don't worry, these archers are carefully selected. Those who agree and those who don't, they can distinguish." Guan Qingfeng finally said: "So, you can choose with confidence."



What can you do in three minutes?

There is more than enough time in normal times or in a daze.

But for the trapped city lord, three minutes. You need to decide your own destiny. Should he hand over the city and then abandon it, or should he stick to it and hope that someone can avenge himself in the future?

An archer's hand trembled at this moment, and a sharp arrow was sent out with a hiss, and it was nailed into the stone floor at once.

Drops of cold sweat. At an extremely fast speed, it was drawn from the foreheads of everyone.

A minute flies by.

When there were two minutes left, several archers released cold arrows into the cage again. Obviously, this was not just for show, but they would shoot at people without hesitation when the three minutes were up. kill.

General Haitian's determination and courage have passed this time. Enough to show in front of everyone. The city lord of the imperial capital who disdained to appear was probably sitting comfortably somewhere at the moment, waiting for the final result, and sneered endlessly.

"I surrender!"

Overwhelmed by the pressure, a city lord walked to the railing of the iron cage, threw the crystal in his hand, and canceled the ownership at the same time, "But I demand related compensation in the future!"

Guan Qingfeng smiled slightly and said: "My lord has always been very generous to those who surrender. This gentleman can stand aside."

The two men following the city lord also threw the crystal out one after another, and stood silently to the side.

As soon as one person surrendered, someone shook his head and sighed one after another, throwing the crystal out unwillingly.

"I won't surrender to that tortoise, kill me if you have the ability!" Luo He snorted coldly and sat on the chair. Knocking on Erlang's leg, "I have a hundred thousand brothers under my command, anyone will avenge me. Just let that turtle get angry and never go out on the street!"

It is different from Luohe. At this moment, Gu Tianyuan sighed, and said with a wry smile: "It seems that I lost completely."

"Old man, if you're still alive, you can turn things around at any time." Ximen Yu said calmly.

"Idiot, what do you know?" Gu Yun said disdainfully: "General Haitian just wants people, and when he arrives, he will definitely eradicate the weeds."

Ximenyu shrugged and smiled noncommittally, but his eyes turned and fell on someone.

Gu Yun was taken aback for a moment, wondering why this guy would still be distracted at such a time, is he really so nervous to the point of numbness?

She subconsciously looked at Ximenyu's gaze.

The dragon riding mage who had competed with her in speed walked towards the front step by step.

As for choosing to go to the front, it's just because of this, many people will block my reaching out, not because I want to attract people's attention on purpose.

Guan Qingfeng watched Zhao Nan walk from the steps to the front with great interest, and asked softly, "Mr. Zhao, have you figured it out?"

"Haven't the conditions you created already set the direction of thinking?"

Guan Qingfeng said noncommittally: "Mr. Zhao is a sensible person."

But at this moment, one person walked up to Zhao Nan, across the railing, with a sneer on his face, "You seem very awkward, it turns out that you are also an embroidered pillow. Tsk tsk, it just so happens that you have surrendered, we will have a lot of time to slow down." Play!"

It was Chen Jie, the lord of Crossing River City.

Probably because of the investigation not long ago, he got a lot of anger, but now he seized the opportunity, and if he didn't taunt him severely, he would feel sorry for his character.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Nan didn't say a word, his arm suddenly stretched out from the railing, pinched his throat at a very fast speed, and pointed at his arm with the other hand, pulled forward, and pulled Chen Jie down Sticking to the railing, even the face has changed shape!

Everyone was shocked, not knowing what this man was going to do.

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