Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 413 Thirty Years of Resentment

Haitian will still be in his study.

Before the meeting started, he had made a note to bury his head in his work. Everything has been arranged, and even the teleportation spar was shut down immediately. Just after receiving the news, the secret manpower brought by the city lords, big and small, has been wiped out.

There was nothing to worry about, he believed in Guan Qingfeng's ability, and the situation on the scene would be well controlled. He doesn't even need to pay attention to the progress of the matter, because according to the plan, when he wakes up tomorrow, the remaining human players in the country will be under his banner.

In less than ten hours, he was already the uncrowned king.

Hai Tianjiang breathed a sigh of relief, stood up from the leather chair, walked to a corner of the study room, and took out a wine specially brewed by someone from the wine cabinet, deliberately creating a taste he was familiar with.

Pour clear wine on the glass, watching the small swirls formed by the wine, as if everything is spinning around him.

Haitian smiled, it was a very wonderful feeling.

Suddenly there was a sound outside the door, and people would walk in without passing through. At present, there is only Guan Qingfeng. Hai Tianjiang frowned, but didn't turn around. The moment he heard footsteps stepping into the door, he said at the same time: "Oh, the matter was completed faster than I thought? Those people have soft bones. "

He just turned around, and what he saw was Guan Qingfeng's messy hair and a broken sleeve.

Guan Qingfeng looked a little hurried.

That was the haste that Hai Tianjiang had never seen before—more directly, it could be called panic!

"My lord, the plan has failed, please leave immediately!"


One of the wine glasses held in Hai Tianjian's hand fell to the ground in a daze, and the glass shattered to the ground, lying on top of the wine, still moving slowly.

The foam of the wine on the floor was like his mood at the moment. illusory.

Guan Qingfeng would not lie to himself. Even worse, Haitian Jiang has encountered it before. Even if it is a ghost gate, he has walked a few turns. At this time, he forced himself to calm down and said in a deep voice: "To the extent that we must leave?"

Guan Qingfeng nodded heavily: "Yes, I can't stop him."

"Him?" Hai Tianjiang was slightly taken aback. Subconsciously said: "Who?"

"Zhao Nan!"



Suddenly there was a loud noise.

Then the sky was filled with flames, and a huge flame rose from a corner of the main castle of the imperial capital. The fire spread in an instant.

The fortress personnel who were busy fighting the fire were in a state of confusion at this time.

What's more, the city lords, big and small, took advantage of the chaos to jump up and down at this time, and beat everyone they saw! Some even saw flames appear. With a flick of my heart, a flame was lit nearby again!

But in a short while, the flames had spread to half of the main castle of the imperial capital.

The firelight came in through the window, and the sound of the whistling flame rising, but Hai Tianjiang seemed not to hear it, what was on his lips was just. Immunity to Homicide and Impossibility

Guan Qingfeng also thought it was impossible, but Chen Jie's death, the broken sword, and the recovery of his arm from being broken were all real.

"My lord, please leave immediately!" Guan Qingfeng said calmly at this time: "We still have sufficient capital."

"Oh yes."

Hai Tianjiang rubbed the center of his brows, just for a moment. There was panic in his heart. This is extremely unacceptable for a person with great self-confidence like him.

But a city higher than the imperial capital appeared in his world, but it was unbearable!

What was even more unbearable was that the reason for the failure of this perfect plan turned out to be the person he had neglected from the beginning!

Not only is the city more advanced, but even the cage made of black meteorite can be broken open!

"Let's go." Hai Tianjiang is not a person who is indecisive. Nor was the form in front of him to the extent that he had to leave.

But at this moment, Guan Qingfeng was shaken all over, and rushed towards General Haitian like a leopard!

This made Haitian Jiang have a bad feeling. Guan Qingfeng would not choose to make a move at this time, he just jumped in front of himself. Then he tensed his body, with white light flashing in his hand, took out his spare weapon, and pointed directly at the outside of the door.

"Should I say something, this way doesn't work?"

Black blade, short hair, young.

Locke blocked the door, Zhao Nan stepped in, holding a sword flower in his hand, "Then I would like to thank Mr. Guan for leading me?"

Guan Qingfeng was startled for a moment, and suddenly remembered the last sentence the other party said.

——The next one is General Haitian!

He already understood that the other party deliberately let him come to Haitian General's position! Otherwise, the main castle of the imperial capital is so big, I don't know how long it will take to find it, or not find it!

Guan Qingfeng had a feeling that everything was lost.

It's even ridiculous! He is obviously in the imperial capital, but in fact, there are countless people on his own territory. But when you lose, it's so simple and direct.

But Zhao Nan is more direct.

I just said a few words at the beginning, and then I started right away! Just like he didn't hesitate when he killed Chen Jie, he also showed no mercy when facing an enemy in trouble.

The black sword struck directly, Guan Qingfeng couldn't even tell the difference, it seemed to be a soul-chasing sword, whether it was him or General Haitian who killed him!

But at this moment, Guan Qingfeng's body was suddenly pushed by a huge force, and he slammed into the sword's edge directly!

The Soul Devouring Sword passed through Guan Qingfeng's chest.

But what he felt was desolation rather than pain... The person who pushed him away was none other than his loyal City Lord.

In this instant, Hai Tianjiang quickly jumped over the desk, twisted the pen container on the desk, his body suddenly fell, leaving a secret passage in the study.


Zhao Nan sneered, and drew the sword from Guan Qingfeng's body, "Tie this guy up, and follow me."

After that, he jumped into the secret passage.



Guan Qingfeng looked absent-minded. Although the long sword pierced through his body, it was not to the point of death. He was supported by Locke on his shoulders, moving at an extremely fast speed in the dark secret passage.

But for the time being, he couldn't think of treating his injury.

This feeling of being betrayed by a loyal person is very incomprehensible to the magician. Locke just obeyed Zhao Nan's orders and tried not to let Guan Qingfeng have the possibility of escaping.

Not long after they jumped down the passage.

Another group of people ushered in this study.

Looking at the secret passage under the desk, Gu Tianyuan chuckled and said, "Haitian will be careful, even if it's in his own castle. Keep this kind of escape place."

"There are bloodstains on the ground, I guess Zhao Nan is still on the way to kill General Haitian." Commander Duke judged quickly.

"This is the escape exit. It is much safer to walk here than other places." Ximenyu smiled, "So, what I said is correct?"

Gu Yun snorted coldly, jumped directly into the secret passage, and said from below after a while: "You can come down now. Grandpa."

Gu Tianyuan was the second to jump in. Before jumping in, he said helplessly: "If possible, I really don't want to have too fierce conflict with this young man."

This is the shocking impact brought by a blockbuster.

At this moment, in the heart of the City Lord of Yaodu, what he is thinking about is Tingfeng City, which is more advanced than all the current cities!

If this young man is not pleasing to the eye. With him and the group of people around him relying on their powerful combat capabilities alone to grant diplomatic authority in the enemy's city, it really makes people sleepless.



The exit of the secret passage is just ahead.

General Haitian was already in the process of escaping, and he called some people to respond, or he could meet him on the road.

He is not very afraid, because after leaving. He will make those who sabotaged the plan pay the price they deserve.

In the dark secret, there is no need for any light source at all, because this is a straight road.

But the darkness suddenly turned to light!

A dazzling light suddenly appeared from in front of him! It was a bright spar thrown from behind him to the front!

A section of the secret path became extremely bright at this moment!

Hai Tianjiang's complexion suddenly changed, and he only felt a pain in his back! That's the feeling of being pierced by a sharp object in the back muscles!

That thing should be a dagger, but the impact was too strong, causing his body to fall directly to the ground.

"Hai City Lord is in such a hurry, where is he planning to go?"

Haitian will only feel that someone has directly stepped on his back again. Then Zhao Nan's voice was heard.

At this moment, Zhao Nan pulled out the dagger stuck in the opponent's back, this action made Hai Tianjiang groan in pain.

Zhao Nan touched the blood-stained dagger on Haitianjiang's cheek, and straight bloodstains appeared on his cheek, which was still warm.

Hai Tianjiang took a deep breath, he couldn't break free with the strength of stepping on him! With his feet. He was caught up later, no wonder even Guan Qingfeng couldn't stop him.

"I think we can negotiate." Hai Tian will panic and not panic, even if he is suppressed, he still tries to keep himself calm.

Zhao Nan narrowed his eyes and said, "What are you going to use to negotiate with me? What are you going to use to buy your life? I don't believe in a person who will wipe out all the city lords."

"There are many ways!" Hai Tianjiang took a deep breath and said, "All kinds of props can make me keep my promise. You should know. With your strength, it is impossible not to have this insight."

He turned his head with difficulty, and looked at this condescending young man through the bright light.

Kequ suddenly felt a tremor in his heart.

What he saw was a pair of emotionless eyes.

This kind of person is very sensible and can exchange benefits for many things. Haitian will see too much!

"You can make conditions, whatever."

"for example?"

"I will let you become the deputy city lord of the imperial capital!" Hai Tianjiang said hastily: "After two years, I can even give up the position of city lord to you!"

Zhao Nan shook his head, the dagger in his hand slowly slid to the center of Hai Tianjiang's eyes, holding the hilt of the dagger with his fingers, he poked the bridge of his nose one by one, "Not enough."

"All the equipment, secret treasures, and even all the achievements of the strategy group I have obtained!"

"It's still not enough."

The dagger slowly poked into his mouth and stirred it gently. At this moment, Hai Tianjiang was dripping with cold sweat, and his body was cold. He had never encountered such a dangerous situation—even in his life. In the limited number of times, you can always find a way to get out.

His breathing was slightly rapid, fast death and slow death were two different concepts. The former is refreshing, while the latter will only make people feel endless fear, not to mention that he loves his life very much.

"Make an offer." Haitian took a deep breath. "I will do whatever I can. I also promise that I will never fight against you in the future."

Zhao Nan smiled and said brilliantly, "Just give me your life."

"You fool me!"

Haitian's expression changed drastically, and in the end, the other party was just drawing a big pie for himself?

"It's really bad taste." Hai Tianjiang snorted coldly, "If you want to kill, kill it, don't talk nonsense."

"But you have never been such a tough person." Zhao Nan suddenly bent down, and said in Hai Tianjiang's ear: "You have always been timid and selfish. The toughness you have shown is ruthless. , just to cover up my inner cowardice and humbleness."

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Hai Tianjiang's eyes flickered, and he didn't dare to look directly into those emotionless eyes.

Zhao Nan said indifferently: "Do you know? I could have attended this meeting instead of coming to the imperial capital. No matter what you do, it's none of my business. Even in this case, I can just walk away. There is no need to hunt you down."

Hai Tianjiang was taken aback for a moment, he was a little confused about the situation, did he still have life?

"As General Haitian, I even quite agree with your approach." Zhao Nan said to himself, "But it's just speaking as General Haitian."

Zhao Nan's voice turned cold, "But if it is called Zhao Tianjiang, the situation will be different."

"How did you know that!"

Haitian's complexion suddenly changed, and his pupils dilated in an instant!

Zhao Nan thrust the dagger into General Haitian's shoulder suddenly, then yanked it, and then thrust it into the other shoulder, "Do you know that I kill people and never like to torture people? It's done with one knife. Save trouble. But I must torture you. I will definitely torture you!"

Knife after knife.

There were screams in the secret passage,

"who are you!!"

"There once was a tomb robber who was outstanding. And when he was old, he adopted an orphan."

"The tomb robber gave all his technology to the orphan, treated him like his own son, and even gave him his own surname."

Hai Tianjiang suddenly trembled all over, screaming incessantly. A chill came out from the bottom of my heart.

But the voice and the story continue.

Said in that cold, icy, hateful voice!

"For the last time, this tomb robber wanted Jinpan to wash his hands. But it was in that tomb. His apprentice, who he regarded as his own son, actually plotted against the tomb robber in order to monopolize all the property!"

"It's's him, you are his descendant, aren't you!!"

Zhao Nan laughed loudly, and the dagger continued to be inserted from Haitianjiang's back, still stabbing one at a time, as if it was Ling Chi.

"The grave robber survived. But he couldn't move his legs."

"That's the person who raised me single-handedly. Do you know how much my heart aches when I look at my grandpa and weep?"

"That's my only family!!!"

"It's really you... ah..."

Zhao Nan took a deep breath, "In the last meeting, I let you go. If I didn't want to die, I could kill you. But someone at home is waiting for me to go back, so I can't let myself die with you... "

Haitian trembled even more... That matter had already been revealed from the depths of his heart like a nightmare.

He seemed to hear the old man's spiteful cursing—and in front of him, it was more like the old man's eyes sunk deep in the grave that day.

The same is disappointing.

"I waited for this moment. I waited for twenty years in my previous life, and ten years have passed in this life... So, you die."

Zhao Nan said softly, and the dagger in his hand cut off General Haitian's head.

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