Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 435 Awakened

The horse neighed, and the head of the Knights rode up two steps quickly, just before the person who had come dismounted.

Seeing that this person greeted Finina first, he couldn't help frowning, "Who is this?"

"A commander in the city defense army." Finina responded indifferently.

Then he called out softly in his heart.

The door in the carriage was opened immediately, Zhao Nan jumped out of the carriage, and heard the aborigine, one of the commanders of the Fengcheng city defense regiment, call the city lord more respectfully at this time.

The leader of the knights who didn't understand what he meant was even more curious at this time.

"Stop first." Zhao Nan nodded, looked at Adolf and said indifferently: "Please come out, Your Royal Highness. I will let people go first, and ask about Qiluo City, so let her listen."

"You..." Knight Adolf was stunned, opened his mouth twice, and finally said with a wry smile: "It turns out that the Earl has already made preparations."

He sighed, and turned his horse around in a lonely way, his body trembled as the horse's hooves stomped.

Zhao Nan thought that after the entire map was almost opened, the aborigines could leave the city and wander around. It would be really funny if they didn't need the huge army to ask for information.

Princess Youluo came out soon, and she heard the information, with a very concerned expression on her face.

The name of this aboriginal leader is Wali, a powerful orc, a tiger-headed man. He was promoted by the housekeeper, Ren Feng, during Zhao Nan's absence.

The housekeeper who knows how to behave in the world, even if he promoted the orc leader, he only said it was the meaning of the city lord. He made Vali dizzy and swore early on that he would be loyal to the city lord. .

at this time. Vali became more and more respectful, the tiger man had a loud voice, but he seemed very gentle, "My lord, our people have set up camp outside Qiluo City. And we have sent some people to sneak into the city to inquire about information."

Vali now had a sad look on his face. "A hundred people were sent out, but only one survived, and he was seriously injured. According to the information obtained by this person, we now know that almost all the creatures in Qiluo City have been turned into skeletons. Wandering aimlessly in the streets all day long. But I didn’t find any trace of Ge Geluo. I just found many strange bone altars in the city.”

Vali paused, "It is estimated that those bone altars are probably used to summon the Bone Lord."

Zhao Nan nodded. The night before the departure, he first sent people to rush there, originally to find out what was going on in Qiluo City. Now the truth is not found out, but the false side is heard.

If the target is missing, it is false.

"In that case, why don't you continue to investigate until you find Ge Geluo?"

Princess Youluo's face was calm at this time, and it was not at all awkward to say such ruthless words that were very suitable for the royal family. It seems to have been used to this early on. Finina and Xu Yang frowned at the same time, and more people behind them showed vague displeasure.

The orc leader looked at his city lord in a daze. as a leader. Hearing such an outrageous and unreasonable order, he felt conflicted, but the domestic hierarchy was strict, and even if he didn't like it, he could only hide it in his heart.

"Go back to the camp and get ready, we'll come later." Zhao Nan said softly, "Just let someone observe around Qiluo City."

The orc leader bowed his head to accept the order, and left quickly. Her Royal Highness never looked straight at her again.

Princess Youluo frowned, a trace of displeasure appeared on her plain face, but it quickly disappeared, she did not ask about the follow-up of her order, but said indifferently: "My lord, regarding the matter of Qiluo City, What do you think?"

Zhao Nan lowered her head and pondered for a moment, thinking not about Qiluo City's problem, but whether the princess was deliberately pretending to do whatever she could to achieve her goals, or whether she had other intentions. He didn't think that the princess was the kind of proud and brainless type, but he still lacked understanding of the unique characters born under the so-called national royal system, so he could only calmly say: "It depends on the situation. There is still some time, maybe you can think about it more carefully.”

"How many people does the Earl arrange?" the head of the Knights suddenly asked.

"Ten thousand." Zhao Nan answered without hesitation.

Princess Youluo nodded, showing no emotions, "Then, let's continue on the road."



The evil wizard Ge Geluo has only become active in the last hundred years. It is rumored that this wizard was a priest who rescued the dying and healing the wounded at the beginning, but later his temperament changed drastically. He swore to fall in front of the gods he believed in, and mastered the power of the undead. The gods mentioned here are naturally not the only god, but sub-gods. As for the so-called Temple Alliance, even the mysterious organization that existed when Paradise World first existed.

The sub-gods enshrined in different places are different, but they are worshiped uniformly by the Temple Alliance, and then temples are established in different places of belief.

Theoretically, each country will have more than one temple. One must appear in the royal city of the country, and the other must appear in the city of God's Choice.

Zhao Nan estimated that the beginning of the so-called existence and history of the Temple Alliance should be the history of the eighth era of Paradise World. However, there is no way of knowing what the essence of this temple alliance is.

The pursuit of Ge Geluo is one of the many sub-gods enshrined by the Temple Alliance. That is, the oracle of the sub-god who was betrayed by Ge Geluo.

Zhao Nan found it ridiculous for the first time. The background of Paradise World seems to be getting bigger and bigger, so big that even now I only see the tip of the iceberg.

In the middle of the night, they finally arrived at the place where the 10,000 aboriginal regiments in Tingfeng City were stationed. Ten miles ahead is where Qiluo City is located. The city, which was originally covered with clouds, became like a huge ink block in the dark night. Let alone the movement inside the city, even the outline of the city could not be distinguished. It was like a dark abyss hole. Occasionally I could hear the sound of the wind coming from there, like a ghost crying.

Zhao Nan frowned. The situation in this place made it impossible to act at night. According to what I learned from Her Royal Highness, the population of Qiluo City is about 500,000 to 600,000. But if all the creatures in this city were turned into skeletons, it would be at the level where too many ants could kill an elephant.

Although Zhao Nan doesn't say that he is a courageous person, but he has been a human being in two lifetimes, he has even crossed the astral world, and he has seen the world become stronger, and his nerve strength is definitely the strongest, but he dare not act rashly.

There are quite a few people with pale faces, but there are only two with normal faces.

One is Locke. There is only rational thinking in the magic tool man's circuit, and he doesn't know what fear is.

The other is dusk, probably because he has experienced darker years than this kind of darkness, which made his nerve lines thick to a certain level. This man holding a sword like a ghost, if there are real undead and ghosts, he can also scare him.

Her Royal Highness stayed in the carriage and did not see anyone. But the occasional fearful gaze from outside the curtain did not hide from the peeping eyes of the spiritual sense. Zhao Nan thought to herself that even if this Royal Highness appears to be particularly precocious, she is essentially just a girl not much older than a little Lolita. Now that she is frightened, she looks like a woman.

The weak princess did not arouse his desire to protect, and the women gathered together over there were the ones he really wanted to protect and love. Although the strength is high, together they probably can only bow down to Finina and the others, but for this kind of horror scene that hits the bottom line of women's psychology, it is probably the same.

"Locke will walk with me."

Zhao Nan asked Finina to arrange for everyone to rest next, so he pulled the magic tool man and walked towards Qiluo City in the dark.

"But what is the purpose of this wizard, Ge Geluo, to summon the Bone Monarch?"

Locke asked suddenly.

Zhao Nan subconsciously said: "In order to bring disaster to the world?"

Locke was even more puzzled and said: "If it is just a simple disaster, there is no need to summon the Bone Lord. As far as I know, the Bone Lord's ability is no less than that of the evil spirit Mosleyan we once met. Of course, it is Mosleyan in its heyday. The Bone Lord changed his job to destroy, even the summoner, even the summoner, would be killed together. It is recorded in history that the Bone Lord was summoned twice, and each time, the one who died first was the summoner. people."

Zhao Nan also knew that the evil spirit he dealt with not long ago had already been weakened countless times by the system. Otherwise, according to the legend, that evil spirit was at least at the level of Grand Duke in the astral world.

He frowned, thinking of some possibility, "Do you think Ge Geluo doesn't know this?"

"Negative." Locke said without hesitation: "Since he has the ability to summon the Bone Lord, he will not be unaware of the legend about the Bone Lord."

Zhao Nan hummed lightly, bowed his head in thought.

He was very clear about the content and introduction of the mission, but he subconsciously didn't consider why Ge Geluo summoned the Bone Lord essentially—even if his purpose was really to bring disaster to the world, then prompting What is the reason for this purpose?

If it's just an ordinary player, I'm afraid I won't go into this kind of thing. A task is a task, and there are only two cases of completion and failure.

But Zhao Nan is different.

He knows some unknown things about this world. He interpreted these things that happened in Paradise World as real, not the so-called plot needs.

Locke didn't know that his husband had some kind of worry during this period of time, so he said directly: "Besides, why did Ge Geluo degenerate into a necromancer? I don't understand what faith is all about, but according to According to the data, belief is similar to a world view. So, what made Ge Geluo abandon the original world view, and even become an enemy of the original world view?"

Zhao Nan was startled.

He was questioned. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

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