Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 438 Commander and Empress

When we got back to camp, there was a glimmer of light. There is no light in Qiluo City, but the campfire has been extinguished.

Finina had been waiting on the edge of the camp early, and smiled slightly when she saw Zhao Nan and Locke returning.

She was holding a basket in her hand, which contained some simple food.

The City Lord, who hadn't slept all night but was not sleepy, asked while biting his dry food, "Where's the person?"

Finina said: "Princess Yolo is receiving the reception. That person is called Achilles, and he reported that he is from the Temple Alliance. When you were not there, and I was having a headache how to contact him, Princess Yolo came out voluntarily. This happened for half an hour, as for what was discussed, I don’t know. There are many knights guarding the princess, and I didn’t let Kaoros eavesdrop.”

Zhao Nan nodded, swallowed the dry food in one gulp, and the careful deputy city lord immediately brought out a bottle of fresh milk, "We have seen that the levels of these people in the Temple Alliance range from forty to forty-five. It’s not the same level as the imperial princess’s court knights. The leader, Achilles, is level fifty.”

"Heaven and Man?" Zhao Nan frowned slightly.

Finina took Zhao Nan's arm and walked slowly into the camp, "The sky is not the sky and people don't know, it feels difficult to deal with."

Zhao Nan smiled, and suddenly said, "Where are Anya and the others?"

"Just fell asleep, and waited all night for you to come back." Finina shook her head and said, "I didn't dare to wake them up."

Zhao Nan twisted her neck, "Did Your Highness say something?"

"As much as possible, let you go there as soon as you come back."

Zhao Nan kissed Finina's forehead lightly, and said softly, "I'll go over and have a look... Also, please ask someone to hide that thing for now, don't assemble it yet."

Finina nodded and said, "I'll go right away."

When Zhao Nan passed by a certain tent, he suddenly saw Huang Wan holding a sword, leaning against the tent, squinting his eyes slightly, as if sleeping, but felt that he was watching something. Zhao Nan stopped subconsciously, and her eyes collided with those half-squinted eyes.

His heart moved, and he waved towards Dusk.

Dusk's reaction was extremely fast. From getting up to walking, it was obvious that someone was approaching, but it felt like a virtual reality. It was just walking silently, but abruptly walked out of the posture of a poisonous snake. Zhao Nan was silent for a moment, looked at the dusk for a while, and then said softly: "Didn't sleep all night?"

Dusk said expressionlessly, "I'm used to sleeping less."

Zhao Nan nodded noncommittally, "Come with me."

"Where are you going?"

Zhao Nan stretched out his hands to tidy up the collar of Dusk, swept his chest, squinted his eyes and smiled: "There are many people around me who can beat you, and you may be the only one who is scary. I don't ask you to help me kill so-and-so , but it shouldn’t be difficult to be a ferocious protector and put a ghost exorcist on my door.”

Dusk was stunned for a moment. Being used to speaking slowly, it took him a few seconds to hear the meaning of this sentence clearly. The mouth under the half mask smiled slightly, eerie.

Zhao Nan chuckled lightly and said, "Yes, that's the feeling."

The leader of the Temple Alliance, in the camp of Princess Yoro. One outside is the court knights, and the other is the messenger of the temple. Zhao Nan came with squinted eyes, and Dusk walked calmly behind him.

A shrine envoy suddenly took a step forward and stood in front of Zhao Nan and Dusk. Just as he was about to speak, he caught sight of the eyes of the murderous man behind Zhao Nan, and shivered subconsciously. Just as he was about to speak, Just lack of confidence, "You... who are you?"

"This is the Lord of the God's Chosen City of my Kingdom, the Lord Earl of the Kingdom." The head of the Knights said calmly at this time, "He is also the owner of the Ten Thousand Legion."

Zhao Nan gave Adolf a slightly surprised look, but saw that the head of the court knight had no special expression on his face, as if he was just giving the simplest introduction.

At this time, the face of the envoy from the temple who blocked the way changed slightly, and his tone and attitude eased a lot, "It turns out to be Your Excellency the Chosen One. The commander has already spoken. Since your Excellency is here, please enter."

The head of the palace knights who valued honor very much had a flash of displeasure on his face at this moment, but he didn't make a sound. Zhao Nan nodded. It seems that the conjecture that the Temple Alliance is above the kingdom is correct.

He walked into the tent.

"Wait a minute." Unexpectedly, the envoy of the temple suddenly said: "You can go in, but this one can't."

He stretched out his hand to stop Zhao Nan and Dusk. But Dusk ignored it, took a step around, and walked past this person.

"Don't understand?" The envoy of the temple put his hand on Dusk's shoulder, "Stop!"

"Let go." Dusk said.

"You boy!"

Just as he was about to make a move, Huang Huan turned his head and gave him a stare. Subconsciously, his heart skipped a beat, as if he had been electrocuted, and his hand bounced away. It's an instinctive reaction to danger.


The envoy of the temple suddenly winked.

I saw three envoys of the temple flashing at the same time, and stretched out their hands to the dusk. Duo stood still, until the hands of the three of them rested on him, then he shook his body slightly.

Draw your swords at the same time!

With a flash of silver light, the three envoys of the temple were blasted away by the sword light at the same time! Dusk, who had already drawn his sword, slashed at the nearest envoy of the temple like a poisonous snake coming out of its hole.

Swinging people away and chasing another person, there is almost no time for people to react. What happened in just two seconds made Adolf breathe quickly when he saw it, "No!"

But the tip of the sword was already on the opponent's neck, and the envoy of the temple couldn't react!

At this moment, a sound of piercing through the air was heard at the same time, and a sharp sword turned into a stream of light from the tent, and shot directly at Dusk's blade, deflecting the edge of the sword. The temple envoy thus saved his life.

The projected long sword plunged into the mud, and Dusk slowly turned around, staring at the tent without moving.

"My lord!" The envoys of the temple shouted in unison.

The young man waved his hand to make people retreat.

At this moment, a young man with an indifferent face walked out of the tent, without saying a word, he drew the long sword stuck on the ground into his hand with a single move out of thin air.

LV50 Achilles

Zhao Nan narrowed his eyes slightly, didn't speak, and let the matter develop.

"what's going on?"

At the same time, Princess Youluo also came out of the tent, frowning slightly, "Adolf?"

"Your Highness." Adolf lowered his head slightly, and said respectfully, "There was some misunderstanding between the Earl's staff and the Achilles' Excellency's staff."

Princess Uro nodded, turned her head to look at Achilles, and said apologetically, "It's no wonder Achilles is in command, Uro is here to apologize on his behalf."

"It doesn't matter." Achilles said indifferently, his eyes stopped for a moment from Dusk's body, and then looked at Zhao Nan's body, "Since the Earl is here, please enter."

"I'm sorry." Zhao Nan nodded and nodded.

Dusk retracted the long sword without saying a word, and walked over.

Achilles said calmly: "Come in together, this is a good warrior."

Princess Youluo seemed to be relieved, she frowned, and then she relaxed, smiled slightly, and entered the room first. Zhao Nan never thought that these temple envoys would be as domineering.

He didn't stop the trouble when it happened, just to see how the kingdom... at least the Queen Yolo's attitude was. Now it seems that although the princess apologized first, she was trying to cover her up.

Although it's just as simple as a farce, there are some clues.

Inside the tent, the three sat on three sides, standing behind Zhao Nan at dusk, holding his sword and bowing his head, as silent as a piece of wood. But Achilles frowned lightly with the evil spirit all over his body, glanced at it, and said indifferently: "Princess Yolo and I just happened to be talking about the count."

Zhao Nan smiled slightly and said, "It must have disappointed the Lord Commander."

Achilles shook his head and said, "Surprised."

He said: "I was surprised by the count's youth. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is young and promising. God's Chosen City and my Temple Alliance were originally from the same retreat, and they were able to see the Lord of God's Chosen City in the Kingdom of Windnia. It’s such an outstanding performance, I feel infinite joy.”

"The leader has won the award."

Achilles squinted his eyes and smiled, "I heard that the count went to the city to inquire about information last night?"

"Walk around a little bit." Zhao Nan said calmly.

"Is there anything to gain?" Achilles asked again.

"I saw eight bone altars, but no trace of Ge Geluo." Zhao Nan said disappointedly.

Achilles turned his head to look at Princess Youluo and said, "This is basically the same as what I saw. I would like to ask the queen to help you with the extermination of Ge Geluo this time."

Princess Youluo smiled slightly and said: "Your Excellency, you are being polite. Ge Geluo committed crimes in our country, and everyone has to punish him. Naturally, Youluo is obliged to protect the safety of our country."

Achilles stood up suddenly, waved his hand and said, "I came back overnight with my companions, and I would be very grateful to you for asking Your Royal Highness to arrange a resting place for us."

"Of course!" Princess Youluo got up and said, "The Earl will arrange it very well."

Achilles smiled, looked at Zhao Nan and said, "You should also take a break, Earl. There are many crises in Qiluo City, and the Earl has also encountered a lot of troubles. The night road is not easy, the Earl must remember in the future, don't hurt Gui body."

Zhao Nan's heart moved, he also stood up, cupped his hands and said: "Thank you for the reminder, Commander, I will pay attention in the future."

After Achilles left, Princess Youluo sat down slowly, frowned and said: "The commander just told me something. Some envoys in the temple were killed by Ge Geluo's men in Qiluo City, Mr. Earl Did you ever know?"

Zhao Nan shook his head lightly.

Princess Youluo said noncommittally: "For this extermination operation, the Temple Alliance will join... In addition, I have promised to hand over the command to the other party."

Zhao Nan listened but did not answer, looked at Princess Youluo, and said slowly: "May I ask Your Highness, is this extermination operation the intention of the royal family, or Her Highness's personal intention?"

Princess Youluo just closed her eyes and nodded lightly, "It's me."

PS: I recommend a new book "My Girlfriends Are Not Human", ISBN 3162657. The author is the emperor of integrity... (to be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!)

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