Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 448: The Shocked Bird

Ball of Calamity: Sacrifice 200,000 or more creatures to trigger a natural disaster of the undead. It is a legendary secret treasure, use it with caution.

Inside the camp, Zhao Nan stared at the request for natural disasters in his hand alone.

He originally thought that the biggest reward for the mission of the undead disaster was to gain the trust of the princess, which would make it much easier for him to go to the royal city. Never thought that the ball of natural disasters is the focus of this time.

Before telling Bone Ge Geluo to heal his wounds and leave Qiluo City, Zhao Nan asked it inadvertently, what is the natural disaster of the undead.

Bone Ge Geluo's answer is: When the undead natural disaster is triggered, a breath of undead will be emitted, and the creatures corroded by this breath will turn into undead and spread like a plague. Professionals below the Heavenly Human level cannot resist the erosion of this kind of breath.

The ball of natural disasters is said to be a treasure owned by a fallen subgod. It was lost later, and then by chance, Ge Geluo obtained it.

Zhao Nan frowned secretly. The Scourge Ball can only be used once. But the conditions of use are...

"Sure enough, use it with caution."

Suddenly, the curtain of the tent was pushed open. Zhao Nan put away the Calamity Ball calmly, and saw Finina come in with a smile, "I thought you were tired and resting."

Zhao Nan reached out and pulled Finina into his arms, hugged her lightly, took a deep breath and said, "This is called rest."

Finina just smiled and leaned on Zhao Nan's forehead. The two have always been used to this silent time.

After a while, Zhao Nan suddenly asked, "How is Locke's injury?"

"I have woken up, but I can't move for the time being. It said that it will take at least three days to complete self-repair." Finina suddenly asked curiously: "What method did you use to convince Gui Sisi? They ..."

Zhao Nan said softly: "This is a spell, if you say it, it won't work."

"Weird." Finina rolled her eyes, "Miss Sisi is a good girl, don't make fun of her."

Zhao Nan didn't answer, raised his head, stared at Finina and said, "I think you are more important than 200,000 creatures."




Achilles and Adolf were subsequently found by Gao Mingyang and others in Qiluo City. Xu Fei's healing technique can only restore Achilles' bones, muscles, etc., but there is no way to eliminate the sequelae left by the body due to the use of secret methods.

In his words, the excessive consumption of the power of the sword is a burden to him, which cannot be cured by ordinary healing techniques.

Hearing this, Xu Fei Guangming, who originally planned to use some more advanced healing techniques, smiled without saying a word, told the Commander to have a good rest, then quietly exited the Commander's camp, and finally gestured a middle finger, smilingly He whispered: "It's your fault that you can't move."

The Altar of White Bone was destroyed, the wizard in charge had been defeated, and the dark clouds surrounding Qiluo City had dissipated, leaving only ruins, making people unbearable to watch it a second time.

But at dusk, he was standing on a nearby soil slope, quietly looking at the empty city, like a statue.

Gao Mingyang gazed at the statue, turned his eyes away, and squatted in a corner of the camp with Xu Feng and Gao Xiang, "I plan to go back to Dongyuan City."

"When to set off?"

"Well, it hasn't been decided yet, we need to see the situation first." Gao Mingyang rubbed his chin and said.

"Then what are you talking about?" Xu Feng said vigorously, afraid of hitting Gao Mingyang on the head.

Gao Xiang nodded, and said in a deep voice, "I'll accompany you back."



A little later, Zhao Nan came to Achilles' tent, and it happened that Her Royal Highness was also here at this time. Outside the tent, a group of envoys from the temple who came out from Qiluo City did not obstruct the Earl of God's Choice at this time.

After this battle, many envoys from the temple have restrained their arrogance. There have been countless legends about the chosen one in the world since ancient times. Legends can be fabricated, but seeing it with your own eyes is different.

Zhao Nan held a cloth bag in his hand, and sat in front of Achilles. He opened it in front of the princess and prince, and inside was a broken bone and skull.

Princess Youluo asked in amazement, "What is this?"

"Ge Geluo's head." Zhao Nan said calmly.

But this skull was taken from the body of Bone Ge Geluo. Of course, the already seriously injured Bone Ge Geluo was naturally weaker after his skull was removed. But if there is no evidence, the Temple Alliance will not easily believe that Ge Geluo has been killed. It's just that the healing time is prolonged, but it can be exchanged for the relaxation of the Temple Alliance. Both Zhao Nan and Baigu Gegeluo feel that it is quite worth it.

at this time.

Achilles frowned, holding up the skull when Princess Yolo was a little creepy, looked it over carefully, and said after a while: "There is indeed the aura of Ge Geluo... But, why? Want to give it to me?"

Zhao Nan glanced at Princess Youluo, and said with a half-smile: "This is probably the best way to make Her Royal Highness relax in the country, right?"

Princess Uro's complexion changed slightly, and when she was about to speak, Achilles signaled her to keep silent. After Achilles took a serious look at Zhao Nan, he said, "I understand."

Zhao Nan got up and nodded, "So, I won't bother the two of you to reminisce about the past. Farewell."

After Zhao Nan left, Princess Youluo hesitated to speak, hesitated several times before saying: "Master Commander?"

Achilles sighed, "When no one is around, just call me by my name, Yolo."

Princess Youluo shook her head, and said softly: "My lord, does Earl God's Chosen know something?"

Achilles said: "This is not a secret. After my injury improves a little, I will go back to the Temple Alliance immediately. I should not come out again for a long time. I will write a report later, and you can submit it Give it to Peter XIII."

"My lord, have you still not forgiven that person?" Princess Youluo said quietly.

Achilles narrowed his eyes and said dumbly, "I am just Achilles now."

He stood up with some difficulty. Seeing this, Princess Euro quickly stretched out her hand to support him. Achilles shook his head and said softly: "Adolf is a loyal man. I feel relieved that he is by your side. As for Earl God's Chosen, there is If you have difficulties, you can discuss it with him, and you will be in a cooperative relationship for a period of time in the future."

Princess Youluo frowned and said, "Did your lord brother make any deal with the Earl?"

Achilles was noncommittal, and suddenly said: "I'm just looking for someone who can cooperate."

Achilles looked at Princess Yolo, and finally said: "Remember, you can trust him, but you cannot rely on him."

Princess Youluo was taken aback, but she didn't understand the meaning of this sentence for a moment.



Three days later, Achilles recovered a little and left the camp with a group of his men.

And Zhao Nan also ordered Vali to go back to listen to the branch city with a large army. The group of them followed Princess Youluo and set off directly from Qiluo City to Tanya City, the royal city of the Galewindia Kingdom. .

"The Temple Alliance should have issued a notice to the royal family after I left the capital."

Princess Yoro looked at the lower road surrounded by two rows of green trees. She took off her skirt, and now she was wearing a well-fitting samurai uniform, riding a white horse, accompanied by Zhao Nan and Finina, and walked in front of the team.

"In the royal family, someone wants to deal with me. Because of something, my situation is not good. Just at this time, there is a big incident in Qiluo City, and someone suggested that I lead the knight group Gegeluo to destroy it." Princess Youluo Frowning: "Now that I think about it, it is probably because they knew the actions of the Temple Alliance in advance, so they let me go ahead of time."

Finina listened closely and did not say anything, but the other Zhao Nan frowned and said, "Is it the royal family's intention for Your Highness to contact God's Chosen City?"

Princess Youluo shook her head and said, "This is my sudden change of mind. I should have first arrived at another small city near Qiluo City, where I should deploy the city defense army to assist."

Zhao Nan narrowed her eyes, Her Royal Highness really had a lot of thoughts.

This is probably something that had to be learned growing up in the royal family.

"Twenty miles ahead is Leia City." Princess Yolo pointed to several peaks in front of her, "It should be possible to reach it today, so let's rest there. The guards of Leia City should have received the royal order in advance. , no matter what, let me explain where I am going first.”

Princess Youluo said indifferently: "The news about Qiluo City, I will let it arrive earlier when I return to Wangcheng."

Suddenly a piercing sound sounded from behind the three of them, it was a sharp arrow shot from Gao Xiang's hand. The sharp arrow pierced through the air and hit a strange bird.

There are two flying birds, one of which has been shot down. Just when Gao Xiang was about to shoot again, another flying bird rushed into the sky nimbly, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Your uncle!" Gao Xiang cursed in a low voice.

Zhao Nan stepped back, "What happened?"

Gao Xiang frowned and said, "Those two flying birds have been circling above us for a while, and they always feel something is wrong."

Zhao Nan frowned, and they walked to the place where the bird fell. Falling from a high altitude, Asuka died long ago.

"This is a frightened bird!" Adolf frowned at this moment: "This is a bird specially tamed for scouting."

Princess Youluo was startled, and subconsciously said: "It must be used by the garrison of Leia City to detect robbers."

Unexpectedly, Adolf said sternly: "The frightened bow bird is very precious and difficult to tame, so it will only be active on the battlefield as a special flying bird. Ordinary cities will not be equipped with it, and it has two ends!"


Zhao Nan frowned, waved towards Yeyue's position, and said softly: "Miss Yeyue, Xu Feng... Please go ahead and take a closer look at the terrain in front and nearby."


Catwoman jumped off the horse, and after a few jumps, she disappeared. As for Xu Feng, he smiled, but in front of everyone's eyes, he gradually became transparent. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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