Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 457 Questions

Until the rising sun, after a long distance away from the horizon, Princess Yolo just hugged Peter 43's body tightly and remained motionless.

The body of Peter XIII was completely cold, and the officials and guards were even more silent.

The members of the guild among the crowd, looking at each other, disturbed their heads, looking very embarrassed.

If you say you want to kneel down and mourn with these people, you can't do it at all. You said that if you don't kneel down, it seems inappropriate. Moreover, there were constant strange gazes from the officials, which made President Gao and his party feel uncomfortable all over.

But the generation of murderous man, Duan Wan, was holding his sword and standing beside him quietly. If anyone dared to stare back at him with sharp eyes, they would tremble with fright.

This made President Gao and the others think of a good idea, that is to squeeze desperately behind the dusk, and count the white clouds passing by when they are bored.

Suddenly a figure landed on the floor of the bedroom.

That is Zhao Nan. Under the light of the rising sun, his clothes were a little disheveled. The sound of Zhao Nan stepping on the rubble was quickly discovered.

At this moment, I saw him jumping down from the floor. This appearance immediately frightened the surrounding officials and guards, and they all became alert. God knows who this person is? I just watched him rush out of the bedroom of Peter XIII!


At this time, Princess Youluo yelled loudly, her voice was hoarse, obviously her voice was affected by crying all the time. The princess, with tears in her eyes and red eyes, stood up slowly, and said with grief: "This is not an enemy! He is the Earl of the God's Chosen City in our country! Don't be rude!"

Earl Chosen!

This name was so big that all the officials with a little knowledge took a deep breath! The Earl of God's Choice means that this person holds the entire God's Choice City in his hands, and there are a large number of God's Chosen by his side!

The Chosen One has never shown up in these years... However, the nobles of the older generation know that the Chosen Legion is truly an invincible army! Moreover, the battle between the Earl of God's Chosen and the masked man in black armor not long ago also fell into the eyes of everyone.

Doesn't that kind of attack, which is extremely powerful in just a few gestures, just in line with the prestige of the God's Chosen One? At this moment, how could the officials who knew Zhao Nan's identity dare to say anything?

Princess Youluo sighed, looked at Zhao Nan, and asked with concern: "Master Earl, just now..."

"That's the third prince's accomplice." Zhao Nan said calmly: "I sneaked into the palace for some time, but unfortunately that person is very powerful. I have been fighting with him outside the city, and it took a lot of effort to kill him. It's a pity I am ashamed that I did not rescue Your Majesty."

Princess Yoro shook her head.

If this can be blamed, it really can't be justified. How can I say that breaking out of the palace this time and repelling the mysterious man in black armor is already doing my best. If it hadn't been for the Earl of God's Chosen, none of the people present would have been able to resist the terrifying black-armored man. If he took the third prince away, the consequences would be disastrous.

The death of the king and the prince was watched by all the ministers. This is undoubtedly a tragedy after a palace coup, and no one can blame it.

"What's the count's fault?" Princess Youluo smiled wryly, "If it wasn't for the count to turn the situation around this time, I'm afraid the third prince will succeed... Please accept Youluo's respect!"

This is the princess who was designated by the previous king to be the heir. At this moment, Yingying bowed, how could the officials around her be quiet?

"This earl will be the princess from now on... No, she will be the famous person beside His Majesty!"

"Not only that, he also holds the God's Choice City, and it will be even more invincible in the future!"

"This person can only communicate with..."

The low voice of the discussion was only a few meters away, but it became a consensus among the ministers at this time. But as guards and others, they looked at the God-chosen earl with admiration.

Civilian officials value profit, but military officials value martial arts.

That kind of powerful force is the most respectable. Especially the palace magicians, who are also known as one of the four major legions of the kingdom, are unfortunately not always well-managed, and their ability to release any magic of this lord earl is astonishing!

"Since the matter is over." Zhao Nan calmly said after receiving the imperial lady's obeisance: "Then I will leave the next matter to His Highness. I was injured a little during the battle, and I hope to rest peacefully for the time being." one time."

Princess Yoro nodded. No matter what happens in the future, as a child, what you need to do now is to deal with the affairs of your father.



The third prince led troops into the palace in the middle of the night, intending to murder His Majesty the King and seize the throne, but the witty and brave Princess Youluo led all the officials to kill him in time! However, His Majesty the King was assassinated and died during this coup.

Before His Majesty the King died, he appointed the Queen to be the next heir to the kingdom!

This disappearance, at noon, has spread throughout the entire Tanya King City! Initiating a coup is a serious crime. All the garrison troops in the city were mobilized to arrest everyone who was involved with the third prince. A huge storm swept through the whole city, and in the days to come, it would sweep into the entire city of Galewindia Kingdom. every place.

"However, that man in black armor is really powerful!"

In the small building of the princess, a group of elders from the guild were talking vividly about what happened not long ago, Xu Fei gave his own opinion very clearly, "To be honest, if you meet a guy of that level , not many people on our side can handle it.”

Zhao Nan said softly at this time: "Don't underestimate the aborigines. There are many people who are stronger than us in this world."

Xiongyou said seriously: "Indeed, it doesn't matter whether it's the wizard from Qiluo City, the leader of the Temple Alliance, or the Heijia man just now. The current global world is somewhat different from the past."

This kind of thing can only be induced slowly, and Zhao Nan thought about it, so he said: "Okay, let's go to rest, everyone is tired after a hard night. We have nothing to do next, if you are interested, you can go sightseeing It’s good to go to Tanya city to gain some knowledge.”

This incident seems to have come to an end for Zhao Nan and his party.

But for Princess Yolo, and the entire Kingdom of Hayatenia, it's just the beginning.

The system of a country is complex and huge. Although Princess Youluo was designated as the heir, this kind of appointment in danger is different from the way of step-by-step training to finally inherit the grand line. There are really too many variables in this.

There are many factions in the kingdom itself, and the First Prince, Third Prince, and Princess Youluo each have their supporters. Now that the third prince died after being forced into the palace, his lineage can be regarded as being abolished. But the eldest prince is still alive, and some people think that the young princess Youluo may not be suitable to be the new king.

Besides, it just happened that the princess was present at that time, so Peter XIII may have just been impulsive. From the second day on, the former king's bones were still cold, but the noble ministers in the city were most concerned about the new king's affairs.

Even though Princess Youluo was extremely intelligent since she was a child, she still suffered from defecation after all. Now she is in a state of desperation, and she is overwhelmed by the trivial matters of the day.

"Why doesn't Your Highness ask the earl for his opinion?"

Adolf said softly beside the princess. As the guardian knight of Princess Yolo, he was naturally happy to see the princess eventually become the heir.

But even though he is arrogant, he also knows his own abilities. It is said that it is marching and fighting, and the matter of beating and killing people is extremely good, but this kind of national event feels a little lack of energy.

Princess Youluo thought for a moment in silence, and then said somewhat bewilderedly: "Adolf... the Earl is recovering from his injuries, I'm afraid it's not good to disturb you at this moment?"

It's no wonder he's recuperating... Adolf cursed secretly in his heart. He passed the small building in the past two days, and he clearly saw the Earl of God's Choice in the small courtyard, accompanied by a few women, either basking in the sun or telling jokes, looking very carefree.

But this kind of words can't be said out of the mouth, only to get: "I think it's not a serious problem."

Adolf smiled, and said softly: "Your Highness, you can't think of a way because you can't calm down now. Maybe meeting that lord earl can change your mood at this time. After all, this lord earl, There are quite a few magical places, and maybe they can help you out of your troubles. Besides, didn’t His Royal Highness Achilles say that if you have any difficulties, you can always ask that Lord Earl for help?”

Princess Euro trusted Achilles' words more than Adolf's words, thought for a moment, and nodded immediately.

Although she was designated to inherit the throne, the coronation ceremony has not yet been completed, and the princess can only live in the original bedroom.

The journey is not long.

After a while, the princess came to the courtyard of the small building, and heard a soft sound of a piano.

The little loli who was playing the piano didn't stop because of the arrival of the princess, and continued the melody on her own.

The princess stood quietly in a corner, closing her eyes. Knowing that the sound of the piano stopped, he still opened his eyes as if he still had something to say.

"Well, it's time to prepare some afternoon tea." Finina suddenly chuckled and waved her hand: "You all come and help me!"

This is probably to allow Zhao Nan to discuss some matters with the princess and to free up some space. Today, the whole family was basking in the sun in the yard for a long time, and the little Lolita, who was already satisfied, was not at all unhappy, and quickly took Finina's hand and ran into the small building.

Xu Yang and Yeyue looked at each other, with a clear smile in their eyes, and they also left.

Princess Youluo walked to Zhao Nan's side slowly, and said hesitantly, "Master Earl, has the injury ever improved?"

Zhao Nan didn't look back, sat on the bench, looked at a notebook on his lap, and said indifferently: "Adolf goes around outside the door every day, didn't he tell you the situation?"

Princess Youluo smiled wryly and was speechless.

Zhao Nan closed the notebook, turned her head and said, "Have your Highness calmed down a bit?"

Princess Youluo was stunned. After listening to the song, the depression in her heart seemed to be relieved a lot. What she really wanted to talk about was interrupted by Zhao Nan waving her hand.

Zhao Nan said: "Before we start talking together, Your Highness will first answer a question for me."

Princess Youluo said seriously: "Excuse me, Earl."

"Your Highness, what do you think of this kingship?" (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!)

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