Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 468: Your circle is in chaos

Zhao Nan has fought countless monsters, crossed thick fog to become a city lord, met the Demon King Dragon Lord in the astral spirit world, and cut off the head of the city lord of the imperial capital without blinking an eye.

But when facing Haidian at this moment, he is no different from 90% of the men in the world.

The Dragonrider mage automatically admits to being cowardly...

"The impact is extremely bad!" Haidian slapped the counter hard with one hand.

This boss has completely lost the elegance and demeanor he once had when he was a bard. He is just like the father of thousands of people in the world after hearing that his daughter was pregnant, and he is angry with the murderer from the bottom of his heart!

"Are you Mingmei married?"


"Are you engaged?"


"Have you got my consent!!"

"...This, doesn't seem to be necessary?"

"Say it again!"

The continuous questioning ended in Zhao Nan's silence, and Haidian couldn't really do anything to Zhao Nan, otherwise it would be even more embarrassing for her daughter to be a widow and then orphaned and widowed to remember her for the rest of her life, full of anger In the end, it just turned into helplessness, and then stared at a pair of dead fish eyes and asked unwillingly: "How long have you been here?"

"Probably...about two months." Zhao Nan imagined a number.

So, this is what happened in the astral world.

Haidian nodded, and sat back on the stool again, "Fortunately, it's not too long, otherwise you'll be crying!"

Zhao Nan frowned, puzzled and said: "What's going on?"

Haidian sighed and said, "You know Finina's true identity, right? As the royal family of the Empire of the Night, they are not completely human in essence. I heard it by chance when I traveled to the mainland in my early years. If the royal women of the empire become pregnant, their bodies will become very weak. They need a kind of fruit seed called cloud fruit to drink tea every day to solve this situation and ensure the safety of the mother. Even though she may still be very healthy now , if it takes a little longer, the symptoms will probably come out."

Haidian said solemnly: "There are many royal women in the Empire of the Night who died due to dystocia in history!"

Zhao Nan's scalp tingled when he heard it, he really didn't know this secret. At this time, I was covered in cold sweat, and I thought that if I delayed my return for a while, the consequences would be unimaginable... Although after going to the star spirit world, Finina also became a star spirit, but who knew that she was a star spirit? Has the strange physique of the royal family been grafted on?

"Where can I find cloud fruit?" Zhao Nan asked eagerly.

Unexpectedly, Haidian shook his head and sighed: "I don't know...but there is one person who should know!"

Things about Finina and her child can make Zhao Nan unconditionally give up anything he planned to do in an instant. Originally planning to meet Ximenyu once again after seeing Haidian, but now he has forgotten about it.

Mr. Haidian, the owner of the weapon shop and the advanced envoy of the mage hall, probably has the same feeling. The two walked quickly on the streets of Dongyuan City silently.

It took about an hour, and a place familiar to Zhao Nan suddenly appeared. It was a towering tree, and the bottom of the trunk was hollowed out to form a tree house. In front of the tree house, an old woman is carefully tending the flowers in front of the door.

This old woman is obviously Ms. Helena, who was the one who gave him the 'certificate of honesty' and who has provided Xu Yang with the map of the saint's trial. Zhao Nan didn't know that Haidian and Helena knew each other before...but it's not surprising, if they are both aborigines here in Dongyuan City, there is a chance to know each other.

"Sister Helena." Boss Haidian called softly.

Ms. Helena was taken aback for a moment, then frowned, the smile on her face faded, and she said coldly, "Oh? What brought you here?"

Boss Haidian said awkwardly: "This...isn't it here, today."

Ms. Helena snorted coldly, and walked straight back to the tree house without looking at her. Zhao Nan frowned, feeling vaguely uncomfortable, "Among you, is it..."

Haidian sighed and said, "To tell you the truth, Helena is my real sister."



There is a huge age gap between Helena and Haidian, which probably has to do with their parents. Of course, this is not a problem. The problem is that their parents died very early, and Helena raised Haidian by herself. It is the role of being both a mother and a sister.

Ms. Helena once hoped that her younger brother would become an excellent magician. Unexpectedly, Heideen pursued romance and became a bard. In the end, he ran away from home and traveled for more than ten years.

When he returned to Helena again, the conflict between the two became out of control. Haidian has seen his own naivety in the past ten years of travel, and he has the intention to confess his guilt. Unfortunately, Ms. Helena has never given him a good look, only thinking that her younger brother has been born more than ten years ago. died.

The relationship between the two is actually sister and brother, leaving Zhao Nan really speechless. Speaking of which, Haidian was able to take out two job transfer scrolls among the six heroes, and Ms. Helena could also give them to Xu Yang. The feeling of being together.

It really is a family... Speaking of the siblings, it seems that there are still many secrets that can be unearthed? But now is not the time to think about such things.

"Finina also knows about Ms. Helena...?" Zhao Nan had no choice but to bite the bullet.

"I haven't told Finina about this." Haidian shook his head, "But don't worry, my sister knows about Finina. Back when she was cursed, I went to her to see, but Unexpectedly, even she can't solve it. Although she doesn't recognize me, she will visit Finina every now and then, but I know that she regards Finina as her niece from the bottom of her heart."

"So, about the cloud fruit, she probably won't refuse." Haidian said, with a hesitant expression on his face, took a deep breath, and finally stepped into the tree house.

Inside the house, Ms. Helena sat quietly by the simple coffee table, looking at the scenery outside the window without moving. The two stood for a long time. Boss Heideen finally coughed twice and said cautiously: " Sister Helena, I came here this time because I want to ask something..."

"have no idea!"

Unexpectedly, this sentence has not been finished, and it has been directly wiped out by Helena.

"Sister, it's not about me, it's about Finina." Haidian said with a bitter face, "I know you still hate me, and I don't have the face to beg you. But this matter really needs to be resolved." I'll ask you to know."

Ms. Helena was finally a little moved. She frowned and turned her face away. Her gaze stayed on Zhao Nan's face for a moment, and she asked doubtfully, "You... seem to be?"

"It's me." Zhao Nan said softly, "Ms. Helena, we should have met once more than a year ago."

Ms. Helena smiled benevolently, her eyes were vaguely strange, which made Zhao Nan feel very bad, but she couldn't tell where the bad was.

But serious matters matter, she looked at Haidian and asked, "What's going on?"

"Sister, Finina is pregnant, can you tell me where the cloud fruit grows?" Haidian said directly.


Ms. Helena seemed to be taken aback for a moment, then she opened her mouth in amazement, and frowned, "When did she get married? Why didn't I know? And you bastard, are you keeping this kind of thing from me too?" ? Huh, it seems that you don't regard me as your sister from the bottom of your heart, right? Okay, very good!"

Haidian said with cold sweat: "Sister, this matter is really complicated, can I explain it to you slowly later? I still want to solve the matter of Yunwuguo... You also know about Finina's True identity, this matter cannot be delayed!"

Helena glared at Haidian fiercely, and finally said: "The cloud fruit is quite special, it can only grow in one place. The Fairy Kingdom in the Fairy Forest."

Helena shook her head and said, "But the Fairy Forest is also known as the Lost Forest. There are not many people in the world who can successfully find the Fairy Kingdom in the Fairy Forest. The royal family of the Empire of the Night will probably know about it."

She had better say helplessly: "I just know this. If there is really no other way, maybe you really have to face the royal family of the Empire of the Night."

Fairy Forest!

This should be a very taboo place for Haidian, but at this moment Zhao Nan frowned.

It seems that there is a prop that has been dust-sealed in his personal space, and it has not been touched for a long time... If it wasn't mentioned this time, I guess I would have almost forgotten it?

In his personal space, there are too many items stored. And recently, he has been focusing more on the mission of the Noldo Kingdom and Finina, and he can't even think about it.

Fairy Forest!

Among the rewards he got from the time fantasy dungeon, there was a map of the Fairy Forest, which clearly recorded the route to the Fairy Empire.

But the map was at level 45, and he had no way to check it at that time.

Zhao Nan's heart skipped a beat, and he found this map among many items, opened it in front of Haidian and Helena, and said with a sigh of relief: "Look at this thing, both of you! "

Helena's eyes are more poisonous than Haidian's, and she can see the origin of this thing just the same. She couldn't help exclaiming: "How can you have this kind of secret treasure?"

Zhao Nan smiled, "I got it by chance."

But the next moment he couldn't laugh.

Helena frowned and asked, "By the way, why did you come here with this brat?"

Haidian spread his hands and said, "This is the person who handles Finina's child, can he not come?"

After Helena heard this, she suddenly became quiet. The way she looked at Zhao Nan made him feel a little uncontrollable.

It looked like seeing a heinous sinner.

PS: I have something to go out to deal with. If I can come back, I will update it before twelve o'clock. If you can't handle it well, you can wait until tomorrow to fight again...

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