Global Monster Online

Main text Chapter 483 Flower fold

Earl Qiangwei was shocked, and instinctively leaned back, but at this moment, from the Soul Devouring Sword, there was a huge ghost crying sound suddenly!

That is the special ability from the Soul Devouring Sword, Soul Roar!

Then there was a pain in the abdominal cavity, and Zhao Nan took the opportunity to kick him on the body. This kick was so strong that she fell to the ground in an instant!

Feeling as if his head had been hit hard, Earl Qiangwei felt dizzy for a while, but at this moment, the entire inner hall of the temple shook again!

Like ripples on the ground, four huge magic circles spread out again, and the terrifying rock dragon burst out of the ground!

Earth Dragon Dance Ten Directions!

Although the power is not as powerful as the fire magic skill that has been lit with the power of fire, it is still astonishingly powerful with the five times enhancement of the spirit sub-skill!

Earl Qiangwei did not expect that the little mage back then would burst out with such terrifying fighting power all at once. A large number of earth dragons bite.

Earl Qiangwei gritted her teeth, waved her hand, and the flower bone in front of her eyes burst open, a long sword in the flower shot out, and fell into her hand, piercing dozens of sword lights very quickly, killing all the earth dragons. Break them all!

"Wait a minute, do you really want to fight me?" Earl Qiangwei frowned at this moment, and said coldly: "The previous thing is a misunderstanding, how about calming down?"

Zhao Nan shrugged in mid-air, but the Soul Devouring Sword swung out without hesitation, and four huge half-moon-shaped wind blades shot out in unison.

This is the answer he gave.


Earl Qiangwei was also angry, thinking that she would go all the way to find the Royal Princess, but in the end she ended up dead, beaten out of her original form, and turned into a seed. Until now, after several twists and turns, he was reborn and recovered his body. To put it bluntly, all of this was bestowed by the chosen one in front of him.

"Forget it, Her Royal Highness is not here... It should be fine to teach me a little lesson." Earl Qiangwei thought for a while, and soon made a decision.

With a light wave of the Sword in the Flower in her hand, a few small wind blades could not hurt a legendary professional expert.

"You're not bad. I haven't seen such progress in a while." Earl Qiangwei gently held the sword in the flower in his hand, sighed and said, "Unfortunately, it's still a bit short. Don't think that you have reached the level of heaven and man, You can become arrogant. The paradise world is much more complicated than you imagine."

She proudly levitated up, holding the sword in front of her body, with only a sense of heroism, "Let me teach you a lesson today, learn to restrain yourself."

Zhao Nan suddenly dropped his hands and landed on the ground.

This made Earl Qiangwei frowned, could it be that he was strong on the outside but capable on the inside?

Unexpectedly, Zhao Nan said: "Tuoba, you leave here first and wait for me outside the temple."

"What do you want to do?" Tuoba Xiaocao was full of doubts.

She realized she couldn't understand the two guys' conversation at all.

"Don't ask, leave here if you don't want to die." Zhao Nan frowned.

Tuoba Xiaocao shrugged, this guy rarely threatens people, but once he threatens people, it is a very serious matter. The Black Spear King squinted his eyes and glanced at Earl Qiangwei, feeling a sense of resignation in his heart, "Maybe I've been a little lazy lately..."

Tuoba Xiaocao wants to leave, that's a quick move.

But Earl Qiangwei watched Tuoba Xiaocao leave without any intention of stopping him, "Why? Are you afraid that others will see your pale appearance? Don't worry, you are the one Her Highness the Princess likes, and I will not do anything to you .I just want you to restrain yourself..."

Suddenly stopped.

Before Earl Qiangwei's eyes, Zhao Nan's body suddenly shimmered, one, two, three, four, and four identical him came out.

Five Zhao Nans appeared in front of them!

Earl Rose frowned, feeling that this was not just a simple illusion. But she never expected that what would appear in front of her eyes in the next second would break her previous notions.

The entire inner hall of the temple is covered by a giant magic circle at this moment. Thousands of fire dragons are like bees in a hive, emerging from the magic circle one by one.



Boom! ! !

Before the exit of the temple, Tuoba Xiaocao, who had already put on a set of robes, suddenly turned around, and then shouted in shock: "Fuck me... What kind of nerve is this dead girl..."

In front of her eyes, a terrifying flame erupted from the inner hall of the temple!

Without saying a word, she opened the red iron intention and shot out.

At the same time, Duke and the others who were outside the temple only heard a loud bang, and strong flames shot out from all parts of the dilapidated temple. At the same time, a huge pillar of fire broke through the top of the temple, directly Crashed into the sky above this huge cave!

"That's... the staff officer!" Commander Duke frowned, and it was Tuoba Xiaocao Xiaocao who flew out of the flames, "But what happened inside?"

The huge pillar of fire did not completely subside, and everyone felt a terrifying shock. The temple in front of them shook visible to the naked eye, and a terrifying number of huge rock earth dragons broke through the temple one after another. In a short time, the entire temple has already begun to collapse!

However, the terrifying changes didn't stop. Huge whirlwinds were drawn from mid-air and ruthlessly pressed into the collapsed temple. The force of the wind made it even difficult for people to stand!

After the wind passed, the temperature within a hundred meters dropped in vain, and a gust of frost spread out!

"Stand back, get out of this area!" Tuoba Xiaocao shouted at this time, and raised Duke and others.

"Commander, what happened?"

"Don't ask, that guy is crazy!"


Another thousand fire dragons appeared in the mid-air and rushed towards the same place. The scene at this moment is one that people will never forget.

"What a terrifying spiritual pressure..." Commander Duke's heart skipped a beat, and then he walked towards the exit without a word, feeling extremely complicated.

at the same time.

On the ruins of the collapsed temple. Wu Dao's figure was suspended in mid-air, and Zhao Nan poured a moon potion expressionlessly.

Under the observation of the eyes of spiritual perception, even in the billowing dust, Earl Qiangwei's every move can still be seen clearly. This is Earl Qiangwei holding the sword in the flower with both hands, and a beam of sword light shot out from the tip of the sword and turned into a mask to protect her body. She was panting violently, and her hair was a little messy, which was caused by sweat.

At this moment, Earl Qiangwei's heart was churning. Since the appearance of the avatar, Zhao Nan's attack has directly increased by several levels. At this time, the attack with hundreds of thousands of moves makes her defend with all her strength. , I couldn't even find the slightest chance to fight back!

What's worse, his attack doesn't stop!

That is to say, her own ability, without even having time to emerge, was severely suppressed by a celestial-level God's Chosen in the simplest and most violent way!

"The great King of the Night... This is not the power of the early stages of the Celestial Man! There must be a mistake somewhere!"

Count Qiangwei smiled wryly, and gritted his teeth. The aftermath of the wave of attacks just survived has not yet passed, but another wave of ferocious attacks has arrived!

Especially the fire magic, which is even more outrageous! A trace of blood spilled from the corner of her mouth, and a trace of anxiety flashed in her eyes.

One after another, the empty bottles of Moon Potion fell from Zhao Nan's body, and were annihilated into ashes by the terrifying ocean of magic in a blink of an eye.

The entire huge cave that hides the temple is constantly emitting terrifying loud noises, making a group of people waiting outside this area startled.

I don't know how long it took before the sound stopped.

Zhao Nan sighed, waved a few whirlwinds, and swept away all the dust. The entire temple has been reduced to ashes at this moment, leaving only a huge and smooth flat ground under the feet.

It took a total of forty moon potions to end the battle. The aborigines of the legendary level are indeed unbelievably strong.

After several battles like this, the moon medicine on his hand will be wiped out.

At this time, Earl Qiangwei was lying motionless on the smooth ground, covered in tatters, still holding the sword in the flower stubbornly in his hand. Count Qiangwei suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body convulsed slightly.

Zhao Nan landed beside Earl Qiangwei, while the four avatars were suspended in mid-air motionless, and each avatar still stretched out its palm, aiming at Earl Qiangwei.

A look of panic flashed in Earl Qiangwei's eyes, and he saw Zhao Nan swung the black long sword in his hand, aimed it at his heart, and cried out in horror: "My lord, please spare me!"

The Soul Devouring Sword stopped in front of Earl Qiangwei's heart, Zhao Nan frowned, "What did you just say?"

Earl Qiangwei coughed a few times, as if it was extremely difficult to even speak, and finished the sentence intermittently: "I... I have offended you so much before... I beseech... I beseech my son-in-law's forgiveness..."

"Say, why did you enter the underground temple?"

"It's... Your Highness Princess... Your Highness's meaning."


Zhao Nan frowned, it should be Princess Hei...but what is her purpose?

At this moment, seeing Earl Qiangwei's half-dead appearance, Zhao Nan waved and released a healing magic of water system. The gentle mist made Earl Qiangwei's injury heal a bit, "You better not play tricks on me, if I can seriously hurt you once, I can do it a second time, be honest with me."

Enduring the severe pain, Earl Qiangwei got up from the ground, supported his body with the sword in the flower, and showed a wry smile.

Can she be dishonest? Originally, as the princess' lover, she didn't dare to do anything, especially from the way Her Royal Highness showed when she recovered her memory, she knew how much Her Highness cared about this God's Chosen One.

Originally, in this fight, it was just to save the spirit to rub the opponent well, to beat him hard, so that he could be worthy of his princess, but he never thought that the opponent would insist on using his body as a celestial being to beat himself. There is no power to fight back... (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!)

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