Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 488: Valley of the Two Moons

In the Kingdom of Norduo far away in the sky, in the Castle of the Lord of Abundance, the city of God's Choice, Luo He frowned.

During this period of time, the work of player migration has been going on. From selecting the first batch of people, and then assigning the ratio between ordinary old and weak players and elite players, but also sealing the news, so as not to let the news that a large number of God's Chosen leave the Nordo Kingdom be leaked, causing dissatisfaction in the entire kingdom, and so on. For a former major general who can kill enemies with doors on the battlefield but disturbs his head in internal affairs, it is not an easy task.

After two or three months, after a monster siege, and after bringing some photo crystals from Tingfeng City that recorded the monster siege of Tingfeng City, the enthusiasm of the players in the capital of abundance was finally mobilized.

"My lord, are you troubled by something?" Lieutenant General Yang Yu asked softly.

In fact, it should be the deputy city lord. This man has eyes, the most beautiful in his thirties, with a calm and restrained demeanor.

Luo He sighed, "What else? It's not because of the migration problem."

Yang Yu frowned and said: "Yesterday, I had contact with the deputy city lord of Tingfeng City, that lady, and the work went smoothly... Is there any change? Has Tingfengcheng repented?"

Luo He shook his head and said, "That's not it. It's another question. I just received an email from Zhao Nan. He said that guilds are not allowed in Fengcheng."

Yang Yu's face changed slightly, his eyes lowered slightly, and he said seriously: "He wants to completely abolish the guild joint council."

Luo He nodded and said: "This is obviously the reason...Yang Yu, what do you think?"

Yang Yu thought for a moment, and said bluntly: "Honestly speaking, if I were to change places, I would do the same thing. The existence of the joint council of the guilds, to put it bluntly, is to promote democracy. However, in different social forms, The status of democracy is actually different. Whether it is the former Eastern and Western societies, or now, it has never really been in an absolute position..."

"Okay, don't throw away your schoolbag. I'm asking you how to solve this problem." Luo He waved his hand.

Yang Yu smiled wryly and said, "My lord, this matter is not easy to handle. What I mean is, wait and see what happens."

Luo He was startled, looked at Yang Yu and shook his head and said, "You mean, we don't care about this matter?"

Yang Yu shrugged and said softly: "My lord, we promote this integration based on the safety of all players in the capital of abundance. However, high-level cities belong to high-level cities, and individuals belong to individuals. If only the promotion of city upgrades , but without the ability to manage the city, no matter how prosperous the city is, it will eventually perish.”

Luo He stroked his chin beard and remained silent.

Yang Yu continued: "That person may have great sense of touch and luck in this game. But no matter how brave he is, he is just an individual. As long as he is an individual, he may not be perfect in many aspects... In fact, in I inquired about Windy City a few days ago. There are definitely no more than twenty original players in the whole city. It is precisely because of this small number of people and elite route that people can rely on the level of players in the city to match the city's performance. However, once the players from the Capital of Abundance are integrated, the momentum of Wind City's upgrade will definitely slow down...Moreover, there is still a problem of satisfaction."

"Yang Yu, I understand what you mean." Luo He sighed, "But..."

He shook his head, sighed heavily again, and finally said: "Let's see and talk."

"My lord, many brothers in the army are actually very dissatisfied with the things that my lord handed over to me." Yang Yu said indifferently.

Luo He rubbed his forehead, waved his hand and said, "Let me think about it, you go down first."

Yang Yu didn't say much, and after paying a standard military salute, he turned and left. He walked slowly in the castle with his hands behind his back, "Times are changing, but force is never the best way to solve problems."

He smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to break off a branch of Duxiu flower that grew out of the corridor, put it in front of his nose and sniffed it, "The city of the fifth level God's really a good place."



At dawn, the moment Zhao Nan opened his eyes, he saw a figure standing tightly in the room, with his eyes closed, he could not feel its existence at all.

When it is extremely quiet, the only ones who can be like dead things are the magic man who has no life in itself.

Locke suddenly opened his eyes and showed a smile. Until then, he could feel a trace of spirituality in it, "Sir, did I wake you up?"

Zhao Nan shook his head and said softly, "How long has it been?"

"I arrived in the middle of the night. I saw the mark you left in the town. I saw that you were resting, so I disturbed you." Locke said.

Zhao Nan nodded, Locke's forward kung fu was too terrifying. Of course, on the one hand, it is the reason why I stay in the XL world spiritually.

"Let's go after I wash my face." Zhao Nan ordered.

In terms of housework, even the magic tool man who has the blade ability surpassing the butler of Tingfeng City, quickly pushed the door out, and after more than ten minutes, a hearty breakfast was prepared.

As for the reaction of the owner of this hotel, it is no longer Zhao Nan's concern. After that, the two lesbians who corrupted social morality appeared in front of Zhao Nan with satisfied faces, greeted the magic tool man, and unceremoniously joined the luxurious breakfast.



The queen statue suspected to be Illya did not leave behind Zhao Nan's footsteps. After joining Locke, the group flew all the way, and after several days of hard work, they finally reached the edge of the Fairy Forest.

It is temporarily unknown how big the mask is in this strange place. Just looking from a high altitude, one can see layers of white mist, deepening continuously from the outside to the inside, without seeing the scene inside the forest at all.

The closer it was to the center, the more the white mist covered the sky and the sun.

Being on the outskirts of Fairy Forest, Zhao Nan had the feeling of facing the lost area of ​​the global world again.

A Sky Dragon and a Soaring Snake, carrying four people on their backs, crashed into the forest without any hesitation.

"Before the whole map was opened, there was a valley near the magic city, and there was also a tribe of elves and elves." Linglong looked at the front that became blurred as it gradually deepened, "I heard that all the elves in Paradise World And the elves, both came out of the Fairy Forest?"

"Their ancestors are." Zhao Nan replied: "The Fairy Forest is indeed the birthplace of fairies and elves. But with the development of time, some elves and fairies came out from here."

"This place is huge, so there shouldn't be a resource problem, right?" Linglong frowned.

Zhao Nan nodded and said: "Back then, there was an elf king who advocated going out to explore the road of development. Under his advocacy, some goblins and elves who responded to his ideas migrated out. They yearned for the new world, But it violated the tradition of the Fairy Kingdom. But the attitude of this part of the tribe is also firm, and they broke out from the Fairy Forest, and the whole country split into two parts. In the history of the Fairy Kingdom, it is also called "Twin Moons Change'."

Tuoba Xiaocao was more concerned about what happened later, and said with great interest, "What about later?"

"The elves and elves who left the Fairy Forest soon established their own country outside - the 'Elf Kingdom'. It is a pity that this new country did not exist for a long time, and was joined by the nearby human kings. Exterminated. Most of the goblins and elves were killed, some were treated as slaves, and some were ashamed to face their former clansmen. They would rather linger in inaccessible places in the paradise world than return to the fairy forest. "

"Many years later, the elven people who were captured in the elven kingdom have integrated into the human kingdom. Now the elves we see in the outside cities are actually descendants of the aborigines who communicated with the aborigines. From the point of view of blood, they are no longer pure."

Linglong suddenly felt something was wrong, and her face changed slightly: "Wait, does the Fairy Kingdom know about the destruction of the 'Elf Kingdom'?"

"Do you think they won't be clear about this kind of thing?"

"Then... the attitude of the Fairy Kingdom towards humans..."

"Extremely bad." Zhao Nan sighed and said, "Even to the point of attacking directly when meeting."

"I'm going...boy, don't we want to die if we barge in like this?" Tuoba Xiaocao said with a strange expression, "This place is a forty-five-level area on the surface!"

Zhao Nan shrugged and said softly, "Don't worry, since I'm entering this place, I won't be unprepared."

Seeing Zhao Nan's confident appearance, the two of them calmed down a little bit, but it was inevitable to raise their vigilance secretly.

Zhao Nan currently has two methods to safely enter the Fairy Kingdom in the Fairy Forest.

One of them is to pretend to be the emissary of the Empire of the Night. The Empire of the Night is one of the few outside countries that has a good relationship with the Fairy Kingdom. Every once in a while, envoys from the imperial family of the Night Empire will enter the Fairy Kingdom to collect cloud and mist fruits. And the messengers of the Empire of the Night can be regarded as VIPs in the Fairy Kingdom.

The best way is naturally to pretend to be an envoy. But for Zhao Nan, this is also the worst way. Because even if the cloud fruit is obtained safely, if the Empire of the Night really sends envoys into the Fairy Kingdom one day, it is inevitable that this matter will not be exposed, and it is the last thing Zhao Nan wants to see to attract the attention of the imperial family of the Empire of the Night.

On the other hand, Earl Rose knew that the Empire of the Night had a good relationship with the Fairy Kingdom.

However, it was also a member of the Empire of the Night who secretly killed the great elder of the goblin clan who went out to find the Heart of Time... It is unknown what happened in the middle.

The plane got into more trouble, Zhao Nan had no choice but to choose another method, which was to return the Heart of Time.

Probably possessing this kind of secret treasure that can save the crisis of the goblin country, the goblins and elves in the country can't do too much to themselves, right?

After walking forward for about half an hour, Zhao Nan opened the map scroll that he had obtained for more than a year and a half after arriving at the place designated by the map.

A suction force sucked the people and the two pets into a distorted space that appeared out of thin air.

When I came back to my senses, what I saw was a picturesque and magnificent place amidst the mist.

Fairy Kingdom - Valley of the Two Moons. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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