Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 491 Special Conversation Skills

"what is this?"

At night, Fairy Forest could see a round of clear moon. Under the moonlight, inside a huge rock, Tuoba Xiaocao made a very dissatisfied voice.

Not far away, the two elves holding spears stood up straight as if they hadn't heard anything.

The bottom of the boulder was smashed into a large hole that could hide people, and some similar branches were simply used as gates outside. Don't underestimate these branches, but you can't break them even if you try your best.

And in the cave, there is also a strange power that seals the power of several people.

Zhao Nan had experienced this kind of restriction once before. In the forest where the Tower of the Sages was located, Goldwoods, the patriarch of the elf tribe, had also used it. It seems that this kind of forbidden ability is similar to the traditional ability of the elves.

Although the magic power is banned, the personal space still exists. Although the gate in front of him was as hard as steel, it couldn't withstand the attack of the Soul Devouring Sword. It is only a matter of minutes to really leave this place.

"Just wait here in peace for a while. Locke has been invited to meet the Elf King." Zhao Nan said softly: "We should not have a direct conflict with the elves and elves."

"It can only be like this." Tuoba Xiaocao shrugged, and suddenly slapped the branches vigorously: "Hey, bring me some food, I'm hungry!"

Zhao Nan shook his head helplessly, but when Tuoba Xiaocao attracted the attention of the two guards, he stretched out his hand quietly from the ground, and a small figure also left the stone prison in an instant.

At dawn, this figure quietly sneaked into the stone prison again. Zhao Nan glanced at Tuoba Xiaocao and Linglong, and turned her body slightly. Earl Rose quietly crawled to his ear.

"My lord, this subordinate walked around here quietly." Earl Qiangwei said with a little dignity: "It is mainly the bedroom of the elf king. Apart from a vague aura that makes the subordinates shudder, there are also eight extremely powerful auras. , I’m afraid it’s a legendary professional who is much stronger than me. As for the elf king’s bedroom, the entire area where the elves live also has a lot of powerful aura. The real number cannot be counted, but at least more than 30 shares... …In addition, there are more Celestials. Although the palace of the Elf King is not heavily guarded. But the subordinates can’t get too close, and the location of the cloud fruit has not been found yet.”

"It's hard work, take a rest." Zhao Nan said softly.

Earl Rose nodded and flew into his sleeve.

An empire that can rival Paradise World, the fairy kingdom formed by elves and fairies, although the number of people is small, it produces a lot of high-end combat power.

This is under the premise of not counting the goblins.

Zhao Nan looked out from the stone prison, the towering mother tree, despite its lush branches and leaves. But he saw a sense of incongruity... the vitality of the mother tree was not strong.

Although the goblin family and the elves all live in the valley of double moons. But the place where the goblins are living is the canopy of the mother tree, that is above the clouds. This is not to say that goblins have a higher status than elves. On the contrary, the status of goblins is even worse than that of elves.

The goblins grow out of the mother tree, most of them are only the size of a fist, and the slightly stronger ones can reach the size of an adult's head. Only a very few goblins. Only then can it grow into the body of a human twelve or thirteen-year-old child.

This was the case with the corpse of the elder of the goblin clan that Zhao Nan met back then.

After the fairy was born. It is necessary to make a contract with the elves and absorb vitality from the elves in order to continue to survive. Likewise, goblins feed back the elves' extra magical powers.

"It's strange... Back then there was only one Avanti's body."'

Zhao Nan frowned, unable to get away from the goblin of the elves, why did he go out alone?

hours later. The huge elf, Gifford, led people to the stone prison, "The elf king wants to see you. Get up!"

The three of Zhao Nan looked at each other and stood up expressionlessly.

Several elf warriors put handcuffs on the three of them and urged them to move forward.

The palace of the Elven King is located under the mother tree. Eight huge roots. Inserted into the soil, it is like the feet of this mother tree, and the position where it stands on tiptoe is a huge space that can build a palace.

Players only benefit from the power of the system, turning the power of professionals in the paradise world into their own skills and attributes. But for players, there is no way for them to sense the existence of powerful professionals with their breath like the aborigines.

Perhaps there was something terrifying ahead, Zhao Nan could clearly feel Earl Qiangwei trembling slightly on his arm.

Inside the palace, surrounded by guards on the left and right, there are two elves standing on the left and right above, a total of four, the clothes are still quilts, and the status should not be low. As for the head, sitting on a white throne, wearing a golden crown , has a peerless appearance, can't tell the age, but has the appearance of a human being in his early twenties, and he knows that it is the Elf King.

Lv76 elf king Yoino

Although they can't feel the so-called 'breath' of the aborigines. But looking at the Elf King, Zhao Nan still felt a heavy pressure, as if it came from the heart.

Tuoba Xiaocao and Linglong beside them were already dripping with sweat. Zhao Nan took a deep breath, the world was changing, he had experienced vicissitudes of life, this kind of shock was not enough to make him feel afraid.

It's probably just secretly guarding in my heart.

"About eight hundred years ago." The Elf King rested his chin, lowered his gaze to look at the three people under the throne in a leisurely manner, and said calmly: "The Fairy Forest has announced to the outside world that all human entrants, no matter who they are, will be executed .”

He spoke in a calm manner, but his murderous intent flowed in the extension, "I really don't understand, is it because my clan's deterrent power has no effect, or are a few people so arrogant that they can ignore the announcement of the Forest of No Fairies? "

"What does the Elf King think?" Zhao Nan raised his head and said.

"Bold! Little humans, how dare you be so presumptuous in front of my king!"

Beside the Elf King, a male elf said with an unkind expression. There was a scar on his face, which crossed his eyes, and made his originally delicate face a bit hideous.

lv63 Liete!

With a movement of his figure, he appeared in front of Zhao Nan with super speed, and swung a delicate golden long sword. The tip of the long sword was aimed at Zhao Nan's eyebrows, only a slap away.

Tuoba Xiaocao and Linglong attacked at the same time, but Zhao Nan stopped them.

"Elf King, is this how you treat guests?"

"Guest? You overestimate yourself." Liete sneered and pointed at the scar on his face, "Do you know how I got this scar? This is when you humans destroyed the elf kingdom eight hundred years ago. on me!"

"Are you the Elf King?" Zhao Nan looked at Liet curiously, and said calmly, "I just asked about the Elf King."

"court death!"

Liete's eyes twitched slightly, and just as he was about to make a move, the voice of the Elf King sounded appropriately, "Liete, come back."

"His Majesty!"

"Come back first." The Elf King shook his head, but there was no emotion in his eyes.

Seeing Lett stand back in his seat unwillingly, the Elf King said softly: "You just said that you are a guest, right?"

The word 'guest' is slightly heavier.

Zhao Nan shrugged calmly.

The Elf King gave a mocking look, flicked his finger slightly, and saw another legendary elf who was sitting under him waved his hand, and there was a burst of footsteps outside the hall.

Zhao Nan didn't look back.

The eye of spiritual perception has already let him know what happened behind him at the first time.

Several elf warriors came escorting a figure, it was Locke. At this moment, Locke's head is drooping, the pupils of his eyes are open, and he is lifeless, which is the appearance of it entering the self-healing process. A huge crack appeared in its chest.

"It seems to be exposed... Do you want to fight?"

In the team channel, the voices of the other two came at the same time.

Looking at the guards around, and the four legendary elves who were sitting down by the Elf King, Zhao Nan sighed and waved his hands, in order to keep Tuoba Xiaocao and Linglong from moving around. .

His lips parted slightly.

Monolithic sound transmission. The content is: I have the notes left by Avanti, the great elder of the goblin clan.

At this moment, the Elf King on the white throne suddenly changed his expression slightly, his eyes gradually became sharper, then became dignified, and finally even closed his eyes, as if he was lost in thought.

The palace fell into an eerie silence. Many elves are waiting for an order from the elf king, and they will fly out and execute these guys who dare to pretend to be elves on the spot.

"Your Majesty, I request that these humans be executed!" Liete had already sharpened his sword, seeing that the Elf King hadn't responded for a long time, he begged on the spot.

Unexpectedly, the Elf King opened his eyes after a while, his eyes fell on Zhao Nan, his lips were slightly parted, and the voice only appeared in Zhao Nan's ear through a special way.

"My lord, why should I trust you?"

"The heart of time..."

The Elf King took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice to everyone in the palace, "You all step back, leave him alone, and let's talk alone."

"Your Majesty! Why?"

"I just pay attention, Lett, don't you understand me?"

Just a look from the Elf King made this legendary elf tremble in an instant.

"I hope Your Majesty will treat my companion well." Zhao Nan said softly at this time.

The Elf King narrowed his eyes and said softly, "Stay here and entertain these guests well."

This really puzzled all the elves, and they really didn't understand what happened between the elf king and this human being. (To be continued..)

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