Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 495 Harvest

Of course, Zhao Nan would not think that the truly peerless treasures of the entire fairy kingdom would be placed in this so-called treasure house so easily.

But the things stored here are really good. Although many of them can be exchanged from the God's Choice City Temple, they are expensive.

Although he contributed a lot, he couldn't afford that kind of consumption.

"Afterwards, the two of you will enter the Divine Tree Space to see if there is anything that can improve your abilities." Zhao Nan's voice sounded in the team channel.

Soon there were cheers of unanimous approval from the two.

"One piece for each person." Zhao Nan suddenly added.

The two of them suddenly felt like deflated balloons, and their hands and feet froze.

Zhao Nan acted as if he hadn't seen it, and concentrated on picking out some items he had. The Kingdom of Fairies is indeed an existence that has existed in Paradise World for countless years. Even though he knows that the things here may not be the best, Zhao Nan still has the idea of ​​​​catching all the treasures in one go.

It's just that the epic horror guy, the Elf King, is still staring carefully at the bottom, for fear that Zhao Nan will take on the appearance of a miser, and the large number of strong men here in the Fairy Forest still makes him dispel this idea.

Among the dazzling array of bubbles, a single colored crystal suddenly bumped into his line of sight. Zhao Nan subconsciously flew towards the bubble, holding the thing in her hand.

Sorrowful Wind Wisteria Seed: It can grow after falling into the ground.

The terrifying appearance of the sad wind wisteria tree that I met not long ago is still vivid in my memory. Zhao Nan narrowed his eyes, without any hesitation, he listed this seed among the ten treasures.

Time passed by minute by minute, and an hour had passed in a blink of an eye. But there are too many things in the treasure house, and Zhao Nan only looked at half of them. The only thing he likes is the seed of this sad wind wisteria tree.

On the contrary, Tuoba Xiaocao and Linglong had already selected what they needed. What Linglong chose was a magic sword made by an elf. The blade was engraved with complicated curse marks, and it glowed slightly with a milky white light. Looking at her appearance, she was very pleased. It seemed that the bottle and ability were very good. not bad.

As for what Tuoba Xiaocao chose was just a bracelet.

The ability of the bracelet is an increase, and the power of the increase is very impressive. The only disadvantage is that it has a cooling time. Tuoba Xiaocao's spirit seed skill is very special, the attribute spirit seed skill is Armor Piercing. The power of the bullet increases, and if the armor is added, it simply exists to break through the enemy's defense.

Another hour later, Zhao Nan finally stopped picking.

At this moment, his hands are almost full of things. Inside is a small bag of Moon Tree Seeds. When the tree is planted, it produces a sap of moon dew.

The so-called Moon Dew is one of the most important materials for making Moon Potion. At the beginning, he obtained the method of making Moon Potion from the hands of the head of the wandering elf tribe, Goldwoods, outside the Fairy Forest. But even so, there is no way to mass-produce the moon potion.

Gein's moon dew is too rare, it can't be obtained from the body of monsters, and it is even rarer if it is obtained by players completing tasks. As a last resort, it needs to be exchanged from the temple. Therefore, the supply of moon medicine is also a scarce resource for Zhao Nan and his group.

But now that the source of the moon dew has been solved, there will be no more problems in making the moon potion. The supply of magic power, or the power of the sword, to a large extent restricts the strength of the chosen one!

In addition to the moon tree, there is also a pot of "early spring rain and dew". If this thing is simply exchanged in the temple, tens of thousands of contribution points are needed for a small bottle of finger. A pot here is worth more than two million points.

And the ability of this dew is to allow the plants to grow quickly. Whether it is used on the moon tree or the sad wind wisteria tree, it is very suitable. It can even be used for ancient war trees! Simply rave reviews!

It seems that the selection of plants is addictive, and the fourth item Zhao Nan chose is still a plant.

Seeds of the Tree of Wisdom!

After this kind of tree is planted, through a special method, it can produce a mutated fruit that increases the magic power. For the chosen mage, there is almost no shortage of mana points. Even with the Moon Potion, Zhao Nan does not have a state of lack of mana. But when he shot with all his strength, it would be too much trouble if he needed to take drugs within a few minutes. Moreover, sometimes, in some special dungeons, the use of drugs is even prohibited. In that case, the magic value will only be too little, not too much.

Speaking of which, the fact that the Tree of Wisdom can produce mutated fruits was proposed by Locke. If it weren't for the fact that Locke had read this kind of secret in the collection of the saint, Zhao Nan probably would have missed this treasure.

In addition to the above items, there are four other pieces of equipment, from the mother-to-be to the little loli sister, including a god-sister and an extremely loyal catwoman, exactly one piece for each person.

Things have been chosen, and the Elf King's face is not very good-looking. Looking at the equipment chosen by several people is just a little heartache, but looking at the three kinds of tree seeds in Zhao Nan's hands, it is more heartbreaking than the other... These three things are basically opened from the treasure house. Which one is the best? Plant something.

"Since the things have been selected, then you can enter the space of the sacred tree." The Elf King looked at Zhao Nan with a blunt and authentic expression.

"Oh... yes." Zhao Nan smiled slightly: "By the way, there are other fruits, please don't forget, Your Majesty. Give me as many as you have, so I can go back and give them as gifts."

The Elf King couldn't bear it any longer, waved his sleeves, turned around and left, "The space of the Divine Tree will be opened this afternoon, and I will send someone to notify you!"



"Your Majesty, are you sure you want to give the Cloud Mist Fruit to that guy?"

The Elf King sighed, and said helplessly, "If you hadn't shown any changes before, he wouldn't have paid attention to Cloud Mist Tree!"

"The subordinate is guilty!"

The Elf King shook his head, "It's not your fault. The cloud tree can't be removed, and it's so special, it would be strange if he didn't find it. I guess he doesn't know what the cloud tree is useful for, but it's out of greed and It’s just a keen sense. I’ve sent some fruits now, so don’t talk about it later. Go and invite the Elder Goblin to come down, and say the time is up.”


Seeing the elf man leave, the elf king let out a long breath.

In the afternoon, the Elf King appeared in front of Zhao Nan and the others again. The king of the elves has recovered the demeanor that a king should have.

"Several, are you ready?"

Zhao Nan nodded.

As soon as the Elf King waved his hand, a colorful mask enveloped several people, including himself, and shot up into the sky from the palace. In front of him was the trunk of the Fairy Forest Mother Tree, and he was about to hit it, but unexpectedly, a bright entrance suddenly opened at that corner.

They actually directly entered the body of the mother tree, and all their eyes could see were colorful colors.

It felt like several minutes, or hours, when the mask that had been rising suddenly stopped. I saw a colorful door of light appearing in this colorful space.

In front of the light gate, a goblin who was less than one meter long had already waited for a long time with his eyes closed holding a trident.

LV72 Fairy Great Elder Karmi

Another epic native.

Zhao Nan swept across Karmi's body calmly, and suddenly remembered that the fairy king's contract fairy hadn't seen it yet. According to tradition, the fairy king's contract goblin cannot take the position of the great elder of the goblin clan.

But to conclude a contract with a goblin, the power of the elf itself needs to be stronger than the goblin.

Based on such a calculation, there are at least four or more epic superpowers in the Fairy Kingdom!

This is equivalent to the appearance of four guys like the Demon Sword Emperor from the Star Spirit Realm. Zhao Nan didn't know how daring he had reached until then.

He tried his best to show himself a confident attitude, but in his heart he warned himself to be more careful.

Camille opened his eyes, his gaze was like a torch, swept across several people, and then closed his eyes again, making it impossible to guess what it was thinking.

"The opening time of the Divine Tree Space is one day. After one day, no matter whether you have harvested or not, you will be rejected by the Divine Tree Space." The Elf King said seriously at this time: "Each unit can only obtain up to five kinds of things, and the extra items cannot be brought out. .do you understand?"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, we know what to do." Zhao Nan nodded.

The Elf King suddenly took out a crystal... the contract crystal!

"The first condition has been fulfilled, so let's conclude the contract now! This is the divine power from the gods in the sky, and even sub-gods cannot break the rules of the contract."

Zhao Nan shrugged and stretched out his hand, while the Elf King also took out the crystal. At this moment, the contract crystal is suspended between the palms of the two.

"In my name, make an oath to give Zhao Nan ten pieces of palace treasures, let him and his partners enter the space of the sacred tree, and promise that after Zhao Nan and his party leave, this king and all the people in my fairy kingdom will not do anything. Do no harm!"

"In my name, make an oath. After promising to obtain the gift from the Elf King, hand over the rest of the diary contents, and ensure the authenticity of the contents. In the end, the person who made the last deal will not be harmed."

A ray of light erupted from the contract crystal, and then split into two halves, each of which merged into the bodies of both parties.

At the same time, Zhao Nan also heard the prompt from the system.

This kind of contract crystal is not exchanged in the temple, but the effect is surprisingly good. He didn't know what the consequences of breaking the promise would be to the Elf King, but for him, he would be punished - level 10 drop, and half of the innate attribute points of any attribute would be deducted at will.

This kind of punishment is extremely heavy for the chosen one.

"Then, let's go in."

Carmi's voice suddenly sounded.

The colored light suddenly opened, and a suction force sucked several people into it.

However, when Zhao Nan entered the space of the Divine Tree and the light gate was about to close, he heard Carmi's voice: "You still have a little guy on your body. But forget it, you are still a member of my family after all, you can do it yourself Bar."

Even the Elf King didn't notice Earl Rose's existence, so the Great Elder could feel it?

"Probably because they are from the same family." Earl Qiangwei whispered in Zhao Nan's ear.

It seems... this beautiful guardian knight really has some connections with the goblins.

"You...are a family of goblins who fled for their lives after the destruction of the elven kingdom. Isn't that right?" Zhao Nan asked softly.

Earl Qiangwei trembled slightly, and said: "This subordinate is only the guardian knight of Her Royal Highness, and will only have this identity in the future." (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!)

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