Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 807 Fishing in troubled waters (2)

Why. . .

Augustus was filled with doubts. The agreement between the Grand Alliance and other ethnic groups is that the Grand Alliance will be solely responsible for the rescue work.

Of course, after all, they are hostages of various races, and no one can really ignore them. If the Grand Alliance really fails, all forces will be dispatched at the same time as a deterrent to the devil. Although there will definitely be a confrontation, neither side will really fight an unprepared war directly.

Even if it fails, the returning demon will not actually kill all the hostages. If that were the case, it would be tantamount to direct self-destruction.

However, the rescue plan requires the full responsibility of the major leagues. If it fails, the agreement will be void. Augustus was constantly weighing the cost of this rescue. When the casualties did not reach the bottom line, she was really unwilling to send messages for help to various crusade forces.

At this time, the confidence to ask for help had not been issued, and various troops had already arrived.

What exactly is going on?

The female holy dragon knight who didn't understand what the trouble was about wouldn't be stupid enough to question the troops of various races on the spot... Now that the plan has failed, the only thing left to consider is how to deal with the subjugation troops when they join in. While minimizing our own losses, we also achieve the ultimate goal of this hostage rescue plan.

Under the command of Augustus, the believer warriors of the Grand Alliance began to shrink their battle circle. Facing the attack of the crusade forces from all sides, there was obviously a trace of chaos among the Styx Group. But under the control of the five demon monarchs, it quickly became stable again.

The demon and the numerous subjugation teams stopped strangely, staring with big eyes. Even the believer warriors of the Grand Alliance who moved the hostages from the dungeon were feeling sad and in a dilemma at this moment.

Unexpectedly, a huge beam attacked. But it suddenly shot out from among the many spaceships of the Sony clan and landed directly among the Styx demons.

The delicate stalemate was completely broken by someone on the command ship hidden among the many armed spaceships, with the slightest push of a button.

The huge monster of the Warcraft clan, which was as big as a mountain, ignored the number of demons and flapped its wings. He slammed headlong into the group of demons. A demon monarch roared, and his body instantly transformed into a strange murderer, with one head like a tiger and the other like a wolf, covered in red scales, with a long tail on the back that ended like a knife, and four sharp claws. Its size is getting bigger, and it is no different from this huge strange bird of the Warcraft family.

Behemoth versus behemoth, the earth is in turmoil. The strata were completely unable to bear the weight of the giant beast, they broke apart one after another, and a large amount of magma began to splash out!



It was expected that there would be a fight, but it unfolded in front of Zhao Nan without any surprise. He sat in the control room of the command ship, completely cutting off the communications with the other nine command ships, and only issued orders to the armed spacecraft commanded by this command ship to attack the demons with all their strength, and... to attack the troops from all sides!

That's right, it's an indiscriminate attack command!

From the moment he put on the real God Killer badge. Zhao Nan realized that he had fallen into a whirlpool of an abyss with no bottom!

He even felt. The Lord of Truth probably knows what the real God-Slayer Badge will bring to the wearer, so why he gives it away so easily, he must be planning something.

Zhao Nan looked at the indiscriminate attacks of many armed spaceships on the screen. His face was calm, but his heart was in a state of turmoil.

If we say that Achilles' God of War realm uses anger to inspire endless power. The more you irritate him, the more you squeeze out his potential. Then the same is true for Zhao Nan's will.

The more coerced he is, the stronger his resistance will be. If the whole world is oppressing him, then he will resist the whole world!

Go against everything, dominate everything!

He sat motionless in the command room. He looked at the fighting on the screen, looked at his character interface panel, and watched the information on the God Killer Badge changing, without saying a word.

The reason for his silence is that he is trying his best to communicate his connection to the system's network.

"The scope of the team has been expanded..."

"Remote experience sharing begins..."

In this way, every time the command ship under his control kills a divine warrior of the Grand Alliance, the experience points gained will be evenly distributed to the other end of the camp.

——You killed Guqazi...gained experience...obtained...the God Killer Badge. The damage to gods is increased by 1%.

——You killed got...the God Killer Badge. The damage to the gods is increased by 1%.

"Damn it, what the hell is going on with the flying weapons of the Sony tribe? They actually attack us! Damn it, damn it!"

"There seems to be something wrong with some of the spaceships? They also attacked the spaceships belonging to the Sony family? What happened?"

"It hurts me to death, these iron knots, let's see if I don't tear them apart!"

"Warning, warning, command ship No. 3, please stop your actions immediately! Otherwise, according to Article 137 of the central directive, you will be destroyed and sanctioned! Warning, warning!"

"Lord Augustus, do we still need to carry out the rescue work?"

Such a chaotic scene is exactly what the Styx Demon wanted! Who has time to care about the internal strife between these enemies? The best thing is for them to kill each other first!

His Royal Highness, whose body was surrounded by golden air and whose eyes were full of sharp green roots, did not find Zhao Nan's whereabouts. He subconsciously looked at the Sony spacecraft that were attacking randomly, and thought thoughtfully, "Could it be..."

Separated by a full hill, on the other side of the mountain, in the camp of the Grand Alliance, they seemed not to realize, or were temporarily unaware that a fierce war had started not far away from them.

"Augustus' will seemed to have arrived for a moment, and it seems that the rescue work has begun."

"I hope it goes well."

"Yeah, I hope so."

In a tent in the center of the camp, three old men sighed quietly, sighing again and again. They all looked forward, vaguely afraid.

at this time. In front of them, a man wearing black clothes and a mask whose face could not be seen clearly was smiling and silent. Behind him is a guy with a black moon mask on a white background. From this guy, he always exudes a fearsome aura.

"Want to have tea? You three?" At this time. The young man smiled slightly and said: "The Yunwu Tea, which is abundant in the Fairy Kingdom, tastes good. The rescue work seems to be going very smoothly."

I don’t know how many major league warriors will be killed or injured!

From the moment they were forced by this man to make such a decision with irresistible force, the three old men in the tent had already understood that many sins had been planted in their bodies.

Gradually desolate.

The woman holding a spear in front of her had no intention of stopping. Finina frowned and stopped, saying coldly: "Miss Isalia, if you haven't seen anyone yet, there's no point in continuing. We're going back."

Isalia turned around and nodded silently. Then he said calmly: "It's actually here."

Ye Ruofeng looked around curiously. Here was a slightly complicated stone forest. Apart from the numerous boulders, no one could be seen.

Finina breathed a sigh of relief, "Now that we're here, please tell us Miss Isalia what brought us to this place. The method of leaving the abandoned place at any time is probably just an excuse, right?"

But Isalia shook her head and said: "I never lie. It doesn't hurt to tell you how to leave the Abandoned Land at any time... The spatial structure of the Abandoned Land. The outside is very stable, but the inside is quite loose. If you can successfully achieve Godhood in the Abandoned Land, you will be able to break the space here and return to Paradise."

"Fengshen..." Ye Ruofeng was stunned. Even if he had a good temper, he couldn't help but feel angry at this moment. "How can you reach the six-star level just by saying you have achieved it!"

"I've told you the method. As long as I can do it or not, it's not my concern." Isalia took a breath, and a look of murderous intent flashed across her face. Pointing the spear in his hand, he shouted in a deep voice: "Now it's time to settle the score between us!"

"Settling accounts...?" Ye Ruofeng opened his lips slightly.

"Settling accounts?" Finina frowned and shook her head: "I guess we don't know each other?"

Isalia sneered: "Let me ask you, have you ever entered Torrent Iron Castle more than half a year ago?"

Finina said bluntly: "There is such a thing... Oh, I remembered it. The armor you are wearing is from the Flying Vulture Knights of the Jungle Temple?"

Isalia took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Yes, I am the leader of the Eagle Knights who went out that day! Today I will avenge and kill the many brothers and sisters who died tragically at the hands of the Gray Body in Torrent Iron Castle. You traitors!"

The spear surged forward, breaking through layers of air and blasting deeply!

A flash of light flashed in Finina's eyes, and the famous sword in her hand got ahead of Ye Ruofeng, and stabbed the opponent's spear head accurately!

The tip of the sword versus the light of the spear, neither gives in to the other!

The golden drums jingled, and both sides took a few steps back!

Ye Ruofeng suddenly said angrily: "You are like this, and you hit someone without explaining clearly!"

"No need to say more, the evidence is solid and cannot be denied by you!" The spear in Isalia's hand was spinning, sand and stones were flying, and the surging power crackled like electricity!

Finina lowered her sword, shook her head and said, "Miss Isalia, I think there should be a slight misunderstanding between us?"

Unexpectedly, a rough voice came at this time, "What misunderstanding is there? I saw it with my own eyes that you colluded with the gray-bodied people and cooperated internally and externally to defeat the Torrent Iron Fortress! Afterwards, you slaughtered the soldiers of the Torrent Iron Fortress and dug out the soul crystals from their bodies. For my own use, it is extremely cruel! If I don’t kill you, it will be unjust!”

However, at this time, what came out of the stone forest was a beast-headed man!

Astonishingly, among the troops garrisoned in the Torrent Iron Castle, the executive officer of the Beast Temple—Teglade! (To be continued...)

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