Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 824 Only you can...

Two rows of dim light shot down from the huge warship of the Nightmare Lord, and the middle ground turned into a staircase leading to the warship. And this light and shadow staircase extends all the way to the front of the three people.

Countless sea warriors were lined up around them, holding weapons. It was surprisingly quiet at this moment.

"Does this... mean to let us go up?" Lin Banyao swallowed and spat.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Mu had already taken a step, step by step, and walked directly to the warship. Xiao You glanced at Lin Banyao and said calmly: "Let's go. Since you can't hide, then face it calmly."

Lin Banyao took a deep breath, nodded impulsively, followed the two men's footsteps tremblingly, and climbed up the ladder under the gaze of countless eyes of Sea Tribe warriors.

The warship was much larger than imagined.

The moment the three people boarded the boat, more eyes immediately followed. On the spacious plywood stood huge tiger shark warriors, each holding a battle ax and with sharp eyes, standing in two rows. Further in front were two rows of young girls.

Said to be a girl, she is actually a strange creature with the face and body of a human girl, but behind it are two huge clam shells.

In the center, there is a huge chariot, and a master wearing a black armor and a covering helmet is holding his chin up and looking at it.

lv? ? ? Nightmare King.

Godly species! But I don’t know what level of terrifying guy he is.

In addition, beside this nightmare monarch, there are also three sea warriors of the mysterious level, all three of whom are also gods!

Almost the moment their eyes met, Lin Banyao became panicked. Those unusually charming scarlet eyes made his heart beat violently for a moment.

"Are you the people on earth who just defeated this monarch's patrol?"

A hoarse sound like the turning of gears came, and the Nightmare Lord's posture did not change. Give him a cold look. Zhao Mu nodded and said harmoniously: "It must have been some minor friction. Fortunately, there were no casualties."

The Nightmare Lord said with great interest: "Let me ask you, it is said that after you defeated them, instead of killing them, you helped them heal their injuries. In the end, you let them go. Is that true?"

Zhao Mu shook his head and said: "It is always bad to fight and kill."

The Nightmare Lord asked: "I will pretend that you don't want to make grudges. But why do you still want to heal them? Is it rare that you don't know that the Sea Tribe is invading your land now?"

Zhao Mu shook his head and said: "Of course I know. But that has already happened, and I can't change it. In fact, I have thought about changing it, but it seems I can't do it. If possible, I certainly hope that the creatures on the ground and under the sea can Peaceful coexistence, you can form a group to go sightseeing on land when you have time, and we can also go to the bottom of the sea, isn't it great? "

Zhao Mu, who went off topic while talking, smiled awkwardly and said: "Actually, I want to say that the invasion was not originally initiated by the soldiers. Since it was just following the orders of the superiors and had to do it, it is innocent in itself. Since it is innocent. Why not Treatment?"

The Lord of Nightmares was obviously stunned, and after a long time he finally said, "Are you... a fool?"

Zhao Mu smiled and said nothing, neither angry nor angry. Standing alone, he seemed far away from the world, making people unable to feel the slightest bit of reality.

In other words, it is an ideal existence far away from the world.

The Nightmare Lord is the Seven Lords of the Ocean, commanding countless warriors of the Ocean Clan under his command. I have read countless people, but I have never seen such a person without any evil thoughts in his heart... How is it possible?

"Okay. Since you don't like killing, how about I kill you now and don't resist?" The Nightmare Lord immediately sneered.

Zhao Mu shook his head and said: "Of course this is impossible. I have the need to continue living. And it is unreasonable for you to kill me."

"Hahahaha. Strength is the truth. I am stronger than you. I can kill if I want. It suits my pleasure. How can there be so many reasons?" The Nightmare Lord suddenly laughed: "In the end, you are just trying. It’s just a matter of words. Aren’t you just as greedy for life and afraid of death?”

Zhao Mu still shook his head and looked straight at him with clear eyes.

The Nightmare Lord suddenly flicked his finger, and a little red light shot out from his finger, and it shot directly towards Xiaoyou, as fast as thunder!

Zhao Mu waved his hand, and a white light blocked his face. The red light and the white light disappeared silently. Xiaoyou frowned, drew his sword to guard in front of him, and looked around. Unexpectedly, Zhao Mu shook his head and said: "Be quiet, the Nightmare Lord doesn't have much malice."

"Teacher..." Xiaoyou was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

The Nightmare Lord looked at this scene in disbelief, his brows under his helmet tightened, and he said in a nonchalant manner: "I want to kill your companion, is it rare for you not to be angry?"

"Didn't the result not appear?"

"Then if I really kill her, what will happen to you?"

"I can only stop it with all my strength." Zhao Mu said lightly.

"Just you?" the Nightmare Lord said disdainfully.

Zhao Muyun said calmly: "We can only do our best."

The Nightmare Lord was surprised and said: "Don't you hate it?"

Zhao Mu shook his head and said: "There will always be someone who dies."

The Nightmare Monarch was silent, and the countless sea warriors around him were silent. After a moment, the Nightmare Lord suddenly said mockingly: "You are a citizen of the earth. Not only can that team of shark warriors not be able to capture you, but they have come back defeated as deserters. They deserve to be killed! Bring them all forward for execution!"

With an order, the hundreds of shark warriors were detained and stepped forward in horror! At this time, a roaring sound came from the warship, and an astonishing giant beast came from behind. It looked like a snake but not a snake. It had four limbs, two wings on its ribs, and opened its huge mouth. The teeth are sharp and scary, and the eyes are violent.

Some of the shark warriors begged for mercy in panic, while the leader of the shark warriors looked ashen.

The Nightmare Lord sneered and pointed at these shark warriors, looked at Zhao Mu and said: "How about it? You don't want to kill, right? But these sharks failed to fulfill their duties because of you, and they are going to die! They are dead, just the same. I will die in your hands, hahaha!”

Zhao Mu remained silent.

The Nightmare Lord waved his hand and said: "Do it!"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Zhao Mu frowned and suddenly said: "Nightmare Lord, what exactly do you want from me?"

The Nightmare Lord said indifferently: "It's nothing. I just want to see what color your heart is. If you really want to do what you said, then I will give you a chance to let these sharks go." Humans, but you need to take their place and become the food of this sea beast."

"How can it make sense? This is your people and you want me, Brother Zhao, to sacrifice myself to save them!"

Abruptly. Lin Banyao said angrily like never before. But as soon as he finished speaking, there were countless eyes full of murderous intent looking at him from all around, so frightened that he didn't even dare to take a breath.

The Nightmare Lord snorted coldly, stretched out his hand to grasp, and Lin Banyao's body was lifted up out of thin air uncontrollably, as if there were invisible big hands pointing towards his body, making him look in pain!

The half-demon raised his head and howled in pain. No one noticed that the half-demon's eyes gradually turned scarlet at this moment.

Weird red. Compared to the eyes of the Nightmare Lord, they were much colder and more emotionless... It would be better to say they were emotionless.

In an instant, tensions arose.

Zhao Nan suddenly said softly: "Nightmare Lord, I just agree to your request, why do you need to embarrass others?"

His voice caused a deathly silence all around. At some point, Lin Banyao slowly fell back to the ground, panting heavily, looking at Zhao Mu in disbelief, "Brother Zhao...?"


Xiaoyou also stared with wide eyes, but was stopped by Zhao Mu's gaze. Only then did Xiaoyou remember who his teacher was, and he couldn't help but feel a strange feeling.

My teacher made it clear that he was a scabbard. And it is extremely hard and will not melt even if it falls into lava...

"Are you really willing to die in their place?" The Nightmare Lord suddenly stood up. The sound had an incredible feeling. The Nightmare Lord's mind was racing. The man in front of him, who was a citizen of the earth, gave people a mysterious feeling. His strength was unknown, but he was obviously not an ordinary character.

How could such a strong man do such a thing, sacrificing himself for the enemy?

"Okay. Let me see if you can really do it!" The Nightmare Lord snorted coldly, waved his hand, and the huge sea beast instantly grew its mouth!

Big mouth!

Zhao Mu looked at the sea beast and slowly walked to its feet. The giant beast's big mouth suddenly bit into it. Until the sea beast's mouth swallowed Zhao Mu, he could only hear his voice coming out slowly.

Everyone can hear it clearly.

"Nightmare Lord, I hope you will keep your promise and let these shark warriors go."


The mouth of the sea beast was finally closed.

The Nightmare Lord stood there in a daze, motionless, not knowing what he was thinking. A group of shark warriors being escorted next to them had dull faces!

Is there really anyone who is willing to sacrifice himself for his own sake?

The leader of the shark warriors' eyes trembled slightly at this moment, his legs subconsciously softened, and he knelt pale and feeble on the plywood of the ship. Everything that happened in front of him almost reached the peak of its understanding since birth.

"Brother Zhao!!" Lin Banyao screamed with tears streaming down his face.

Xiaoyou wanted to laugh at this moment, but he didn't dare to laugh out loud... The teacher was swallowed, and even swallowed directly into the stomach of the sea beast, but at this time, because of the connection between the sword and the scabbard, , but his voice rang in her ears, "Ah, if it can't be digested, will I have to expel it from the back of this thing..."

Xiaoyou took a deep breath and tried his best to control himself from laughing uncontrollably. He was so uncomfortable holding it in that his face looked extremely ugly!

At this time, the Nightmare Lord sat down again and waved his hand. The tiger shark warriors who were escorting the shark warriors all let go, "That's enough, you can step back."

The leader of the shark warriors did not dare to disobey and respectfully led the people away: "Subordinates will retreat now."

"Damn!! You didn't really want to kill them?!" Lin Banyao roared at this time.

The Nightmare Lord did not take action this time, but said with some annoyance: "I will never treat any of my soldiers badly. It's just that they came back to talk about this matter, and I found it interesting, so I gave it a try. I never thought that people on this earth would really have such stupid people..."

The Nightmare Lord shook his head, "It's a pity that this kind of character is not suitable to survive in this era."

Lin Banyao's whole body trembled, "What is this? What on earth is this? My brother Zhao died in vain just because of your inexplicable experiment?!"

The Nightmare Lord waved his hand in disgust: "Drive these two humans out. I am tired."

A group of tiger shark warriors came together, Xiaoyou frowned and said nothing...

"You and the half-demon should leave first. I'll see if I can crawl out of the pit later... Hey, luckily this is the bottom of the sea, so it's easier to take a bath."

Xiaoyou sighed secretly.

Unexpectedly, a group of tiger shark warriors surrounded him. Lin Banyao suddenly fell to his knees on the ground, holding his body tightly with both hands in pain.

"Kill...kill...kill you...kill you!! I'm going to kill you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give Brother Zhao back to me!!!" ! !

"Half-demon!" Xiaoyou exclaimed.

At this moment, a pair of huge black wings jumped out from Lin Banyao's back. His eyes suddenly turned red, and his body jumped several meters above the ground. He lowered his head and stood still.

The Nightmare Lord snorted coldly: "I don't know whether to live or die. I have already let you go, but why are you so ungrateful? Anyone who comes here will be killed by me!"


On the warship. All the tiger shark warriors shouted in unison, waving their battle axes in their hands.

At this time, Lin Banyao suddenly raised his head, waved his hand suddenly, and saw a half-moon black light sweeping away, and dozens of tiger shark warriors with levels between sixty and sixty vomited blood and flew back!

"Half-demon actually has such fighting power?" Xiaoyou was stunned. This kind of move could blow up dozens of legendary tiger shark warriors in an instant. Really are……

You must know that the health points of these tiger shark warriors are much longer than those of the same level of shark warriors. With just one wave of the hand, nearly half of their health points have been taken away!

"How dare you act wild on my Lord's warship? Let me, Kabetta, take care of you!"


There was a loud bang. I saw a huge tiger shark man, twice as tall as an ordinary tiger shark warrior, jumping onto the warship's plywood holding two battle axes! ,

lv? ? ? Cabetta!

Another divine species!

"Ah, it's Lord Cabetta! One of the four generals under the monarch!"

"It's been a long time since I've seen Lord Cabetta take action."

The Nightmare Lord's voice slowed down at this time, and he said calmly: "Bekata, don't dirty my car."

"As you command!"

The tiger shark warrior took the order, jumped up violently, and hugged Lin Banyao's body. Crazy and hit a huge rock on the bottom of the sea!

I saw the huge rock shattering instantly, the sea water rolling up the extremely turbid sea mud, and my vision was blurred!

The Nightmare Lord's eyes fell on Xiaoyou at this time, and he said calmly: "Do you want to leave or die?"

This is not easy to handle, teacher... right now. Xiaoyou called silently in his heart.

Zhao Mu, who was in the stomach of the sea beast, did not expect that things would change like this, and he immediately disturbed his head... Originally, he left quietly after Xiaoyou and the half-demon left, and the matter was basically solved.

"Hey... I didn't expect that even after being separated from the main body, I would still have the same troublesome physique."

Zhao Nan took a deep breath, waved his hand against the sea beast's stomach wall, and said softly: "Little guy, can you let me out?"

A huge ocean current rolled in from high to low without any warning!

Wherever the sea current passed, the surrounding sea warriors were hit by the high-speed rotating water and their bodies exploded! This current is heading straight towards the Nightmare Lord's warship!

It passed by Xiaoyou, and the force of the sea water bounced her away quickly. The strange swirling water flow hit under the splint, and violently destroyed the splint in front of it. It probably hit the huge sea beast at once!

The sea beast even screamed, its body exploded, and a human figure flew out of the sea beast's body. But at this time, the rest of the sea current did not stop, but headed directly towards the Nightmare Lord!

The Nightmare Lord snorted coldly, and spread his fingers. His body did not move, but the powerful ocean current gradually calmed down between the five fingers.

The Nightmare Lord's eyes swept around and landed on the figure that escaped from the sea beast after it exploded. A strange color flashed across his eyes, "It seems that you don't deserve to die."

Zhao Mu was covered in light green turbid fluid. He stood up awkwardly and said, "It's probably a digestive problem."

The Nightmare Lord said softly: "Humans, if you are not dead, leave here quickly... This place will soon become a battlefield!"

"Battlefield?" Zhao Mu was stunned and looked up thoughtfully.

I don't know when, above that, there was a man with a body and a fish tail, holding a huge trident, and surrounded by three huge strange sea snakes. Come proudly.

"Ghost, what do you mean?" The Nightmare Lord snorted coldly and looked up.

lv? ? ? Ghost Lord!

Someone who can be called a monarch... This is one of the seven monarchs of the ocean, and is currently the number one enemy of the Chosen Army of the Gods of Pancontinent in the Paradise World!

"Your Majesty sent the seven monarchs as the vanguard of the captured land. The captured territory will become a fiefdom. I am thinking that although the paradise world is large, it is not good to divide it into seven parts. The seven monarchs of the ocean will soon become six The Lord." The Ghost Lord said calmly.

The Nightmare Lord sneered: "Just you? Ghost, are you too arrogant?"

The Ghost Lord shook his head and said: "No, no, no, it's not me who is arrogant, but you... Nightmare, do you think you can deal with me now?"

The Nightmare Lord suddenly stood up. There was a snapping sound in the hand, and a huge golden spear appeared immediately. The black-armored golden spear was majestic!

"Ghost Lord, you dare to sneak attack on your Majesty, you deserve death!"

At this time, the Nightmare Lord stretched out his hand and the three gods shouted angrily at the same time, "Kill you!"

Three figures jumped out at the same time. Like thunder, they all took action with anger! But right now. The three gods suddenly turned their bodies, and the weapons in their hands struck hard on the black armor of the Nightmare Lord!

A huge mace, a sharp javelin, and a black whip wrapped with lightning!

Bang, bang, bang! !

Fierce power. In an instant, everything around the Nightmare Lord exploded, and an entire warship was broken from it!

"How dare you betray me!!!"

A huge roar came from the turbid sea water, and only three figures were seen flying out. They were the three gods who had sneaked a attack on the Nightmare Lord!

At this time, the figure of the Nightmare Lord rushed up quickly. Standing directly opposite the Ghost Lord, he said angrily: "Ghost, you are despicable!"

Hearing this, the Ghost Lord laughed and said: "Whether it is despicable or not depends on the winner... Nightmare, don't hold on for dear life. Your three war generals will attack you with all their strength at the same time. I guess it will hurt to take a breath now, right?"

The Nightmare Lord snorted coldly: "It's more than enough to deal with you!"

At this time, the three warriors who flew out were injured and gathered around the Ghost Lord. At the same time, they raised their weapons towards the Nightmare Lord.

"You have done a good job. The territory of Nightmare in the sea will be yours in the future." The Ghost Lord chuckled.

"Thank you, Ghost Lord!" A warrior laughed ferociously, raised the huge mace in his hand, and smashed it towards the Nightmare Lord!

"I'll kill you three traitors first!" The Nightmare Lord raised the golden spear in his hand and started spinning it around crazily!

The entire ocean seemed to be boiling, and the huge turbulence impacted the surrounding sea warriors.

The fight between the peerless warriors in the ocean is beyond the ability of ordinary sea warriors underground to intervene. The less powerful Sea Clan warriors were knocked unconscious by the violent sea currents before they even got close.

"Hahaha, what's wrong with the nightmare? Isn't it true that you claim to be the third among the Seven Lords? Now you can't even defeat your three generals?"

The Nightmare Lord was under siege by the generals. Although he was not really unable to fight back, he was not in a situation where he was completely beaten.

But at this moment, a loud shout came, "How dare you betray your Majesty!"

The giant tiger shark warrior Kabetta!

At this time, it was seen raising a huge battle ax in one hand and slashing at the Ghost Lord crazily! However, one of its arms has fallen down and is covered with blood! There is also a big wound on the shoulder!

However, what happened to Lin Banyao?

On the seabed nearby, Zhao Mu and Xiao You, who blurted out, frowned at the same time... because after searching nearby, Lin Banyao was nowhere to be seen!

"Teacher...even if the body melts, it won't happen so quickly..." Xiaoyou frowned: "Is it rare that Mr. Half-demon was completely destroyed under the attack of that tiger shark warrior?"

Zhao Mu frowned: "Can non-friend emails be sent?"

Xiaoyou was stunned for a moment, then quickly operated it, and said in surprise: "This is given away, Mr. Half-demon is not dead yet!"

Zhao Mu nodded: "Maybe he took advantage of the chaos and escaped...but."

He looked up at the battle between the Nightmare Monarch and the Ghost Monarch in front of him, and suddenly said: "It seems to be a power grab between colleagues."

Xiaoyou said helplessly: "I guess the Sea Clan is not all invincible."

Zhao Mu suddenly said: "I just said it. If the Nightmare Lord is killed, will its territory under the sea be divided up?"

"That's right." Xiaoyou said matter-of-factly: "This kind of rebellion has always been accompanied by the carving up of territory."

"That's it..." Zhao Mu shook his head and suddenly said: "Wait for me here."


"Even among the four generals under Nightmare, you are the least aware of current affairs, so I never thought of winning over you."

The huge battle ax was easily blocked by the Ghost Lord's trident. The Ghost Lord mocked slightly: "I'm even less interested now!"

The trident stirred hard, and Cabetta's body burst out with countless blood marks in an instant. After screaming, she slowly fell down. The Ghost Lord sneered, "You are injured and you still want to challenge me? I'm not sure. Do your best!”


Over there, the Nightmare Lord shouted.

"Why, do you feel sorry for your subordinates in the center?" The Ghost Lord laughed and said, "First, let's feel sorry for these three subordinates who betrayed you!"

"Ghost! I will never let you go!"

The golden spear in his hand suddenly burst into bright golden light! Even in this seabed, it is extremely dazzling!

"The nightmare is coming. The Brilliant Shadow!"

Suddenly, without realizing it, the three generals turned into ashes in an instant under the dazzling light! The trident in the Lord of Ghosts' hands was vibrating crazily at this moment, and he laughed loudly: "It actually burned the field, nightmare, it seems that you are really at the end of the road, so let me give you a ride!!"

"The ghost comes, the abyss and the sea prison!"

From the Lord of Ghosts. Incomparable jet-black light also erupted, and the golden light and black light melted into each other.

The ghost monarch laughed and said: "Nightmare. You are injured, and you are also burning in the field. You are no match for me! Hahahaha!!!"

The golden light is like the sun!

The black light is like a black hole that swallows everything!

When the golden light and the black light finally collided, a huge crack of a thousand meters opened in the entire ocean! The separated sea water left the rocks and mud on the seabed exposed, and a large number of sea warriors fell on the black and gray rocks. Groaning in pain.

The long sword in Xiaoyou's hand was stuck on the ground, struggling to support it, and his sight was almost taken away!

I don't know how long it took, but the dazzling light completely disappeared, and the separated sea water rolled back again. Devouring everything exposed in an instant!

At this time, on the sea surface, on the black armor of the Nightmare Lord, traces of blood flowed out, and fell on a floating board after the warship was shattered. The golden spear in his hand supported his body without falling.

In the distance, the Ghost Lord jumped out of the sea, bleeding from his mouth, but it was obviously much better than the Nightmare Lord.

"Hahahaha, nightmare, it's time for you to conclude after entering! Once I swallow the nightmare heart in your body, I can begin to pay tribute to the godhead in your body! You are the first, followed by your other ones, the Seven Seas With one heart, I will become the supreme being of the sea! Then the sea civilization will be the master of this era!"

The shining trident in front of me cuts through the sea again.

The Nightmare Lord took a deep breath. In his current state, he was basically running out of gas. He was probably powerless to block the attack from the Ghost Lord.

But to fail like this... I'm not willing to accept it!


However, a blazing white light shield stood in front of the Nightmare Lord!

"It's you!"

It is almost unbelievable that the person appearing in front of the Nightmare Monarch at this moment is Zhao Mu, who was almost killed by it not long ago!

The ghost monarch frowned fiercely. Unexpectedly, at the last moment, he killed a human and was able to block its attack. "Huh, Nightmare, have you fallen to the point where you need help from humans on earth? It seems that you really You shouldn’t live in this world anymore!”

The Nightmare Lord was not at all sarcastic about the Ghost Lord. He looked at the light shield blocking the trident and said with a weak breath: "I will kill you, but you still want to save me?"

"'s not a question of not saving you...ahem. If you die, the people in your territory will probably be miserable...and didn't I say it? It has a purpose in killing you. Yes, obviously this purpose is not very good... Ahem." Zhao Mu turned around and smiled palely.

Xiaoyou has not yet fully exerted the power of the holy sword. Although the scabbard can use all its power, the power of the scabbard has obviously not been increased to the limit.

This can block the Ghost Lord's trident strike. It's already incredible.

"What do my people have to do with you? For such a reason? Are you an idiot?!"

"Well... there are two, um, three people who have been scolding me like this." Zhao Mu smiled, giving the Nightmare Lord a look.


The Nightmare Lord suddenly stood up and said coldly: "Then you die for those people who have nothing to do with you, and then die for me!"

Rise up and attack!

The Nightmare Monarch was pushed hard towards the Ghost Monarch by Zhao Mu and hit the trident! Zhao Mu instinctively released a white light on his body to defend himself!


The light shield shattered in an instant, and the force of the collision caused the trident in the Ghost Lord's hand to bounce away in an instant! Zhao Mu's body flew out upside down. At this moment, the Nightmare Monarch stabbed out the golden spear in his hand without any warning!

It hit the Ghost Lord's chest, and penetrated with a spear!

The ghost monarch groaned in pain and vomited out large mouthfuls of blood. It fell back again and again, its face pale and crumbling, "Nightmare! I will come back again!"

The Ghost Lord fled in panic.

This battle. The Nightmare Monarch was also seriously injured and lay on the floating board, unable to move.

A lose-lose situation!

I don’t know how long it took. The Nightmare Princess regained some strength. The floating board floated up and down, and it turned its body with difficulty. In the distance, Zhao Mu, dressed in white, floated staggeringly and landed on the floating board.

The Nightmare Lord sneered: "What, are you going to kill me?"

It tried its best. He propped up his body with a golden spear, and his whole suit of armor was dyed red with blood. He would rather fight to the death.

Zhao Mu let out a long breath, waved his hand and released a white light, and said softly: "Well. Just don't hold grudges if you die. Don't be nervous."

Under the illumination of the white light, the Nightmare Lord slowly developed new energy, and the therapeutic effect was unexpectedly good.

The Nightmare Lord said angrily: "You are simply not human! I have never seen such an idiot like you! Do you think that if you treat people well, they will treat you well? Stop joking! Save me, I will do it next will kill you!"

Zhao Munu shook his head, stopped releasing the white light in his hand, and said awkwardly: "Then let's leave it like this. You should be able to move... If nothing happens, I'll see you again."


A cry came out, and Xiaoyou had broken away from the bottom of the sea and was floating on the surface of the sea.

Zhao Mu waved and finally said to the Nightmare Lord: "Those three generals probably rebelled against you because they were bewitched. Now you have killed them. I hope you will not harm their families."

The golden spear in the Nightmare Lord's hand shook and fell onto the floating board. Zhao Mu, who was about to leave, leaned over to pick up the golden spear and put it into the hands of the Nightmare Lord. "Don't throw garbage everywhere."

Unexpectedly, the Nightmare Lord grabbed Zhao Mu's hand with his backhand and said coldly: "What's your name?"

"Zhao Mu... Well, if nothing happens, I really have to leave."

But this hand is really tight.

"Zhao Mu... I will remember this name in my heart." The Nightmare Lord lowered his head and said.


The Nightmare Lord suddenly raised his head and said loudly: "Listen, Zhao Mu! I like you!"


"I like you!"

As he spoke, the Nightmare Lord pulled Zhao Mu down in front of him. The black armor helmet on his head instantly cracked, and his long silver hair fell down, revealing an unparalleled delicate face.

At the sea, on the floating board, the Nightmare Lord stretched out his hand to hold Zhao Mu's head and kissed him heavily.


Xiaoyou in the distance, his eyes widened, almost fell into the sea... (To be continued...)

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