Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 840: Heartbroken

"But... where are we going now?"

On the sea, before seeing the location of the land, Yuluo asked. . .

Zhao Mu pondered for a moment, then immediately entered his own thinking mode, and quickly said: "If they can't find another teleportation point set up near the Khaki Temple, where else do you think they would set up such a teleportation point? "

"Probably it will be in a place like the lair?" Youluo reacted quickly: "The problem is, we don't know where the lair of the Palace of Truth is?"

"Well, I think you'll find out when you go somewhere." Zhao Mu suddenly said.

Yuluo was stunned and thought: "Fairy Kingdom! The Palace of Truth has begun to appear grandly in the Fairy Kingdom, so there must be someone who knows the home of the Palace of Truth!"

"Then let's go." Zhao Mu smiled happily.

This girl has really grown up a lot.

Princess Youluo suddenly stopped, hesitated for a moment and said: "Teacher, I always feel that it is inappropriate to let the Nightmare Lord go like this..."

"How to say?"

"What if I meet her again in the future? Isn't the Sea Clan invading the land? I always feel that we will meet again..." She said with some worry: "With the power of a woman, when we meet again, I will not say anything back to the teacher." What bad things have you done...?”

Zhao Mu rubbed his cheeks in embarrassment and said, "Then Yuluo, just protect me when the time comes. I... still don't like fighting."

The girl was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile, but secretly swore that she would become a true King of Glory Knights and possess the unparalleled strength in the world.

Don't let your teacher be tainted by that kind of woman.

The stunning battleship has been sailing high in the sky for another half month. It has been a full month since the God-Eating World Tree appeared. According to Alice's calculations, the abandoned land is now estimated to have been completely covered. This is calculated from the images captured from the many small exploration satellites launched by the Sony clan high above the abandoned land.

Almost all the land is covered by red mist.

However, many shadows can be found, and even exploration satellites cannot capture the real scenes in these shadows. Speculation is a means of self-preservation for every race.

At present, except for being able to occasionally steal the satellite signals of the Sony clan and fake communications, Zhao Nan has almost no way to know about the abandoned land. How many living beings are left... I'm afraid the communication between various species has been completely cut off, right?

Ahead, a towering mountain peak collapsed in an instant, turning into dust and dispersed in the wind. It was the roots of the Swallowing World Tree that sucked up all the water in the mountain peak.

Outside the bridge, in the strong wind, Zhao Nan watched the mountain disappear in silence. Not far away, Orises was swimming above the stunning world. And on its body sat the current Dragon King Olga.

It seems that after she reunited with her relatives who had been living abroad, and learned from Zhao Nan that Sky Dragon had not seen her parents since she was born, this holy dragon girl was inexplicably overflowing with motherly love... Although for Master Orises Zhao Nan doesn't have much good looks, but he treats Eulisis much more gently.

The interior of the stunning battleship is quite stable... If it weren't for the threat of the God-devouring World Tree on the ground, the days would be like the first six months of entering the Abandoned Land, the time when I was cultivating in the underground stronghold of the Styx Devil .

Level is still important to the Chosen One.

But after reaching the epic level. Everyone also gradually realized the fact that no matter how high the combat power was. As long as it is not so high that it is irresistible, battles involving gods and above rely more on the field of will.

One or two baskets suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Nan.

Finina walked over from behind with a lunch box on her arm, "Lunch."

Zhao Nan opened the food box and asked, "Has Augustus not let them go yet?"

Finina carefully picked up the food and placed it in front of Zhao Nan one by one. "You said you're up to speed, so don't waste your time."

Zhao Nan picked up a piece of sandwich and put it into his mouth, looking blankly at the clouds in the sky. A quiet breath came, and unknowingly he saw Finina leaning on his shoulder.

The two of them were so close to each other. After enjoying a moment of tranquility, Zhao Nan said in a stern voice: "Did you successfully escape?"

Finina didn't open her eyes and said softly: "I felt it when I left that weird forest last time, and since I defeated the beast of disaster, I tried it a little bit. It seemed like I succeeded in one go. "

"It seems like something..." Zhao Nan couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "It's dangerous to escape from this situation, you might as well tell me what happened."

He shook his head and said, "Did you see the original fate net when you escaped from fate? Did you feel anything?"

Finina still closed her eyes, as if thinking about something, and didn't speak for a long time. Zhao Nan did not urge him until the other party spoke.

"I always inexplicable sense of sadness."

"Sad?" Zhao Nan was stunned.

That huge black hole that swallows up those who escape is just terrifying, right? He remembered very well that when he escaped from the fate, he saw many professionals who were swallowed up in front of the origin fate network, and their spirits were so panicked.

Finina thought for a while and said: "It's not so much sad, but rather giving people a very lonely feeling, right?"

She shook her head, held her chest and said, "I always feel a little heartbroken."

"Heartache?" Zhao Nan was stunned for a moment, then said seriously: "Can I help you rub it?"

Unexpectedly, Finina patted her with her hand and said angrily: "It's broad daylight, what are you thinking about?"

"**,**." Zhao Nan laughed, not feeling any embarrassment at all.

But I was secretly thinking... Finina's character seems to be gradually becoming more perfect, and I don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing... Most recently, she even needed to use her charming eyes to provoke the other party. of**.

"Let's get down to business!"

Finina reached out and tapped Zhao Nan's forehead, with a dissatisfied look on her face, but she wasn't really angry.

Zhao Nan said seriously: "Can you promise me not to let will be born before you really find the wish you want to place on?"

Finina was stunned and looked puzzled, "Is there something wrong?"

"Well... you see, I haven't gone far on the road of will. I am also crossing the river by feeling stones, right?" Zhao Nan said softly: "But you have also begun to get in touch with will, and Anya and the others will probably soon. The one who managed to escape... Although their comprehensive combat power can indeed reach the level of one or two stars, in the battles above, the victory cannot be determined by pure combat power, so the will must be achieved. So I think, since it must be achieved, let me first understand the nature of will... Even if it takes two more steps, you don't need to take any wrong steps."

Finina frowned and said, "But I don't feel like there's anything wrong. It seems like it will just go down naturally."

As the Lord of Truth said, leave her alone. Just let her go at her own pace. But in fact, Zhao Nan's wariness towards the Lord of Truth has never stopped for a moment.

He shook his head and said, "It feels like there are times when things go wrong, right?"

Finina nodded noncommittally, then smiled slightly and said: "Then it's up to you."

Zhao Nan was quite moved by being able to bow his head happily in front of the temptation of the Will Domain. He then took Finina's hand and held it: "Actually, you don't have to learn the Will Domain to fight against the gods. You Look. After Tuoba's spiritual skills break through the third stage, won't they be able to survive under Augustus' will for a while? So, instead of learning an unfamiliar field of will, it's better to continue to develop it. The potential of Ling Zi Technique is even better... Since there is a third stage, then there will naturally be a fourth stage and so on. And doesn’t it take you longer to practice Ling Zi Technique?”

"You say one thing after another, it seems quite unreasonable?" Finina said with a smile.

Zhao Nan suddenly touched her ear. He blew a breath of hot air and said, "Didn't I just use crooked reasoning to lure you out of the boss's weapons shop?"

Finina's face turned red, she rolled her eyes at Zhao Nan, turned away and said, "I know, can I try to develop my own spiritual skills? Orises and Oluga are still there."

"Hahaha, we're an old couple. What's there to be ashamed of?" Zhao Nan was very kind-skinned.

"I left the things here. I'll pack them up after I finish eating... I'm going to see little Youni take a nap!" Finina couldn't bear Zhao Nan's very rare flirtatious words and returned to Jingshi as if running for her life.

Zhao Nan picked up a piece of biscuit and put it into his mouth, while his eyes continued to fall on the sea of ​​clouds in front of him.

I don't like perfect characters... Finina is Finina, as long as she is the same as before. Since her will will make her cold, then just don't let her continue to practice... Since her personality starts to become cold, then use affection and desire to arouse the restlessness in her heart.

"Besides, the effect is pretty good." Zhao Nan said to himself: "Let her walk at her own pace... Doesn't that mean you let me walk at your pace?"

Lord of truth?

"What her pace and his pace?"

A sudden voice came, and Zhao Nan was almost startled. He saw that Olga had appeared behind him at some point, with an expression on his face that he had never expressed to Zhao Nan since he met Orises until now. Nan showed a debt-like expression with more than half a smile.

"It's nothing, just sighing about something." Zhao Nan shrugged.

Olga snorted coldly, "Go back, Augustus has something to ask you."


The smart door opened with a bang, and under the unkind eyes of the Holy Dragon Girl, Zhao Nan bravely walked into Augustus's dormitory.

The door slammed shut again, but she didn't come in?

In front of him, the most powerful woman in the major league was sitting with Zhao Nan on her back. She did not turn around, but simply said calmly: "Here?"

"Your Excellency, CEO, what do you want from me..." Zhao Nan frowned.

He really frowned.

At this time, Augustus unbuttoned his shirt, exposing his entire smooth back...

OK? ? ? (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

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