Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 853: Racial Allies (2)

"You won't show up?"

On the armed spaceship, Zhao Nan looked at Augustus and Oluga sitting quietly next to her in surprise. Judging from her previous request for Zhao Nan to help solve the problem of World Tree, Augustus was quite worried about the matter of the Major Alliance. But Zhao Nan was a little puzzled that he didn't show up.

Augustus shook his head and said: "Not showing up does not mean that I will not act. But I will only act with you. After the World Tree incident is resolved this time, the Grand Alliance will no longer have Augustus. Just When the red mist disaster started, I was ready to die."

Achilles, who was shocked to hear this, could no longer maintain his indifferent mood at this moment, and blurted out: "Teacher, why?"

Augustus smiled slightly and said: "Achilles, I watched you grow. Now I have nothing to give you. As long as you can cultivate to a level that can withstand Ubuu's power, you will be the strongest in the Grand Alliance." It’s not me, it’s you. So you have to think carefully about what to do next.”

Achilles frowned and was silent.

Zhao Nan looked at the gathering place where the Allied troops were approaching, and suddenly said: "If this matter is successfully resolved, where are you going to go?"

"Looking for someone." Augustus said calmly.

Zhao Nan was not too surprised and nodded, thinking: It is indeed so.

The only person Augustus can find is probably the Lord of Truth who doesn't know where he is hiding, let alone what his intentions are.

After walking all the way, an hour later, we could see a large connected huge mountain range that was originally green but was now as bare as yellow mud. After crossing this mountain range, at the speed of an armed spaceship, you can break into the original Blood River Hell Basin in about an hour. And this is a connected mountain top. At this moment, it is the gathering place of the racial allies.

Several bare hilltops were already crowded with people, and one of them was even more densely packed. Here the air is almost too heavy to walk.

Because almost all the truly strong people who survived in the abandoned land live here.

The most powerful alchemy warrior of the alchemy clan, and the king of the beast-controlling demon clan. The Saint of the Superpower Clan, the Beast King of the Warcraft Clan, and the Gods of the Great Alliance.

They turned into the five points of a pentagram and now stood on a flat piece of gravel.

"Everyone, we must come up with an attack plan today. Spending time like this is simply a waste of life." The first person to speak was a man named Jin, an alchemist warrior who was the leader of the alchemist clan. He was emaciated. Wearing a black robe, but from the exposed hands and face, you can see dense red tattoos, "It has been more than three days since we got together."

After Jin finished speaking, a strong man with white hair and white eyes wearing simple flaxen clothes among the supernatural clan said in a deep voice: "Our people are already searching for the strange plant forest in the Blood River Hell." The specific situation is. The number of enemies is dozens of times greater than ours. If we cannot find the exact feasible route and the identity of these roots, any attack will be in vain."

The man with white hair and white eyes is a saint among the superpowers. He has the superpowers of storm and thunder, and can cause horrific natural disasters. The so-called saints naturally cannot be compared with the real saints of previous eras. It's just a title given to the most powerful one among the superpowers in the abandoned land. He calls himself Lei Zhen.

The representative of the beast-controlling demon clan. A handsome man with a fiery red head and waist, but there was a cross scar on his face that ruined his beauty. On his shoulder, there was a strange and furry creature squatting. The king of the trolls, Arenda. He didn't say a word at this time, just teasing the fur ball on his shoulder. Just as silent as him, there was another humanoid lying on the ground, the size of which was only about the size of a two-meter-tall strong man... a golden-haired monkey? Chimpanzees? Or ape?

The Beast King of the Warcraft clan can almost be said to be a collection of these three creatures, except that there are three tails of equal length on his back, which is a bit weird. It yawned, turned over, and seemed to fall asleep again.

At this moment, an old man in white robes sighed at the last party, the representative table of the major alliance. Although they are all assembled for the battle of survival, it is obviously a big problem to get these guys to work together. These guys are already creatures from the past era, and there are only as many as there are left in the abandoned land. Unlike the major alliance, even if a group of them die, they can be replenished from the paradise world after a while.

They were probably thinking about how to win with minimal casualties, right?

The abandoned land and the fighting strength of several races are almost gathered here. As for the territory that originally belonged to them, only the old, weak, women and children were left behind.

At this moment, several people present raised their heads and looked up. I saw a huge black shadow called an armed spaceship from the Sony clan that everyone was familiar with appeared in the sky.

Everyone has different expressions.

At this moment, two figures fell from the armed spaceship. Straightly, it landed in the middle of the crowd. One of them looks like a Sony guy, and the other one...

"Achilles?" The white-robed old man in the Grand Alliance couldn't help but exclaimed.

"I have met the elders of the temple." His Royal Highness nodded respectfully to the white-robed old man.

The so-called temple elders are one level higher than ordinary temple elders. According to the establishment of the temple alliance, the executive officer has the same status as the elders of each temple. The church elders have a higher status than ordinary executive officers. There is another system within the church that belongs to the executive, which is the church executive. The status of the temple executive is also higher than that of the elders and executive officers of ordinary temples.

Like Augustus, he is generally recognized as the CEO, but in fact he is a member of the church's executive officers. Of course, the most powerful woman who can be called a major league is definitely the number one among the temple executives.

The Grand Alliance has developed many strongholds in the Abandoned Land, but only the first three strongholds and fortresses can truly be called the Grand Alliance's strongholds in the Abandoned Land. The subsequent fortresses are generally weak in strength. Especially the headquarters. Those stationed there are church elders and church executives.

"How...why did you appear here?" The old man in white robe was happy at first, and then frowned, just because there was a Sony man beside Achilles who didn't know his purpose. He continued: "Have you ever seen him? His Highness Augustus?"

There was no emotion or anger on Achilles' face. He shook his head and said: "There was a disaster that day. I was separated from my teacher in the crusade. I was seriously injured and was rescued by the Sony people. I have been recovering from my injuries to this day."

It is a 'fact' that a large number of crusade troops were rescued by a certain battleship, one of the most treasured treasures of the Sony people, and have basically been reported back to the various tribes.

"Aren't these iron lumps indifferent? What are you doing here?" A small muttering came from behind a saint from the superpower clan.

Those who were here that day were all people with excellent hearing, so they could naturally hear clearly.

At this time, the Sony man who accompanied Achilles found the direction of the muttering with great accuracy. He spoke stiffly: "Sir, please pay attention to the accuracy of your language. If there is any misunderstanding, our Sony family will pursue it and reserve the right for you to analyze it."

"I also want to see how you can hold me accountable."

Lei Zhen stretched out his hand, and a man with supernatural powers took a step forward with a grin. His hair stood up automatically without wind and turned into a raging flame.

"Sir. Please pay attention to the accuracy of your language." The Sony man repeated calmly.

"I'm sure your whole family is scrap metal!" The man sneered, and his hands immediately turned into flaming arms. The provocative flavor is extremely strong.

In fact, this Sony man couldn't withstand a blow from this warrior with supernatural powers, right? Zhao Nan looked at the screen on the armed spaceship, because the Sony man on the ground was just a puppet with only a shell under his control.

"It's better not to have a conflict."

Augustus, who was sitting nearby, suddenly frowned and looked at Zhao Nan. "Business matters, don't pay attention."

Zhao Nan glanced at Augustus noncommittally and said calmly: "After all, if the Sony clan I am playing now doesn't act according to their style, wouldn't it be strange?"

That's right.

Search the entire abandoned land. You are the only one who can act like this by accident, right? If you don't tell me, even if the Sony man on the ground danced on the spot, it would at best be regarded as a short circuit. Who would have thought that it was just an empty shell? Olga couldn't help but think with contempt in her heart.

"Don't worry, I'm measured." Zhao Nan shook his head.

Then he closed his eyes.

There are many people with supernatural powers on the ground, so this kind of control is achieved through the thinking sensing technology of the Sony family, rather than Alice's mental powers.

he said.

That is to say, the Sony man on the ground said: "Sir, please calm down, otherwise we will regard your behavior as a provocation against our clan.

As soon as he finished speaking, the gates on the armed spacecraft high in the sky opened, and the sharp muzzles popped out, vaguely making an attack posture.

"We are just here for negotiation. In an hour, our family's most valuable and stunning battleship will arrive."

It is rumored that the Sony clan has four treasure battleships, but few people have actually seen these four treasures appear at the same time. Once upon a time when the puppets went deep into the lair of the Sony tribe, all they saw was a terrifying and huge object that looked like a huge mountain range.

However, talking about the battleship, one of the most precious treasures, is not just talk. If a stunning battleship appears, although it may not be able to defeat the allies of all races present here, if there really is a fight, there will be at least one-third casualties, right?

In the Abandoned Land, about three or two epochs ago, in order to deter attacks from other tribes, the battleships of the Sony tribe once launched a single-shot main gun attack, destroying a huge mountain range.

That kind of huge power is still unsurpassed by no one!

The man who controlled the fire seemed to have frozen the burning flames. He stopped beating and frowned.

He has the ability to take down an armed spaceship, but he has no ability to resist that... flying warship that rules the sky in the abandoned land! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

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