Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 859: It’s more direct to ask with your fist

The golden leaves were swaying in the storm, and the world tree forest was emitting bright golden light. At this moment, everyone's shadows became infinitely faded.

It's like being in a world without shadows.

At this moment, no matter where it is in the World Tree Forest, everything is almost at a standstill. Everyone is looking up at the Lord of Truth in the highest place.

No one understood what he meant.

At this moment, the Lord of Truth landed from the point where the ripples were released, and just landed on one of the main trunks of the World Tree, and the sound came again.

"Well... the game started a bit suddenly. To express my apology, I would like to tell you that the one under my feet is the true body of the World Tree. Its core is at the deepest point here. I am at the last core, waiting for the brave man. It’s coming…”

After finishing speaking, the Lord of Truth had disappeared into the golden crown!

In the World Tree Forest, Augustus, who was fighting the guards, watched the Lord of Truth disappear in silence, but the speed slowed down.

"That... madman! What exactly do you want to do!"

Oluga's extremely angry voice came, and a huge dragon roar was released at the crown of the parent tree of the World Tree, as if he was questioning it!

However, the guards did not let go of their distraction. At this moment, they released terrifying explosive dust again, covering all the space within a few hundred meters in an instant!


Augustus was a little slow to react!

However, before this terrifying power was released, the surrounding dust and swaying leaves stopped for an instant, including the attacking guard, who was also motionless at this time.

A shadow appeared in front of Augustus and Olga at this moment. The holy dragon said nothing. He just made a huge roar, and Augustus frowned, "You guy!"

Smiling slightly, "I'll be waiting for you at the core... If it's Augustus, he will definitely be able to find me, right?"

Just conveying a word. The shadow has disappeared.

Augustus was stunned. At this moment, everything that had been paused was started again! Boom boom boom! ! The powerful power instantly filled the surrounding space.

Only an angry shout was heard, and a huge sword light broke through everything. Riding the holy dragon, the silver armor on his body was broken in many places. Augustus, who was holding a blunt sword, was covered with silver light. On the contrary, it became stronger.

"Absolutely... I'll let you analyze it clearly!"

"I don't know what you are talking about. But in your current state, do you want to defeat me?" The guard laughed and exclaimed: "The mother tree is beginning to gather strength! My strength is also increasing, hahaha!"

The silver light surged, Augustus held the sword in both hands, and crackling sounds were heard in the air around him.

"I will transform into the depriver who brings absolute darkness - the small world of the domain, unlimited plunder!"

The area covered by the silver light was only a hundred meters away. However, within a hundred meters, the guard began to look frightened!

The immense power within its body. All the strength was flowing away crazily at this moment! The uncontrollable power from his body turned into a substance-like fluid, pouring onto the opponent in front of him from all directions!

Unlimited plunder... What is being plundered is actually the opponent's power!

"Don't block me!!"

The huge blunt sword slashed down from above! The huge impact caused the guard's body to turn into dust that was no longer visible to the naked eye in an instant, and a huge silver flash shot straight into the sky. The moment the female Holy Dragon Knight landed, the entire ground sank more than ten meters thick. And with this as the center, it spread to pieces over a distance of more than a kilometer.

Everything was destroyed in this moment.

Dragon Sword Skill—God-Slaying!

The guard never appeared again. Augustus pulled out the blunt sword that had been cut into the soil as hard as steel, and said indifferently: "Oluga, let's go...find that guy!"

Even if you try your best. The attack that was also difficult to release appeared in the World Tree Forest at this moment. The golden forest was almost enveloped by the terrifying wind, thunder, huge crystals shooting out, and the roar of wild beasts. All of this made the group of people on the battleship preparing to attack feel a little helpless.

"We... are really young."

Tuoba Xiaocao's seemingly pale and feeble voice could not be heard in the strong wind, but it appeared equally clearly in everyone's hearts.

It seems that to become a god, you need to complete special tasks at the advanced messenger. Even with the relationship of having a cheap father-in-law, Boss Hai Haien did not provide Zhao Nan with an eighty-level scroll in the end... Perhaps the boss himself never thought that Zhao Nan and others could reach the epic level in such a short period of time. The limit.

Levels have basically stagnated.

Only will or spirit skills can once again increase everyone's combat power... However, in their current situation, facing various powerful masters who have used the forbidden power of the Abandoned Land, they are like The fragility of a child.

Zhao Nan almost fell into a dead end of thinking... It seemed that there were some things that he couldn't think clearly.

I promise not to do anything. If I deceive you, I will die badly... He seemed to remember what the Lord of Truth said a long time ago.

As the Lord of Truth, who is the Sub-Divine King of Gods, is he really so shameless and completely disregards what he said?


While thinking, high in the sky, two terrifying beams of light passed by the Jingjing Battleship in an instant, and shot down into the World Tree Forest! The power of these two beams of light was like two extremely sharp swords, almost sweeping across the entire World Tree Forest!

Cut it open!

The light pillar continued to extend, and everything was reduced to nothing under the attack of the light pillar, until they extended all the way to the main body of the World Tree!

The crown of the World Tree's parent body emitted an extremely dazzling light at this time, and a huge light film fell from the crown, blocking the two light beams!

However, the scattered light beam. It turned into a terrifying attack and destroyed about one-seventh of the World Tree forest in an instant.

This is... the main gun fired by the other two battleships!

At some point, Gangyadis was once again projected in front of Zhao Nan and others, and said frankly: "The main guns of Kalmadi and Hades are not enough to shake the gathered power of the World Tree. Let's cooperate."


"Yes, you just need to choose to cooperate with me. As long as three rounds of main guns fire at maximum power, it will be enough to break the defense of World Tree. But it cannot break the strange power that imprisons everything here."

Gangiadis waved his hand, and many images appeared in front of everyone: "Now the external space has begun to collapse, and only this place is safe. What the strange creature said is 70% credible. , it may be able to allow individuals who have successfully pulled out the core of the World Tree to leave safely. Therefore, the best solution is for me to cooperate with you."

The dry earth began to crumble, and countless black holes appeared in the sky, swallowing everything. The abandoned land has now begun to completely collapse!

"If you don't choose to cooperate, I will have to take over Jingshi again by force, as long as the reactor and main gun can be used."

In fact, Ganyatis still prefers to maintain a non-violent cooperation method. It can be said that this guy is actually a pacifist in nature.

Zhao Nan had almost no room to refuse Gangyatis.

Only a group of them, as the chosen ones, appear weak in front of the World Tree, in front of the racial allies, and in front of the Lord of Truth. However, he has an amazing battleship. He has the capital to cooperate with Gangyadis and compete with everyone.

Only those who successfully pull out the core will have a quota to leave this place...that is. This is a racial fight based on the premise of pulling out the core of the World Tree!

"Okay, let's cooperate." Zhao Nan nodded.

At this moment, two figures stepped onto the battleship at high speed, namely Osfen and Valkini.

Surrounding Osfen and Valkini, there were a terrifying number of soul crystal fragments floating around, and even a complete soul crystal.

"Oops. It's so inconvenient to carry this thing with you. Junior brother, take it somewhere and put it somewhere first!"

Zhao Nan couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "Senior brother... now is not the time to care about such things. Didn't you see the changes just now?"

Osfen shrugged and said, "Well... at that level, even Valkyni and I can't do it. But it's not our character to just sit back and watch."

Osfen smiled and said: "But... it can still be done in a fight, right? Rather than fighting too much, there are some things in a good fight. Won't you understand it in the end?"

He narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhao Nan, and said softly: "Junior brother...sometimes, after all the calculations, you still can't get the result. In fact, it's more direct to ask with your fists, isn't it?"

"You can't escape, but when you can fight hard, it's better to compete, right?" Valkyn took over Osfen's words.

Zhao Nan was stunned.

After being stunned for a moment, he let out a long breath.

"On the contrary...I can't turn the corner."

Zhao Nan took a deep breath, looked at Osfen and Valkini and said: "Brother and sister, since we are going to fight, let's fight with a narrow escape! How can the battle on the periphery be compared to the battle in the center? Part of those old monsters from the Abandoned Land?"

"Everyone...just let me do whatever I want for once!"

A strong soul throbbing came, which was unique to Zhao Nan. His instinct was to make decisions faster than his thinking.

"Amazing battleship, move forward at full speed, open the main guns! Gangyadis, if you want to cooperate with me, just come up with me!"

Following his voice, the thrusters of the stunning battleship were released with maximum power in an instant!

It was actually heading directly to the World Tree Forest.

Zhao Nan seemed to be going crazy! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

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