Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 888 The Deep Sea and the Deep Abyss (4)

Riviera's health was still about one-third, and theoretically he still had the ability to continue fighting. {3w. However, after a long period of confrontation, the small world of this colorful fish-man was finally shattered by Augustus and Zhao Nan who took action in secret.

The broken little world needs a period of repair to recover. During this period, only the will of the first level of the domain can be used. Obviously, a person with only one level of will will never be able to raise his head in a small world full of predatory and aggressive attacks.

To say that he lost is actually not a strange thing.

Returning to the sea level, under the domineering control, the colorful scale murloc was in a state of being completely unable to move. As for the victim this time, he narrowed his eyes at Riverland with bitter hatred.

However, the fish-man, who had fallen into a state of despair, said sadly: "Melushi... why are you looking at me like this? Is it because I failed to save you from these evil people?"

Tuoba Xiaocao was stunned for a moment, his face turning almost the color of pig liver.

"Melusi, wait, I will defeat these evil people soon and rescue you! Just wait!"

"Damn it, did your head get caught in the door panel! Look clearly, I'm not some Melushi, you bastard!"

", how did you become like this? Were you very gentle before? Oh, I understand, it must be that after you turned into a human, you forgot what happened before! It must be these evil people, I’ll train you to look like this! I won’t let you go, let you go!”

"Damn it, stop calling me Melushi, you bastard!"

The Black Spear King, who was on the verge of going berserk, finally couldn't bear it anymore when he looked at the affectionate gaze of this fish man, without asking for anyone's opinion. He raised his legs and stepped on the ship's plank, "Fuck, die, die, die!!!! My goosebumps are standing on end!"

"Melusi... when you regain your fish-man body, you will definitely remember me! Once, in the deep sea, we looked up at the crimson moon that happens once in a hundred years, and made an oath to never forget each other... …”

"Fuck! Someone give me scissors, I'm going to cut off this bitch's brain!!!!"


"Fuck...I'm going crazy!!"

Zhao Nan shook his head. Although it suddenly felt good to watch these two guys talking nonsense here, it was just a feeling. He took a step forward, and Tuoba Xiaocao and Li Weilan were immediately forced to distance themselves.

Ignoring Tuoba Xiaocao's anger from new worries and old grudges, Zhao Nanyun said calmly: "Tuoba, don't you want to remove the mark on your body?"

Just one sentence made the Black Spear King reluctantly calm down.

Zhao Nan walked in front of Riverland and looked at it...looking at the resentment in the other person's eyes.

Zhao Nan walked around Riverland and suddenly said: "Is this interesting to you?"

Riverland seemed not to hear, and remained silent.

Zhao Nan took a step back and said as if he didn't mind: "Your lover, Meluxi, is already dead, right?"

This sentence struck a chord in Riverland's heart. He could no longer pretend that he didn't know, and roared: "How dare you say that! I will definitely kill you! Kill you?"

Zhao Nan was undaunted and continued to rub salt into the wound: "You know better than anyone else if you talk nonsense. If I talk nonsense, who are you going to show when you turn into a stone statue and sink to the bottom of the sea? ?”

"Kill you!!!"

"You are incompetent. You are just my prisoner now." Zhao Nan suddenly sneered: "I will just think that this woman is really Mei Luxi. What can you do now? Like an idiot child, you have lost your beloved Is the toy just crying and fussing?"

"Kill you!!"

"Then you do it now. I'll watch." Zhao Nan took a step forward, and the distance between the two was no more than one foot.

The green roots on Riverland's forehead suddenly swelled up. Apparently he was resisting Zhao Nan's control. Its arm was raised bit by bit, but it could only be raised a few inches before it could no longer move forward.

The fishman with colorful scales had particularly prominent eyes at this time, his pupils dilated crazily, blood flowed from the corners of his eyes, and blood overflowed from his lips. It was obviously a desperate gesture.

Zhao Nan said calmly at this time: "Just resist me and lose your life. I think you don't have to turn into a stone sculpture to wait for your lover this time. You can directly turn into ashes and scatter them on this sea area... I hope Your soul will not fade away."

Riverland's eyes suddenly trembled slightly, and his body that was resisting also relaxed slumped at this moment. Seeing that the goal has almost been achieved. Zhao Nan also sighed in his heart.

The will hidden by this guy is still quite strong at first level, and the magic words can hardly shake its will. It is impossible to directly control Riviera to unlock the mark on Kaiba Xiaocao.

As for the other control-type secret treasure that Zhao Nan has on hand, which is even more powerful than the magic words... it is actually ineffective against fishmen. It seems that in terms of classification, fishmen are not classified into the monster system. The demon seeds are therefore useless.

Then, facing this kind of mental patient who is completely immersed in self-delusion and trapped in his own world, we can only use more drastic methods... To be honest, Zhao Nan has no hatred for the Sea Tribe's invasion of the land world. It can be said.

Some of them just felt sad for the creatures hiding in the deep sea... They would invade the land in advance under the guidance of the system. As for Li Weilan, Zhao Nan would not even want to kill him if he could.

As for why... it was probably a feeling of mutual appreciation.

Willing to turn into a statue and sink into the sea to wait for the return of his lover, this can be regarded as a man of great affection, right? If he were in Li Weilan's shoes, Zhao Nan could understand Li Weilan's feelings.

At this moment, looking at Li Weilan, who looked depressed and had obviously regained his composure, Zhao Nan whispered: "Remove the mark of my companion."

Li Weilan looked at Zhao Nan, pursed his lips and did not speak, but a look of pain gradually became clear between his eyebrows.

Zhao Nan sighed and said: "Maybe my companion and your lover are indeed somewhat similar, right? But I can tell you clearly that even if your lover is reincarnated, it will definitely not be the one in front of you."

Li Weilan's body could not move, but his eyes could move. Its eyes turned to Tuoba Xiaocao, and it hesitated as if it wanted to say something. However, it was met with Tuoba Xiaocao's angry glare, and it couldn't say a word.

Zhao Nan saw that Li Weilan seemed to be almost awake, and then said: "How about this, as a condition for unlocking the mark, we help you find the reincarnation of Melusi?"

"What...what?" Li Weilan was stunned.

"I said, maybe we can help you find the reincarnation of your lover." Zhao Nan said softly: "It's the real thing, not a fake."

"You..." Li Weilan's eyes suddenly became bright, and what he saw at that moment was not unconsciousness, but clarity: "Impossible... I have searched countless times and exhausted most of my life's energy but still can't find it. What can you do?"

"How do you know if you don't try?" Zhao Nan said calmly: "If you don't try, are you going to use a fake to replace the real person? If you really love your lover deeply... Aren't you afraid that the replacement will eventually hurt Melusi? What if she reincarnates and knows?"

Li Weilan's eyes couldn't help jumping.

This is the contradiction in its heart-the contradiction makes it close to madness, and it acts instinctively to avoid the pain in its heart.

"You... do you really have a way to help me find Melusi?"

"I dare not guarantee it, but if it comes to clues, it will eventually be found." Zhao Nan said earnestly: "The truth is so simple, believe me and you will have the opportunity to meet your true love again. But if you don't believe me, you will lose this opportunity... forever."

Li Weilaner pondered for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth and said: "Let me go first."

The moment Zhao Nan heard this, Li Weilaner was able to move freely. The colorful fish man looked at Zhao Nan deeply at this time, and then turned to look at Tuoba Xiaocao, his eyes became a little complicated.

The glare of the Black Spear King has never weakened, and there is a posture that if you don't let me untie the mark, I will really cut off your lower body.

Li Weilaner finally sighed deeply and his lips moved slightly. As the strange figure came out of its mouth, the tattoo on Tuoba Xiaocao's body turned into wisps of smoke, and finally gathered on her head, gathering into a dripping pearl that looked like blue tears flowing in it.

Finally, it fell into Tuoba Xiaocao's hand.

——Deep Blue Tears (Female)

"I'm sorry, young lady." Li Weilan lowered his head: "Because of my persistence, you have suffered. This pearl, just regard it as my apology."

Tuoba Xiaocao pinched the pearl in his hand, and said unexpectedly generously: "Forget it, I'm not a petty person! As long as you don't look at me with such disgusting eyes, then forget it."

Li Weilan smiled bitterly, then turned to look at Zhao Nan, took a deep breath and said: "I'm sorry, I did this to your lover... I hope you don't mind."

Zhao Nan was stunned... It seems that the previous misunderstanding has not been explained clearly.

"Fuck, I'll just cut off your lower body!" Tuoba Xiaocao took the pearl in his hand back to his personal space, "Speaking of this! Come on, let's settle all the new and old grudges today, bastard! If you have the guts, don't fight me with your will!!" "Okay, practice, I haven't seen how much you have improved for a long time." Zhao Nan sneered. Then the fight started. It really started! ! Xu Yang sighed and said helplessly: "There is a saying that if Xiaocao is a boy, he will definitely be my good friend?" Finina sighed, with a soft glow on her face, "Isn't this good? Don't you think... this is very similar to the days in the Star Spirit Realm?" PS: Come on, the title of the previous chapter is definitely not a typo. Because I will never admit that I made a typo =. = (To be continued, please search for Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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