Global Monster Online

Chapter 896: Heavy Bleeding

As the stones on the dragon mother's body peeled off, Olga produced an even more shocking roar. 》

Almost desperate!

On the Dragon Army warship at the seaside, using the power of the Kraken Mage, the five dragon generals who were observing all this not only saw what was going on between the dragon and the stone statue, but even saw him lying in a pool of blood. , sounds like the voice of the evil dragon leader who will die at any time!

Naturally, not only the Five Dragon Generals saw this scene, but the crew members on the ship also saw it clearly!

"Lord Cozman...this, this..."

Facing the horrified adjutant, Cozman...the dragon's biological brother was even more confused at this moment! As a member of the Sea Serpent Royal Family, it knows much less about blood erosion than it does under the command of an evil dragon! As for this stone statue used for blood erosion, it is not an exaggeration to say that it can even be called the most perfect individual!

For this reason, the evil dragon leader did not hesitate to take risks, entrenched himself here, and continuously slaughtered the passing invading troops. He was in danger of being wiped out by the Seven Lords of the Ocean at any time, and he wanted to erode this statue with blood.

It’s not for anything else, just for the peerless power that can finally reach the peak of the current Color Scale Murloc Dynasty and reproduce the glory of the Sea Serpent Royal Family’s rule in the past!

"Damn it... You were so close, but you actually failed..." Kozman sighed, and while feeling resentful in his heart, he also said with regret: Evil dragon, evil dragon... Although you are incapable of achieving great feats, it's a pity that you won't succeed in the end. It's bad luck. Although I have the heart to help you, you are disappointing me too much now.

But I still have an army of 300,000 evil dragons. You fed me with the blood of the devil fish, which can be considered a help to me...

"Send the order, all the soldiers on the island return quickly, and the entire army retreats from the Dragon Sea!" Cozman's voice clearly reached several nearby warships.

All the soldiers felt relieved.

"Huh... I finally finished the battle before the maze disappeared... How many levels has your girl improved?" The moment he landed. Xu Yang wiped his sweat and said.

"If it's pretty good, we will soon catch up with us." Finina smiled.

Tuoba Xiaocao stretched out his hand and pinched Little Youni's face, spread his hands and said: "Hurry up and catch up with us, but you don't even have a main profession... How did this girl advance? This is unscientific!!"

Finina reached out and patted Tuoba Xiaocao's hand away. The baby she gave birth to was considered special. He wouldn't think there was anything wrong, "Xiaocao, compared to caring about this, it doesn't seem to be much better over there."

"Speaking of which..."

Everyone looked up and saw that the scene above that day was really weird.

"I always feel like my brother has encountered something terrible again." Ye Anya sighed: "It's really hard to understand. This kind of physique will encounter trouble wherever you go."

"Little doesn't seem good to say such things to adults behind your back?"

Anya Ye shrugged, even though she said so, she was already ready to head towards the cliff.

Killing the personal guards can be regarded as increasing experience points for Xiao Yuni. But the next thing always feels not easy. Finina finally froze Xiao Youni from Ye Ruofeng's hand and put it away temporarily.

It turned into a meteor and headed towards the cliff.

At this time, Riverland looked pale.

"It's not good... Olga has completely closed her mind... and ran away!" Augustus showed a slightly panicked look!

In the sky, because of his mother's mutation, the Silver-Winged Holy Dragon Emperor's eyes were red at the moment, he stopped talking, and his roar to the sky shook the entire island!

The huge dragon power carries the Dragon King's will. In an instant, the surrounding space was distorted.

"Could she be planning to burn the small world and seal everything here..." Levilan suddenly broke into a cold sweat. "Damn, damn!!"

The small world is burning in an almost desperate state.

At this moment, Zhao Nan is faced with only two choices: make every effort to leave the island before the seal or the stone statue is completed, and let us figure out what happens in the future; or else stay and face the seal or death?


Another dragon roar sounded in the bottom of my heart. That was the cry from Orises. It seemed that he sensed Olga's madness, and a pain continued to flow from the sky dragon's heart.

This is a feeling of sadness that Zhao Nan cannot ignore.

A red light flashed out, Zhao Nan took a deep breath, and the two merged into the Dragon King state. Augustus was alarmed: "What are you going to do?"

"There was really one blood, and then another..." Zhao Nan sighed and said, "This time it was really heavy bleeding."

White light flashed. A necklace exuding soft brilliance appeared in his hand at this moment. Almost as soon as the necklace appeared, Zhao Nan threw it into Augustus's hand.

"What's this?"

Zhao Nan said in surprise: "Listen, I don't have time to explain its origin. But this thing has too many practical limitations... I need to dare to smash the statue directly before the dragon mother completes the blood erosion."

"You are going to kill Olga's mother!" Anger instantly appeared on Augustus's face.

"Listen to me!" Zhao Nan shouted sternly, "The things you have on hand can revive the Dragon Mother! But you only have ten seconds! In addition, the time cannot be delayed... because when the Dragon Mother's power exceeds yours by too much, , it will be invalid.”

Augustus' expression was unpredictable. The necklace with gems in his hand could actually resurrect a silver-winged holy dragon... Is this true?

"Really?" Augustus still hesitated slightly.

Zhao Nan knew that these words were a bit too far-fetched to talk about, but the existence of the resurrection gem was indeed so heaven-defying... Of course, there was also the even more heaven-defying eternal resurrection gem. But that gem was left by Zhao Nan for his relatives, and it was definitely the bottom line among the bottom lines!

"Girl, don't you even believe my words?" Zhao Nan's voice suddenly became softer.

This tone immediately made Augustus look away, gritted his teeth, clenched the necklace in his hand, and said without saltiness, "Anyway, you have been cheating on me."

Zhao Nan suddenly smiled bitterly... As the Lord of Truth, his credibility is indeed very low.

"But...since there is no other way, let's give it a try." Augustus took a deep breath, "What are you going to do? Tell me!"

Although I have been deceived time and time again, I still followed my instinct and chose the side I believed. Zhao Nan was somewhat moved.

"I will smash the statue with all my strength... When the statue is shattered, just hold this gem high and say out the Dragon Mother's true name. You should know that, right?"

Augustus nodded.

"Can Oluga hear you?"

Augustus shook his head and said, "She can't listen to anything now."

Zhao Nan sighed and said: "The only way you can restrain Oluga is to let me destroy the statue... After all, there is a contract between you, so it's not easy to do anything about it. Anyway, the sins on my hands are heavy enough. Also. Don’t care about this one more.”

Let's talk, the Void Soul Devourer flashed out, and the moment the blue-black sword appeared, Riverland's whole body jumped with fear, and he instinctively took a few steps back!

However, a scene that shocked Riverland appeared!

Wearing the fiery red Dragon Kai, Zhao Nan suddenly stabbed the big sword in his hand at this moment and pierced his abdomen, while enduring horrific pain. The blood on the wound is rushing!

Blade of the Evil King! !

While the health value was regressing rapidly, Zhao Nan's will was also increasing crazily... When the health value regressed to the remaining 50%, he chose to stop. Zhao Nan groaned and poured in a high-level blood-restoring agent to keep the injury at about fifty.

"You...what's wrong with you?" Augustus said with some unbearable expression on his face.

"I can't die..." Zhao Nan took a sharp breath and rose into the sky instantly, "It's no longer necessary! Augustus, prepare to take action!!"

He held the resurrection gem in his hand a little tighter. Augustus bit his silver teeth and charged forward with his sword. He even climbed up to Zhao Nan's side in an instant.

Her extremely slight voice came: " careful. If you die...little Augustus will be sad."

Zhao Nan nodded.

The five-fold improvement of the small world, at this time, in an absolutely domineering manner, simultaneously issued a command to dominate, causing the already berserk Olga to separate from the stone statue in an instant!

At the same time, Augustus struck his blunt sword directly into Olga's abdomen. Move it to a higher place!

The heads of Zhao Nan and the stone statue are almost at the same level. Now more than half of the stones on Dragon Mother's body were broken, and her eyes were exposed, which were extremely painful eyes.

"After all, you are half the mother of Orises... But I have to kill you once, I'm sorry." Zhao Nan murmured softly.

Overbearing control, total liberation!

A large amount of nearby air compressed in an instant. It turned into a sharp spear and pierced directly into the body of the Dragon Mother! I saw huge wounds appearing on the dragon's body!

The Mother of Dragons' power is now equal to Augustus... It would be bad if it continues to grow!

"How dare you kill my mother! How dare you! How dare you!!!!!!!"

"Oluga, listen to me, this is not what you saw!!" Augustus said loudly.


Huge silver dragon flames spurted out from Olga's mouth, and Augustus almost didn't react in time and crashed directly into Zhao Nan's back!

At the same moment, an explosion erupted from Zhao Nan's mouth, and Dragon Mother's entire body was completely shattered...

Roar--! ! ! ! !

Rumble——! ! !

Among the huge explosions and dragon roars, the voice of Augustus reciting his name was completely covered up.

Below, the entire mountain peak has been destroyed by the spray of silver dragon flames.

"So what happened."

In the distance, only a few hundred meters away from the Hai Clan battlefield, Cozman frowned and looked at all this, his expression changed several times, and he finally ordered a full speed evacuation.

ps: I am weakly asking for recommendations for the new book... If there are any classmates who are still strong after 12 o'clock, please give a few recommendation votes to the new book so that it can be on the small list... (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature , the novel is better and updated faster!

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