Global Movie Emperor

Chapter 130: Attitude of Movie Fans

It was nearly one o'clock in the morning, Lu Bo drove home from the cinema. As a literary young man, his daily drink is either coffee or tea, and he must have a strong style and accent.

I took out the coffee beans from the glass cabinet and ground them. I put them in the coffee machine and drank without rushing. After taking a shower, I took a cup with milk but no sugar.

Opened the laptop, put the coffee cup away, took out the notebook from the bag, and observed the fruits of today's labor. After the premiere, he watched Mr. Shu twice more. Now recall every word Shu said. , every turning point is deeply remembered in his mind.

He was still feeling the climax of the last scene of the movie, the scene of the tree walking into the distance under the blood-red sky. That scene was not the peak of the plot, but the shock brought by the color adjustment.

I opened my notebook, created a new document in my computer, typed the notes I recorded into the document, gently touched the beard on my chin, touched the bar in the middle of my glasses with my middle finger, and began to try to write this book. Movie reviews.

How many huge shocks does it take to destroy a person?

First, break his self-esteem outside, make him become introverted and cowardly, and make him feel that everyone outside looks down on him.

Second, it destroys his status in the family, makes him feel the coldness from the family, and completely loses the person to confide in.

Finally, the shadows and fears in his heart were triggered, making it difficult for a person not to go crazy.

This is not just the mental journey of a rural person who was driven crazy by stimulation, but also the epitome of many people being beaten down by life and the self-doubt they have after encountering setbacks. It’s just that some people are lucky enough to be encouraged by others and stand up after falling. got up.

And some people, after failure, are still stimulated by the outside world and family, and fall into the abyss forever.

When did Shu become crazy? Maybe it was when he was beaten by his younger brother, or maybe when Shu knelt down to apologize to Er Zhu, he was already crazy. ...

At the end of the film, Shu's mother leaves in her brother's car. This may be Director Zhuang Yu's warning to the audience. When you give up on yourself, your family may also give up on you and leave you in that forever cold place. , hiding alone in the tree.

It cannot be denied that Zhuang Yu, as a new director and screenwriter, has given movie fans a huge surprise. Maybe he is a little immature in the editing and shooting techniques of the film, but he does have his own uniqueness in the use of colors and plot design. place.

And Lu Ze, this 26-year-old new actor who debuted for more than a year, really broke my original impression of him in this movie. In my previous memory, he was just a facial paralysis, maybe he had a lot of dialogue skills. The above is remarkable, but the rest is not worth mentioning.

But now, his progress is so huge that I am stunned. I still remember those twisted hands, inarticulate language, and the indifference when he finally went crazy. I have to applaud him. At least for the role of Mr. Shu, I I have to admit that I am a fan of his movies.

And his level of professionalism is beyond my imagination. Compared to now, when he is called a dedicated actor without being late or leaving early, it is simply incomparable. Maybe this is the reason why he has made huge progress in a short period of time.

Finally, let’s make a prediction. The dark horse of this year’s film festival has been born. In this year when literary and artistic films are declining, "Hello, Mr. Tree" has a high chance of winning. Literary and artistic film lovers who have not seen this movie must go and watch it. .

After typing the last period, he looked at the document. He had written more than two thousand words. He looked up at the clock and saw that it was already past three o'clock.

After posting the movie review, he took off his glasses, rubbed the corners of his eyes, poured out the cold coffee, brushed his teeth again, turned off the bedside lamp, and closed his eyes on his side. Maybe his sleep tonight would not be so good. Sweet.


Since the premiere at noon, Douban comments about "Mr. Tree" have gradually started to appear. Some say they can't understand it, some say they don't like it, and most of them like it but don't dare to watch it again.

Indeed, the entire film becomes more and more depressing from the beginning to the end. This kind of film without a moment of catharsis will naturally not be liked by most people.

Because it had just been released and the number of people was too small, the ratings fluctuated. The highest was 9.5, and the lowest was even 6.0. It was not until the middle of the night that the number of active people decreased and the number of comments increased, and it began to stabilize. , settled at a score of eight point two.

Of course, as time goes by and more and more people rate it, the ratings of this drama will get lower and lower, but at least it’s off to a good start, right?

As of around two o'clock in the middle of the night, the night owls who were still awake were still debating in the group whether "Mr. Tree" was excellent or not, each holding their own opinions and having a long discussion.

The vast majority of literary and artistic young people like this movie, but there are also many people who don't like it, and even hate it. It is worthy of discussion by all literary and artistic film lovers, unlike the literary and artistic films produced by other directors this year. It was trashed upon release. In a sense, "Mr. Tree" has already succeeded.

Since its release, the number of fans on Lu Ze's Weibo, which had been gradually declining, has gradually begun to recover. It is not as rapid as the Qin and Ming Dynasties, but it is a steady and real increase, just like Lu Ze himself, step by step, steadily.

The original fans liked it quickly and forgot about it quickly. Without Lu Ze's constant care and maintenance, they began to lose fans gradually after two or three months. This is the instability caused by their young age.

The new fans are quite older than the original fans, and are basically between the ages of 20 and 40. Fans in this age group are not very popular, unlike younger fans who like to grab comments. Build a building and check in your idol online.

Older fans have jobs and lives, and even have families and children, so they will not appear particularly fanatical, but will be very calm.

But because of their age, they have stronger financial capabilities. As long as they can afford it and it's value for money, they won't mind spending money to support their favorite artists, such as taking their families to watch a movie.

This is a blood exchange. It cannot be said that the original fans are waste blood or bad blood. It can only be said that the new blood is more suitable for Lu Ze.

To use another way of analogy, the original fans can be called couple-style fans. If they like it, they will pursue it and directly enter the love period. You and I will wait for a long time and feel that the two of them are not suitable, so they choose to leave. Owe each other.

New fans can be called marriage-style fans. They think about it for a long time before getting married. After finally deciding to be together, they can live together and grow old together. They can achieve long-term companionship, unless there is cheating within the marriage or other serious problems. Scandal will lead to official "divorce".

Looking at it, there are not many young artists who have such fans, and even if they do, they basically start to move up at the age of thirty. It is not easy for Lu Ze to achieve this at the age of twenty-six, but it is also gratifying.


Early the next morning, Lu Ze got up on time at 7:30, put the script and autobiography back on the desk, went to the toilet to wash up and brush his teeth, and weighed himself at 88.1 kilograms.

After breakfast, I then warmed up. I put on my swimming trunks and glasses as usual, jumped into the water and swam deftly. I swam three times in the 200-meter lane, and was about to jump directly to the edge of the pool. But I saw someone I hadn't seen for a long time.

He pulled the swimming goggles to his forehead, wiped his face vigorously, and then said hello to Liu Ying.

"Director Liu."

"I've always heard that you work hard and exercise very hard. Thank you for your hard work."

"It doesn't matter, you should do it. You must work seriously and responsibly."

There was Shen Jinghan between them, so they had a good relationship. Liu Ying helped bring a long towel and put it on Lu Ze's shoulders, and then patted Lu Ze's pectoralis major hard.

"Very strong. How much do you weigh now?"

"One hundred and seventy-six point two, just measured this morning."

In fact, it doesn’t mean that you have to get the standard 180. Light heavyweights also have upper and lower weight limits, not to mention filming a movie. It doesn’t matter if you are three or four kilograms lighter, as long as you don’t look at the obvious weight. Not enough, or just being fat will suffice.

"Okay, you've been learning boxing for almost three months, right? Shooting starts next week, so get ready."


There are no surprises, no doubts. Everything is based on the director's words, unless the director's level is really not good. This is the basic professional quality of a good actor, just like a soldier who obeys orders and hits wherever he is told.

Liu Ying was very satisfied with Lu Ze's attitude, and his original love for Wu Jiwu began to slowly turn into true love.

"I saw the tree. You did a great job and have made great progress."

"Thank you, Director Liu."

He had something else to do. After encouraging Lu Ze, he said goodbye to Lu Ze and left first. Lu Ze wiped the water from his cochlea, sat on a chair to rest, and looked at the missed call on his phone. It was Zhuang Yu. of.

"Hello Director Zhuang? I was swimming just now and didn't hear your call."

"The box office is out. There are 5,712 people watching the movie. The pre-sale box office is 182,000, and the real-time cumulative box office is 527,000."

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