Global Movie Emperor

Chapter 231 Premiere Ceremony

This so-called seminar was actually a welcome ceremony for the crew, or it could be called a sorority meeting. It ended after five days.

Just as Lu Ze imagined, they just practiced their lines word for word in their seats. When they were unsure about something, they asked Director Xiao and Deng Bo for their opinions, and then wrote notes on the script.

This resulted in everyone's scripts being filled with messy, colorful fonts, like a textbook for high school students to take notes on.

Things that could have been written in a notebook had to be moved to a book, and dense text was written near the printed words. This problem was learned from Lu Ze.

Including the two veteran actors, in terms of strength, no one can match Lu Ze here, so during this period they imitated Lu Ze's practice habits all the time, hoping to learn something useful from them.

Ding Zhiyi mustered up the courage to ask Lu Ze a question in the middle, and Lu Ze answered it without hesitation, which changed everyone's serious and stereotyped impression of Lu Ze in the past few days. Once there was a problem with the script, even Xiao Fengying and Deng Bo would both discuss with Lu Ze and begin to establish a personal friendship with Lu Ze.

Through getting to know each other in the past few days, everyone has a simple understanding of what kind of person Lu Ze is. In his spare time, he is quite cheerful and kind, but when it comes to work, he reveals a kind of personality that is completely opposite to that in life. temperament.

Whether you say he is strict with himself and self-disciplined, or he is rigid, serious, and like an old scholar. This is his attitude, and he is very concerned about the study of performances and scripts.

If he couldn't meet his requirements, he would not stop researching the script. He was even more exploratory than Deng Bo, the person who wrote the story, and gave this science fiction love story new life and gave it a new life. A deeper meaning.

These people finally know why the Academy Awards awarded the Professional Spirit Award to Lu Ze. Given the current working conditions, if you don’t award the award, it’s all shady, okay?

Although everyone understood the significance of this seminar, Lu Ze did not want these five days to be completely wasted. He still had to do something practical. Under Lu Ze's leadership, everyone cheered up, and the final effect of the seminar was It was much better than Xiao Fengying expected.

Five days later, Lu Ze returned to the Magic City and spent twelve days resting and familiarizing himself with the script. The night before, he went to the first floor of the Magic City Financial Convention and Exhibition Center to rehearse "Alive". Today, The premiere ceremony of "Alive" officially begins.

On the 20th, Lu Ze went to a private styling shop to get his hair cut. The stylist applied a large amount of hair gel to Lu Ze's head. After the oily hair was done, Lu Ze felt that his head felt a lot heavier.

He simply covered up his blemishes and put on a black suit with navy blue patterns specially designed for Lu Ze by the costume designer. He buttoned up his black shirt and put on the blue tie that Jiang Wenshu gave to Lu Ze on her 23rd birthday.

The simple silver men's ring was worn on the little finger of his left hand, and the Rolex Cosmograph ice blue disc was worn on his wrist. Lu Ze stood in front of the full-length mirror, gently adjusted the position of his tie, and touched the faint beard on his chin. Stubble, it was not repaired just now.

Many words such as maturity, stability, and grandeur can now be used for Lu Ze. Compared with Lu Ze in Hengdian, he has changed completely. He is no longer the kid sitting on the road crying and eating steamed buns.

Perhaps, what teaches you the most about life is not your parents or teachers, but time...

His big hands with bulging veins touched the mirror, leaving palm prints, and then put his hands into his trousers pockets. He turned and left the room, and the sound of leather shoes on the ground came from the corridor.


There was an extended Lincoln parked outside the door, driven by Wang Zhen. Liu Bin was off work today, and Lu Ze was going to walk the red carpet with Wang Zhen.

He opened the car door and sat in. The faint fragrance of women's perfume came from beside him. It was not strong and smelled good. Wang Zhen looked sideways at Lu Ze and handed over a cup of coffee.

"The look is good, and he dresses like a human being."

"You too, the wig looks just like the real thing, and the hairstyle suits you quite well."

"Hey! You deserve a beating, don't you?"

Lu Ze opened the lid of the cup and took a sip without using a straw. It was freshly ground, but the caramel taste was a bit heavy and a bit sweet for my taste. Lu Ze looked out the window and cursed Wang Zhen.

Both of them shaved their heads during filming, but Lu Ze's hair grows quickly, and men don't need to keep their hair long. Lu Ze had his hair cut several times after filming, but Wang Zhen could only attend with a wig. Premiere.

He came up and punched Lu Ze, and Wang Zhen felt a little better. He glared at Lu Ze fiercely, blew up his fake bangs, leaned against the car door with his arms folded, and stopped chatting with Lu Ze. Since the last Golden Rooster Award, , she knew that this grandson's mouth was worse than anyone else's.

The convention and exhibition center is not far from the styling studio. It was 4:40, and there was still about ten minutes before the evening rush hour. There was no traffic jam along the way, and we didn’t even have to wait for a few traffic lights. Fifteen minutes later, the car stopped at the parking lot. place to stay.

Because there was a premiere going on, this stretch of road had been temporarily closed, and there were no cars around. While Lu Ze was chatting with Wang Zhen, he lowered his head and played with his phone, looking at topics about the premiere on Weibo, and talking to many movie theaters. Ticket booking status for previous games.

There were basically no vacancies in the first few shows, and all the seats were red. Even the tickets for the last show today were mostly sold. Lu Ze really admired the imagination of the people in the Tiancheng Propaganda Department. The attendance rate for this kind of movie was originally It is understandable that the first few shows were full. After all, Lu Ze himself can be regarded as a box office appeal machine, and hard-core movie fans are impatient. The attendance rate of the first few shows is not surprising.

But the subsequent tickets actually sold well, all thanks to Tiancheng Media's hard speculation. Recently, something has become popular on the Internet, "Take your lover to see the love between life and death", and then showed off the tickets he bought " "Alive" e-ticket.

This topic is actually quite popular, and many young girls want to take their boyfriends to the cinema to experience it.

Lu Ze finds it boring to follow this style. If you want to see love that transcends life and death, you might as well go to the crematorium with your partner to see how to refine people. Not to mention love, family ties, friendships, what is love? You can watch whatever you want.

However, this topic was made popular by Tiancheng's money. A large number of trolls started to show off two movie tickets that had not been taken out, and then these young people quickly followed up, making people feel that if you don't take your lover to watch, "Alive", you are not loyal to love.

After playing with the phone for about ten minutes, the driver's intercom heard the voice of the staff. The car slowly drove towards the entrance of the convention and exhibition center and stopped accurately in front of the red carpet.

Opening the car door, Lu Ze got out of the car first, and then helped to carry Wang Zhen's gift. After she solved the problem with the skirt, she put her left hand on Lu Ze's right arm. The two walked on the red carpet to greet the fans. Cheers.

"You walk slower! I can't keep up!"

Secretly pinching the soft flesh around Lu Ze's waist, Lu Ze smiled at the reporter with a normal expression, and turned his back to the camera with a fierce smile to Wang Zhen.

Walking to the middle of the crowd, he still signed the names of the fans as usual, but now Lu Ze also had to pick some people, because he had this habit, many dealers started to rush to the front row, asking Lu Ze to sign for him, and then Sell ​​it at a high price.

The weather was very hot, so he asked the fans waiting at the door to wait until it was time for them to leave before they could get heat stroke, otherwise he would not be able to take responsibility.

A female fan suddenly stepped on the railing and kissed Lu Ze on the cheek, then covered her face and screamed like a winner. After being photographed by reporters, she still looked beautiful and concave to the camera, with a look on her face that showed the excitement of being attacked by an idol.

Lu Ze just smiled and moved a little away from the crowd to avoid being attacked again. In fact, they were female fans. If he were a male, Lu Ze would not be able to laugh.

Wang Zhen also took photos. The two of them signed the poster of the movie "Alive" together. The security guard opened the door of the convention and exhibition center, and a cool breeze blowing on them was quite enjoyable.

Under the flashlight, the two sat down. Lu Ze didn't care about his own image. He unscrewed the mineral water on the table and drank half of the bottle. He burped. There was no water in Wang Zhen's car, and the more he drank the more coffee he drank. Thirst, really made him thirsty.

This is a powerful actor. Otherwise, if a popular artist had this sewer look, he would be trending on Weibo.

Everyone has arrived, and the creative team is all sitting here. Zhuang Yu waved to the host and announced that the premiere had officially begun.

Lu Ze was used to attending premieres. He crossed his hands on the table, rotated his two thumbs in parallel, and smiled at the reporters and film critics in the audience.

The process was already fixed, and there was nothing much to say. When reporters asked questions, they asked Zhuang Yu why he wrote this script, which made everyone prick up their ears, including Lu Ze.

Zhuang Yu never told Lu Ze about the creative intention of this movie, which made Lu Ze very curious as to why Zhuang Yu created such a pessimistic script.

Zhuang Yu picked up the microphone and pondered for a few seconds, then walked to the center of the stage and bowed to the people present.

"The source of inspiration for creation... is an adaptation of a true story. Of course, the adaptation is very extensive. I made some supporting stories to relieve the depressing atmosphere. The real events are actually more exciting than this movie." Despair, once... There was a man who was terminally ill. He really wanted to live, but many people made him unable to live. This man was my friend. Later I watched him stop breathing, but he died. I haven't even closed my eyes. My intention is very simple. I can give you some inspiration under the desperate stories. I hope you can pay attention to these patients and give them some help when you can. Thank you all."

Before the movie started, this paragraph could not shock the reporters very much, so they simply took a few notes and asked Zhuang Yu the next question, which was that Zhuang Yu, Lu Ze, Wang Zhen, and the Dark Horse Trident were gathering again. , Zhuang Yu has something to say.

The subsequent questions all revolved around Lu Ze. Before every reporter asked a question, they would congratulate Lu Ze for winning the Best Actor Award. He was very polite and the questions were not sharp. I guess there will be a lot of red envelopes this time.

In a harmonious atmosphere, the reporter's question session came to an end. All the creative staff stepped down. Lu Ze sat in the center of the first row, next to Guo Mingde. Then the hall turned off the headlights, the dragon logo appeared on the screen, and the wall lamps were turned off. In addition to The screen went dark.

The video begins.


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