Lu Yun ordered: "Fly out of this layer of water and see what's going on."

"Okay, Master!"

The little white dragon agreed and flew out directly.

Flying outside the water-film ball, looking down, I was dumbfounded.


Isn't it obvious that the owner's huge black turtle is right under his feet?

Why did it disappear in the blink of an eye?

If it hadn't been for the splash of water being pushed away, it would really have been unable to find its owner, the Black Turtle.

He quickly jumped towards the place where the splash was the biggest.

With a sudden sound, as if some kind of visual membrane had been penetrated, he could see the master's black turtle and everything on the black turtle's back again.

He was surprised and said: "Master, it's so amazing. That layer of luminous water film seems to make the black turtle invisible! I just stepped out of the water film and immediately couldn't see clearly the master black turtle. I couldn't see anything!"

When Lu Yun heard what Xiao Bailong said, he immediately nodded with satisfaction: "Well, not bad! I just helped Xuan Turtle learn an invisibility skill, so I want you to help see the effect. Listening to what you said, it seems that the effect is very good! "

Xiao Bailong couldn't help but praise: "That's necessary! The effect is really good. I can hardly see anything. Except for the huge splash of water that was pushed away by the black turtle, I can still see it."

"This is easy to handle! Black Turtle, turn on the energy protection! Then get under the water!"

The black turtle listened to the order and immediately put up energy protection on the turtle's back, then dived into the underwater world.

- Under normal circumstances, black turtles also have reconnaissance methods underwater.

- Some Black Turtle City Lords will breed underwater beasts such as sharks.

Or fish specifically used for underwater reconnaissance.

It also makes the black turtle hiding underwater unable to escape.

After all, Lu Yun's black turtle is so huge that it is difficult to completely hide it.

But things are different now. His black turtle is completely invisible and dives into the deep sea again. It's almost impossible to detect!

Three days later, Lu Yun emerged from the water somewhere.

The energy shield on the black turtle's back has been removed, but the invisible water film has not been removed.

I have to say that after having 300 [Black Turtle Internal Energy Beads], the energy level is indeed very gratifying.

He lurked underwater for three days and three nights, and the black turtle still had 24% of its energy left!

In the past three days, the true energy of heaven and earth placed in the world of heaven and earth has been continuously exhaling a lot of true energy to the world of heaven and book.

Lu Yun plans to put the soldiers in in ten days and start practicing Qi!

The little medical fairy has already begun to plant in the medicine garden.

After the fertile soil has been cultivated by the little medical fairy, the first batch of seeds has been placed.

Originally, Lu Yun wanted to arrange for others to help her farm the land.

Unexpectedly, the little medical fairy insisted that it was not necessary.

It is said that farming is also a technical job, and others cannot do it well. Throughout the whole process, she insists that the medicine seedlings grown in this way will be of the best quality.

When it matures in the future, the refined elixir will be more effective.

She is also a girl who strives for perfection. three.

0135 Large-scale cultivation of bee colonies

During the three days of hiding and escaping underwater, Lu Yun built several [Queen Bee Gardens] for experiments in the world of the Book of Heaven.

He discovered that this [Queen Bee Garden] seemed to respond to the spiritual energy in the Book of Heaven world.

In other words, the spiritual energy in the world of the Book of Heaven is beneficial to these killer bees.

He had built the [Queen Bee Garden] on the turtle's back before, but the growth rate was extremely slow and there was almost no growth.

However, it has only been three days since the Queen Bee Garden was built in the Heavenly Book World and queen bees were produced, but those queen bees have already grown to big size.

Then one after another, killer bees began to be produced continuously.

This discovery surprised Lu Yun.

At least it proves that the spiritual energy in the Book of Heaven world can promote the growth rate of this kind of bee.

As for whether there are other good effects, it remains to be discovered.

What surprised Lu Yun the most was that the food these killer bees ate was not honey, but meat!

Just throw a few pieces of meat next to the [Queen Bee Garden], and the bees will move upon hearing the news and eat all the meat in no time.

Looking at that scene, Lu Yun felt a little "two-eighty" frightened.

These killer bees are different from ordinary killer bees.

Clearly more ferocious and aggressive.

Ordinary killer bees only sting humans.

Being surrounded by this killer bee, it is estimated that in a short time, only a pile of bones will be left.

You can imagine how terrible it is.

Fortunately, Lu Yun is the owner of [Queen Bee Garden].

The queen bees kept in the [Queen Bee Garden] all listen to Lu Yun.

Lu Yun has a spiritual connection with all queen bees.

He only needs to convey his thoughts to the queen bee, and the queen bee will convey the order to the bees.

As a result, the bees will swarm and attack wherever you point them!

Very easy to control and very easy to use.

Lu Yun didn't know why, but he became very interested in cultivating this hive.

So, he decisively built many more beehives in the world of the Book of Heaven.

Increase the number to 100 at one time!

After all, the bees don’t eat honey, they eat meat.

Then Lu Yun is not afraid of not having any meat for them to eat, nor is he afraid of not being able to feed them.

All he had to do was order the little white dragon to be more diligent, and big fish weighing more than ten tons landed on the turtle's back one after another.

Then after doubling, there will be a hundred big fish weighing more than ten tons.

In this way, no matter how many bee colonies he raises, is Lu Yun afraid that they will not be able to survive?

Imagine that these bee colonies will be released in an overwhelming manner in the future, killing people and destroying the world. The scene is terrifying to think about.

More importantly, there are too many bee colonies, so there is no need to worry about losses!

The queen bees in the major beehives lay eggs very quickly.

Even if some of them are lost, they will recover quickly.

Of course, Lu Yun increased the number of [Queen Bee Gardens] to 100 at once.

The main thing is that he discovered that the spiritual energy in the world of the Heavenly Book is very beneficial to the bee colonies!

If this can be fully utilized, then it must be used well.

Then these three days, he was bored underwater.

In addition to cultivating bee colonies, he also tried to start cultivating immortals!

Because he now has the blood of the Scarlet Dragon fused in his body, and he has a dragon-level spirit stick.

He is fully qualified to cultivate immortals.

In addition, when he fused this blood, he automatically comprehended a dragon cultivation method-the True Dragon Spirit Technique.

So, he began to practice according to the content of his comprehension.

The first thing is to transform into a scarlet dragon.

After the transformation, the strength of the body increased significantly.

He also felt that his body became extremely strong and brutal.

However, Lu Yun was not used to this state.

After all, he was not a real dragon.

When he transformed, he felt a kind of manic feeling of blood boiling and restlessness.

He could not calm down and could not enter the state of cultivation.

So for three days, he basically practiced how to stay calm in the state of transformation.

There was no benefit in these three days.

It seems that the road is long and arduous, and we have to seek up and down.

The road to immortal cultivation must be a long and difficult road!

It should be impossible to achieve quick success.

In these three days, because of the existence of the spirit-testing tablet, Lu Yun measured whether everyone in the Black Turtle City had spiritual roots in their bodies.

As a result, the final test results disappointed him greatly!

Except for the mermaid Caiyi, who had a mermaid spiritual root in her body that was not of outstanding quality.

All the others, including Niya, Akalis, Joseph King, and Xiao Yixian, do not have spiritual roots in their bodies.

According to the immortal cultivation world, if you do not have spiritual roots in your body, you can only be a mortal for your whole life and cannot embark on the path of immortal cultivation.

Unless you have an immortal fate and an immortal is willing to give you the spiritual roots of heaven and earth that he has discovered.

Otherwise, it is impossible for a real mortal to obtain the spiritual roots of heaven and earth by himself. Because spiritual roots are so precious, it is extremely difficult for immortals themselves to get one.

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