Global Online Survival

Chapter 58: Weird bird!

   What a big bird!

   This was the only thought that flashed through Ye Jun's mind.

   In the sky, a black shadow flew down, as fast as lightning, swooping into the sea, and then instantly soared into the sky. There was already an extra prey between the claws and flew towards the sky.

   "The shark is gone!"

   Ye Jun was dumbfounded, suspecting that he was wrong, and hallucinating

   Nine thousand years old also stood up in an instant, rubbed his eyes with his small paws, and then looked into the distance like a sculpture, almost petrified.

   That big bird caught in the claws, what else could it be if it wasn't that shark!

  What a joke!

   A bird caught a shark.

   You know, a shark can weigh thousands of catties!

   Ye Jun remembers that he once watched the animal world program and said that eagles can pick up wolves that are several times their own weight.

   However, that shark weighs several thousand catties, and in the claws of that big bird, it is like a toy.

   Could it be the legendary Golden Winged Roc?

   But the bird is not golden either, it's dark and autumnal!

   Ye Jun watched the bird disappear into the sky, and his heart could not be calm for a long time.

   That is definitely a prehistoric behemoth, maybe even a big peng bird in myths and legends.

   Fortunately, this strange bird didn't come at him, otherwise he would really be caught off guard.

   Although it is said that Ye Jun kills sharks as easily as kills chickens, but the bird can fly, and it is always difficult for the army to play an advantage against the air force.

   Ye-jun is also curious, where did that bird come from?

   It's impossible to stay on the sea to rest, there must be a place to stay.

   Estimated that there are islands nearby!

   I just don’t know how far the island is from here.

  It's normal for a bird that is so big to fly for hundreds of kilometers.

   Ye Jun opened the pirate's treasure map again and looked at it, only to discover that the direction that the strange bird had left was the same direction as the treasure location he was going to move forward.

   shouldn't be so coincidental!


   After the twists and turns just now, Ye Jun pulled the sunfish onto the deck.

   knock it down with a hammer:

   "Kill the sunfish (level 5), gain experience points +5."

   I didn't expect the sunfish to be a level five animal, so weak... it's a welfare monster!

   Ye Jun handles the sunfish, and at the same time sends the doll into the sea.

   Ye Jun suspected that more than one shark had come.

   The doll was covered with pretender paint, entered the sea, and instantly disappeared from the naked eye.

   Ye Jun controlled the doll to search in the sea. As expected, a shark was found at a depth of 100 meters.

   These guys, frightened by the big bird, all hid in the deep water area.

   This is easier.

   Ye Jun painted himself a pretender paint, and then took the guy into the water.

   With the help of avoiding water droplets, Ye Jun easily dived to a depth of 100 meters.

   Not far away, a group of sharks were swimming back and forth, Ye Jun silently slipped under a shark with a sliding shovel...

   Oh no, it was a dragon wagging its tail and stabbing a spear into the shark's belly.

   The severe pain caused the shark to twist frantically.

   Blood spurted out.

   The other sharks were stimulated by the smell of blood and swarmed on.

   just delivered it to the door.

   Ye Jun speared one spear, and more than a dozen sharks became experience points.

   "Kill a shark (level 5), experience points +5."

   "Kill a shark (level 5), experience points +5."


   Thirteen sharks, an increase of 65 experience points.

   still have to kill big beasts, small fishes and shrimps are too difficult!

   Ye Jun spent a lot of time and dragged thirteen sharks onto the boat.

   There was no way to put it down on the deck, and Ye Jun could only hang the shark on the stern and drag him in the sea.

   Then deal with them one by one.

   Except for the shark fin, all the shark meat has been traded.

   Seeing that Ye Jun killed more than a dozen sharks, the other players were already numb.

   "The Shark King is online again!" Some players are still teasing, but the fast-eyed players have long successfully traded and bought a bunch of shark meat.

   When the players who had been chatting with the water all day came back to their senses, the shark meat had long been sold out.

   Mr. Ye is not worried that the shark meat will not be sold. Meat is a scarce resource. Just wait for the money to come in.

   This time, it also gave Ye Jun an inspiration.

   It is not that there are no sharks in the sea, but that he, a shark-fearer, oppresses the sharks too strongly, making the sharks feel the danger and dare not approach.

   So, Jun Ye changed his strategy.

   This time, he made a raft.

   towed the raft a hundred meters away from the boat.

   Ye Jun estimated that the oppressive range of his shark horror on sharks is about 100 meters.

   The raft was covered with shark entrails, and a bucket was used to connect a funnel with fish blood in it.

   There has always been a steady stream of fish blood flowing into the sea.

   The **** breath spreads in the sea, and sharks have a very sensitive sense of smell, and the smell of blood can be smelled more than ten kilometers away.

   In this way, as the ship sails, the smell of blood will continue to spread.

   As long as there are sharks tens of kilometers nearby, they will be attracted by the smell of blood.

The shark was attracted, and seeing the delicious meal right in front of his eyes, he would definitely be tempted to attack the raft. At that time, as long as Ye Jun saw the raft being attacked, he would know that a shark was coming. He only had to sneak over and kill a piece of it. A does not stay.

   Mr. Ye called this raft a "shark lure boat".

   After the shark lure boat was completed, Ye Jun packed all the fish blood he had just collected in wooden barrels.

   poured a bucket of blood tree, after these few days of gestation, the blood vein fruit matured again.

   is not just a bloodline fruit, like a strange fire coral, Ye Jun can collect a fire energy bead every day, plus his own practice, can increase 20 fire energy every day. Plus, the generator charges him 20 points a day. All aspects of Ye Jun's level are steadily improving.

There is also that strange fruit tree. It may be because it has absorbed a lot of fish bones, and the fruit that grows out looks like a Why does Ye Jun have an appetite for this weird-looking fruit, on the contrary? It is nine thousand years old who is very interested, and has to come over from time to time.

   Ye Jun took off the bloodline fruit, hung up on the trading channel, and still set to trade only exotic items.

   This time, the transaction was successful soon.

   An anonymous player took out a strange soil and traded the blood fruit.

   Ye Jun is also extremely satisfied with the strange soil.

  The exotic soil can shorten the growth time of plants and accelerate the maturation of blood vessels.

   The strange soil before was used to cultivate that strange seed, and it took five or six days for the bloodline fruit to mature.

   Now that there is a strange soil, the blood vein fruit can be harvested once a day.

   was about to replace the strange soil with the blood tree, Ye Jun suddenly thought about it, came to another wooden box, and dug out a seed.

   This is the strange seed. After so long, there is still no sign of germination.

   According to reason, it shouldn’t be!

   Is it because the strange soil is not enough?

   Mr. Ye knows that there is a kind of crystal in the strange soil, and as the plants grow continuously, this kind of crystal will be gradually consumed.

   Before giving birth to blood vein fruit, most of the crystals in the soil were consumed.

   Assuming that this kind of crystals can be compared to fertilizer and nothing can be grown, it means that there is not enough fertilizer in this strange soil.

   What if you put on a brand new soil?

Will    change?

   Ye Jun changed the used soil in the box to the box of the blood tree. Then he added this new and strange soil, buried the strange seeds again, and poured some water.

   Hope, this strange seed can germinate.

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