Global Pet Master

Chapter 108 Leave

Luo Yuan and Mo Zichen here returned to Master Mo's home together, and other people over there also came back from outside one after another!

After a lively meal, the master called to stop her ten apprentices, and she knew that the next time it would be other children...

This is also something that can't be helped. They came to Xichuan base from all over the world. If they don't stay here to develop, they will naturally return to their hometown.

For those who want to stay in Xichuan, Master Mo will help them make arrangements.

After all, he is his apprentice, so he won't be any worse.

She naturally has the confidence to help them arrange their future work.

Let alone relying on the profession of evolutionist, they can live comfortably, not to mention the connections in Master Mo's hands.

Wherever I go, my apprentices will never lack jobs.

At this time, the ten apprentices were sitting in the hall respectfully, and the juniors naturally returned to their rooms to rest obediently.

At this time, Master Mo looked at the children whom she had taught with great kindness.

Their transformation from tender teenage years to adulthood was completed under her witness, and she enjoyed the process very much.

I like the process of this teenager's continuous growth, she can continue to give herself help, and urge them to continue to be excellent...

"It's not easy for you to come here once, but the road of evolution is ultimately up to you, you go for it yourself."

She smiled and looked at these ten children. They are not young anymore, and they have all left college for many years!

"If you want to go back, you can go back. If you want to play, you can continue to rest here. If you are free, you can, you know?"

Don't think she doesn't know, these people are high-minded, she knew it from the time of selecting students.

But she still chose these people, because she knew very well how could it be possible for a young man not to win?

They are all children, and she always wanted to be the first when she was a teenager.

Because in Master Mo's concept: Only those who have a heart and spirit have a backbone, and such people know how to control themselves.

It is this spirit of daring to catch up and surpass that they can go on this road.

Those who can persevere to the end are always those with a strong heart, not necessarily those with family background and superior talent.

When she was a teacher, she decided to help those "ordinary" people who wanted to get ahead.

Such a student is more worthy of her teaching, and more worthy of her attention.

At this time, eleven people were sitting casually, but the students all listened to the teacher's teaching with their ears pricked up.

At this time, she continued to tell these children about some new discoveries and knowledge about evolutionists developed during this period.

In this way, the night fell quickly, and the students who were constantly acquiring knowledge were called by the teacher to their respective rooms to rest.

The things that should be told to them were almost explained clearly, so she naturally didn't say any more.

She always believes that learning is the student's own business. After I have finished teaching what I should teach, students should use their own energy to study on their own.

"good night, teacher!"

"Good night, teacher, I'm going to rest!"

"goodbye teacher!"



For a while, Teacher Mo's villa became quiet, and she sat alone in the hall to enjoy the night.

Under the moonlight, a woman with a gentle and kind aura was sitting quietly in a chair, thinking.

Seeing that the teacher was stopped over there, Luo Yuan followed the big team of juniors back to his room.


Luo Yuan couldn't help sighing, thinking of the evolutionist assessment at Xichuan University and how he was busy using his talents at the Tang Chamber of Commerce...

Of course, I didn't forget the two royal beasts, Xuanhuo and Xiaohu, after all, they were my partners after all.

"You two aren't hungry, are you?" Luo Yuan asked slightly distressed.

"Wow!" You are right, that's all, I think it's better to do something.

Xiaohu said that he ate the dinner in front of him first, and now it is too embarrassing for him to talk to his master!

"Please take care of me, my lord, Xuanhuo is not hungry."

While talking, Xuanhuo picked up the dinner in front of him and ate it.


You call this not hungry?

That's all, it's my fault, I have to pay attention to it in the future.

Luo Yuan secretly decided.

He is not a regular worker of the landlord who abuses his family, Luo Yuan clearly knows that he can't be bad to his imperial beast, otherwise it will be bad if it causes adverse reactions.

Seeing the two eating happily, he quickly washed and fell asleep!

It's not that he wants to be lazy, he and Mo Zichen are basically using their talents today.

Such consumption is not insignificant.

Anyway, his spirit was exhausted to the extreme, and he couldn't do anything...

Just like that, he fell asleep without thinking about anything~

huh huh~

"Drip! Drip! Drip!"

At this time, Luo Yuan got up in a hurry, he couldn't slack off, he wanted to get up early to run and exercise.

This time, it wasn't just Luo Yuan who was a junior, even their teacher got up early to join the training.


"You can really run!"

Mo Zichen followed him desperately, he wanted to see how long Luo Yuan could run at this speed.

When lap after lap passed, he became numb, and began to run behind him panting heavily.

But at this time, it was a bit difficult for him, because he didn't run according to his inherent rhythm before, and now he can't tune back!

Finally he gave up!


This time Master Mo is really satisfied, it's different because someone took the lead.

She nodded with satisfaction.

Of course, those inside who were not well trained in commanding her own beasts directly taught her a lesson.

This group of children just can't be used to it, it's a pity that these students have less time to study after leaving school!

For example, she taught ten disciples last night, and she found out a lot of problems, many of which she had already learned.

This makes her quite regretful~

After a full meal, the group bid farewell to their teacher, and they rushed to the transfer station one after another.

"See you guys next time~"

Master Mo silently watched his students leave at the door of his house.

This farewell and I don't know when I will see you again!

"Teacher, are you okay?"

Luo Yuan looked at his teacher's red eyes, and quietly handed her his tissue.

"Well, it's okay!"

Yan Qingtong waved her hand to her students when she heard the words, she didn't cry, she couldn't lose this card.


Luo Yuan couldn't help sighing in relief, it would be troublesome for this girl to cry, how can she coax her?

Just thinking about it makes you dizzy!

"If you want to come next time, you can come together." The brother at the side said to her with a chuckle.

This chuckle pissed off Yan Qingtong a bit, she widened her eyes and looked at her unscrupulous senior brother.

This is still laughing, I don't want to lose face?

There was silence in the car.

After a long time, Luo Yuan and the others finally arrived at the teleportation station.

Here, master and the others went to buy tickets, and the two peers chatted like this.


At this time, seeing Luo Yuan chatting with his senior brother, Mo Zichen stepped forward and patted him.

Luo Yuan's speech was suddenly interrupted, and Mo Zichen looked at him with bright eyes.

As for Mo Zichen's teacher, he was watching his disciple from the sidelines. It's only been a few days?

How come you are more familiar than this teacher?

She cursed sourly.

Don't ask, it's a secret.

"The forty-eighth teleportation array is ready, please..."

At this time, the electronic reminder sounded, and Luo Yuan and Mo Zichen, friends who had just met not long ago, waved goodbye!

I saw the power of a rule enveloped, and the four disappeared in place.

The trip to Xichuan Base is ending!

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