Global Pet Master

Chapter 120 First News about the High School Competition (for Subscription)

At this time, Luo Yuan and Wang Jiuliang walked towards the cafeteria together!

"Okay, Luo Yuan, you are getting better and better now~"

At this moment Wang Jiuliang stared at Luo Yuan and couldn't help admiring, it wasn't him bragging.

From the beginning of high school to the present, Luo Yuan has improved at a speed visible to the naked eye.

From the very beginning, he was not his opponent, and now even Zhang Wenke has been defeated.

In fact, this point has been achieved at the end of the first volume of high school, but at that time it was because of Yuhuo Swordsman.

Now that Xiaohu has also won, this speed is nothing short of unpleasant.

Originally, the level and quality of the Beast Master Swordsman was high, so it was quite normal to defeat Zhang Wenke and his party!



Wang Jiuliang looked at Zhang Wenke rather puzzled, not knowing what he wanted to do.

"It's okay, it's just that my voice is a little hoarse."

Zhang Wenke interrupted his speech without changing his expression.

For a moment Wang Jiuliang also forgot what he just said, being interrupted by such a...

"Okay, take a nap after eating, and practice more efficiently in the afternoon!"


Not to mention that they all agree on this point, even a short break at noon can start the training afterward very energetically.

Why not insist on such a multi-tasking thing?

Anyway, Luo Yuan hasn't taken a nap since he entered school, of course it doesn't count when he's in Lingyu!

If you are still so free and easy in the spiritual realm, your journey as a pet master may be almost over, because if you can still be so free and easy in such a dangerous place, you are either stupid or strong.

The "strong" label team is obviously unqualified for the current Luo Yuan, after all, he has only been in it for more than half a year.

Logically speaking, with his current level of cultivation, there is no difference except that he can be praised among his peers.

The biggest difference between him and other pet masters in the class is his family.

If there is no accident, the beast master of an ordinary family will most likely sign a contract with a beast master with no talent, and live a slow life.

Everything is living peacefully...

But fortunately, his talent was focused on support at the beginning, and the natal beast did not become his burden, but became his reliance.

The high quality of the natal animal master largely gave the pet master an excellent bonus.

Let Luo Yuan not fall to others.

The four people here finished their Chinese food quickly while chatting.

After the meal, they got up and left the cafeteria directly, leaving behind a pair of admiring eyes.

Let me just ask, when four boys with different styles appear in front of a girl, the impact of their appearance is very intuitive.

Isn't this more useful than the admissions brochure?

Anyway, the door of girls' fantasy is open, maybe even dreaming of a girl who is slightly drunk under the moonlight is not sure~-


It's also good to see a few handsome guys washing their eyes every day. Isn't this the same as boys looking at beautiful women?

Anyway, beautiful things can always bring people a different sense of pleasure.

"very handsome!"

"You have a boyfriend, Iron Juice!" Her friend pointed at her angrily.

Surrounded by handsome men who fantasize every day, I really don't know how her boyfriend bears it.

This is too real!

"Give me any..."

"Sister, I'm hungry~"


After leaving the noisy cafeteria, the four of them ran to their dormitories tacitly!

Take a break, and by the way, settle your own beast lunch.

It doesn't make sense that the pet master is full, let's starve his beast master!

If there is, it is too irrational, even if you can't take care of your own beast, why do you think you can become a powerful pet master?


After nodding and parting from the three of them, Luo Yuan opened his dormitory and released his imperial beast very quickly.

"You can eat as much as you want, don't be in a hurry to know?"

"Aww!" I know, go to sleep~

"Yes, my lord!"

Luo Yuan looked at the two guys who speeded up the cooking, and couldn't help reminding.

Anyway, there is still a lot of time for them to rest, so there is no need to rush everything.

For him, it is enough to train hard when it is time to train, and rest well when it is time to rest...

In his mind, the teaching of beast master should be like this.

After Xiaohu and Xuanhuo settled down, he put on his pajamas and rested peacefully.

Closing his eyes gave him a sense of leisure. He could feel that his eyes were resting and his brain was emptying out.


very comfortable.


"Drip! Drip! Drip!"

"Ah~" A long yawn came out.

"Click!" He turned off the loud alarm.

He hugged his pillow in his arms.

His eyes had already started to open slowly, and at this moment, the warmth of noon surrounded him like this.

This is also due to the fact that he himself cultivates the fire attribute spirit art, otherwise he would not be killed by heat.

This is probably the two benefits of the two attributes of water and fire!

Winter and summer alternate.


After staying awake for a while, he lifted the quilt and walked barefoot on the cold floor.


Really comfortable!

He stood and twisted his neck, stretching his body.

After walking to his own bathroom and washing his face with water, he became more refreshed.

Sure enough, I still have to sleep for this afternoon nap, it's like a gas station.

Luo Yuan felt very comfortable, as if he had given his body a rest.

This feeling is really inappropriate!

After slowly tidying up his things here, Luo Yuan opened the door and walked towards the classroom!

At this time, he could see the students who were full of energy after taking a nap, and he could see the look in their eyes.

"Sleep well!"

At this time, Wang Jiuliang stepped forward very naturally and put his shoulders on his shoulders.

"not bad!"

Anyway, it is quite effective, otherwise there would not be so many people interested in this way.

At this time, people in the class have arrived one after another, and the bell for class starts not long after!

"The times are calling, beep! beep! beep!"


Good guy, it's the magical ringtone for get out of class and class every time.


When will I be able to happily enter the state of class!

This music has not changed since the establishment of No. 1 Middle School, and it probably won't happen in the future!

As long as you keep listening, there will always be a day when you get used to it. Whether you like it or not is another matter. There is no need to force this thing.


"Hello teacher!"

At this time, the student stood up and bowed respectfully.

Elder Wang looked at their mental outlooks and couldn't help but nodded.

It's okay, there is no slack, and there is no sleepy look in the eyes.

"In this class, I want to make an announcement..."

It turned out that it was a high school competition a month later, and Mr. Wang naturally hoped that his students could participate in it when he mentioned it.

He highlighted the origin of this event.

Every year, the second semester they will start in the first month of school.

This event has been held for hundreds of years, and the rewards here are extremely rich!

Not only are there spiritual weapons used by beast masters, but even rarer spiritual weapons suitable for pet masters are also available.

There are also all kinds of superior beasts, suitable for the martial arts of pet masters...

After a category of rewards was listed, it was not uncommon for them to have hotter eyes, but they all knew that their chances were slim.

After all, the road of cultivation started later than the second and third year of high school, otherwise I wouldn't be so passive.

But who knows if you haven't tried it?

So Luo Yuan listened to it one by one, and he didn't want to miss even a little detail.

"Anyway, I've already told you what I should say. Those who want to sign up come to me after class."

After the introduction here, Mr. Wang also started his own lecture.

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