Global Pet Master

Chapter 135 Breaking Through the Stage (5)

At this time, Xuanhuo was also fighting fiercely with Youlan Starfish.

In fact, to be honest, this guy is really too difficult to deal with. If it weren't for his cortical state, he might have gotten the match point early.

However, this did not go as Xuanhuo had hoped, and this battle really made things difficult for it.

It was like slashing a turtle shell with a sword.

With such a defensive power, how could they attack? Xuanhuo didn't give up and could only test a little bit!



I saw the orchid starfish moving slowly there, no different from the turtle.


At this time, it was staring at Xuanhuo. Although the empty eyes were not half lethal, it did not affect its instinct to destroy the opponent in front of it.

Time after time, the water-type skills were urged to attack Xuanhuo, but Xuanhuo could only dodge again and again and then continue to wait for the opportunity...

Xuanhuo and Youlan Starfish over there are in a stalemate, and Luo Yuan and the pet master puppet are also in a stalemate~

While dodging, Luo Yuan controlled his own flame wheel.

For a moment, the ability of the fire element could not help being emitted from his whole body.

He almost didn't even have the strength to breathe, it was really the puppet of the imperial pet master who pushed him too hard.

How to play this?

He frowned, this puppet was too flexible!

Luo Yuan dealt with it seriously while sighing.

Fortunately, the first martial skill that Wang Lao taught was Mi Zong Step, otherwise he stood opposite and manipulated his innate skills, and he might be harvested if he got close to him.

At this time, Luo Yuan couldn't help feeling rejoiced.

But the current situation is not much better, in order to avoid the sensitive pursuit of the pet master puppet, he is really about to break his leg flexibly!

"Hoo hoo ~"

As time passed, Luo Yuan confronted him.

But it is indeed constantly consuming, but the pet master puppet doesn't seem to have such a performance of physical exertion?

Luo Yuan couldn't help feeling more urgent, this situation was not what he wanted to see.

But I have to say that he feels like a clown at the moment.

In order to avoid the pursuit of the pet master's puppet, he could only roll and dodge in embarrassment.

Not only did he have to dodge the innate skills of the pet master's puppet, but he also had to dodge his approach. He had never experienced such a battle before.


Sweat had already soaked Luo Yuan's clothes, dripping down from his body.

At this moment, he felt as if he was fished out of the water.

At this time, there is no beast to help, he can only rely on himself.

If it weren't for his innate skills to resist, he probably would have been stabbed in just a few hits!

One head directly ends the battle.

All of this is possible, Luo Yuan himself really did not expect that after receiving the reward, it would become more difficult to pass the level.

It is estimated that many people will have to go through this level, but in fact Luo Yuan's guess is not wrong.

At this time, the waiting area of ​​the base became more and more lively, because the imperial pet masters were brought up again.

There are many people who are still stuck in the moment of being beheaded, and the feeling of being annihilated is not good.

Maybe some people adjusted quickly, but there were also those who stayed in a daze for a long time.

Among them, those who have been in a daze for a long time undoubtedly accounted for the majority, and not the majority of people with strong hearts in this world.

There is no doubt that these mentally strong people will undoubtedly embark on the final success.

"Are you at the third level?"

"It's so cruel, suddenly I was..."


"Most of the second year of high school has been sent out, it seems..."

"It is said that there are still people in Class One, Senior One who haven't come out yet?"

"There's more than one..."

"It seems that this year's senior year students have something!"

"This is more than just a little thing, this obviously has a lot of things!"


There were more teachers and classmates talking about it for a while.

Of course, the hilarious people must belong to the group of freshmen in the first year of high school, they basically just got a little profit.

There is no need for more, although they are also very sorry, but the strength is there, isn't it?

At this time, Mr. Wang in the teacher group looked at the students who came to report in front of him, and couldn't help staring at the void seriously.

He passed these third hurdles, and the students all supplemented, constantly inferring the difficulty of their trials.

Of course, he knew the difficulty of the third level well!

It seems that Luo Yuan and Zhang Wenke have great potential!

He himself couldn't help but sigh for the strength of his students.

It can be seen from this that Luo Yuan's strength is not simple, and it is possible that he has concealed his talent.

This idea was brought up by Mr. Wang, of course he was thinking about it in his heart, and it may not be a good thing to say this kind of thing.

"Persist a lot, little ones, such an opportunity in the future will be..."

Wang Lao knows that the longer they persist, the more benefits they will have.

Of course, he also knew that the group of children in his class hadn't grown up yet, so there was no way around it, it just depended on who could take the lead!

After all, this is a miraculous place for training and training.

For qualified pet masters like them, if they don't grasp this situation well, they may only be able to watch others progress step by step!

This is a very realistic social situation, survival of the fittest is just a basic rule!


Hey, fortunately there is a cushion, and at this time Wang Jiuliang appeared on the emergency air cushion in such a mess.

Just so straight up and head down!


Wang Jiuliang couldn't help snorting.

It didn't take long for him to recover his spirit and return to the area where Wang Lao was.

"How about it?"

"I didn't pass the third level. It was a little bit close. What a pity!" Wang Jiuliang felt that he could pass the third level just a little bit!

It's a pity that this was missed after all, and there was no way to do it, so he accepted this reality very freely.

He looked at one of the members who returned to his team very frustrated, and he didn't take himself lightly.

Because he knows that when his strength increases in the future, he will get all kinds of opportunities and things.

As the future heir of the Wang family, it is impossible for him to keep his eyelids in front of his eyes.

Wang Lao took a look at it calmly, and couldn't help but nodded. This mentality is not bad.

So he was so encouraged that he patted him on the shoulder and said to him, "Come on in the days to come, you're not bad."

"Well, thank you teacher, I know it." Wang Jiuliang nodded to the teacher, and it's nothing if his own mental construction is done.

After that, Wang Jiuliang was arranged to go back to school with the same group of classmates!

Of course, Mr. Wang will continue to wait. He only has two children left and he is still in trials. He can still afford to wait for this little time.

How could one's own students not be responsible to the end!

At least that's what he thinks and how he treats his students.


As soon as the scene here turned, it came to Tang Kujin who Luo Yuan had met in the Xichuan Base before.

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