Global Pet Master

Chapter 155 Parents, I have decided!

While getting to know the general situation of the event with Mr. Wang, Luo Yuan quietly confirmed why they came so suddenly.

In Luo Yuan's view, at this stage, he is fully qualified to let the school increase its investment in him.

Why did you let him go outside the base to undergo trials and sharpening?

People are old and smart, and they didn't hide it, they told Luo Yuan their plan very straightforwardly.

Hearing their plan, Luo Yuan was not without emotion, but he still didn't say he was dead.

Everything is in vain until it is determined.

"Teacher and principal, please, I will think about it when I go back this week."

"Okay, let me know when it's decided."

"Okay, go back and have a good rest~"

Here Luo Yuan quickly bid farewell to the two elders, and he slowly walked out of the campus!


He could clearly feel his beating heart, and Luo Yuan knew that what he had to do was to stabilize his mentality.

This project was prepared for the second and third year of high school, but judging by Luo Yuan's strength at the moment, there is a place for him in both the second and third year of high school.

"Hold on, this opportunity will go, but don't be in such a hurry."

He secretly warned himself.

"Tick! Tick! Tick!"


Luo Yuan looked at the call notification on this end, and couldn't help being slightly puzzled.

Is it Master Mo who ended the verification over there? It shouldn't be so early, right?

He feels that it should not be about the result, but it should have a lot to do with him.

So he quickly connected the phone, and at this time he lifted the baffle of the spiritual vehicle.

For a while, the driver couldn't hear Luo Yuan's conversation!

It has to be said that after the integration of this kind of spiritual vehicle, it has become more convenient and safer, and it pays more attention to the privacy of guests!

This is also orderly after continuous feedback and input.

"Hey, Teacher Yan!"

"Luo Yuan, should you take the weekend off now?"

Yan Qingtong over there greeted Luo Yuan cordially, saying that she still has to thank this apprentice, if it wasn't for him, she wouldn't have the opportunity to continue studying with the teacher on a project.

Although this time won't last long, it will undoubtedly increase her knowledge reserve.

It's only been a short week, and she has already felt her progress.

Really, after being away from campus for many years, the time and progress of campus are the easiest to remember.

Yan Qingtong couldn't love this period so much, so she even called her seniors who worked in other schools to take classes for her for a period of time.

Master Mo naturally took the principle of teaching his apprentices as he could, and he watched them grow up. How could he not be happy? She wished her students could learn more.

She is at the Guangxi base now, but after she has arranged things, she will continue to go to the teacher, so she is thinking of reminding Luo Yuan a few times.

"Let it go, teacher!"

"Okay, I have news from here..."

It turned out to be like this, Luo Yuan passed through the proposal given to him by the principal today in his mind.

I didn't expect the principal to really dare to bet!

This is equivalent to directly asking him to give up the high school campus competition on the bright side and go directly to the base to accept the assessment.

With success, he not only got exercise but also had better opportunities, and it also allowed him to meet more outstanding students.

Of course, if he doesn't succeed, he will miss the activity rewards at the base, and he will be able to fetch water for nothing.

The news that Teacher Yan brought back was that after this base assessment, a certain number of students will be selected according to their rankings for the next round of Huaguo's selection of outstanding royal pet masters.

All of this was carried out in a silent manner, which of course also shows that this project is highly valued by the country.

The base high school beast master competition mentioned earlier is just a barrier, and the focus is on pet masters like these who have passed the assessment outside the base.

At first Luo Yuan wanted to go out to avoid the limelight, but he didn't expect to get an opportunity that was more beneficial to him by mistake.

After learning such information, Luo Yuan was naturally more sure of his decision.


"Okay, it's good that you have made a decision. I don't know much here. The main reason is that the verification test on the teacher's side will take a while... Then the teacher will not talk to you for now, and will contact you when the results come out... ..."

"Well, teacher, you should also pay attention to safety..."

Both the master and the apprentice are not the kind of people who can chat and find topics all the time. After finishing what should not be explained, the two of them hung up the phone tacitly.


Luo Yuan spread his hands and leaned lazily on the backrest.

Not to mention, this feeling is also very comfortable.

After getting off the car, Luo Yuan didn't go home first, but took Xiaohu and Xuanhuo to a private Royal Beast restaurant for dinner.

The main purpose of this trip is to reward the two guys, and of course the main purpose is to comfort this Xiaohu classmate who is about to autistic.

"Come here...the last one will be fine..."

It took a long time for the meal to be served, and of course he wasn't bored, and naturally chatted with his friends on the Internet platform.

"Sir, the dishes are ready, just ring the bell if necessary, and we will definitely solve it immediately."

"Well, it's ok."

After Luo Yuan locked the door from the inside, he released them immediately.

"Come out!"


Xiaohu flashed excitedly to his seat, this restaurant is well thought out, Xiaohu only needs to bow his head to eat his favorite food.

Besides, this is all ordered according to their preferences, although Xuanhuo is very restrained in not speaking.

But he could clearly capture the eagerness in his eyes.

"Okay, I know you are all hungry, let's start!"

Luo Yuan also sat down cross-legged in a timely manner, and picked up the meal specially prepared for the pet master next to him.


After chewing it carefully, he found that it was not bad. Since it mainly focuses on beast-fed catering, Luo Yuan turned his attention to Xiaohu and Xuanhuo.

Oh, these two guys seem to be very much in love, look at the speed of eating, look at the exaggerated expressions on their faces.

Forgive Luo Yuan for not holding back his laughter, but he restrained himself from laughing out loud.

After all, Xuanhuo has been very restrained, if it weren't for its eyes and the speed of eating, he would have believed it!

Anyway, Xuanhuo's performance is really nothing to say, he looks very experienced and stylish.

As for Xiaohu, he looks like a pure child, really caught in the food and unable to extricate himself.


good to eat!


At this moment, Xiaohu feels that his life has been healed a little this week.

What kind of fairy delicacy is this?

In the future, if there is a chance, Luo Yuan must bring them more. My God, how many delicacies have been missed before? QAQ

In fact, Luo Yuan has never treated them badly, but it is true that he rarely takes them to regular restaurants that suit them for three meals a day.

However, the special royal beast food is undoubtedly more suitable for them. This kind of royal beast meal is mainly to meet the taste of the royal beast and increase its satisfaction!

Besides, at this stage, it doesn't mean that you can spend willfully!

At least in his cognition, this is the case. When he is free with strength and wealth, he will bring the two little guys here when he is free.

At that time, it is estimated that there will be more than two!

Not to mention he has great expectations.

Who doesn't want to make their beast-fearing team stronger and more perfect?

After a full meal, Luo Yuan rubbed his stomach, then took the finished Xuanhuo and Xiaohu back to the Beast Familiar Space, paid and left!

He took a full walk and rushed back home, and it didn't take long. He guessed that he should have a good meal at home and watch TV in the living room, right?


Sure enough, his guess was right, the family was watching TV lively and chatting about the plot!

Back home, Luo Yuan sat on the sofa tacitly and chatted with his parents.

No, the topic was slowly led by Luo Yuan to the off-base project in the school...


At this time, Father Luo and Mother Luo didn't have the slightest interest in watching TV.

What else to look at, my son wants to participate in such a dangerous project, so he wants to run before he has learned to walk?

For a while, the four of them worked on Luo Yuan's inner work, trying to persuade him.

Of course, Luo Yuan also has his own set of arguments, anyway, no one has convinced anyone.

"Zhenzhen, Wenyu, go back to your room first, let's have a good chat with your brother..."

"Well, I'm in the room first!"

"Mom and Dad, I'm going back to my room too!"

As soon as the voice fell, they walked towards their room in perfect step.


There was a sound of closing the door, and Luo Mu even turned off the TV with her!

"Don't talk about it, tell us the key points. Parents are not unreasonable people, but don't force yourself!"

"That's right, I'm now..."

"Is there no other way for Xiaohu? It's okay to go home for a while!"

"What kind of advice are you talking about? You don't understand, son, give me an accurate word..."

"Really, I have thought about doing this, parents, you don't need to worry, I am Xiaohu, Xuanhuo..."


Luo's father and Luo's mother couldn't help but gasped, did the two royal beasts evolve?

My son has reached the level of an intermediate pet master, so he can take care of himself.

Why do my own children feel like they are always fucking, they feel like they are dreaming.

The two looked at each other, and then couldn't help thinking about it. The security and authority of the key projects held by Huaguo Secret are guaranteed...

Thinking in this way, Luo's father and Luo's mother slowly let go of their worries, but in their hearts, they have to take things seriously.

But they are not willing to let the children give up and delay the children.

It is too wrong to hold back the children without providing them with any resources!

Luo Yuan brightened his eyes and looked at the second elder sincerely.

They still need to agree!

"Mom and Dad, I really want to go, I will protect myself, besides, it will take a while for Xiaohu to transition, I can't just keep hiding~"

After a while of emotion, the words of understanding and reason blurted out, and Luo's father and Luo's mother gradually softened their attitude.

"We don't understand either. If you want to go by yourself, remember to take care of yourself. Your family is waiting for you!"

"Well, I know my parents!"

"Okay, it's getting late, we've talked so much, let's stop talking, let's go to rest first!"

At this time, Father Luo said to Luo Yuan.

"Okay, Mom and Dad, I'm going to take a shower and go to bed too, good night, Mom and Dad~"

"Good night!"^2



Luo father and Luo mother returned to their room and chatted worriedly. Although they had convinced themselves, they were really worried!

The child is still so young, and if something happens, they will be beyond their reach!

"Oh, children are debts~"

"Who says it's not!"


At this moment, under the shroud of night, the people have entered into sleep one after another.

Of course, night owls are an exception. This kind of species whose day and night are reversed completely violates the laws of biology.

I would like to recommend a serious daily article on cultivating immortals-"My Immortal Cultivation Is Not Serious". If you are interested, go and read it!

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