Global Pet Master

Chapter 169 Ranking End


After snorting comfortably, Luo Yuan found that his state quickly returned to the state where the battle started.

"Okay, hurry up and go to the qualifying field and wait, I have nothing to stay here."

The medical royal pet master urged him with a very good-natured warm voice, Luo Yuan nodded politely, thanked him and left!

"Thank you, Doctor!"

"Go ahead, you kids just get good grades, Lao Zhang is here to support you, work hard~"

Doctor Zhang is also good-tempered and waved to him.

Returning to the field again, the other players' matches were still going on in an orderly manner. Luo Yuan carefully watched the players' performances in the viewing area.

Among them, the fastest ones belong to the top five pet masters, and their play and performance are amazing.

Luo Yuan also gained a lot from it, and there is really a lot for him to learn from their battle response and habits.

Just when Luo Yuan was watching with enthusiasm, he felt that there was an extra person approaching him, and he couldn't help but look over, only to find that it was Zhang Liuyun senior.

He was very polite and asked the senior how he was, before continuing to look at the other battle stages.

"What did the juniors see from their battles?"

Zhang Liuyun stood beside him, squinted his eyes very comfortably, and then asked him a question very naturally and frivolously.


Luo Yuan looked at this senior who had only met a few times very strangely, not knowing what he wanted to do.

So he told the seniors what he saw from it.

"Not bad, but what you need most at this stage is to settle down..."

After listening to Luo Yuan's thoughts and opinions, Zhang Liuyun sincerely suggested to him.

Luo Yuan's background and situation, he only needs to watch a few games to grasp his differences!

It's not that he understands too well, but that Zhang Liuyun has experienced that stage.

This is not to say that it is not good, but that when the strength is improving rapidly, the foundation is not stable enough, and the control is not so firm.

Why would Luo Yuan watch and analyze the qualifying games whenever he was free?

Naturally, this is inseparable from the fact that the principal is worried about Luo Yuan. As the principal, Comrade Zhang Liuyun, who is optimistic about being cultivated, can only take over this task honestly.

He didn't deliberately observe Luo Yuan's performance earlier, and at this moment he remembered what the principal said.

No, he is here!

Luo Yuan couldn't help being stunned by the senior's words.

It’s like this. I’m not as good as I thought. I haven’t learned all the things in the classroom, and the actual training is more about relying on myself to improve.

At this time, he suddenly realized that it turned out that Wang Lao didn't make other arrangements for him not only because his strength improved too fast and it was too late to prepare, but more because his state of mind didn't keep up.

So why not just talk to him?

Luo Yuan looked at the senior in confusion, but he didn't look at him at all, but watched the other students' competition with relish.

It was as if what he said just now had never happened.


Luo Yuan didn't say a word, followed him and continued to watch the following matches, and as each match point occurred, he found that he seemed to understand a little bit!

In the promotion again and again, he began to lose that steady heart, but he just felt that he was different from his peers...

But what's the difference?

Why do you always miss the point?

After that, Luo Yuan didn't ask Zhang Liuyun, the senior who came over suddenly, what?

It's not that he doesn't understand himself, but he lacks that humility. It turns out that I can really float up because of a little improvement.

Later it was Luo Yuan's turn very quickly, and as he defeated Jian Yitong, his ranking began to rise continuously.

However, he calmed down even more when the big bosses in front released a royal beast that he couldn't stop.


He was hit so hard that he fell off the ring, Xuanhuo and Xiaohu also lay limp on the ground covered with scars.

For some unknown reason, his pride seemed to be shattered at that moment!

Back to the time when I could stay up all night to study myself in order to get a good grade in the exam, and back to the boyhood when I saw my mother preparing ingredients in the cold weather, which looked like a red, swollen and red-eyed radish.


Too self righteous, too taken for granted is me.

I am too carried away, too idealistic.

The one who will be powerless is the current self, and it is still the self that needs to continue to work hard.

"Let's go, I'll take you to the infirmary." Zhang Liuyun helped him up and led him step by step towards that direction.

"Is it better? Don't think too much. When I was your age, I was much thicker than you!"

Zhang Liuyun couldn't help comforting him.

In fact, he didn't live like he himself said, but it's not good to say that the old man's favorite seedlings will make him lose his mind.

He also saw Luo Yuan's trend and responded like this.

Normally, he probably wouldn't pay attention to such people and behavior.

Luo Yuan's behavior is not the kind of drifting in the ordinary sense, he changed secretly and suddenly.

But there is a basis for this. If it were another person, it might not be possible to notice the change in Luo Yuan's mentality.

Zhang Liuyun, as the key trainer of the Zhang family who is in charge of the finance, his demeanor has been accumulated over time, so he can better understand the performance of people with a sense of superiority.

So how did he wake up?

There was no words, but the time and time again traveling through the spirit realm and exploring outside the base made him understand this.

It was very straightforward, and the elders didn't wake him up, but let him pay for his actions.

That would be much more painful than when Luo Yuan realized it after a fight!

Speaking of which, he was a little jealous.

How can it be cleared up at once? He has already seen it from his expression and performance, and he should walk out in a short time.

Over there, Luo Yuan has recovered with the help of the doctor, and teased each other very easily.

By the time they got to the arena, it was already the last five of them ranked!

And Zhang Liuyun lived up to expectations and was selected into the five-member team as the first place.

In the next month, the five of them will compete with outstanding pet masters from all over the country.

As for Luo Yuan and the other 190 people, they trained themselves regularly in the barracks.

Luo Yuan has become more active than before, and the training for Xuanhuo and Xiaohu will be more carefully arranged.

However, as before, he still competes with some well-connected pet masters of comparable strength, and will discuss some loopholes with each other.

In the continuous accumulation, he felt the feeling of laying a solid foundation.

Not bad~

Sure enough, people still need constant beating and sharpening to better deal with all kinds of life.

Luo Yuan has the opportunity to go out of the camp every day to sharpen himself this month, and with the constant cooperation, he has a tacit understanding with Xuanhuo and Xiaohu!

He will no longer be self-righteous and stand still, and he will work harder for himself and his family in the future...

People always have to look forward!

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