Global Pet Master

Chapter 320 Junior Brother Accepts Good Apprentice

Chapter 320 Junior Brother Accepts Good Apprentice

Zhang Xuanliang felt the passage of time, and he was more sure of the talents of the two nephews.

"Junior brother, you have found two good apprentices!"

The words of emotion blurted out, and Li Si, the apprentice, looked at the sky speechlessly.

If you want an apprentice to tell me, I'll find you a bunch.

Bai Feiyan nodded in relief, and continued to wait for the two little guys with his hands behind his back.

"It's okay, but your precious apprentice brought it to me."

"Why am I not so lucky~"

Immediately, he took a peevish look at Li Si, this guy was robbed at the time, and his path of accepting apprentices was not so smooth.

In the end, this guy is still straight-hearted, and his temper has not adjusted until now. This is what annoys him the most.

But taking this disciple along the way also brought out feelings. As long as I am still alive, I will definitely protect this guy well.

Presumably this is the bond between master and apprentice?


Just as they were thinking about each other's affairs, Shimen was activated by the inside!

Then he saw two ruddy-faced teenagers looking at the elders who were waiting for them with clear expressions.

"Trouble master, uncle and brother!"


"They are all from the same sect, so there is no need for so many gifts~"

Zhang Xuanliang looked at the two of them very friendly, and said very familiarly.

They also responded obediently to the uncle's words.

After using the treasure land, Bai Feiyan obviously wanted to take his apprentice away, after all, he still had other matters to explain to them.

"Brother, then I will take my disciples away first..."

"Go, but I can't lose the gift of being an uncle, right, here, the two little guys are ready!"

Immediately, two strong energy appeared in front of them.

At this moment, two purple and gold futons appeared in front of him.

Luo Yuan took the futon in front of him and saluted his uncle very politely, and Yan Fenghua did the same.

Not long after, the two followed Bai Feiyan, leaving the apprentice uncle and senior brother to walk towards the living area.

I haven't seen my apprentice for so long, so I have to test him well.

If he wants to see the burnout, this guy must put pressure on him.

After all, he had to conform to the image in this little bastard's heart, otherwise he would feel sorry for himself.

The end is a loss~

And Li Si had foreseen his own ending long ago, so he couldn't help but keep the uncle who brought him here in his heart.

Then, looking at the three people walking further and further away, he knew that he didn't run away today!

"I don't know to come and see Master, you have failed as an apprentice, kid~"

"Hee hee, master, if you resigned from my position, the apprentice will definitely come to see you every day, what do you think?"

The little abacus was crackling, but how could Master Zhang Xuanliang not see it.

So, picking it up is an education of love, and bruises and swollen faces are trivial things.

What was staged with the master and apprentice was Quan Wu Xing, so Luo Yuan, the master and apprentice, had a friendly conversation.

He was still very concerned about the fourth imperial beast of the two apprentices, so he also wanted to hear about their respective plans.

Luo Yuan's words and scope basically focused on the auxiliary buff-type beasts, while Yan Fenghua planned to take the route of full attack.

If the beast master is the foundation of a pet master, then the proper combination of beast masters is a good way to stabilize the combat power.

No matter what kind of beast master's choice, it is inseparable from the pet master's own settings, and hasty choices can only harm themselves.

Regarding Luo Yuan's choice, Bai Feiyan gave a very constructive opinion.

And he himself couldn't help but see his eyes light up under Master's suggestion.

Little Flame Boy?

If Master hadn't popularized this beast, he might not know about it, but he couldn't help getting excited after the teacher reminded him.

There are not many people of that kind who guard beasts, and they live in a small country, so they don't know many people and countries.

At present, Hua Country is the main controlling country, so there will be two places every ten years.

These two places are respectively controlled by Mowu University and Shangjing University.

If it is about support, it is undoubtedly suitable for him, and it only needs to wait another half a year, how can this make him not excited.

Yan Fenghua thought it was okay when he heard it, but the path he took was supported by his family and the inheritance of the fire attribute clan limited the scope.

So no matter how good he is, it's not his option.

As for Yan Fenghua's meticulous and smaller scope, Bai Feiyan also responsibly helped him consider it.

A few royal beasts that met his requirements were given, but the specific situation was more complicated.

For him, the imperial beast, which was considered by the teacher's perspective, was indeed unexpectedly in line with his idea.

Giving him two pieces of definite information is hope anyway, isn't it?

After resting for a while, the three of them headed straight towards Mowu.

This time, they didn't return through the space teleportation array.

With just a snap of his fingers, Bai Feiyan brought the two of them back to Mowu University's campus.

Yan Fenghua's eyes are hot to see, but it is even more difficult to find a fire-type space royal beast that meets his requirements.

Basically, there is no need to delusional!

Anyway, he gave up.

It is already very difficult to find a contracted beast that suits his requirements. If there is another round of reduction in this range, does he still need strength?

Even if he could afford to delay, the family would not agree with his behavior.

At that time, chicken and eggs will be fought, and nothing will happen...

Afterwards, Teacher Bai chatted with them about the upcoming national college freshmen qualifying competition as usual.

For the two who were originally in the high-ranking circle, this matter was still very simple.

But while they are improving, those competitors must also have made great progress, and it is true to be careless.

When they left at the end, the master also gave them a small packet of Qingxin Yuye tea to drink in the next few days.

This thing is definitely not cheap, otherwise Bai Feiyan would not have given such a small amount.

The two accepted the gift from the master and left politely. Although they said that their mental state had been adjusted and restored, it was necessary to spend a few days to cultivate.

Luo Yuan and Yan Fenghua bid farewell on this side, and then headed towards their respective courtyards on the other side.

Back in the dormitory, after releasing the three little guys, Luo Yuan quickly tidied up his room.

At this time, not to mention, he was really homesick, and when his condition was adjusted, he decided to exercise the magic skills of the little guy Marshal.

This must be used well. Although it takes time, it is indeed more convenient for him.

At that time, Luo Yuan only needs to summon the marshal to teleport home over a long distance, wouldn't it be a joy.

Immediately, he looked at the marshal with more expectations.

I stared at the little guy in a daze. Although it is now bigger in size, its strength has also become stronger, so I still unconsciously shake my little heart when I look at Luo Yuanna's meaningful eyes.


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