Global Pet Master

Chapter 323 Freshman College Qualifying Tournament (Do you have a ticket?)

Under continuous training, both Luo Yuan and his beast master have improved to a considerable extent.

After studying for a long time, he almost forgot the passage of time, but it still came to the end of the year very quickly.

For Luo Yuan, Yan Fenghua and the others, this last month was not for studying, but for being sent out to participate in the qualifying competition.

It is a re-ranking of the outstanding freshmen for the whole year, and it is an acceptance of the teaching results of each school.

In fact, Mowu University has only a few old rivals every year. It is a pity that it was ranked second last year, but this year, Principal Li Si is full of confidence in this time.

Mostly his younger brother, with his uncle escorting him, is also the progress he sees in his eyes.

There is no need to worry about this, the top three must be in the next two positions.

Although he is very confident, he has to be wary of the new generation of pet masters from other schools.

The emergence of that kind of dark horses also happens from time to time. After the base number is large, it is quite normal that one or two dark horses will be produced there!

Each school can select ten freshmen, and there are at least three hundred students in twenty bases.

The seven, seven, eighty-eight schools add up to countless.

Inside the school, there are monthly exams basically every month. In order to make the students feel fair, the school did not announce the candidates directly, but organized a competition exam for the whole freshman.

The top ten people can go directly to represent the competition, not to mention it is very convenient.

Besides, Luo Yuan and Yan Fenghua's visit is basically just a formality. Most of these people's strength has just broken through to the strength of the early diamond stage.

All this was too simple for the two who were just short of cultivating their last royal beast to the peak of the diamond stage.

This is the second time for most of the freshmen to see the two seed players Luo Yuan and Yan Fenghua.

Of course, it is true that they lost to the two. Under the circumstances of the disparity in strength, their respective opponents basically fell into defeat quickly.

The two of them won the first two places very smoothly, and their strength has been further proved!

After finishing the ranking competition over there, Li Si sent Zhang Yunan, a freshman grade director, to take charge of the ten students.

But they are all good seedlings of the school's new generation, so nothing can go wrong.

Ever since, a group of eleven people headed towards the Shangjing base very quickly.

The space teleportation array was still very convenient, and they arrived at the hotel assigned to them by the Shangjing base in a short time.

Yunlai International Hotel: a resting place for players of all major competitions, with high standards and complete hotel facilities, it is no better than a place for a large number of people to arrange.

On the first day they arrived, students from Beijing University who were in charge led them to check in.

Not to mention, because of the relationship between the Big Four, these responsible students did not dare to cause any trouble.

After settling in, Luo Yuan and the others took their own beasts to solve their own eating problems in the dining area of ​​the hotel.

With more and more people, the contestants from each school are basically in place!

It was settled here very quickly. After seeing Zhang Wenke, Luo Yuan made an appointment with him to talk about the old days.

I have to say that in the past year, everyone has changed a lot.

In order to be able to grow up better, no one dares to really relax.

Who is not running all the way to be the first?

When Luo Yuan and Zhang Wenke met each other, they naturally had a good chat.

The two of them talked more about their own gains and some problems in their own cultivation.

It's probably hard work. The two feel that they have a lot to talk about in these matters.

The topic didn't become unfamiliar because they haven't seen each other for nearly a year. During the conversation, Zhang Wenke was also shocked by Luo Yuan's change.

If the original Luo Yuan was a high-spirited young man with confidence and a little pride, then now he looks like a leader of the new generation of the family cultivated in a big family.

This kind of breath and change, Zhang Wenke is undoubtedly clear, this is obviously less than a year, is the magic power so powerful?

Immediately, he shook his head, since he had chosen his own school, there was no reason to back down.

Besides, my school is still good for me, there is no need to be so.

After that, Zhang Wenke and Luo Yuan left one after another!

When we meet again, it will be the scene of the competition, and there may be a battle at that time.

Both of them are looking forward to the follow-up meeting.


The following annual qualifying competition will officially start~

Luo Yuan, Yan Fenghua and others were also dispersed at this time, and each went to a different competition area.

Not to mention, this is really bigger than the arena, and the hundreds of people in the 20 bases have been properly arranged.

The ten competition areas even competed at the same time, and the real-time recent situation there was also captured by many lovers of the royal pet master competition through the camera.

Of course, it is only local to the Shangjing base, and the current technology has not yet reached the point where it is possible to pass through the barrier of the spirit array to conduct base-to-base.

However, with the development of technology, everything is possible.

While pet masters are making progress, ordinary people are also making progress, and talents in various fields have also emerged during this period.

Even if Luo Yuan doesn't know much about the lives of ordinary people in this era, he is still curious about some of their achievements.

The push from gave him a clearer understanding of the advancement of technology.

For the future, he is still full of expectations, and believes that they will usher in more rapid technological changes in the near future.

Let's not talk about this topic for the time being, and the field of vision will fall into the arena again.

Luo Yuan also quickly reached his first match.

He is a very muscular young man, and it is very interesting to guard beasts.

The two imperial beasts really opened Luo Yuan's horizons. He never expected that such an interesting situation would happen to the first opponent.

It also gave Luo Yuan more curiosity and anticipation for the follow-up.

The battle between the two also officially started at this moment.

This time Luo Yuan's Xiaohu and Xuanhuo directly confronted each other's Menglian Water Demon and the Sword Bearer.

The beasts of the two cherished the rare sight, so they received more and more attention.

Of course, among them, Luo Yuan and his royal beast received the most attention.

Feitian Wenyanghu and Yuhuo Jianzun, this beast is not lacking in popularity and strength, but how could it not be eye-catching when they appear together next to the young man?

"This boy is not simple", this is basically the first thought after seeing him and his beast master.

In fact, the first image he showed was too strong, making people unable to move their eyes away.

His opponent Li Xiaoke also became serious.

Almost instantly, the four imperial beasts fought together very quickly, without any delay.

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