Global power: Awakening of the Purple Sky Divine Thunder at the beginning

Chapter 586 The Secret Realm of Qingfeng is Opened! The Flower God Ruins Space!

The megacity Melbourne is roughly divided into five regions.

There are four urban districts in the east, west, south and north, plus the central city in the middle.

This book is first published on ๐Ÿž๐ŸกBook Barโ†’๐Ÿž๐Ÿก๐•ค๐•™๐•ฆ๐•ฉ.๐•Ÿ๐•–๐•ฅ, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

Among them, the central urban area is the most prosperous, followed by Dongcheng District.

Caesar Square is one of the most prosperous attractions in Dongcheng District.

It's not even seven o'clock in the morning, and there are already some tourists coming to play.

Among the people sitting on the benches around Caesar Square, there was a girl who stood out the most.

The girl has a delicate appearance, with long, silky golden hair, and green eyes as clear as spring water.

Wearing simple casual clothes, her long and beautiful legs under shorts were so white that they were a little dazzling.

The whole person exudes a faint sacred aura under the sunlight.

Pedestrians passing by all around looked at him frequently.

This girl is Kathleen, whom Xu Jingming met in the virtual world last night.

"Huh? She also came to Moben?" Xu Jingming was a little surprised.

But not to mention, without the missionary, Catherine was indeed divine and beautiful.

After thinking about it, since we were all going to get on the plane together later, I went over to say hello.

"Xu Jingming?"

Looking at Xu Jingming who suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, Kathleen was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes lit up.

He suddenly stood up from the bench and stood with his legs straight:

"May the Holy Light..."

Halfway through her words, she suddenly remembered Xu Jingming's decisiveness last night and stopped abruptly.

But she wasn't very familiar with Xu Jingming, so she didn't know what to say when she stopped.

Her rosy little mouth opened slightly, but she just stared at Xu Jingming blankly, speechless.

Xu Jingming was happy.

This girl looks arrogant and aloof on the surface, but in fact she is not only average, but also a bit cute.

I donโ€™t know if itโ€™s because I stayed in the Arctic for a long time.

"Hey, Lady Goddess, are you not going to continue preaching this time?" Xu Jingming teased.

After the genius competition, Katherine showed up in the form of a twelve-winged angel.

In the popular appellation, she has been promoted from saint to goddess.

"Simply preaching is meaningless to you. When I think of other ways, I will come to you to preach again."

Kathleen hummed.

Originally she had given up, but now that Xu Jingming is also in Oceania.

Then she would have plenty of opportunities to think of other solutions.

"Really? Then I'm looking forward to it." Xu Jingming took advantage of the situation and sat down on the bench.

Katherine looked at Xu Jingming and couldn't find anything to say for a moment, so she sat down next to him.


Xu Jingming originally thought that there wouldn't be many people here in Oceania.

But half an hour later, many people gathered one after another.

"Brother Ming! Good morning!"

"Sister Lin! Good morning to you too."

These people also spotted Xu Jingming and Kathleen, and each of them greeted them in Daxia dialect or English.

When the Obsidian-class fighter plane that picked up the people landed in the square, 12 people were already waiting here.

"It seems that coming to Oceania for training is indeed the unanimous choice of the geniuses."

Xu Jingming said silently in his heart.

It's just that he didn't see Su Yu and Andre among these people.

"Come up, we have to pick up a few people in Nixi."

In order to ensure the safety of the geniuses as much as possible, the driver of the Obsidian-class fighter is a ninth-level superpower.

After Xu Jingming and others boarded the fighter plane, the fighter plane flew to Nixi, another supermarket.

After picking up four more people, they continued flying towards the Kingdom of Mactan in the European Union.

By the time we arrived in Mactan, it was already 10pm local time.

Denmark is originally an island country, and the place where Xu Jingming landed is a small island called "Stone Island".

When everyone stepped off the fighter plane, they were all shocked by the beautiful scenery in front of them.

In the night sky, a bright moon hangs, and the bright moonlight shines on the sea.

The rippling sea water is sparkling with silver light, and the reflected moonlight complements each other.

The sea breeze blows in from a distance, bringing a light smell of sea water. Everything is so peaceful and beautiful.

"That's great." Xu Jingming, who stepped off the fighter plane, couldn't help but admire in a low voice.

It's not like he has never seen the sea before. He had already seen enough when he took a warship to Sakura Country last time.

But this was his first time seeing such a beautiful sea.

What's more important is that under the sea water, there is no shadow of any vicious beast!

This is very valuable.

โ€œThere are a large number of sulfur trenches under the Mactan Kingdom, and the sulfur dispersed makes the ferocious beasts reluctant to approach here.

Otherwise, the Mactan Kingdom would have fallen at the early stage of the beast tide's invasion.

You also can't see the calm sea that existed before this vicious beast invaded. "

The ninth-level powerhouse who stepped off the Obsidian-level fighter smiled and introduced:

"Your accommodation is over there, and the room number has been sent to your respective smart bracelets.

Tomorrow at 9 o'clock in the morning, the Qingfeng Secret Land will be opened on this beach, just come a little earlier. "

"Yes." Xu Jingming and others nodded.

Behind them was a building over a hundred meters high, with lights on in most rooms.

Xu Jingming entered his room, washed up and immediately went to bed to rest.

This time I am going to stay in the Qingfeng Secret Realm for a month, so I have to be energetic.


The next day, Xu Jingming put on all his equipment and came to the beach early.

The remaining top 100 geniuses also arrived one after another, and stood together by country in a tacit understanding.

There were 21 people on the Daxia side, led by Xu Jingming and Su Yu.

There were 24 people on the US side, led by Catherine.

Some geniuses from small countries that were close to the US, such as Sakuragi Rin, also stood beside them.

When it was almost nine o'clock, Norton, who had appeared in the virtual world, came from a distance.

Behind him, there were three other ninth-level psychics.

Although they were all ninth-level, it was obvious that they were all led by S-level Norton.

The figures of several people flashed, and in just a few breaths, they walked from hundreds of meters away to the front of everyone.

Norton, the leader, said: "Everyone! The reward of Qingfeng Secret Realm will last for one month.

In addition to the three opportunities I mentioned, Qingfeng Secret Realm also contains dangers.

There are a large number of fierce beasts in the whole secret realm.

However, these fierce beasts are different from the fierce beasts in the outside world and will not actively attack human superpowers.

Of course, if you choose to hunt it, it will also resist.

The genius competition official will not be responsible for any casualties during the period. Please be cautious after entering the Qingfeng Secret Realm."

The fierce beasts did not take the initiative to attack. If they were still injured or even died, they really deserved it.

"Then next, Qingfeng Secret Realm is officially opened!"

A stone was taken out of the space ring by Norton, and then the whole stone exuded amazing space power!


The space on the sea surface fluctuated violently, and in just a moment, a scene like another world appeared vaguely.

At this time, Eva's voice suddenly sounded in Xu Jingming's heart:

"Hey, S-level, this seems to be...the ruins of the flower god!"

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