At six o'clock in the evening, the next day's game is considered to be over.

The next 100 people were eliminated, leaving only 700.

When Chen Yi came down to the restaurant on the first floor for a buffet dinner, the restaurant was once again filled with an atmosphere of blowing snow in the west gate of the inn. When everyone was talking, it suddenly became quiet.

In fact, the first player would be extremely popular. Other players are eager to make friends. Maybe a certain level can cooperate. For example, yesterday’s shipbuilding and crossing the river, the benefits of cooperation are very obvious. Although they are usually opponents, they are super when they cooperate. A capable teammate.

But in the face of Chen Yi, the number one, everyone has a huge sense of distance. Cooperating with him? Everyone subconsciously refused, and following him would cause death. Everyone felt Chen Yi's aura of pressure like a hundred meters, and it was difficult to raise the courage to talk to him.

Chen Yi has become accustomed to this kind of atmosphere. He participates in global racing and is not here to make friends. So instead of caring, he is happy. Otherwise, a group of people come over and want to make friends with himself. That would be annoying. This He doesn't want to entertain.

His appetite seems to be bigger. After eating one set after another, the whole bottomless hole is the same. The other players are a little dumbfounded. I'm afraid it's not a big appetite?

After eating and drinking, Chen Yi returned to the presidential suite. After digesting for a while, he lay on the bedside and opened the system panel:

Reputation: 192565

Strength: 14

Agility: 14

Spirit: 15

Skills: Parkour LV2 (Proficient)+, Skateboarding LV2 (Proficient)+, Drifting LV2 (Proficient)+, Cycling LV2 (Proficient)+, Parachuting LV2 (Proficient)+, Climbing LV2 (Proficient)+……

Although only one system task was completed today, it has 50,000 prestige because it is nightmare difficulty, which is as good as yesterday's medium plus one difficult task. Today's popularity is also higher, and the limit is even worse, making the prestige earned more, and it is almost breaking the 200,000 mark.

However, he still has no plans to upgrade any of his skills to LV3 for the time being. After all, this is too costly for prestige. Anyway, prestige can be saved. It is not too late to upgrade when he determines which skill needs to be used.

He turned on the TV and played a movie, then turned on the convalescence cabin again, enjoying the restoration of the convalescence cabin while enjoying the comfort, while watching the movie, it was euphoric.

At five o'clock the next morning, he woke up before the alarm clock went off. The soreness and fatigue of yesterday's high-intensity exercise had long since disappeared. He was comfortable and refreshed, and he felt full of strength.

Turn on the system and look. The reputation dropped by 70,000 to 122565. Strength 16, Agility 16, and Spirit 16, which rose by 2 points, 2 points, and 1 point respectively. Compared to yesterday, the rise seems to be a bit slower, but this It is also normal. The effect is the most obvious when a person first begins to exercise. The more you grow up, the slower the speed will be. Just like those already very strong athletes, if you want to grow up a little, you will have to pay countless hard work.

He looked in the mirror and was even more satisfied. When he first crossed over, his figure was not bad, his frame was well-proportioned, he was slightly thinner, with a little effort, he could still see some abdominal muscles. , The figure is much better, but time is limited, and it is not strong.

But the extreme sports of these two days and the rehabilitation of the recuperation cabin allowed him to grow rapidly, and his muscles began to appear beautiful lines, not very strong, but super explosive at first glance.

Chen Yi suspects that the reason why he can eat more and more is mainly due to the combined effects of extreme sports and recuperation cabins. After all, if you want to repair and grow quickly, you have to consume energy.

Chen Yi got up to wash, and then went downstairs. It was only 5:55. The reason why he started so early was because he was too far ahead. The program team had no choice but to advance his time. Otherwise, when the other players set off, it will be late in the afternoon, and it will be impossible to finish it at night.

Even if he advances his start time to six o'clock in the morning, five hours later, it is eleven o'clock at noon, and the start time of other players is later than previously expected.

When the program group formulated this rule, it was unexpected that the gap was so big at the beginning. I don't know if the rule will be adjusted in the future because of this time gap.

It was too early, and the other players hadn't gotten up yet, but unlike yesterday, the other players were watching upstairs. The Global Racing Live Room was opened, and the number of viewers was not as high as it started yesterday, but it was also very popular. Many viewers went to bed and got up early to watch Chen Yi. To the audience's surprise, none of Lin Hai, Liu Jing, Su Ya, and Yan Xueqi were present. It may be that they hadn't gotten up too early.

"Finally it's on again. It's early today."

"There is no way, it's too much ahead."

"Hahaha, the program crew is also very helpless."

Chen Yi came to check in and got the information card: "The seventh check-in point: Qingyun Mountain top, way of advance: unlimited, route: unlimited, materials: zipline, some mineral water."

Chen Yi looked at the map and understood. At first glance, there is no limit to the way forward, but it is actually a choice between zipline and walking. It is similar to the previous cliff rappelling, but the difference is that although the stairs of the cliff rappelling section are time-consuming and laborious, it is not impossible, but this section of walking may face the risk of elimination. You must know that the length of the zipline is one kilometer. The mountains below are overlapping, how easy is it to walk over? If you go around the highway, it will be farther. On the surface, you can choose by yourself, but in fact, you don’t have to choose if you want to pass.

Chen Yi walked a short distance and came to the location of the zipline on the edge of the cliff. Yunjiang Waterfall, the hotel, and the zipline are actually supporting projects of this tourist attraction. The zipline was originally invented for transportation, but this How many people will really use the zipline for transportation in the beginning of the year? It's all about traveling and having fun.

I saw a few ziplines leading directly to the direction of Qingyun Mountain. There was some morning fog in front of them. The ziplines were hidden in the morning fog and there was no end in sight. Below was a valley of more than 300 meters, which was a nightmare for fear of heights.

The audience looked a little bit weak, but they didn't worry about Chen Yi at all. They felt that this was nothing to Chen Yi. For those who climb more than 300 meters of vertical cliffs with bare hands, what is the difficulty of ziplining?

Chen Yi was preparing for the zipline, but he did not see the zipline staff. He took a closer look at a sign on the side that said, business hours are 8:00-18:00.

Chen Yi was taken aback, and then looked back at the photographer team. The photographer team's eyes were slightly dodged, trying to pretend not to know but obviously failed to pretend to be successful.

Chen Yi does not believe that the program team will not know about this, and even if it is open at 8 o'clock, as long as the program team communicates, it should be possible to arrange until 6 o'clock.

Obviously, the program group is deliberately stuck with itself. In this regard, Chen Yi is not very surprised. In his previous life, there was a variety show called Speed ​​Forward, which is a bit similar to this competition. There are traces of the balance of program groups everywhere, there are ridiculous situations where there are no planes, no flights, no stores, and no opening at 11 o'clock in the morning. The audience is accustomed to it, and it is called the balance point.

This world racing is really a lot faster than that. This card is also considered a bit technical. After all, this tourist attraction project does not start business until 8 o'clock.

The audience in the live broadcast room started to talk.

". I'll go, don't you have to wait two hours for business at eight?"

"Why didn't the program group think about this earlier? Hashi Chen Shenbai waited for two hours, so that not only would he lose his two-hour lead, but he would also wake up so early in vain."

"The two-hour delay, will it make up for it?"

"No one really thinks that the program group has not considered it. This is obviously a deliberate restriction. Chenshen is leading too much, and the program group feels that it can't be played anymore."

"Fuck, do you want the show team to be such a dog? No wonder Chenshen started at six o'clock today, but the show team didn't make any big announcements. No wonder Lin Hai, Liu Jing, Su Ya, and Yan Xueqi have not yet arrived."

The audience was very angry and held injustice for Chen Yi.

Chen Yi is very calm and prepared. If the program group is not restricted, then it is not a program but a professional competition. Besides, if you restrict yourself in this way, can you be restricted? .

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