The priest finally spoke slowly - just like before, she was not expressing her personal thoughts, but conveying the will of Poseidon!

"The Son of Prophecy is a double-edged sword! - He can lead everyone out of the sea of ​​suffering! He can also make everyone fall into deeper sea of ​​suffering!"

"So when he follows the will of Poseidon, he will become a hero who leads everyone out of the sea of ​​suffering! Then we must follow him to the death!"

"But if he goes against Poseidon's will and plunges everyone into deeper misery - then he is our enemy! We must destroy him! Save the world!"

"Because in this world! There is only Poseidon! He is the real God! He is the God who can take us out of the sea of ​​suffering!"

A long paragraph of almost crazy words not only did not make the church members feel dull and boring, but made them all listen to it intoxicated!

So all of them raised their white candles high!

"Great Poseidon! Eternal Poseidon!"

"We will always follow you! Implement your will! You are our loving father! You are our eternal light!"

The priestess also raised the white candle in her hand high again.

"Son of prophecy! I hope you will not disappoint Poseidon's expectations! Otherwise! Your future will only be death!"

"Master Priest, are we going to find the Son of Prophecy now and ask him to follow the will of Poseidon?"

"Don't worry! Anyone with a great mission must withstand a great test! It just so happens that there happens to be a demon nearby who can be used to test the son of prophecy!"

The priestess said with a meaningful smile - she was looking forward to what kind of performance Chen Hao would perform!

On Noah's Ark, everyone who was shocked by the scene of Poseidon's passing by sat back down at the dining table.

"Who are those people? They look a little weird!"

Xiaoxiao said as she patted her chest with a scared look on her face - under the nervous mood, her chest rose and fell violently, like a little white rabbit jumping around uneasily, which was eye-catching.

Wu Shiqing was also very uneasy.

"Those people gave me a...very bad feeling. I felt like they were like a certain religion, but they all seemed a little crazy..."

Regarding the emotions of Xiaoxiao and Wu Shiqing, Baililin nodded slightly and agreed, but said nothing more - in her bodyguard career, she had met many similar people - such as some celebrities Avid fan!

These fans, after chasing stars to a certain extent, will do unbelievable things! ——They will regard celebrities as their lovers, and then because they can't stand that the celebrities have too many fans and cannot be exclusive to them, they decide! ——Kill the star! Let him be his own!

In other words - you can't understand these people with normal people's thinking!

Amy murmured thoughtfully.

"My hair! The more I think about it, the weirder it gets! Such a small wooden boat! How can someone stand on it?"

Facing the confusion of many women, Chen Hao actually had a bad impression of these people, and even felt a little disgusted - obviously! This is a group of fanatical religious believers! ——Contacting the prophecy given by Xue Jun, the Poseidon Sect will bring some trouble to Chen Hao! ——Chen Hao naturally dislikes it even more! I even want to slap these people to death!

"Speaking of which, these people seem to be coming from the center of Jiang Province - could it be that they have already caused a lot of trouble in Jiang Province, so the Jiang Province Region Corps has no time to take care of this place? "

Thinking of Jiang Province’s ambiguous attitude towards the 339th Corps - the entire Corps was in chaos! Adjutant Lin Nan died in vain! The Corps Commander is confused! The entire corps is on the verge of destruction! ——Kejiang Province not only didn’t discover it immediately, but even after learning about it, they didn’t even arrange for a commissioner to come over!

Totally unreasonable! It’s even contrary to common sense!

"Now it seems that my trouble may also be their trouble! This Poseidon Sect is quite destructive!"

Chen Hao was thinking secretly in his heart - at the same time, he was thinking, should he take the initiative? Nip the Poseidon Sect's signs of rebellion in Tiandu City in the cradle!

But at this time, Sha Niu suddenly received a notification - someone called from the satellite phone! ——And there is only one person who owns Chen Hao’s satellite phone—Tang Cai’er!

So Chen Hao asked Sha Niu to get on the phone directly.

"What's wrong? Cai'er? Miss me again?"

"Save! Save me! Chen Hao!"

Tang Cai'er's voice was very nervous! It was like seeing an extremely horrifying scene! So the voice is trembling slightly!

"The devil you mentioned...has appeared!"

Chapter 112 Yu Mei

"Save! Save me! Chen Hao!"

Hear Tang Cai'er's trembling voice! Chen Hao immediately became alert! ——The Poseidon Sect has just appeared, and something happened to Tang Cai'er. It's hard not to connect Chen Hao with this!

"Cai'er, don't be nervous, tell me what happened!"

"The devil you were talking about...appeared!"


Chen Hao remembered - in the previous life, after the flood submerged Tiandu City, the surviving college students gathered on the back mountain, thinking they had escaped disaster! ——But unexpectedly, a demon actually awakened among them! Just kill everyone!

As for this matter, why is it so sensational? After all, in the apocalypse, murder is everywhere! So killing a group of college students, what's so new about it? ——That's because, it's not enough for this demon to kill the college students. He even turned into a ball of flame, rose into the sky, and burned and killed people everywhere in Tiandu City!

So! The back hill of Tiandu University is just the beginning!

If we don't stop it! Tiandu City will become a sea of ​​fire! It will directly affect the scenery outside Chen Hao's window!

So Chen Hao only thought for 1 second and made a decision - get rid of this devil!

"Cai'er, tell me, where are you now?"

"I'm in the water, hiding from that devil! But it seems that it has found me!"

"Teacher Tang! Danger!"

"Run away!"

With a bang! There was a burst of explosions from the other end of the phone! The line was disconnected casually!

But it is not difficult to hear from the last voice that the devil has found Tang Cai'er's trace! ——So Tang Cai'er! There is danger!

"Dare to touch my woman! It seems that you are too long to live!"

Chen Hao stood up, looked around at the four women Xiaoxiao, Wu Shiqing, Amy, and Baililin, and then made arrangements.

"Xiaoxiao! Shiqing! Lin! The three of you stay on the boat, I'm going to take Amy out!"

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Xiaoxiao and the others were all confused-especially the Poseidon Cult that had just appeared, which was full of weirdness, making them all a little uneasy!

Chen Hao also explained briefly.

"You have a sister who is being hunted, so I'm going to save her!"

Hearing this explanation, the corners of the women's mouths drooped down a little dissatisfied! ——No doubt! This is jealousy!

So Chen Hao smiled, stretched out his hand and gently scratched Xiaoxiao's nose, stretched out his hand and touched Wu Shiqing's head, and then gave Baili Lin a firm look.

"If it were you who were in danger today, I would not hesitate and rush over immediately! ——If you want to ask why, there is no reason, it's because I care about you!"

Hearing that Chen Hao had them in his heart, the women's hearts were sweet-so what else could they say? They could only be more understanding!

"Go, go! Saving lives is the most important thing!"

Several women urged Chen Hao to go find Tang Cai'er quickly.

Amy had already set off to start the speedboat on the negative 3rd floor, after all, that was their fastest means of transportation.

"Let's go! Let's drive the speedboat!"

"No! We're not driving the speedboat today!"

"Not driving the speedboat? Then what to drive?"

Amy was a little confused--obviously she didn't know that Chen Hao had added some more powerful tools now!

So Chen Hao stretched out his hand and released a combat helicopter! --Equipped with a large-caliber Gatling gun! It can fire 6,000 rounds of bullets per minute!

"Oh my god! Such a cool armed helicopter?"

"Get on the plane!"

Chen Hao smiled slightly, sat in the driver's seat, and then took out the key tablet and placed it on top of the driving system.

"Silly girl! Connect the helicopter's operating system! Change to intelligent driving! Go to Tiandu University!"

"Okay, master!"

Silly girl immediately took over the armed helicopter, without Chen Hao moving a finger, and flew directly to the direction of Tiandu University.

At the same time, in the flooded teaching building of Tiandu University.

Tang Caier has turned into a colorful mermaid, and only He Xin is left beside her. On He Xin's head, there is a bubble that looks like a helmet. This is what Tang Caier gave to He Xin. It contains breathable air, otherwise He Xin would not be able to survive underwater.

"That crazy woman!"

He Xin's eyes were red with anger! ——Just now, his classmates died one by one in front of him! And they all died miserably! They were all burned to death by flames!

And he could only watch his classmates die miserably! But he could do nothing!

"Classmate He! Calm down! Yu Mei now is no longer the Yu Mei we know! So we must be cautious!"

That's right! The demon who slaughtered all the classmates was Yu Mei, who once wanted Tang Caier to find water to wash her hair, but was splashed with urine by He Xin! ——But He Xin could never have thought that it was he who indirectly helped Yu Mei awaken her superpowers!

The original Yu Mei didn't dare to touch the rain! She was afraid that the water was poisonous! It would poison her to death! ——But after being splashed with urine by He Xin, Yu Mei, as a delicate girl, could not stand the smell of urine on her head, so she quietly left the cave and went to collect rain water to wash her hair.

After all, Yu Mei had learned that many girls had secretly used rain water to wash their hair and take a bath - most of them were fine! Only a few people had a little itchy skin - compared with the strong smell of urine, it was not a big deal!

So Yu Mei poured rain water on her head!

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