Who can own luxury goods but dare not wear them? ——It is definitely not the rich, because the rich are not afraid of showing off their wealth——So it must be the big shots in the system who are powerful and influential, but afraid of being discovered by the organization!

So Liu Qiang instantly determined that Chen Hao was working for a big shot.

That is also commonly known as "white gloves"!

As for why the big shot needs money? ——There are too many reasons, for example, after embezzling the organization's property, there is a deficit! And afraid of being investigated! So borrow it to fill the hole first! ——But Liu Qiang dare not ask! Can't ask! ——If he still wants to live!

So Liu Qiang's attitude instantly changed from respectful to flattering——because no matter how powerful the loan shark is, he dare not be an enemy of the government!

"I understand! I understand! It is my honor to work for Mr. Chen!"

"Just know!"

Chen Hao leaned on the sofa and said casually——After years of hanging around in the high-level circle, Chen Hao was naturally good at such trivial things as pretending.

But Liu Qiang thought about it and still wanted to ask for a little commission.

"But Mr. Chen, our small company is not easy, this 10 million..."

"Okay! Stop nagging! 10 million, borrowed for half a year, and 5 million commission will be given to you when it expires. Is that enough?"

"Enough! Enough!"

Liu Qiang was instantly shocked by Chen Hao's generosity, thinking that the powerful must be rich! He didn't even blink an eye when he gave 5 million! ——If he had to earn it himself, he might not be able to earn 5 million in half a year!

But he didn't know that Chen Hao had no intention of paying back the money at all! ——The end of the world is coming soon, what the hell! ——As for the 5 million commission, it was a smokescreen to save Liu Qiang from trouble before the end of the world!

So soon, Chen Hao's account had 10 million more real money! ——That is commonly known as cash flow, which can be used at any time! Unlike those asset flows, you have to sell the house to make money!

"Hehe! 8 million plus 10 million, now I can get whatever materials I want!"

Chen Hao smiled confidently.

Although 18 million in cash is not much.

But you have to know that in this world, you don't have to buy to experience something - for example, a beautiful woman, you need a gift of 600,000, plus a house and a car to marry her - but you only need to give 600 yuan to have her for one night!

This is the benefit of short-term rental!

"What's more, I still have the creation space. As long as I get the things, I can copy them infinitely!"

Thinking of this, Chen Hao can already foresee his future.

In the end times, in an environment where nothing can be produced, he can continuously come up with new things!

That is simply the "creator" of the new era!

"Okay, now, it's time to go to work and be cool!"

Chen Hao stretched his waist for a long time.

In the future, when the sea level rises, no matter how powerful the fortress or safe house is, it will be a dead can under the sea water, and it will be finished sooner or later.

Only yachts are the most practical safe houses and the most practical means of transportation!

And Chen Hao knows that in his yacht rental company, there is a yacht called "Noah's Ark", which can be called a magic weapon in the doomsday water world!

Chapter 10 Musk and "Noah's Ark"

Speaking of this "Noah's Ark" yacht, its origin is quite interesting.

Someone once said "I'm not interested in money", and then turned around and spent 2 billion to buy a yacht-that's right, with the rapid development of the times, the real top rich people have long stopped playing with luxury cars and luxury houses, and they all play with private yachts!

So the owner of this "Noah's Ark" is also a top rich man, and a rich man who is keen on technology-Musk!

After sending the car into space-after sending the rocket to Mars-Musk built this luxury yacht that can survive alone in the end of the world!

The 109-meter-long hull is also the top existence among private yachts! ——All operations have two modes: automation and manual. One person can drive the entire yacht! ——But the most important thing is its safety. With the blessing of top-level materials, even if a nuclear bomb comes, it can block it!

As for such a god-level yacht, why did it appear in China? And it appeared in Chen Hao's company?

Don't ask! ——The question is that Musk is happy! ——So he puts it wherever he wants!

After all, Musk has always been nicknamed "mad genius". He never follows the routine when doing things, and focuses on the unexpected!

So this kind of free-spirited style, for him personally, he has gained happiness-for his business empire, he has gained a lot of attention! It has become a free advertisement! Let his company's stock price rise wave after wave!

So he put his luxury yacht-in a medium-sized city in China-and handed it over to a small-scale yacht rental company to manage!

It is simply shocking the eyes of people all over the world! ——Of course, the stock price also soared, bursting Musk's wallet!

"Hehe! I just didn't expect that the person who benefited the most from this matter would be me!"

Chen Hao laughed.

Because when the flood comes, what stock price? What business empire? They are far less valuable than a mobile fortress on the sea!

Moreover, don’t forget, Chen Hao has room for creation!

When the time comes, he will be able to copy this "Noah's Ark" yacht infinitely - so even if there is no aircraft carrier, he can still build a maritime fleet! Become the overlord of the sea! ——Of course, if Chen Hao doesn’t mind the trouble, because instead of dominating the world, he would rather lead a group of beauties to live happily...

So Chen Hao immediately rushed to the place where he worked, a yacht rental company called "Haohan Yacht Club"!

Vast Yacht Club.

Zhang Meili, the department head, was furious at Chen Hao's workstation.

"Where is Chen Hao? Where are the others? He ran away without saying a word. He thinks he runs this company! He can come when he wants and leave when he wants?!"

As a company that specializes in entertaining wealthy people, Haohan Yacht Club has high requirements for its employees, but they must be good-looking!

So Zhang Meili’s appearance is not bad either, with a score of 85! She also has a hot figure and is a very tasteful woman!

But as Chen Hao's supervisor, the biggest conflict between her and Chen Hao comes not from the superior-subordinate relationship, but from the relationship between men and women!

That's right! Zhang Meili once pursued Chen Hao crazily! But he was ruthlessly rejected by Chen Hao! ——The reason given by Chen Hao is that he doesn’t like women older than him—but he’s kidding! Sister-type women are also attractive, okay?

So the real reason is - how chaotic the yacht rental industry is. Chen Hao knows better than anyone that it is commonplace to go to bed with the second generation of rich people for the sake of performance - especially Zhang Meili, whose rich experience is enough to produce an 8 million-word movie. novel!

So after that, Zhang Meili held a grudge against Chen Hao, and whenever she got the chance, she would be violent and violent towards Chen Hao.

If Chen Hao's performance hadn't been strong enough, he would have been fired long ago.

"He's becoming more and more undisciplined! Today he skipped work if he wanted to, but will he pry customers if he wants to tomorrow?"

Zhang Meili kept criticizing and fighting, and did not forget to throw dirty water on Chen Hao.

But other people in the department, instead of speaking up for Chen Hao, actually added insult to injury.

"Supervisor, Chen Hao has gone too far! I suggest that today's matter must be dealt with seriously!"

"Yes! It must be dealt with seriously!"

"I agree!"

"I agree too!"

But this is not because Chen Hao has a problem with his character, but because Chen Hao is too strong! ——There is no way, excellent people will always be envied by others! ——So the stronger the ability, the more jealous people!

Especially Zhang Meili's number one dog licker, Zhao Dong - this guy is not only crazy about Zhang Meili, he even drives Zhang Meili himself to a suburban villa of a rich second generation - somewhat like a tauren!

So Zhang Meili angrily rebuked Chen Hao, and Zhao Dong had to support him.

"That's right! Chen Hao has no discipline at all. He is simply trying to drag down our entire department! I suggest that Chen Hao be kicked out!"

However, as soon as these words were spoken, the noisy department immediately fell silent.

Because it’s time to play, and don’t make fun of the performance - more than half of their department’s performance is due to Chen Hao. Without Chen Hao, the monthly targets cannot be achieved - so it is necessary to drive Chen Hao away. Not even the monthly bonus? How about playing? ? ?

When Zhang Meili saw the situation, he felt a little out of control and quickly kicked himself off.

"Okay, just give him another chance. If he doesn't cherish it, pack up and leave immediately!"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

But Zhang Meili’s words had just finished.

Chen Hao's voice came from the door.

"Cherish the wool, I will resign now!"

"Chen! Chen Hao! What did you just say, do you want to resign?"

This time it was Zhang Meili's turn to be uneasy - she knew about Chen Hao's family situation and knew that Chen Hao was tortured by the Lin family, so she would not resign easily, so she had the courage to bombard Chen Hao - but Chen Hao Once it's time to leave, she will be the first to be unlucky! If the department's performance is not up to standard, she will be fired from the company!

So Zhang Meili immediately became hysterical.

"Why are you so crazy! The company has rules and regulations, you can just leave if you want!!!!"

"The rules and regulations are, right? You have to submit a resignation application, right? It's simple!"

Chen Hao immediately sat down at his work station, clicked on the keyboard for a while, and then printed out a resignation application.

It was thrown into Zhang Meili's hand.

"for you!"

Zhang Meili was so angry that her face was distorted. When she looked at the reason for applying for resignation - "I see the department leader Zhang Meili is unhappy!" - her whole face turned green!

"Chen Hao!!!!!!"

Zhang Meili was about to gnash her teeth and roar - then she suddenly discovered that under the resignation application, there was another list - it was a "lease order". Someone wanted to rent the "Noah's Ark", and the rent was for 10 days, for 50,000 yuan a day. The rent is 500,000 yuan for 10 days!

"Oh My God!"

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