Chen Hao nodded the little cat Xingxing's head and strode towards the inside of the base.

At this moment, Chen Hao was thinking about two things.

The first thing is, how far can Poseidon's strength reach?

Judging from the way "Poseidon" borrowed power from her followers just now, she is very familiar with this kind of thing and must have done it often! ——So it can be understood that the reason why "Poseidon" is so powerful is because she relies on more than just personal strength!

But the power of the entire Poseidon Religion!

"So the Poseidon Cult has 300,000 members in Tianjiang City! Haha!"

Just thinking about it, Chen Hao felt that it was very difficult - so "Poseidon" said that he would kill him next time, so he was not arrogant! But she really has that confidence!

As for the second thing, it was Poseidon. Who was the third person to be killed?

"Looking at the entire 339th Corps base, the only one worth killing is you!"

Chen Hao pushed open the door to the room and looked at Mr. Xue, who was lying in the nutrition tank and sleeping quietly!

That's right! It’s this woman! He looks exactly like Poseidon!

Totally like a pair of twins!

Chapter 131 Poseidon and Snow Lord

"Tell me, why did that Poseidon come to kill you! But don't tell me, it's because she is too boring!"

As soon as he entered the room, Chen Hao went straight to the point without being polite to Mr. Xue - he even put out a luxurious sofa and a small table, and leisurely started drinking from a goblet, and from time to time he fed the little milk cat two A small dried fish!

All this shows that Chen Hao is very patient!

Because he must get what he wants from Xuejun's mouth!

Seeing this situation, Xue Jun also knew that he could no longer remain silent.

So Mr. Xue spoke slowly - still using his mental power to communicate with Chen Hao.

"Before I answer your question, let me tell you a story first!"

"If you are willing to talk, I am willing to listen. I have plenty of time today!"

"Then let me start from the beginning!"

There was a sense of vicissitudes in Xuejun's words - this was very inconsistent with her age! ——If it were not for special encounters, even if ordinary people lived to be 80 years old, they would not give people such a sense of desolation after seeing through life!

"The origin of all this comes from the birth of a little girl!"

"Fifty years ago, a little girl was born in a small mountain village in Sichuan Province. The emergence of a new life should have been a thing that made everyone happy, but the midwife who delivered the baby ran out with a white face. !”

"Still shouting, monster! Monster!"


"This is because the newborn girl was born with one black eye and one white eye! Such different-colored pupils make people naturally feel uncomfortable! So she was regarded as a monster!"

Chen Hao can understand this kind of thing - because people are like this, they can only accept the same existence as themselves!

"Because of her strange-colored pupils, this little girl was regarded as a monster by the whole village, and was forced to grow up in cold eyes and ridicule! And her parents finally couldn't stand the pressure, saved up money, and took her to Check it out at the big hospital in the city!”

"The result of the examination is that except for the color of these heterochromatic pupils, the visual function is not any different from ordinary eyes! Therefore, surgery is not recommended!"

"But at this time, they haven't realized the real power of these eyes!"

"Just a few years later, a trend swept the country - called superpower craze!"

"During that time, many strange people appeared on TV, showing off their unique abilities - reading by ear! Teleporting objects! Telepathy and so on!"

"And this little girl, after seeing the special function on TV, only said one thing to her parents - I can do this!"


Chen Hao listened with great interest. In fact, Chen Hao has been guessing about something since a long time ago - does human beings have special abilities, but they just lack a catalyst to make these abilities manifest?

So as soon as the "water meteorite" arrived, it brought this catalyst, and humans began to awaken to their supernatural powers!

Now it seems that this conjecture is possible!

"You keep talking, I'm still listening."


Xuejun continued to organize her words, and then continued to tell her story.

"After hearing what the little girl said, the little girl's parents may be doing it to make money or for fame - after all, in those days, being on TV was a very honorable thing - so they took the little girl there. The city’s program team and let the little girl show off her abilities.”

"Under the watchful eyes of her parents and the show crew, the little girl used the ability to teleport objects! And telepathy!"

"Among them, teleportation means that you can slightly move an object 2 meters away using just your thoughts!"

"Telepathy means asking her parents to write a few random words in another room. She can even write a few words according to the staff's requirements, and she can write them accurately!"

"Such an ability naturally shocked the program team!"

"But the little girl and her parents still don't know that what awaits them is not becoming a big star on TV, but the intervention of a mysterious department?"

"Mysterious department?"

"Well! When the craze for special abilities began, the relevant departments had already established a special unit - Bureau 741! The mission of this Bureau 741 is to investigate people who really have special abilities and conduct in-depth research on them!"

"So that's it!"

Chen Hao understood - at that time, there must have been many so-called "people with special abilities" who were fake and packaged - only a small number of them really had special abilities!

"So that little girl was sent for research?"

"Yes, and in Bureau 741, she spent the happiest time of her life."


"Because in Bureau 741, no one would treat her as a monster! No one would look down on her or laugh at her! - Everyone looked at her with curiosity and enthusiasm, and protected her like a treasure!"

"Then she would be very happy."

For some reason, a trace of sadness surged in Chen Hao's heart, and he felt sad for the little girl - although now, the girl's age is twice his!

But this did not prevent Chen Hao from sympathizing with the little girl.

Because Chen Hao is also a person.

"What happened next?"

"Later, the little girl gradually grew into a woman and fell in love with a researcher. Both of them gradually had the idea of ​​getting married and having children."

"After learning about the wishes of both parties, the relevant leaders also attached great importance to this matter!"

"Firstly, the leaders are willing to help others. After all, people with special abilities are also human beings and have the right to get married and have children! Secondly, the department can also study whether people with special abilities can give birth to offspring with special abilities!"

"In this way, the woman and the man got married smoothly and lived in the 741 Bureau, receiving observation and protection. One year later, they also had their own children!"



After hearing this term, Chen Hao already had a hunch! ——From the age point of view, Xue Jun should not be the "little girl", but Xue Jun knows everything about the "little girl"! ——So! Xue Jun should be one of the twins!

Seeing that Chen Hao had guessed it, Xue Jun also admitted it generously.

"That's right! Just as you thought, I am the child of that 'little girl', and like the so-called 'sea god' now, I am one of the twins!"

When he said this! The "sea god" far away in the sea god headquarters suddenly opened his eyes! ——revealing a pair of white pupils! ——The expression on his face was extremely angry!

"You actually let others know these things!"

"Good! Good! Good!"

"You deserve to die! The people who heard you tell this story also deserve to die!"

Chapter 132 Long Guangkun

"I didn't expect that the two of them would have such a relationship, twins!"


Chen Hao walked out of the underground base, his mind full of the subsequent stories-after the happiest time, it was the cruelest direction!

According to Xue Jun-after being pregnant with twins, the woman's body gets worse day by day! So when it comes to giving birth, it is not surprising that it is difficult to give birth! ——The result is that the woman dies and the twins are born!

And the father of the child, because he couldn't accept all this, he also hanged himself!

Under such circumstances, the twins could only be raised by the state - and after adulthood, they became special personnel and continued to study "supernatural powers"!

Until the end of the world, the ability was upgraded, and one was forced to soak in a nutrient tank!

The other became a powerful sea god!

"It seems that my guess is right. In fact, many people originally have supernatural powers, but they lack catalysts, so they can't awaken!"

"Just like dinosaurs, in the Jurassic period, because the oxygen concentration on the earth was very high, they could easily grow to a size of 10 meters, 20 meters, and 30 meters or more!"

"But now, the oxygen concentration on the earth has decreased, so let alone 30-meter creatures, even creatures over 10 meters can be called giants!"

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