"Illusion? Ha! The so-called illusion is just a tiny spiritual power. Compared with telekinesis, it is not worth mentioning at all!"

But the next second, Ao Han's sneer stopped.

Because this is not an illusion at all!

It's technology!

"Holographic projection?"

Ao Han realized that this was Chen Hao's technological means. When she was about to raise her hand to break the holographic projection, she stopped! ——Because she saw a person! A person she had always thought about but had never seen with her own eyes!

Her mother! Feng Nini!

"Wife, slow down! The doctor said that you can't do strenuous exercise now!"

Standing next to Feng Nini, a young man wearing glasses carefully supported Feng Nini-although he told Feng Nini to be careful, his face was full of pride! A pride of being a father soon!

His name is He Qian.

"You're still talking about me! You're running around excitedly too!"

Feng Nini said with a little dissatisfaction, but carrying a big belly was indeed a great consumption of her physical strength - so after a few words, Feng Nini couldn't help sweating!

"Hubby, I'm tired!"

My dear, there's more to this chapter, please click on the next page to continue reading, it's more exciting later!

"Come! Come sit here for a while!"

He Qian said nervously, pulling a chair over and motioning Feng Nini to sit down.

But the next moment, Feng Nini's face twisted! Then she bit her lips tightly and clenched her fists tightly!

A second later, a trace of bright red blood flowed from the corner of Feng Nini's mouth! ——In order to endure the pain, she bit her lips hard and bled!


He Qian immediately hugged Feng Nini! He hugged Feng Nini's trembling body tightly! ——At the same time, his eyes also looked at Feng Nini's big belly!

Just look at Feng Nini's big belly, which is bulging strangely at this time! ——It's like something wants to get out of it and wants to break Feng Nini's belly!

Seeing this scene, Ao Han's body softened and he couldn't help but tremble slightly.

She knew what the reason was! ——That was the result of her and Xue Jun using their special abilities indiscriminately because they had no independent consciousness!

If you are not careful, you can directly disembowel your current Feng Nini!

But Feng Nini seemed to be accustomed to such a dangerous situation - she used her ability to suppress the two little angels, and at the same time used telepathy to appease the two naughty little villains!

"It's okay! It's okay!"

Feng Nini gently touched her belly - in fact, it was more like touching the little heads of the two little guys.

"Mom is just tired, there is no danger outside, don't be afraid!"


He Qian looked at Feng Nini with pale lips - he couldn't bear it! He couldn't bear his wife to suffer the pain of being disemboweled every day!

But Feng Nini just said weakly and forcefully.

"I want to give birth to our own child. Let's work together, okay?"


He Qian gently hugged Feng Nini and snuggled up with her lover! Snuggled up with her own child!

And Ao Han opened his eyes and couldn't help but burst into tears...

Chapter 151 Conquering Ao Han (Part 2)

"Why... why did you give birth to me... Obviously, all we brought was misfortune..."

Ao Han murmured with tears.

But Chen Hao in the dark did not give an answer, but continued to play the holographic image - as Ao Han said, this pair of "strange twins" brought only misfortune and disaster to Feng Nini, the mother!

Whether sleeping or walking, Feng Nini would suddenly suffer the pain of having her stomach cut open!

Because the baby's emotions are completely uncontrollable!

And every time this happened, He Qian would hold Feng Nini's hands tightly, accompany Feng Nini, and accompany her through this most difficult time.

Finally, the day of delivery arrived!

"Take a deep breath! Take a deep breath!"

In the special ward, the doctors and nurses were all anxious! But they were helpless! ——Because the stimulation of being born was too great, the two babies refused to come out! They even used telekinesis to hide firmly in Feng Nini's body!

Because for babies, the mother's body is the safest place!

Seeing this situation, the doctor could only suggest.

"Feng Nini! Can you hear me? The situation is urgent now, I must use tools to clamp the baby out!"

"Clamp... clamp it out... will... hurt the baby..."


The doctor did not answer, and even dared not to answer! ——Ordinary children are naturally not affected much, after all, babies' resistance is not strong, but babies with "special abilities", can they be judged by common sense?

No! I dare not!

Feng Nini, whose consciousness was already a little blurred, even found it difficult to breathe, but she was particularly clear about protecting her children!

"Let... let me try again... let me push them out..."

Feng Nini said feebly, while He Qian next to her held her hand firmly - in the state of dystocia, Feng Nini couldn't concentrate on using her special function at all - not to mention, she couldn't use it with brute force! Otherwise, the child will be hurt!

So Feng Nini could only carefully push the two children out bit by bit using her mind power - and this every second! All in great pain! ——Because it is difficult for her to concentrate! If you concentrate forcefully, it will be like having countless knives stabbing your head to make Feng Nini stop! Let Feng Nini give up!

But Feng Nini chose to stay awake! Even if you have to bear the pain of a cracked head clearly!

"Definitely! We must send them to this world safely!"



Feng Nini held He Qian's hand tightly! The nails on his hands were so painful that they dug deeply into He Qian's flesh!

But He Qian didn't utter a scream, and just allowed Feng Nini's nails to dig deeper and deeper into his palms - because compared with his wife, his pain was nothing!

"It's out! It's out! I see the baby's head!"

The nurses shouted excitedly and hurried over to help - after 17 hours of suffering, the twins finally showed signs of recovery!

It's just that things are not all going in a good direction.

"They...why don't they cry?"

"Let me see!"

The doctor rushed over to check, but after just a few glances, his face turned ugly - because the baby had been unconsciously harassing the mother, Feng Nini was exhausted mentally and physically, and could not provide good nutrition to the baby at all - and now she has experienced such a long period of pulling, so The twins are like a little flame in the wind... extinguished when blown!

At this time, another bad news also came!

"Blood! The mother is bleeding heavily!"


The doctor rushed over to rescue Feng Nini.

But Feng Nini just shook her head - because she knew her situation, in order to let the two children come out without hurting the children, she had no choice but to hurt herself! ——Destroy your own uterus so that your child can be born safely...

Afterwards, Feng Nini only made one action, which was to let go of He Qian's hand.

He Qian looked at Feng Nini's haggard face and just smiled.

"Don't worry, our child will be fine."

After saying that, He Qian went up, reached out and touched the heads of the two children lovingly, with a slight smile on his lips.

"How much I want to see you grow up safely, but now, I can only let you grow up safely!"

An intriguing remark that no one has time to understand.

Everyone was shocked to see that He Qian's hair was turning white at a speed visible to the naked eye! And the faces of the two children he was caressing gradually turned rosy, until they burst into tears!

"Whoa! Whoa!"

At this moment, Ao Han suddenly understood - her father, He Qian, was actually a person with special powers! ——And his special function seems to be to share his life force with others!

"No wonder...no wonder...no wonder her ability is that..."

That she refers to Mr. Xue - originally Ao Han always thought that Mr. Xue's ability was the result of a mutation - but now it seems that it is not - Mr. Xue's ability mainly comes from his father! And his abilities mainly come from his mother's side!

But once you know this level, everything you did before is no longer simple!

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading!

Previously, every time Feng Nini was tortured by two babies until she vomited blood, He Qian always gently held Feng Nini's hand - that was more than just comfort! He is also silently protecting his wife and children! Even if you are overdrawing your own vitality!

Therefore, the overdraft of vitality for 10 months finally appeared on He Qian's old age at this moment! ——You are obviously not yet 30 years old, but you are already 80 years old with a head full of white hair!

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