The other women were also excited.

"Brother Haozi! You're back!"

"Yes, I'm back."

Chen Hao nodded, and then looked at the women helplessly.

"I say, for a hero who has returned triumphantly, even if you don't lift me up, you should give me a warm hug, right?"

The moment the voice fell, the four women could no longer suppress their excitement, and all threw themselves into Chen Hao's arms, throwing Chen Hao down on the sofa.

Chen Hao also smiled slightly, hugged the four women, gave them a kiss, allowed them to fight for territory in his arms, and then fell asleep drowsily - after all, they were all exhausted from today's battle!

So soon, the four women, like four cute kittens, all occupied one of Chen Hao's arms or one of his thighs, sleeping soundly with their legs spread out!

Even Chen Hao himself closed his eyes comfortably, enjoying the moment of comfort.

Until the second half of the night.

Chen Hao suddenly opened his eyes.

"Here he comes!"

The person who came was naturally Ao Han who had made an appointment with Chen Hao during the day!

Chapter 153 Accept Ao Han

"Here he comes!"

Chen Hao opened his eyes and knew that Ao Han had come and was waiting for him on the deck on the third floor.

So he gently moved Xiao Xiao's head away from his shoulder! —— Then he carefully moved Wu Shiqing's hand off his chest! —— Then he pushed Amy's thigh that was pressing on his leg aside! —— Finally, he carefully avoided Baili Lin's hair and did not dare to step on her to wake her up!

After doing all this, Chen Hao unfolded the space field and moved instantly to the deck on the third floor.

On the deck, Ao Han, wearing a white long dress, was leaning against the railing and blowing the wind - Ao Han in the night wind, with long hair fluttering, had a unique coldness and beauty.

Chen Hao calmly stood beside Ao Han, said nothing, just stood quietly with her.

Ao Han didn't say anything, just staring at the water in a trance, she didn't know what she was thinking - because there were too many emotions, she was a little confused for a while, and didn't know how to deal with her emotions.

After a long time.

Ao Han looked at Chen Hao and asked a question.

"Am I ridiculous?"


"I obviously got all the love from my parents and I am a very happy person, but I always feel that I am unfortunate and bring misfortune to the people around me... I live a miserable life and feel that I should die early every day!"

"This actually shows that you are very kind."


Ao Han's eyes showed a trace of confusion.

But Chen Hao explained very seriously, indicating that he was not comforting Ao Han, but talking about a very serious matter.

"Every unfortunate person will doubt whether it is because of themselves that everything in life has become less beautiful."

"If I were not there, would my parents be happier?"

"If I were not there, would my brothers and sisters be more harmonious?"

"If I were not there, would the world be better?"

"And all these show that you love your parents, cherish your brothers and sisters, and love this world! ——It is because of kindness that you want to make everything better, and you will be hurt so much!"

Listening to Chen Hao's words, Ao Han's sight gradually lowered, as if she wanted to see herself on the water surface - and what she wanted to see was not only a reflection, but also herself deep in her heart!

But after looking for a long time, she couldn't see it.

"I don't know... I'm not sure..."

"If daydreaming doesn't work, then go out for a walk! People always have to experience something to understand what they want deep in their hearts."


Ao Han nodded - she grew up in the research institute, in fact, she has long wanted to see the outside world!

Even if it is a broken end of the world!

"Before you leave, do you want to go see Xuejun?"

"I... haven't figured out how to face her yet..."

"Then wait until you come back to see her, anyway she's still in the jar."

Chen Hao teased, and he already got the answer he wanted in his heart - these two sisters love and hate each other! - So accepting one will not affect accepting the other!

It won't be a situation where either I or her! Either she or I!

"Okay... but before I leave, I have one more thing I want to do."




Facing Chen Hao's somewhat puzzled eyes, Ao Han faced Chen Hao's eyes for the first time tonight, and answered Chen Hao's questions firmly and forcefully.

"I want to know why my father and mother are together, and why they must give birth to us, the fruit of their love."

"You want..."

"Just one night, let me feel the love, okay?"


Chen Hao gently hugged Ao Han - but unexpectedly, Ao Han, who always showed a cold and indifferent image, was so nervous that he trembled slightly after being hugged by Chen Hao!

This strong contrast made Chen Hao couldn't help but smile slightly, and then lowered his head and kissed Ao Han's forehead gently.

Ao Han's body couldn't help but stiffen!

But Chen Hao did not stop, and went all the way down, on Ao Han's eyes, on Ao Han's cheeks, until he asked for it in Ao Han's mouth.

And Ao Han, from the initial stiffness, slowly began to cooperate, until she also learned to ask for it, and she stuck tightly to Chen Hao!

At the same time, Xue Jun, who was far away in the underground base of the 339th Corps, was originally sleeping quietly - but suddenly, a burst of heat came from her body!


Xue Jun frowned, not knowing what was going on, until she felt a slight pain under her body, and the shadow of a man also appeared in her mind!

"Chen Hao!"

Xue Jun immediately realized what happened! She couldn't help but feel a little annoyed! And a little shy! ——Because of the super telepathy, Ao Han's pain can be transmitted to her! Ao Han's happiness can also be transmitted to her!

So Xue Jun's cheeks flushed.

Because Ao Han was a little painful, but more of it was happiness!


Xue Jun, who originally wanted to scold Chen Hao, couldn't open her mouth, because as soon as she opened her mouth, a few words almost came out.

One was "gentle", and the other was "husband"!

This feeling lasted until dawn.

Xue Jun breathed a sigh of relief - but in her heart, for some reason, she suddenly felt a little empty...

As for Chen Hao, she just watched Ao Han leave calmly - this girl who had suppressed her emotions for too long, finally became a woman who was confused about emotions after her emotional outburst last night.

So Chen Hao stretched and walked slowly into the cabin.

He knew that his solution to the Sea God Church would definitely cause a big sensation!

Sure enough, after receiving the news that 300,000 members of the Sea God Church left Tiandu City and went all the way south, and even traveled across the ocean.

The Jiang Province District was very shocked!

As soon as possible, Jiang Tianqi contacted Chen Hao to confirm.

"That's right, the Poseidon Cult has left Tiandu City and is preparing to travel far away. It is estimated that they will not be able to return for 1 or 2 years."

"What exactly happened?"

"Too shocking, inconvenient to disclose!"


Jiang Tianqi on the opposite side looked helpless, thinking that Chen Hao was indeed not a good person! ——I took the trouble to find the information of "Feng Nini" from the warehouse last time, and gave it all to Chen Hao without reservation!

However, the commander handed Chen Hao to Jiang Tianqi for connection, not because Jiang Tianqi liked to complain - but Jiang Tianqi could still complete the task even with many complaints!

And Jiang Tianqi had two tasks to contact today.

One was to confirm the situation of the Poseidon Cult.

The other was to invite Chen Hao to attend the highest meeting of the Jiang Province Region!

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