"Oh my god! What on earth is going on?"

Amy was almost driven crazy!

Xiaoxiao was the same! So she turned pale and even felt a little nauseous! (This is a foreshadowing)

In the cockpit, Wu Shiqing and Baili Lin were not feeling well either - after all, the water surface was bumpy, and now it was spinning non-stop, they also began to feel dizzy.

"What should we do now?"

"I don't know! But this won't work! It will make us stupid!"

"I'll turn off all the power first! Silly girl!"

"Got it!"

In an instant, all the power on Noah's Ark was turned off, and Baili Lin no longer urged any water flow to push Noah's Ark.

This made Takeuchi Lisa feel a sudden increase in pressure.

"These guys..."

After all, controlling a person to walk is a simple thing - but to control a yacht over 100 meters long to move! That consumes a lot of energy!

"But! Don't think I can't do it!"

My dear, there is more to this chapter, please click on the next page to continue reading, the latter is more exciting!

Lisa Takeuchi said with a smile - because she had also operated an airplane before, so she knew very well that the most difficult moment for such a huge object was the moment of pushing it! And then it would not take much effort to continue pushing it!

So Lisa Takeuchi used all her strength!


With a loud bang! Noah's Ark shook! Then it began to move slowly and evenly in the direction of Lisa Takeuchi!

"Hehe! After all, I was slightly better!"

"Don't be happy too early!"

Baililin seemed to have heard Lisa Takeuchi's words, so she responded in the air - then took a deep breath and raised her hands high!

The next moment! The waters around the Ark suddenly rolled out 4 big hands made of accumulated water, fixing Noah's Ark in place, so that the Ark could not move forward at all!


Lisa Takeuchi's eyes were red with anger! —— She didn't expect that her puppet manipulation technique was always successful! This time, she hit a snag in front of Wu Shiqing and Baili Lin!

So Lisa Takeuchi raised her little finger and manipulated Baili Lin's hands, asking Baili Lin to put them down.

But! Baili Lin's hands were put down, but the big hands formed by the water on the outside did not disappear!

At the same time, Baili Lin, who was controlled, actually laughed.

"Hehe! It's true. You can only control people's bodies, but not their wills! - Unfortunately, my ability is activated by thoughts!"


Lisa Takeuchi understood - Baili Lin saw through a corner of her ability!

So Lisa Takeuchi knew that she couldn't waste time with Baili Lin and the other women - if she continued to waste time, her strength would be exhausted, and her ability would be figured out by others!

So Lisa Takeuchi looked at Nobita calmly and fiercely.

"I have them under control. Now, it's your turn to make a move!"

Chapter 170: The Fierce Amy

"I have them under control. Now, it's your turn to make a move!"


Nobita drew out his long sword and pointed the blade at Noah's Ark.

This simple action instantly made everyone on the cruiser scream with excitement! --"Hahahahahahahaha!!!!"-Because they will soon be able to occupy the Chinese women on the yacht!

So in this wave of excitement, the cruiser went full speed ahead! Like a hungry wolf running wildly, it can't wait to eat the fat meat of Noah's Ark!

Even Nobita, who was standing on the bow, rarely showed a smug smile-as long as he asked about the location of Piaomiao City! As long as he captured Piaomiao City! Then he could kill back to his hometown! Take back everything he lost!

"Alarm! Alarm! The enemy ship is approaching quickly! The enemy ship is approaching quickly!"

"Collision is expected in 5 minutes!"

"Alarm! Alarm! The enemy ship is approaching quickly! The enemy ship is approaching quickly!"

"Collision is expected in 3 minutes!"

"Alarm! Alarm! The enemy ship is approaching quickly! The enemy ship is approaching quickly!"

"Collision is expected in 1 minute!"

Listening to the increasingly urgent alarms! Wu Shiqing and Baililin's faces became more and more ugly-because they all knew what would happen once the other party approached!

But at this time, a small movement caught Wu Shiqing's attention.

"This is..."

Just see a figure, open a small door in a corner of the Ark, and quietly slip out-but she didn't run away! Instead, she quietly sneaked towards the other party's ship!

"The smell of Chinese women is getting closer and closer!"

Standing on the bow of the ship, Nobita was sniffing the smell in the wind with a look of enjoyment-but when he smelled it carefully, he suddenly frowned!-Because he smelled a strange smell!

"Wait a minute, this is not the smell of a Chinese woman, this is..."

Nobita keenly sensed that there was something strange in the sea water beside the cruiser! ——But just as he lowered his head, a flash of cold light flashed across the sky! Amy, who turned into a berserker, actually held a sharp knife! She cut off Nobita's head!

"What?" (What?)

Nobita uttered a sentence in his hometown dialect incredulously - he had never thought that someone could launch a surprise attack on him from underwater!

And Amy grabbed Nobita's head, looked at the group of people on the deck of the cruiser fiercely, and quickly scanned - and then locked on Takeuchi Lisa, whose ten fingers were flashing with brilliance!

"Oh my God! My feeling is right! There are indeed powerful enemies here!"

This is the result of Amy's improved perception - as the power of superpowers increases, the perception will become stronger and stronger! ——And superpowers like Amy, a warrior, will eventually have a keen perception like a wild beast in the wild!

So this kind of perception is also called "beast perception"!

So it was at this time that Amy keenly noticed something wrong!

"What's going on? Why have I already killed them on their deck and taken off their boss's head... Wait a minute? Why didn't any of them panic after I killed their boss?"

Amy hurriedly looked at Nobita's head in her hand, and was scared to sweat at just one glance! ——Because Nobita's eyes were staring at her! After looking at her, Nobita's mouth opened and closed, and he said something coldly.

"It's interesting that he can cut off my head! It's worth a chop!"

"What do you mean?"

Before Amy understood what was going on, she suddenly heard the sound of wind behind her! She dodged instinctively! She looked back! ——She saw Nobita's headless body swinging a knife to attack her!


Amy's pupils shrank! This was completely beyond her cognition! ——Because what she learned was that if a person lost his head, he would definitely die!

"Damn the end of the world! It makes people so hard to kill!"

Amy cursed! At the same time, the dagger in her hand flew out and stabbed towards Nobita's heart! ——However, after stabbing, Nobita's body did not stop attacking, and continued to chase Amy fiercely! Forcing Amy to retreat continuously!

Seeing this scene, Inukai Kametaro, Matsushita Yuki and other doomsday locusts all laughed out loud.

"Hahahaha! Someone actually thought he could kill the general again! Hahahahaha!"

"Fuck you!"

Amy took out a pistol from her waist and shot directly at the crowded place! ——Bang bang bang bang bang bang! The magazine was emptied in one breath!

The deck was suddenly filled with wailing!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! This crazy woman!"

"Stop her! Stop her!"

Even Nobita's head, which was held in Amy's hand, looked at his men running away with their heads in their arms, and rolled out angrily.

"You damn white-haired woman!"

"Fuck oil!"

Amy stuffed the barrel of the gun directly into Nobita's mouth! Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang! The magazine was emptied again!

But Nobita's mouth just chewed and crushed Amy's pistol! At the same time, he rushed to Amy's neck swiftly!

Amy was forced to throw away Nobita's head!

And Nobita, with a premeditated look, picked up his head from the ground and put it back on his shoulder.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading!

"Leave this woman to me, you go and take down that yacht and bring all the women back to me!"

"Hehehe! The general is still the same! He likes this kind of fierce woman!"

"That's enough! Hehehehe!"

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