

"Anything else to add?"

"He's pursuing me and wants me to be his girlfriend, but I haven't agreed yet."

"I see."

Chen Hao nodded calmly - no matter how powerful the Blood Night Demon is, he is still a human being. Humans have the desire to mate, which is understandable!

But Chen Hao's calmness made Lisa Takeuchi secretly unhappy.

"You guy, you're not shocked at all? No! No! You must have seen more exciting things, so you don't feel anything about this kind of thing, right?"

"Quick! Tell me! What exciting things have you seen!"

"To be so calm!" Lisa Takeuchi looked at Chen Hao expectantly - there was a hint of innocent curiosity and romance in her eyes! There was also a hint of paranoid madness seeking relief!

"Does this woman simply like excitement? Or does she want to die in excitement?"

Chen Hao looked at Lisa Takeuchi steadily, thinking that this woman had some stories - and they weren't good stories! - So if you want to conquer this kind of woman, you have to have more stories than her!

So Chen Hao just looked at Lisa Takeuchi indifferently, with a lonely look in his eyes, as if he was the last person in the world - and in fact, Chen Hao was indeed the last first human in his previous life! So Chen Hao can always use this kind of look! He just put it away! Seeing Chen Hao's eyes, Lisa Takeuchi fell in an instant. "You...you..." She had never imagined that someone's eyes could be so lonely! - And behind this loneliness, there are endless stories, like rivers and seas, with no end! "I thought my story was tragic enough, and no one would understand me, so I just used madness to cover up my inner sadness!" "But I didn't expect..." "There are people with a better past than me!" At this moment, Lisa Takeuchi's heart seemed to be hit by a sword - the sword was laughing at Lisa Takeuchi - compared with those who really suffered, she was obviously a happy person, why did she pretend to be crazy to seek excitement? It's just to die! But she just didn't have the courage to kill herself!

"So... I'm just a coward... a clown who survived because of cowardice..."

Lisa Takeuchi couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

Lisa Takeuchi, whose real name is Takeuchi Hide, is the stepdaughter of a drunkard.

Because her mother couldn't afford to raise Lisa Takeuchi, she had to remarry - but her mother didn't expect that the man she found was useless except for his good alcohol tolerance! - Every day after getting drunk, he would beat and scold her mother and daughter!

As Takeuchi Hide grew up day by day, the look in the eyes of this drunk stepfather became gradually ambiguous.

"My baby girl! You have become more and more beautiful recently, and your figure has become better and better! Hehe!"

This ambiguous look! This ambiguous tone!

All made Takeuchi Hide feel strongly uneasy!

Finally, on a drunken night! This drunk beast kicked open Takeuchi Hide's door and drunkenly wanted to teach Takeuchi Hide a lesson!

"My precious daughter! Rather than...rather than letting you be abused by other men, it's better...it's better..."

Takeuchi Hide was scared! So stupid that he could only hold his head and hide aside and dare not move!

But at this moment, Takeuchi Hide's mother rushed over! She deeply inserted the kitchen knife into the man's body!


"Run! Run!"

That was the last sentence that Takeuchi Hide's mother said in her memory! ——After that, Takeuchi Hide didn't remember anything-because she rushed out of the house and only heard the sound of fighting behind her!

At that time, Takeuchi Hide was only 14 years old!

So, Takeuchi Hide began to live like a stray dog-give her some food, she would help students fight! Give her a few dollars, she can be a nanny for the old man for a few days! Give her a bottle of water, she can help the gang deliver some banned items! ——But, she is also a human being, and she also has her own lifestyle!

I want to be beautiful! I want to have new clothes to wear every day! I want everyone to like me!

So Takeuchi Hide changed his name - changed his name to Takeuchi Lisa! Because Takeuchi is his mother's surname! - At the same time, he stepped into the life of a young model! - But in fact, he was a young model, and he only took some photos of small cards!

Until the end of the world came, he had supernatural powers and magnified the dark side of his heart...

Thinking of these past events, two tears hung on the corners of Takeuchi Lisa's eyes.

"I... I..."

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Standing opposite Takeuchi Lisa, Chen Hao said nothing. He had seen through this woman - a woman who used a crazy appearance to cover up her inner fragility!

So Chen Hao handed over a tissue.

"Wipe your tears, tears are worthless in this world."

"... Got it."

"So smile more! You are a girl who loves to laugh, aren't you?"


Lisa Takeuchi felt a pain in her heart! ——This world has been bullying her! I always wanted to make her cry! ——But only Chen Hao saw that she actually wanted to laugh! And I want to laugh a lot! Smiling happily!

"Why do you know what I want?"

"It is said that people who have been hurt can better understand the pain of others. I have also come out of pain, so I understand you."

Chen Hao looked at the vast water and said - He didn't lie about this! In his last life, he lost everything! ——So in this life, Chen Hao wants everything!

family! brother! future!

No one is missing!

This strong persistence, like a fragrance, touched the depths of Lisa Takeuchi's soul, so Lisa Takeuchi couldn't help but stretched out her arms to hug Chen Hao.

"Can you lend me your back for a while? When I was little, I liked leaning on my mother's back the most. My mother's back is very warm and broad..."

Lisa Takeuchi couldn't help but closed her eyes as she spoke, and burst into tears.

Chen Hao didn't say anything, he just lent his back to Lisa Takeuchi and let Lisa Takeuchi hug him tightly! ——And Chen Hao also knows that after today, the distance between Takeuchi Lisa and him will be even further!

At the same time, on the sea between China and Taihe.

A huge fleet is pointing at China!

Standing in the center of the fleet, a man with a Yasha mask on his face was holding a card in his hand - the card said "One phone call can give you a hot night!" - and The sexy woman printed on the card is Lisa Takeuchi!

"Lisa Takeuchi, you are mine!"

"So I don't allow any man to have close contact with you!"

Chapter 181 Blood Yaksha approaches

"Lisa Takeuchi, you are mine!"

"So I don't allow any man to have close contact with you!"

On the huge fleet, Xue Yaksha stood on the deck of the command ship, looking sharply in the direction of China.

There are two purposes for his coming to China this time - one is to occupy China! The other is to retrieve Lisa Takeuchi!

But he didn't know yet that Lisa Takeuchi was hugging Chen Hao tightly at this time.

And Lisa Takeuchi took the initiative!

As for the attempt to occupy China, it will be completely defeated because of Chen Hao!

And there’s no way to make a comeback!

"General, there is a response to the list you asked us to contact!"


Xue Yaksha turned back to look at his intelligence officers - for some reason, the people of the Taihe clan all liked the title "general".

“How many people responded?”

"62 people!"

"Why so few!"

The killing intent flashed through Xue Yaksha's eyes! ——The list he asked the intelligence department to contact was the list of spies lurking in Piaomiao City! ——Because spies must be installed at any time! And the people who are deployed are all elites!

But in the end, only 62 of the 3,000 spies survived?

Less than 1/10!

Does this show that the spies of the Taihe clan are incompetent?

"General, please calm down. During the process of contacting them, they mentioned something - there was a man named Chen Hao who, in order to get rid of the crime of murder, framed his opponent as a spy - this incident caused a stir. The top management of Piaomiao City paid attention, so they conducted a thorough investigation of the personnel, which resulted in a large number of our people being exposed!”

"It was because of an accident? Ha! Who is that person named Chen Hao! Did he do it on purpose? Or was it unintentional!"

"According to our investigation, before the end of the world, he was just an employee of an ordinary company, and he rose to power after the end of the world - currently, he is the watchman of the Tiandu waters!"

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