Because this place was originally a low mountain. After being submerged by the flood, only a few hills were still exposed. They looked bare, like a few isolated islands, nothing special - but there was a cave under these hills! ——An extremely long and narrow cave runs through the entire low mountain. The small place can only allow one person to bend over! But the big place can accommodate 50 people at the same time!

So this place was named - "Snake Bone Cave!"

After a few months, the "Snake Bone Cave" has completely become the darkest place in the southern waters - here, any transaction can be carried out! --kill! In exchange for information! Buy and sell slaves! Even sneaking out to sea!

So at this moment, Nan Fei is in the Snake Bone Cave and wants to return to Taihe Kingdom.

"Brother, is this your first time coming to our Snake Bone Cave? Hehe, you look very unfamiliar!"

Walking in front, a man held a flashlight and illuminated the bumpy road under his feet.

Same as everywhere else.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are "martial arts leaders" - so Snake Bone Cave also has its own administrator, and this young man who leads the way is responsible for guiding the way.

Nan Fei didn't say anything to the young man's probing, and just followed silently - but he actually knew that this young man was leading him around in circles, and he had already done so three times!

There is only one purpose for doing this - to make people lose track of the main route of Snake Bone Cave!

So Nan Fei spoke.

"I'm in a hurry, please hurry up!"

"Hey! Taihe friends!"

The young man said with a teasing tone.

A hint of murderous intent flashed across Nan Fei's face!

"If you are too harmonious, you can't do business?"

"No, no, no! You misunderstood! We at Snake Bone Cave have always dealt with the problem and not the person! Don't say you are from Taihe, even if you are an alien, as long as you come here, you can do business!"

"Then your tone..."

"Hehe! You also know that the Taihe clan and our Huaxia clan are enemies of the country! Therefore, some people will not want to take your business!"


"You have to pay more!"

Understanding that this young man was here to test his bottom line, Nan Fei didn't speak anymore and just remained silent again.

And the young man leading the way also knew that Nan Fei understood what he meant - but didn't silence mean acquiescence?

So I stopped going around in circles.

Start flying south to the main trading place in Snake Bone Cave.

So soon, Nan Fei saw the real scene of the Snake Bone Cave - in a small cave, three or two people were sitting, using the dim light from the flashlight, talking about business - some were talking in vain, and some were talking in vain. Some took out some objects - a dagger! 1 finger! 1 head!

"Hehe, let me make you laugh. We are doing some shady business here, so if you have any dirty things, you can consider leaving them to us."

"Guaranteed to give you a satisfactory result!"

"Is anything okay?"

Nan Fei asked in a low tone.

The other party immediately became excited.

"Of course! To tell you the truth, not only do we have our own team—the ones who do the dirty work!—but we also have outsourced teams!"

“As long as the price is right, everything is easy to negotiate!”

"What if I want to kill someone?"


"The Watcher of Tiandu Waters—Chen Hao!"


Hearing Chen Hao's name, the young man who led the way immediately hesitated - because at this time, Chen Hao, they couldn't afford to offend the Snake Bone Cave! Don’t dare to mess with it either!

Chapter 198 Snake Lady



Seeing this guide, one second he was brave enough to accept any task - the next second, when he heard the name "Chen Hao", he was so frightened that he couldn't say anything.

Nan Fei knew it.

This mission is definitely not possible.

Nan Fei couldn't help but sigh.

"Chen Hao is so terrifying!"

But in fact, Nan Fei himself knew why - because Chen Hao killed Xue Yaksha and completely sank 50 warships under Xue Yaksha!

50 battleships! You can even kill a small country!

But he was destroyed by Chen Hao!

And the most terrifying thing is - the latest news, Chen Hao's side defeated 50 battleships of Xue Yaksha with 0 casualties!

this means.

Chen Hao's strength is at least the level of 100 battleships - at least!

Therefore, Nan Fei doesn't expect anyone to dare to take on this task for such a terrifying Chen Hao - because even he himself has no confidence that he can kill Chen Hao!


When Nan Fei was sighing, the guide in front had already taken him into a huge cave - more than 10 meters high and 7 or 8 meters wide. The air humidity was just right, neither dry nor too humid.

From the environment, Nanfei can conclude that this should be a place similar to a VIP room! Otherwise it wouldn’t be so comfortable!

Facts also proved that Nan Fei guessed correctly.

"Sir, please wait a moment, I will inform our boss."

"Your boss?"


After the guide said something, he handed Nan Fei something.

Nan Fei took it and found it was a flashlight.

But before Nanfei could figure out what the other party meant by giving him a flashlight, the guide left on his own! - Leaving Nanfei alone in this dark cave where he couldn't see his hand in front of his face!

"So that's it!"

Nanfei understood - this meant that he had to wait here!

But out of professional vigilance, Nanfei would never stand there stupidly with a flashlight - you know, the light in the dark is equivalent to a live target!

So Nanfei turned on the flashlight, but only held it upright near the cave entrance, and then hid himself on the other side - in this way, he would not expose his position, and he could also observe the movement of the cave entrance in time!

However, just when Nanfei did all this, a voice suddenly sounded from behind Nanfei.

"Brother, you are quite cautious!"


Nanfei was scared! - Because he observed the environment of the entire cave the first time he came in, and did not find anyone! - So now, someone's voice appeared, so when did she come?

"Ha ha ha! Don't be so nervous! Everyone who comes is a guest, I know the rules!"

As he said that, a bright light came on, it was the light of another flashlight - and the owner of this flashlight light was a woman!

"Who are you?"

Nan Fei looked at the woman suspiciously - his intuition told him that this woman was not easy to mess with!

The woman just smiled slightly.

"My nickname is White Snake, brothers, give me face and call me Mrs. Snake!"

"Are you their boss?"


After figuring out Mrs. Snake's identity, Nan Fei nodded slowly and got straight to the point.

"I want to leave China and go to Taihe, can you help me do it?"


"Mrs. Snake is so confident?"

"I have a submarine, what do you think?"


Nan Fei was secretly surprised - because Piaomiao City has an independent satellite that can monitor the surface of the entire southern waters, so if you take a normal ship, you will be locked in an instant! - But submarines can really avoid it!


Only those who are insiders know this. Outsiders have no idea that Piaomiao can use satellites.

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