"My people followed the woman in black uniform to an abandoned building, and found the woman and her accomplices in the abandoned building."

"She has accomplices? How many people are there in total?"

"There are 17 people in total, but there are only 4 main characters, including the woman."

"How did you determine that?"

"Because only these 4 people have shown superpowers."

Li Hua laughed bitterly again, and then did not dare to keep anyone in suspense, and directly told the abilities of these 4 people in detail.

"The abilities of these four people are fire, ice, and extinction."

"There are only 3 of them."

"There is another person whose ability is quite strange, and it is hard to describe it in words - I only know that my men were so panicked after seeing him that they danced with joy!"

"Is it so strange?"

"Yes, so half of my men were directly lost, a full 50 people, and it took half a year to train them, and they were all wiped out in an instant."

Listening to Li Hua's pitiful and full of resentment.

Chen Hao couldn't help but smile slightly - because Chen Hao knew that selling misery was not the point! The point was what benefits could be gained from selling misery!

From a practical point of view, the information provided by Li Hua still had a certain value! - So the first credit must fall on Li Hua!

So it was exchanged at the cost of 50 lives!

So Chen Hao said with a smile.

"From now on, I will not stand idly by if anything happens in the Nujiang River!"

"Thank you, Mr. Chen!"

Li Hua immediately stopped selling misery, and was even a little happy - because Chen Hao's words gave people a sense of security compared to 50 members of the Flying Arrows, no! It's better than 500! 5,000 members of the Flying Arrows!

So Li Hua had no reason to refuse excitement!

Chen Hao didn't say anything more, just said a few words, hung up the phone, and then fell into deep thought alone.

"From the information provided by Li Hua, the other party is very professional - not only did they eavesdrop on their conversations, they were even able to end the battle within 1 minute!"

"Although Feijian's strength is not first-rate, it is an armed team after all, and they were completely wiped out!"

Chen Hao couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly - because he was very curious, where did these people come from? Why did they come to kill him?

But Chen Hao had no clue yet.

The people of "Rattlesnake" have already started to act - they drove jet skis in groups of two, and approached Noah's Ark quickly!

"Woo woo woo!"

"Target! That big ship! Everyone, fire at full power!"

Rhode sat on a jet ski, holding a submachine rifle in his hand, and issued combat orders to everyone.

Hearing that Rhode's orders were so simple and crude.

Everyone got excited.

"Hahahahaha! Kill them! Kill everyone!"

Several little killers who didn't know why shouted excitedly! ——They thought that today's plan was to attack Noah's Ark directly by force!

But only Rod, Jason, Thompson, and Amanda knew that tonight's action was not that simple! ——The success or failure depends on a secret operation!

And as this group of killers quickly approached the 10-kilometer range of Noah's Ark.

Silly Girl also issued a warning to Chen Hao.

"Alert! Alert! There are unidentified people approaching the Ark quickly! There are unidentified people approaching the Ark quickly!"

"Call up the surveillance screen!"

Chen Hao immediately called up the surveillance screen and recognized Amanda's figure at the first time.

"Is it her? Haha! With just such a small number of people, they dare to attack Noah's Ark? - They don't take me seriously!"


"I just sank dozens of Blood Night Demon's warships and showed my powerful strength. How dare they rush up like this?"

"Could it be... do they have any special means? Do they think they can win?"

Chapter 206 Signal of Killing

Realizing that there was something wrong with this attack, Chen Hao was not in a hurry to attack - he wanted to see what tricks these people could play?

Under Chen Hao's indulgence.

These rattlesnake killers approached from 10 kilometers away to 3 kilometers away from the Ark, and then couldn't wait to start their first wave of attacks!

Sniper bullets!




Sniper bullets as big as a palm were fired from the barrel of the Barrett! -The powerful power allowed these bullets to cross a distance of 3 kilometers! They hit the glass of Noah's Ark fiercely!

Then he fell softly into the water.

There was no way, let alone a sniper bullet fired from 3 kilometers away - even a flying missile fired from 3 kilometers away! It couldn't penetrate the defense of Noah's Ark!

But these soft bullets still attracted the attention of the women.

"Something's going on!"

Amy and Baililin looked out the window at the first time - it was raining heavily outside the window, and it was all white, and nothing could be seen!

Wu Shiqing helped Xiaoxiao up.

"Xiaoxiao, let's go in and lie down for a while. I happened to learn a shoulder and neck massage recently. Let me help you relax."


Xiaoxiao, who had not yet fully developed her superpowers, was a little slow to react, and was fooled by Wu Shiqing into going into the room.

At this time, Baililin suddenly waved her hand - in an instant! The rain curtain between Noah's Ark and Rattlesnake suddenly opened up! The figures of Rattlesnake and his men appeared!

"Sure enough, there is an enemy attack!"

After confirming the enemy attack, Baililin immediately took action - mobilizing the rainstorm in the sky, turning it into water snakes, roaring and biting at these killers!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

In just 1 second! 2 people were bitten by the water snakes because they could not dodge! Then they were rushed into the bottom of the water!

Seeing this scene, the brave and aggressive Thompson was not angry, but excited and roared - "Huh!" - a fire snake burning with blazing flames swiftly pounced on the water snake controlled by Baililin, vowing to see who was better!

However, Baililin did not intend to fight with him - after all, Baililin's goal was not to defeat Thompson! Instead, it is to reduce the number of opponents! ——So Baililin waved her hands, and two more water snakes appeared, instantly biting two more killers into the water!


"Son of a bitch! How dare you ignore me!"

Thomson cursed, angry at Baililin for ignoring him!

As for Rhodes, he just felt that the opponent was very tricky-because according to Baililin's method, they would soon be left with only four people! Only four people with superpowers! ——This is definitely not a good thing for them!

So Rhodes looked at Amanda.

"Do it! Amanda!"


Amanda smiled slightly, and actually stood on the speeding jet ski with both feet, then raised the Barrett sniper rifle in her hand and aimed at the glass of Noah's Ark.


A bullet was fired! It hit the window of Noah's Ark with a strong wind!

But only a slight sound was left.


But seeing that she couldn't penetrate the glass of Noah's Ark, Amanda was not in a hurry at all. She just continued to pick up the sniper rifle and shot another bullet at Noah's Ark.


The bullet only made a slight sound on the glass again.

But Amanda still looked completely unhurried. She continued to raise her gun and shoot, and continued to shoot the third, fourth, and fifth shots!

And these bullets, without exception, left one after another impact sound on the window of Noah's Ark!




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