Only Amanda has strong confidence in her plan.

"Don't worry, Amy will definitely obey! Because no one can stop her desire for life!"

"Hey, please, don't blame your own cowardice on others."


Amanda and others were shocked. They all turned their heads in horror and looked at Chen Hao standing in the air behind him - this is Chen Hao's new trick, using the space field to achieve the effect of zero gravity, thus making himself float in the air. .

After seeing Chen Hao, it only took Rhodes and others one second to guess Chen Hao's identity.

"Chen Hao!"

"Correct! But there is no reward, only punishment!"

Chen Haoxie said with a smile, and with a wave of his hand, he instantly changed the gravity field on this group of people.

My dear, there is more to come after this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. There will be more exciting chapters later!

"Gravity distortion, 10 times gravity!"

If you can make yourself 0 gravity, you can make others 10 times gravity! ——In the field of space, Chen Hao will always have absolute dominance! He is the god in this space!

So 10x gravity appears! These elite killers of the Rattlesnake organization all howled! He sank to the bottom of the water in embarrassment!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! Gulu, guru, guru! Hiccup~~~"

"damn it!"

Thomson's eyes are splitting! As an arrogant young man, how could he endure the humiliation of being killed instantly!

So he immediately launched a resistance!

"Ahhhhhh! Go to hell! Ahhhhhh!"

The furious Thomson continued to burst out powerful flames from his body! ——The blazing flame instantly burned the entire underwater area red!

But instead of putting out the fire, Chen Hao added fuel to the fire.

"Give you some fire!"

From Chen Hao's space, huge fireballs were continuously sprayed out, heating the water to the point where it could boil people alive!

The pain was so painful that everyone grimaced!

"Thomson! You son of a bitch! Stop it!"

Everyone was yelling and swearing because they were really going to be cooked!

At this time, a chill dispelled the heat - not only because Thomson had put away his fire power, but also because Amanda was releasing her frost!

"Cold! Extremely freezing!"

In an instant, not only the heat on the water surface dropped rapidly! —— Several pieces of ice were even condensed, supporting Rhodes and others, allowing everyone to slowly surface!

"That man has the power of fire, and this woman has the power of ice."

Chen Hao locked on these superpowers, suddenly! A dangerous smell! Climbed up on his own back!

That's the death ability!

Chapter 208 The enemy’s trump card


Realizing that the danger was approaching, Chen Hao had a thought and escaped directly.

After discovering that his target had disappeared, Rhodes immediately looked around for Chen Hao's whereabouts - it seemed that only with Chen Hao in his sight could he feel any sense of security!

"I see."

Chen Hao understood that this Rhodes' ability is to lock the opponent with his eyes and then make the opponent die! ——Judging from the video that Li Hua sent earlier, the bodies of those who were "annihilated", without exception, turned into a pile of fly ash within a few seconds!

"However, this ability is so powerful, why doesn't it work on me?"


"Obviously, this ability has conditions for its use!"

Chen Hao quickly recalled the scene just now and determined the limitations of Rhodes' abilities - at least two limitations!

First, this ability can only be effective within a certain range - otherwise, if Rhodes is equipped with a telescope, wouldn't he be invincible? ——Stare at one with a telescope! Die! Do you still need to bring people to attack?

Second, even if you lock the target with your eyes, this ability will not take effect immediately - it will take at least 10 seconds for the ability to die to take effect! ——Because after Rhodes came out of the water, he stared at Chen Hao for nearly 5 seconds before Chen Hao sensed the threat. This means that it takes some preparation time for Rhodes’ ability to activate!

Understand this level.

Chen Hao smiled.

"It's a very suitable power for assassination! If you are not prepared, you will definitely be caught off guard!"

"But, now that you know it..."

Chen Hao's eyes suddenly flashed with a cold light.

He would not be so stupid that every time it was about 10 seconds, he would change his direction in advance and run around like a mouse - facing such an unpreventable trick, he would just let it disappear forever!

So Chen Hao waved his hand and fired a laser beam, which directly knocked away Rhodes' head!


Rhodes' eyes widened in disbelief! ——But his whole head was spinning for a while, and then with a pop, he sank directly to the bottom of the water, and he could no longer kill anyone!

When Thomson, Amanda and others saw this scene, they all looked at Chen Hao in horror - they never expected that Rhodes, one of their trump cards, would die like this!


Thomson clenched his fists angrily! The fire ability is activated and turns into a giant fist! It hit Chen Hao with a rumble!

Chen Hao didn't even look at it, just swallowed the space, and then counterattacked Thomson!

"What! What!"

Thomson panicked! ——Because he himself knows how powerful the punch is! ——It’s so big that even he himself can’t bear it!

So the arrogant and arrogant Thomson! It also howled like a wild dog!


And Amanda and others who witnessed all this were trembling with fear and regretted what they had done to challenge Chen Hao!

But there was only one person who stayed calm throughout the entire process - and that was Jason! ——This little old man who has lived to be gray-haired in the Rattlesnake organization with an average lifespan of only 35 years old——appears to be the least threatening, but in fact, possesses the most threatening power!

That is peace! The calmness that remains unchanged even when Mount Tai collapses in front of you!

This is a necessary quality for a strong person!

It is also the strong man’s absolute confidence in his own strength!


Chen Hao also noticed Jason and cast an interesting look at him - when everyone was panicking, Jason was the only one who didn't change his expression. It was hard for people not to notice him!

Even other people in the Diamondbacks organization looked at Jason - you know, Rhodes' "death" ability is indeed one of their trump cards! ——But it’s just one of them! ——Another trump card is Jason!

Jason looked at Chen Hao calmly and said.

"Can you let us go?"


"Do you want to know why we came to kill you? - I can tell you, as long as you let me go!"

"You're stalling for time."

Chen Hao saw through Jason's intention at a glance - this Jason was the fourth superpower! And his ability is also the most mysterious one!

In the video provided by Li Hua, Jason's ability did not directly launch an attack - but after he activated his ability, one by one of the "Flying Arrow" members fell into a state of madness! They all let out heart-rending wails!


only! These "Flying Arrow" members are all well-trained special soldiers!

What kind of superpower can make them all lose control in an instant! ——Even in the end, they all had no resistance and died miserably under the attack of bullets!

And this mystery will be revealed soon.

Because Jason's ability has been quietly activated on Chen Hao.


Chen Hao realized something was wrong - his nose seemed to be malfunctioning!

"Strange? Why can't I smell Xingxing's body scent?"

As a person who lived to the end of his previous life, Chen Hao's senses have been honed to an extremely high level - after all, smelling a little blood in advance can sometimes save his life! ——So as soon as his nose failed, Chen Hao immediately realized that there was something wrong with his body!

"I really can't smell it anymore..."

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading!


“My body is no longer feeling the impact of the rain!”

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