Inside the split Blue Whale submarine, Nohara Dadan felt the tragic sounds of Allen and the white python fighting behind him, and kept repeating the battle plan in his mouth.

From the beginning.

The Nohara group confirmed the plan with all members.

"My mission is to eliminate Chen Hao! And your mission is to send me to Chen Hao!"

So it's doomed - when encountering interference, the members of the Sakura team will use their lives to help the Nohara group buy time!

"Ho! Roar! Roar!"

The giant transformed by Allen roared crazily in the water! Even underwater! There were also waves of noise, letting everyone know that he was determined to fight to the death!

Feeling Allen's perversion and madness, Mrs. Snake turned into a python, but she was not easily deceived.

"In terms of size, he has no combat advantage at all. Why is he fighting me to the death? - Is it to hold me back so that others can move on?"

"if it is like this......"

"Then their target is Mr. Chen!"

Mrs. Snake was secretly surprised! ——Such a crazy tactical arrangement only shows that the opponent’s ultimate move will only become crazier!

I'm afraid it's really a fatal blow! The kind that leaves no room for anything!

"No, I have to report this situation to Mr. Chen quickly!"

Thinking of this, Mrs. Snake immediately threw away the giant transformed by Allen and rushed towards the water quickly - judging from the current situation, it was the fastest way to report the situation to Chen Hao before Nohara Datuan and others took action. , that is, going to the water to cause a huge enough movement!

Just Mrs. Snake's actions immediately aroused Allen's alert.

"It actually wants to run?"


"It wants to report a message!"

After all, an enemy that is overwhelming to him is willing to abandon himself as his prey - that only shows that it has more important things to do than hunting himself!

So Allen roared.


Hold Mrs. Snake's snake body with both hands and use all your strength and skills! Don't let Mrs. Snake leave the bottom of the water for life or death!

But Allen didn't expect that the moment he tightened the snake's body tightly, the 80-meter python suddenly shrank to less than 50 meters! He escaped from his grasp in an instant!


Allen couldn't believe his eyes! He couldn't imagine how Madam Snake did all this!

However, this is easy for Mrs. Snake - because she does not have the ability to transform into ordinary snakes - she can turn into an astonishing 80-meter python! It can also be transformed into an 8cm mini snake! ——So you can come and go silently! It can also be earth-shattering!

"Be fast! I can already foresee that it is a terrifying killing move!"

Mrs. Snake rushed towards the water quickly, and Allen was still chasing after her, vowing to catch Mrs. Snake!

Between walking and pulling, one person and one snake had unknowingly consumed a lot of time - enough for Nohara Datuan and others to approach Noah's Ark 1 kilometer away!

"The current distance is, 1 kilometer!"


Nohara couldn't help but clapped his hands excitedly - at this distance, as long as he used his killing move, he would definitely be able to cover Chen Hao and Noah's Ark!

But Nohara Dadan was not satisfied yet.

"At this distance, it can only be said that Chen Hao can be covered, but it cannot be said that it can kill Chen Hao - the safer way is to get closer! It is best to put him at the center of the explosion, so that He will definitely die!"

So the Nohara group ordered again.

"Keep going! Let me get closer to Chen Hao, the better!"


The members of the Sakura team all responded with firm eyes - because they all understood what Nohara Daidan meant! The closer you get, the more deadly it becomes! So get closer to Chen Hao!

But their whereabouts could not be hidden from Chen Hao at all - and their intentions were also seen through by Chen Hao.

"Are you rushing forward desperately? It seems that you are coming for me!"


Chen Hao sneered, feeling that this battle was getting more and more boring - judging from the current situation, the apocalyptic organization that Taihe Kingdom has worked so hard to manage has simply failed to capture the essence of surviving in the apocalypse! ——That means they failed to develop super powerful superpowers!

Of course, there may be super powerful superpowers in the Kingdom of Taihe, but they are definitely not in the Great Sun Organization.

So this battle can be over.

"Silly girl, launch the missiles with all your strength and blast through their base within one minute!"

"Promise to complete the mission Master!"

At the same moment, Chen Hao opened his space field and directly released three submarines, aiming directly at the Sakura Team under the sea.

Since they like to act underwater, let them be buried under the sea forever!

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Rapidly launch underwater torpedoes one after another! Form a huge covering network and quickly press in on Nohara Datuan and others!

Feeling threatened, Nohara immediately called out a name.



Tayuya, who was in the submarine, stretched out his hands forward - the next moment, an invisible barrier immediately covered everyone's submarine, and then bounced off all the torpedoes!


Chen Hao looked at this scene with a little surprise - what kind of power is it that can easily deflect torpedoes?

"Go ahead and let me see clearly!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The submarine received the order and fired its torpedoes without hesitation! Chen Hao must let Chen Hao see clearly the other party's abilities!

And these torpedoes launched are like balloons one after another, ruthlessly bounced away by the opponent's barrier!

"I see. It looks like a barrier that can bounce back all attacks - but can a barrier kill people?"

Chen Hao was skeptical about this - so Chen Hao determined that this was not the main attacker, this should just be an auxiliary!

At this point, it seemed like he was feeling the pressure to keep moving forward.

The Nohara group and others stopped.



Tayuya clasped his hands together! Instant time! Several red rays of light suddenly appeared! A strange red pyramid formed! ——Lock Chen Hao, Noah's Ark, and the nearby sea area of ​​several hundred meters inside!

No water can flow out! No light can come in!

"It's indeed a barrier!"

Chen Hao narrowed his eyes and confirmed his judgment - but, what will be the next attack?

At this time, Nohara stood up, and he was the main attacker this time.

And his ability.

It's an explosion!

Merciless explosion!

Chapter 224 Chen Hao is dead?

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Four rays of red light rose into the sky, forming a pyramid-shaped barrier, sealing Chen Hao and Noah's Ark inside!



Chen Hao snorted lightly - because at the moment the barrier was formed, Chen Hao clearly felt that the surrounding potential field had changed! --became heavy and dull! ——Under such a potential field, Chen Hao's superpowers became dull and heavy!

"It seems like it's not a simple barrier! It's a barrier that can limit the abilities of superpowers!"

Chen Hao was a little surprised. If this happened, his space field would not be able to open instantly!

At this moment, Chen Hao felt a terrifying force! Generating near me!

"what is that?"

Chen Hao looked at the water. Under the water, a terrifying energy ball was forming! ——That’s Nohara Daidan’s positive energy!

"Ahhhhhh! Explode! My body! Ahhhhhhh!"

The Nohara group looked up to the sky and roared! ——His superpower is "explosion", but it is not a simple explosion! ——To put it simply, this is a power that can only be used once in a lifetime! ——The limited number of uses results in unparalleled destructive power!

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