"In the whole game of chess, anyone can eat the mouse, except the most powerful elephant! It can even be eaten by the mouse!"

"Why do you think that is?"

Hearing this question, the killers were at a loss - for them, they have always believed in the law of the jungle - so how could the mouse eat the elephant?

Seeing that his men were a bunch of idiots with only brute force.

Anthony smiled contemptuously.

"Because of the relationship of mutual promotion and mutual restraint! A bunch of idiots!"

"Mutual promotion and mutual restraint?"

"That's right! In this world, as long as anything exists, there must be its natural nemesis at the same time! - It's just that sometimes, it's not so eye-catching!"

"Then Mr. Anthony, what is Chen Hao's nemesis?"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Anthony, what is Chen Hao's nemesis? You are so smart, you must be able to analyze it, right?"

A group of men looked at Anthony sincerely.

Anthony blushed immediately - although he had talked a lot just now, it was all just theory - when it came to the actual operation, he had no idea for the time being!

But Anthony still said calmly.

"Well, I originally proposed this to gather ideas - after all, no matter how smart I am, I can't match the collective wisdom!"


The killers were speechless for a while - they originally thought that Anthony could have some wonderful battle plan, but in the end he was just showing off some useless knowledge!

But at this time, a killer suddenly had an idea.

"The weakest mouse can eat the strongest elephant? If so..."

The more he thought about it, the brighter the killer's eyes became! The more his confidence swelled!

Because he really thought of a person who might really be Chen Hao's natural nemesis!

But the funny thing is - this is not the killer's imagination! It's something that is really possible! —— Because the world is sometimes so funny! Some little people's inspiration knocked down the emperor who once swept across the world!

"Mr. Anthony, I know who is Chen Hao's nemesis!"

"Are you sure?"

"Are you sure!"

At the same time, on Noah's Ark, Chen Hao calmly looked in the direction of the "Big Sun" organization, and his eyebrows suddenly jumped.


Chen Hao was a little curious-because this time his eyebrows jumped a little differently from the previous ones-in the past, he felt uncomfortable because he watched too many movies on his mobile phone.

This time, it seemed that something bad was going to happen, so there was a force in the dark reminding Chen Hao to be careful!

"What's going on? Is there another master in the Big Sun Organization?"

"And is it a master who can threaten me?"

The light in Chen Hao's eyes flickered, and he became very interested in this crisis! ——So Chen Hao decided to find out! Take the crisis into his own hands!

So Chen Hao snapped his fingers.

"Silly girl! Stop the attack!"

"Master, all attacks have been stopped."

"Okay! Now release the drones to see what's going on at the Big Sun Base! - And, are there any suspicious dangerous people!"

"Understood, Master!"

Chapter 227

Under Chen Hao's command, dozens of drones flew over the Big Sun Base from all directions.

Passing through the thick smoke area, we can see that the small area of ​​land that Taihe Country had finally left in the end of the world is now devastated! It was bombed by missiles and was like a small mud puddle!

And in this mud puddle, a special color caught Chen Hao's attention.

"It's here."

Chen Hao said gently while holding a cup of tea - in order to deal with the end of the world, the top leaders of various countries have built doomsday fortresses, usually made of concrete and metal materials - so the bright gray and white color is very conspicuous in the yellow mud!

"Check the surroundings, release ultrasonic waves, and test its underlying structure!"


A group of drones began to emit microwaves - this type of microwave has a certain degree of penetration, and can penetrate a large number of building structures, and then build a specific model of underground buildings based on the degree of sound wave blockage during penetration!

But this type of microwave also has a major certainty - that is, it is very easy to detect! - After all, having super high penetration means that it is relatively low in concealment!

So soon, the people of the Big Sun Organization discovered these microwaves.

"Mr. Commander, there are drones detecting our base, what should we do now?"

"... Shoot down these drones!"

Yasuda Yuki said with a gloomy face - instead of waiting for Chen Hao to detect it and then pull himself out, it is better to take the initiative to fight back, and it can also appear more dignified!

But Yasuda Yuki did not give up hope.

"What about Rattlesnake? Didn't they agree to our alliance? Why haven't they made any moves yet?"

"Well... they sent me news..."

"What? Why didn't they report it to me right away!"

"It was just sent over, and... the news was a bit weird..."

"What exactly is it!"

"They said they only need to send one person to get rid of Chen Hao!"


Yasuda Yuki shouted in disbelief - can Chen Hao be eliminated by sending only one person? - Rattlesnake Organization is probably still dreaming?

At the same time, accompanied by a burst of machine gun fire, the drone hovering over the Big Sun Base was violently shot down!

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!"

But the drone's reaction was not slow, quickly raising its altitude, and at the same time transmitting the data it had obtained to Chen Hao.

"It also has the ability to counterattack. It seems that the base is built quite solid!"

Chen Hao smiled slightly, and was about to tease these people again - suddenly, Chen Hao noticed a flash of white light from a distance.


Chen Hao turned his head and looked over, and saw a small boat slowly approaching on the sea in the distance, and on the boat, there was a little girl with a wronged face.

"What is that?"

Chen Hao looked at the small boat suspiciously, thinking that this was a new enemy?

In fact, this little girl who looked thin and aggrieved was indeed the secret weapon sent by the Rattlesnake Organization! ——A superpower who was once regarded as a waste!

When the end of the world just began, superpowers were just awakening.

As the leader of the Rattlesnake Taihe branch, Anthony issued an order to all members-collect superpowers! Especially children superpowers! ——Then keep them in captivity and brainwash them to facilitate them to become new killing tools in the future!

Among them, this little girl is included, codenamed 14!

As for why the codename is 14? ——Because the Rattlesnake organization has collected a total of 14 child superpowers, and then ranked them numerically according to the strength of their superpowers. Ranking 14 means that she is the weakest one!

But now, the weakest No. 14 is the key to defeating Chen Hao.

It really makes people feel a little incredible!

"Mr. Anthony, is this really okay?"

Even the people of the Rattlesnake organization have doubts about this matter.

But Anthony is very sure.

"Of course! Besides, have you all forgotten what her special ability is?"


Everyone's eyes were involuntarily placed back on No. 14 - indeed, they all looked down on this girl. On the one hand, it was because she was a mute and could not speak - on the other hand, it was because of her special ability!

It was really useless!

Her special ability was - she could absorb all attacks! And form energy, burst out a powerful anti-killing shock wave!

It sounds good.

But the problem is, in order to form a anti-killing shock wave, you must accumulate energy - how much energy do you need to accumulate? - I don't know! Anyway, it has not been accumulated until now!

So this caused No. 14's special ability to become extremely useless, and turned into a meat shield that can only be beaten - can't be killed, can't be destroyed - but can't kill others!

And their Rattlesnake Organization is a killer organization!

So a "killer" who can't kill the opponent is simply a joke! It's the most useless existence!

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