The way to start is still the secret key.

"Enter the captain's identity - are you sure the current user is the captain?"


"The user has been confirmed as the captain! Do you want to enter the personalized customization?"

"Personalized customization? Enter!"

Chen Hao had no reason to refuse - because he was a man, he had a possessive desire! So he wanted all women to become his own shape!

"Excuse me, how do you like the smart butler to call you?"

"Okay, Master! Then do you want your smart butler to be male or female!"


"Then what type of woman do you want your smart butler to be? A, sweet girl type! B, cold and arrogant sister type! C, mature young woman type! D, gentle aunt type!"

"Sweet girl voice!"

"Okay, Master, it has been set as a sweet girl type for you. Please give your smart butler a name!"

"Let's call it - Silly Girl!"

"Okay! Silly Girl will serve you soon, please wait!"

After 3 seconds of silence, when the system setting was completed, a sweet girl's voice echoed in Chen Hao's ears.

"Hello, Master, your smart butler Silly Girl is here to serve you. How can I help you?"

The voice is pleasant and makes people feel very good! ——I have to say that Musk, this kid, secretly hid this! ——Sure enough, men all over the world know how a woman's voice can be the best!

So Chen Hao said with a smile.

"I want to know what is inside the negative first floor to the negative third floor!"

"Okay, I'll introduce it to you right away!"

As soon as the silly girl's voice fell, the secret key tablet in Chen Hao's hand immediately projected a plane map, listing the three lower floors of the yacht in detail.

The negative first floor is actually a large filter room - it can not only be used to filter air, but also to filter seawater! Even at the end of the world, it can continue to provide fresh air and safe fresh water to the yacht!

"Awesome! Musk is a technology madman, and he really designed this Noah's Ark according to the doomsday scenario!"

Chen Hao couldn't help but applaud Musk - because Musk really bet on the problem of the end of the world.

The negative second floor is a technology layer - all the power of the cruise ship comes from this layer, and Chen Hao only knew at this time that the cruise ship not only has mixed fuel, but also has light energy charging, and the charging board is hidden on the surface of the yacht.

"It's interesting. No one floor is redundant. What is the negative third floor?"

Chen Hao's interest was aroused, and he quickly began to look at the third floor.

It turned out that the third floor was an escape floor - not only was there an emergency speedboat and two sea motorcycles, but there were also two emergency escape capsules - 4 meters x 1.6 meters in size, which could be ejected 100 meters away in an instant, allowing people to escape from danger in the first place!

"It's full of black technology! No wonder the three floors below have not allowed other people to come in. Those who don't know that the end of the world is coming will only laugh at Musk as a lunatic!"

Chen Hao smiled at the corner of his mouth, and was very satisfied with this Noah's Ark! - With this artifact, even if there is a global rainstorm, Chen Hao can have a very high quality of life!

"By the way, there is another place I haven't seen yet, that is the studio on the third floor."

Chen Hao couldn't help but think of the studio on the third floor. On the top of that studio, there was a round, strange thing. I wonder what black technology it is?

Chapter 26 Eye in the Sky

"Silly girl, let me see what that thing is on the roof of the 3rd floor!"

Chen Hao said to the smart housekeeper, Silly Girl, carelessly. That round thing was not an ordinary object at first glance, so Chen Hao was also a little curious.

Silly Girl immediately replied to Chen Hao.

"Master, that is the telescope on Noah's Ark - Eye in the Sky!"

"Eye in the Sky?"

"Yes, with it, you can observe everything within 100 kilometers nearby, and when you encounter danger, you can activate the 'protection mode' and use the Eye in the Sky to observe the surroundings without using your naked eyes."

"Noah's Ark actually has a protection mode? Turn it on and let me see!"

"Yes, please go to the captain's room on the 2nd floor and I will demonstrate it to you."

As Silly Girl said this, she linked an internal mobile car - a four-wheeled car like a wheelchair - and came to Chen Hao.

Chen Hao sat on it generously, and the mobile car automatically sent Chen Hao to the elevator and went straight to the captain's room.

"I'll show you the protection mode now!"

As the voice fell, all the windows on Noah's Ark were covered with a solid deck - although these glasses themselves were also super glasses that could block bullets! But compared to this deck, they were still more than a little worse!

When the deck covered all the glass, a holographic projection covered the entire captain's room, so that Chen Hao's upper, lower, left, and right were all real-time images of the outside world - he even felt that he was outdoors, not in the captain's room of a yacht!

"Awesome! Holographic projection! Real-time image! This is what a technology madman should look like!"

Chen Hao couldn't help laughing - needless to say, this "protection mode" must have been specially developed by Musk considering extreme situations - just what Chen Hao wanted!

But at this time, Noah's Ark's intelligent system proactively issued an early warning!

"Please pay attention! Please pay attention! There are a large number of ships approaching 70 kilometers southeast! It is expected to arrive at the location of Noah's Ark in 2 hours!"

"Want to check now?"


Chen Hao was a little surprised, but he nodded and made a soft sound.


The screen zooms in immediately! ——Relying on the powerful far-sightedness of the Sky Eye, the scene 70 kilometers away was transmitted to Chen Hao’s eyes in real time, and projected on the holographic projection in the captain’s cabin!

Chen Hao saw that the owner of the Haohan Yacht Club was rushing towards him with a group of police, coast guard, and even armed forces.

"It's them. Well, it's almost time."

Chen Hao chuckled - although he didn't know about Zhao Dong's affairs, Noah's Ark was of great importance after all, and it was impossible for no one to pay attention to it even if it disappeared, so it was only a matter of time before someone found it.

So Chen Hao immediately made preparations - first put away the new Noah's Ark, then took out the old one, and then pretended to be nonchalant and went fishing on the beach.

Just one hour after Chen Hao completed these preparations.

Bosses and large numbers of armed troops suddenly appear.

Chen Hao pretended to be curious and stood up.

"What's going on!"


A group of armed forces immediately pointed their guns at Chen Hao - the black muzzles were full of live ammunition!

The boss quickly smoothed things over.

"Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding! One of our own! One of our own! He is the tenant Chen Hao!"

"Confirm his identity!"

The armed forces did not relax. Even after confirming Chen Hao's identity, their guns were still pointed at Chen Hao and they asked directly.

"Has anything strange happened in the past few days? You must answer everything!"

"No, after I came here, I started camping, fishing when I had free time, or just taking a walk nearby."

"It's that simple?"

"It's that simple!"

Hearing Chen Hao's answer, the junior officers of the armed forces were a little surprised - but their mission was to confirm what happened to "Noah's Ark". At this time, Noah's Ark was intact, which was of course the most satisfactory result. Got it!

Of course, it would be a bit embarrassing if such a large force was used for a perfectly fine yacht. If word got out about this, the young officer specifically talked to Chen Hao, hoping that Chen Hao could take care of this matter. Confidentiality.

Of course Chen Hao doesn't want this matter to spread - at least for now, he doesn't want anyone to suspect that he has the means to make a 109-meter large yacht disappear!

So both parties happily forgot about the matter.

The classic big thing is reduced to a small thing, and a small thing is reduced to a small thing!

Then, Chen Hao also started to set off and returned to Tiandu City - this was actually partly the intention of the military. They didn't want to come looking for Noah's Ark again - so they asked the company to recover Noah's Ark in advance!

Chen Hao expressed his understanding and respect for this.

"If I were a soldier guarding the border, I wouldn't want to leave my post and come to such a distant place to waste my time just to find a rich man's yacht."

"And that Zhao Dong, you are really going to cause trouble for me!"

After learning about Zhao Dong, Chen Hao was so filled with hatred that he really wanted to punch this kid in the face! ——I almost had my secret exposed just because of this kid! ——But there is no other way. I heard that this kid has been secretly sentenced and imprisoned. It is estimated that he will have to squat for 2 and a half years before he can be released!

"But this kid probably never dreamed that as soon as he entered, the world would end!"

My dear, there is more to come after this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. There will be more exciting chapters later!

So Chen Hao also forgot about Zhao Dong.

Calculating the time, it has been 18 days since I was reborn. In fact, there are less than 2 weeks left before the end of the world comes.

"The rest of the time, then use it all for fun! Anyway, there are still more than 10 million in the account. If you don't play, it will be useless!"

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