The owners who lived on the lower floors suddenly panicked - they usually thought that the second floor was the most convenient place to go up and down, but now it has become the place where people are most likely to drown!

So the residents living on the second floor started going crazy.

"Upstairs! Is there anyone who will take us in? Any conditions are acceptable!"

"Oh, really?"

Some people have already started to have other ideas.

Chapter 38 Selling Wife

"Upstairs! Is there anyone who will take us in? Any conditions are acceptable!"

"Oh, really?"


"Okay! Chat privately!"

Soon, the owner downstairs and the owner upstairs added private messages - but the result of the chat was either silence or blacklisting!

"Ask your wife to stay with me, and I will take you in."

"Are you crazy? This is absolutely not okay!"

"Then your whole family will drown together! Anyway, it's your choice, either the whole family will drown together, or your wife will be wronged alone."

"Even if my whole family dies together! I won't betray my wife!"

But such people are only a minority, and the majority of people choose to remain silent - because if they don't live at home, they can only live in the stairwells on various floors - and stairwells allow people to walk around. This place makes people feel very insecure! I feel like I'm going to get bitten at any moment! ——This is derived from biological instinct and is a resistance to unsafe environments! Engraved in my bones!

And more importantly - food!

Because modern people’s lives are very delicate, they have to cook their own meals, or order takeout if they can’t, and rarely stock up on emergency dry food – so once you live in the stairwell, you can’t cook or order takeout, so you can only survive. starve!

Therefore, it is necessary to sacrifice one person to save more people, especially to save yourself! ——It’s really hard to choose!

In such an environment, the atmosphere of the entire community has become subtle!

"Ding dong! Ding dong! Ding dong!"

Suddenly, more than 100 friend requests appeared on Chen Hao's mobile phone - the most received in the entire building! ——Because Chen Hao lives on the top floor, in theory, it is the safest and most promising floor for rescue, so everyone wants to live there.

"Chen Hao, let me live at your place and I can give you money!"

"No shortage of money, thank you!"

"Chen Hao, do you know my girlfriend? Although she looks average, she has a pretty good figure and has some unique skills. I guarantee you will like her! Do you think you can let us live there?"

"Then let your girlfriend live in alone, okay?"

"Chen Hao, we are all neighbors. At times like this, we should help each other, right?"

"Want to have sex for nothing? See you on the blacklist! Bye!"

Chen Hao didn't tolerate any of them and kicked back all these people's requests! ——There is no free lunch in this world! Once you give them free white rice, they will ask for three dishes and one soup! This is human nature!

Sure enough, after Chen Hao rejected these people, these people started to angrily criticize Chen Hao! The humility before is completely gone!

"Chen Hao! You are so heartless and unjust! You will be punished by God!"

"You're fucking sick, aren't you! I gave you my girlfriend to play with, but you didn't take me in, only her!"

"You inhuman thing! I'll fuck all 18 generations of your family!"

"What a bitch!"

But Chen Hao scolded them as he pleased - because the harder they scolded them now, the humbler they would be when they came to beg Chen Hao again!

It was just beyond everyone's expectations that at this time, the group of black property owners actually stepped forward to maintain the overall situation.

"Don't panic, everyone! We have received instructions from the government. Although the floods this time are very fierce! But the government is already gathering our people's soldiers to carry out rescue operations in various places!"

"So let's stay calm, they will definitely come to save us!"

"Therefore, before the rescue arrives, our property management will first arrange accommodation for the residents below the fifth floor. We will open the unused houses in the building for everyone to live temporarily! And we will not charge any fees!"

After seeing these messages about "Property - Brother Wang", the person who was calling Wang Niu a dog before now calls him "Brother Wang" in an extremely affectionate manner.

"Brother Wang! I wrongly blamed you before! I apologize to you here!"

"It's okay, it's all a misunderstanding."

"Brother Wang, take this little thought as my apology! It's not much, only 888 yuan, take it!"

"Serving the owners is what our property management company should do. There is no need to give red envelopes!"

"Brother Wang! Awesome!"

A thumbs up emoticon was added at the end.

For a moment, everyone changed their faces. They were all full of praise for Wang Niu and this group of black property owners. At the same time, they all came to ridicule Chen Hao.

"The difference between people can be seen at a glance! Chen Hao, a selfish person like you will definitely be liquidated after the flood is over!"

"When the time comes, we will definitely be paraded through the streets! Paraded through the streets!"

"Stop it, being in the same building with such a person is simply disgusting!"

They all exchanged nasty words, as if the rescue army was about to arrive - typical half-time popping of champagne! Moreover, it is still unknown whether there is actually a rescue army!

"I remember that in the previous life, there was no rescue army at all!"

Chen Hao's eyes immediately flashed with two brilliant lights - in fact, the government did organize rescue activities, but finally gave up!


Because there was no way to start!

All parts of the country were affected by disasters. If you want to carry out rescue, you must at least invest in "hundreds" of soldiers - but the question is, are there so many soldiers?

The soldiers from all over the country added up, but only in the millions! The gap is so big that it can't be solved at all!

So we can only shrink the scale and give priority to rescuing key areas, key units, and key figures!

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading!

So in this community, what key figures can be worth the soldiers' priority rescue? - Of course there are none!

"Interesting! Since the government has no possibility of rescue in the first time, why do they spread this news?"

"There is only one possibility, it is for some unspeakable secret!"

Chen Hao smiled slightly, and immediately figured out the key point-at this moment, although the government has not yet stated the rescue plan, most people still have a dependent mentality, waiting for the government to help them-so Wang Niu and others, at this time, it is easy to deceive most people in the name of the government!

And once these people are fooled, they come out of the house and move to the place designated by Wang Niu and others-then all their supplies will be controlled by Wang Niu and others, right?

You know, in this environment, the longer you live, the more likely you are to wait for rescue, so sufficient supplies are the top priority! ——What if the supplies are not enough? Then you have to do whatever it takes like Wang Niu and others, and grab other people's supplies!

Only in this way, death belongs to others, and the chance to live is left to yourself!

And the fact is just as Chen Hao thought, what so-called government announcement? ——There is none at all! ——It was all Li Jian's advice to Wang Niu! ——"Brother Wang, this is a good opportunity for us! We don't have much supplies, so we must seize other people's supplies now!"

So more than a dozen owners and tenants from the 2nd to 5th floors were not on guard, but opened the door to welcome them warmly.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

But they didn't notice that Wang Niu, Li Jian and others all showed wolf-like eyes - aimed at their drinking water! Aimed at their food! Aimed at their wives!

Chapter 39 Beastly Behavior

"Brother Wang, which floor should we live on first?"

"You can live next to me first."

Wang Niu took the key and led more than a dozen owners and tenants on the lower floors to the 17th floor, to the house next to the property dormitory - this was also the owner's house. Because he was not in the country for many years, it was requisitioned as a dormitory by the property. Of course, the owner himself did not know about this.

After Wang Niu led people over, at first, he still had a bright smile on his face.

"As you can see, beds are in short supply now, so everyone must obey the arrangement so that everyone has a place to live. Do you have any objections?"

"No, no!"

More than a dozen owners and tenants cooperated with Wang Niu's "work" - after all, living on the lower floors, there is a possibility of being flooded at any time! So being able to move to the 17th floor is like going from hell to heaven!

But they don't know yet that now is the beginning of their hell!

Wang Niu nodded, still smiling brightly.

"Okay, everyone, put the water and food on our side first. In extraordinary times, we must pay attention to unified distribution! This will be more conducive to everyone's unity! It will also be more conducive to everyone's survival together!"

Everyone was a little reluctant to hand over water and food.

Wang Niu immediately frowned a little.

"What's your attitude? We kindly cooperated with the government and arranged for you to move out of the dangerous floor, and this is how you cooperate? Good! Good! If you don't want to cooperate, then all go back downstairs!"

"No, no, no! It's just cooperation! I must cooperate! I must cooperate!"

A thin and wretched man nicknamed "Skinny Monkey" was the first to hand over his things - he didn't have much stuff in the first place, only two bottles of water and a few packs of instant noodles. After handing in the things, he could get more after the unified distribution!

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