Chapter 46 Sweet

"This woman is quite interesting!"

Chen Hao smiled - because this woman's appearance and figure are both above 90 points! And in the picture on the avatar, the smile is very sweet, like milk-flavored ice cream!

But the most important thing is - this woman is almost the same age as Xiaoxiao and Wu Shiqing - she should still be a college student!

"I just don't have any impression. We live in the same building and I haven't even seen him before?"

Chen Hao couldn't help but wonder - because of the heavy rain, the water level on the ground had reached the fourth floor, about 15 meters high! Therefore, even people from the same community cannot go to other buildings to visit - so those who add Chen Hao are basically people from Building 4!

But Chen Hao has lived in Building 4 for two or three years - even though Chen Hao was a bit of a workaholic before and only wanted to make money, he is still a man after all! ——When you meet a beautiful woman, you will look at her twice, and you won’t be left with no impression at all!

"Add it, let's chat and we'll find out. Maybe it's a photo scam!"

After all, this is a high-tech era, so it is very normal to use some technology on photos, so it must be strictly screened.

"You have added Tiantian as a friend, please say hello to her!"

The friend request has just been approved.

The woman nicknamed "Tiantian" couldn't wait to send a message to Chen Hao.

"Brother, can I go to your place to take a shower?"


"I haven't taken a shower for several days, and my body is almost stinking! So I want to ask my brother for a favor and let me take a shower! I'm so shy!"

"Oh, send me a photo."

Chen Hao responded slowly, and then his intuition told him that there was something wrong with this woman! ——Normally speaking, we have been without water for several days, so shouldn’t the first thing that normal people pay attention to is to solve the problem of drinking water? ——Then take a shower!

"Could it be that you want to trick me into opening the door?"

Thinking of being tricked into opening the door, Chen Hao recalled some bad memories - in his previous life, Chen Hao was tricked into opening the door by Lin Yushan because of his feelings! Then he was pushed to the ground by Lin Dashan and Lin Jiawei, and his wrists were cut to draw blood! Being treated as a humanoid drink! ——Because heavy rains are poisonous and there is no water supply, drinking blood or urine is safer than drinking water!

"The Lin family should be alive and well now!"

Two glints flashed in Chen Hao's eyes - because he had been too flattering to the Lin family in the past, he bought a lot of electrical appliances for the Lin family, including a water dispenser! And it is also guaranteed to have at least 2 barrels of water in stock! ——So at this time, although the Lin family cannot wash their hair or bathe, they can still eat and drink water without any problem!

"But just eating and drinking water, how can I satisfy these guys? Especially when they see that I can also eat steak and drink foreign wine, they will definitely have ideas! They will try their best to drain me of all my supplies!"

Chen Hao showed a disdainful smile - in his last life, he was drained of all his inventory by the Lin family, and in the end he was almost drained of all his blood! ——But in this life, he will torture the Lin family worse than ghosts!

"So I'll wait for you to come over and settle the score between us slowly!"

Then he turned his attention to this "sweet" person.

no doubt! There is most likely something wrong with this woman! ——But who says you can’t have sex with a girl who has problems? As long as you look good and have a good figure!

So Chen Hao sent a message to Tiantian.

"You can come to my house to take a bath if you want, but you know what price you have to pay, right?"

"As long as you let them take a bath and don't be too rough, they can agree to it!"

"Okay! Then make a video and let me see your appearance and figure!"

"Ah? Do you want a video? Then wait a moment while they prepare for it!"

"No! Now! Immediately! Immediately! Otherwise, there is no need to talk!"

Chen Hao said without any doubt - he just wanted to catch this Tiantian off guard! Let her show her fox tail! ——Furthermore, if Tiantian is better without makeup at this time, then you will know whether Tiantian is good-looking or not!

Under Chen Hao's strength, Tiantian fell into silence opposite her, seemingly trying to escape by feigning death - but will Chen Hao pamper her? ——Of course not!

So Chen Hao simply sent a message.

"If you don't answer the video, you will be blacklisted directly!"

Then raise your hand and click on video call.

"Toot! Toot! Toot!"

In less than 3 seconds, Tiantian hurriedly picked up the phone, panting slightly at the corner of her mouth.

"I hate it, brother! Why are you in such a hurry!"

"Oh? Are you afraid of video chatting with me?"

Chen Hao looked at the sweetness in the video and was a little surprised - it was actually sweeter than the one in the photo! And it’s still a very natural sweetness, not the sweetness of a technological product!

But think about it, most people are actually not photogenic! Only a small part can be photographed! ——So most celebrities are actually better-looking in person than in the camera!

Hearing Chen Hao's question, Tiantian smiled breathlessly.

"No way! It's just that... I wasn't wearing any clothes just now!"

"That's it! In fact, I prefer you without clothes!"


Tiantian put on a shy look, and after being shy for a few seconds, she spoke to Chen Hao shyly.

"Brother, do you think I can do it?"

"What can I do?"

My dear, there is more to this chapter. Please click on the next page to continue reading. It is more exciting later!

"Can I go to your house to take a bath? I will be very obedient!"

Tiantian said meaningfully - the subtext is that as long as Chen Hao is willing to let her take a bath, she is willing to do anything!

Chen Hao smiled slightly.

"Of course! I said, welcome all the beauties to come to my house to take a bath! You are so beautiful, of course you can!"

"Really? That's great! Then when can I go over? Now is good!"

Tiantian said impatiently, wishing she was already in the bathroom of Chen Hao's house.

"Sure, then you come up now! But the power is out now, can you climb up?"

Chen Hao said with a smile - just now, the power was out in the community. After all, the government's power outage announcement is not just talk!

Tiantian agreed immediately.

"Okay! I'll go up now, but it may take a little longer, maybe half an hour, do you think it's okay?"

"Okay! Then you come up by yourself!"

"Of course! If there are other people, I will be shy!"

Tiantian said with a slight blush.

Chen Hao also hung up the video call happily, and then a moment after hanging up the call, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"This Tiantian, there is definitely something wrong with her!"

Chen Hao had a basis for thinking so-first! The whole building has been without water for several days, but Tiantian is not short of water at all? - Secondly, knowing that the power is out, Tiantian is still willing to climb the stairs, which shows that she is very energetic! In other words, she is not short of food!

In this environment, what kind of concept is it for a woman to have no shortage of water and food? -Not a thrifty person! It means that she has already attached herself to the strong!

But obviously, Tiantian doesn't look like a thrifty person! -So it can only be the latter! She has long been attached to others!

"Since you have someone to rely on, why do you still come out to find me? Ha! Of course there is only one reason - that is, you want to play a trap with me!"

Chapter 47 Call your man

A trap - usually starts with seducing a man with beauty. When the man and woman are ready to be shameless at a certain place, the woman's accomplice will come in time - at the least, they will steal money, and at the worst, they will kill you!

This routine looks simple, but the success rate is very high.

The reason is also very simple - imagine, when a sexy beauty hints that she is a little tired and wants to go to the hotel with you to rest, can you refuse? - After arriving at the hotel, she asks you to take a shower before doing business, can you refuse? - Then, when you come back from a happy shower, you see a group of burly men standing in front of you, and even the toughest men will soften instantly! - After all, times have changed, and everyone can take a mobile phone to shoot. If you don't want to die, you naturally have to take the money obediently!

Unfortunately, this routine doesn't work on Chen Hao! -- Because Chen Hao doesn't act as a prey, he acts as a hunter!

"Still the old rules, let Xiaoxiao go to sleep first!"

So Chen Hao lowered the oxygen concentration in Xiaoxiao's room again, so that Xiaoxiao fell asleep due to lack of oxygen -- As for why again? Because in the meantime, Wu Shiqing came once again to ask Chen Hao for water and food, and Chen Hao also used the same method to make Xiaoxiao fall asleep unknowingly!

After Xiaoxiao fell asleep, Chen Hao ordered Silly Girl.

"Silly Girl! Change the setting of the door of the safe house to voice operation. Without my order, the door cannot be opened manually!"

"Okay, Master! The manual operation has been turned off and all switched to voice operation!"


Then, Chen Hao went to the 31st floor again and put away the rocks blocking the stairwell on the 31st floor.

After doing all this, Chen Hao lay lazily on the sofa and waited, while picking up the secret key tablet and observing the sonic radar to see how many people came -- if only Tiantian came, then it would be almost as usual! ——If it’s not just Tiantian who comes, then let Tiantian and her accomplices be turned away!

But Tiantian and her group are also quite cautious—probably because they are afraid of exposing their tracks and arousing Chen Hao’s suspicion—so they let Tiantian come first, and the others wait for Tiantian’s signal!

“Brother, I’m at the door, please open the door!”

Tiantian sent a WeChat message to Chen Hao in a coquettish voice.

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