"Before your neurotoxins are eradicated, I will provide you with drugs on time, so you don't have to worry about that."

"Yes, thank you."

"By the way! Let me ask you something that confuses me. What is that?"

Chen Hao pointed to the sofa cushion next to him. The bright red blood on it was particularly eye-catching!

Amy's face turned even redder.

"All of us students must keep our chastity and wait for the leader's favor."

"You are so beautiful and have such a good figure. How can your leader bear it?"

"He was beaten... down there."


"So he is still in treatment, although he has been in treatment for several years."


Chen Hao stood up, stretched his body comfortably, and then prepared to go back to 3201-although Amy agreed to submit to Chen Hao, Chen Hao still had to observe for a while.

"I'll go back first. You have a good rest. If you have anything, you can tell the smart housekeeper directly and the housekeeper will notify me."



"When will you let me go on a mission?"

Amy lowered her head slightly and said, implying when she could meet Chen Hao again!

But this good impression did not come abruptly! - First, compared with the people in the organization, Chen Hao respected her very much! - Second, how to get a woman's feelings the fastest? That is to enter this woman's body! Especially when this woman is still intact!

Faced with Amy's slightly weak request for favor.

Chen Hao reached out and touched her head.

"I hope you will never have a mission, because that means you and I are both safe! I will come to see you tomorrow! There is food in the refrigerator, eat whatever you like!"


Amy felt her face was very hot, and she didn't dare to look up at Chen Hao's back-but she knew very well that she was reluctant to let Chen Hao go...

"Killer, and the ability to strengthen the body, if the loyalty is enough, it will be a good helper!"

Chen Hao still has expectations for Amy-after all, it is the end of the world, so what Chen Hao needs is not a beautiful vase, but a good-looking and useful helper! ——Help to deal with opponents! And also help to free his hands!

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

"But such a woman should not be so easy to find!"

Chen Hao thought to himself, and was about to go upstairs, when suddenly the phone trembled and spit out a white message.

"Are you free?"

The sender is Wu Shiqing.

Usually, when Wu Shiqing asked this, she wanted to come up to exchange supplies.

So Chen Hao also replied.

"Come up."

Although he had just experienced a big battle, in fact, after the first awakening, the upper limit of the human body will be opened - before awakening, no matter how much people exercise, their strength is not as good as that of lions and tigers - but after awakening, the upper limit of the body is opened, and through exercise, the strength and endurance of the body can be enhanced, thus achieving the effect of being on par with lions and tigers!

What's more, Chen Hao has already awakened to the second level and awakened his superpowers!

So let alone a big battle, even if there are more people, Chen Hao can easily deal with it!

But Wu Shiqing just made a sweaty expression.

"That's not what I meant..."

"What does that mean?"

"I felt like there was someone hanging around the door since this morning, and when I was sleeping just now, it seemed like someone was trying to sneak open the door, which scared me awake."

"Are you sure?"

"Not sure, but I'm a little scared. I'm afraid that once I open the door, someone will rush in... Can you come over and take a look?"


Chen Hao didn't refuse-because when he pretended to be poor before, apart from Xiaoxiao, only Wu Shiqing came to ask Chen Hao if he was really short of food?--So Chen Hao gave Wu Shiqing a chance to help!

So Chen Hao took out his pistol and walked slowly to the 26th floor.

Gradually, Chen Hao found that something was wrong--quiet! Too quiet!--At this time, the lack of water and food has not yet triggered a large-scale home robbery! This is completely illogical!

You have to know that at this time in the previous life, the building was already a horror scene of eating human flesh and drinking human blood!

"Come to think of it, it was quite quiet before I posted the bounty on the Lin family!"

"It seems that there are variables!"

Chen Hao is more and more certain that the power structure in this building has changed!

On the surface, he is the supreme fighting force in this building, and no one dares to provoke him! - But secretly, most of the people in this building may have condensed into an organization! - Although this organization has not done anything to Chen Hao yet, it may not be the case in the future!

"Who could it be? Could it be...them?"

Chen Hao naturally thought of the largest force in this community - the demolition households!

You know, in this community, more than 50% are demolition households from the same area - so they are closely related by blood! Even if they are not relatives, they are old acquaintances who have known each other for decades!

Usually, these demolition households look down on these outsiders and often take advantage of them - taking their takeaways, stealing their motorcycle helmets, etc. - once the outsiders complain, these demolition households will band together and put pressure on the outsiders together! The outsiders have to swallow their anger!

But such a huge force has not taken action against Chen Hao until now?

"And before, I reported many of them to jail, but no one took the opportunity to retaliate? Haha! It seems that they are ready to hold back a big wave!"

Chen Hao couldn't help but sneer. He knew that these demolition households who were vindictive would not let him go!

In fact, Chen Hao also guessed right - originally these demolition households had a tendency to fall apart because of their interests. They also fell apart in the last life - but in this life, because of Chen Hao's pressure, they were forced to unite together!

Now, these demolition households, led by the largest Lin family and commanded by the clan leader Lin Kaidong, are planning how to attack Chen Hao!

In room 1201, Lin Kaidong, who is in his 50s, sent a voice message in the newly created WeChat group "Glorious" with a serious face - "Glorious" is taken from the village they used to share - Glorious Village!

"Now, what we have to discuss is a matter of life and death for us! - That is, how to snatch all the things in Chen Hao's hands!"

The terrifying thing is that the number of people in this group is more than 1,000!

Chapter 56 Wu Shiqing's initiative

Chen Hao went down to the 26th floor slowly, and looked out with interest in the middle - the heavy rain for seven or eight consecutive days has flooded the 6th floor.

"This water level should be barely enough for Noah's Ark to sail."

After all, Noah's Ark is not a small boat - that kind of ordinary 3-meter small boat can sail as long as there is 1 meter of water! But the 109-meter-long Noah's Ark requires at least 15 meters of water level!

This is one of the reasons why Chen Hao stayed in the community temporarily.

Waiting for the water level to rise!

"Although it is a ball of water as big as the moon, it is not so fast to flood all parts of the world."

As Chen Hao spoke, he had already come to the stairwell on the 26th floor - Wu Shiqing mentioned before that she lived in 2603, and each floor in this building has the same layout, so Chen Hao had no trouble finding it.

"No one?"

Looking at the empty stairwell, Chen Hao frowned slightly, and then rang the doorbell of 2603.

On the door of 2603, the cat's eye suddenly lit up, and then the door opened - revealing Wu Shiqing with a nervous face and a kitchen knife in her hand.

"You're here!"

"Well, I didn't see any unusual movement."

Chen Hao walked into 2603 casually and sat on the sofa in the living room. It's not hard to see that this is a house where girls live. The decorations are very pink and there is even a fragrance in the air.

Wu Shiqing also sat in Chen Hao's arms very naturally, and then quietly inhaled the smell of Chen Hao's body. When women are nervous, they will especially like to smell the smell of men, because this will give women a sense of security!

Chen Hao hugged Wu Shiqing's slender waist.

"When was the last time you heard the movement?"

"When I sent you a message... You said, I'm not too nervous and hallucinating, right?"

"I just took a look at the floor. There are some footprints on it, and it's still very clear. Someone should have been here."


Wu Shiqing's body couldn't help but shrink - this means that she was scared by this matter!

Chen Hao gently stroked Wu Shiqing's back, and then asked Wu Shiqing a few questions - because it's time to consider who to take on Noah's Ark!

"I remember you said you were a graduate student, right? What's your major?"

"Financial management, what's wrong?"

"Financial management, nothing, just asking."

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